SpectraLink NetLink Wireless Telephones Best Practices White Paper Wireless Telephone, NetLink Series White Paper

Deploying NetLink Wireless Telephones
Best Practices
White Paper
Version 1.0
May 2004
White Paper
1.0 Introduction
Wi-Fi telephony is the convergence of wireless voice and data
applications using a common Wi-Fi wireless LAN. Wi-Fi telephony bridges traditional telecommunications, data communications, and mobile technologies. A Wi-Fi wireless telephone is a wireless LAN client device, using the same network technology as wireless laptops and PDAs, and sharing the same medium. A Wi-Fi wireless telephone is also functionally equivalent to a wired telephone, requiring configuration and management from the local enterprise telephone system. Lastly, a Wi-Fi wireless telephone is a mobile communication device that requires special considerations for continuous high-quality connections as the user moves throughout the coverage area.
SpectraLink pioneered the use of Wi-Fi telephones in a wide variety of applications and environments, making SpectraLink’s NetLink Wireless Telephones the market-leading Wi-Fi telephone devices. This document identifies issues and solutions based on SpectraLink’s extensive experience with Wi-Fi telephony.
1.1 Comparing Voice and Data
Voice and data applications have different attributes and network requirements. The most significant difference is their tolerance for network errors and delays. Whereas data applications are designed to accept just about any amount of packet delays and retransmissions, voice quality will suffer with just a few hundred milliseconds of delay or a very small percentage of lost packets. Data applications are typically bursty in terms of bandwidth utilization, while a telephone conversation utilizes a consistent, and relatively small, amount of network bandwidth.
1.2 Implementation Issues
Using a wireless LAN for voice is not complex, but there are some things that need to be considered, particularly for enterprise applications. A critical objective of deploying enterprise Wi-Fi telephony is to maintain similar voice quality, reliability, and functionality as users expect from their wired business telephones. The key issues in deploying Wi-Fi telephony are coverage, capacity, quality of service (QoS), telephone switch integration, and security. This white paper provides recommendations for ensuring that a network environment is optimal for SpectraLink’s NetLink Wireless Telephones.
2.0 Wireless LAN Layout Considerations
NetLink Wireless Telephones utilize a Wi-Fi network consisting of
wireless LAN access points (APs) distributed throughout an enterprise environment. The required number of APs is driven by two factors: coverage area and system capacity.
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2.1 Coverage
One of the most critical issues in deploying NetLink Wireless Telephones is ensuring sufficient wireless coverage. Often enterprise Wi-Fi networks are designed only for data applications and may not provide adequate coverage for wireless telephone users. Quite often these networks are designed to cover only areas where data terminals will be used, and do not include coverage in other areas such as stairwells, bathrooms, building entrances, or lobby areas where NetLink handsets may be used.
The overall quality of coverage is also more important with telephony applications. Coverage that is suitable for data applications may not be adequate for Wi-Fi telephony. Most data communication protocols provide a mechanism for retransmission of lost or corrupted packets. Delays caused by retransmissions are not harmful, or even discernable, for most data applications. However, the real-time nature of a full-duplex telephone conversation requires that voice packets need to be received correctly within tens of milliseconds of their transmission. There is little time for retransmission; lost or corrupted packets must be discarded. In areas of poor coverage, data application performance may be acceptable due to retransmission protocols, but real-time voice quality may not be acceptable.
Another factor to consider in determining the coverage area is the device usage. Wireless telephone devices are used differently than wireless data terminals. Telephone users tend to walk as they talk, while data users are most often stationary. NetLink Wireless Telephones are usually held next to the user’s head, introducing additional radio signal attenuation. Data terminals are usually set on a surface or held out at arms length so the user’s body has little affect. Because of these factors, a wireless telephone may have less range than a data terminal and the wireless LAN layout should account for a general reduction in radio signal propagation.
2.1.1 Overlapping Coverage
To provide comprehensive coverage for Wi-Fi telephony applications, APs need to be positioned with sufficient overlapping coverage to ensure that there are no coverage gaps, or dead spots, between them. As NetLink Wireless Telephones move out of range of a particular AP, they seek out another AP to hand-off to, or re-associate with, in order to maintain their network connection. A properly designed Wi-Fi network will provide seamless hand-offs between APs, ensuring excellent voice quality throughout the facility.
The wireless LAN layout must factor in the transmission settings that will be configured within the APs. The transmission of voice requires relatively low data rates and a small amount of bandwidth compared to other applications. The 802.11 standard includes data rate reduction specifications so that as a user moves away from the access point, the radio adapts and uses a less complex and slower mechanism to send the data. The result is increased range (coverage) when operating at reduced transmission rates. Access points should generally not be configured to limit the transmission to only the higher rates if wireless
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voice is an application on the wireless LAN because the coverage area of the AP will be greatly reduced. If a site requires configuring the APs to only negotiate at the higher rates, the layout of the wireless LAN must account for the reduced coverage and additional APs will be required to ensure seamless overlapping coverage at the higher rates.
2.1.2 Wireless Bridges
2.2 Channel and Power Considerations
Wireless bridges are used to connect Ethernet LANs or extend the range of existing wireless LANs. Such devices generally create bottlenecks for network capacity and add delay to the overall network, which is not tolerable in the boundaries of QoS requirements. SpectraLink does not support a configuration that includes wireless bridges and does not recommend using wireless bridges within any wireless voice network.
Adjacent APs need to use different radio channels to prevent interference between them. The 802.11b standard utilized by NetLink Wireless Telephones provides three non-interfering channels: channels 1, 6, and 11 for North America. Access points within range of each other should always be set to non-interfering channels to maximize the capacity and performance of a wireless LAN, as shown in the diagram below:
Non-interfering, Overlapping 802.11b Channel Coverage
The transmission power of APs can also be increased or decreased to provide more or less AP coverage area. Generally, the transmit power setting should be the same for all APs in a facility. This minimizes the chance of higher-power APs interfering with nearby lower-power APs,
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and provides consistent coverage.
2.2.1 Site Surveys
Performing a site survey can minimize the possibility of dead spots. The AP equipment provider can usually perform a site survey. While many tools exist that allow customers to perform their own assessment, SpectraLink recommends that every site employ a professional site survey to ensure optimum coverage and minimize interference.
Site surveys are a necessity for large or complex facilities. An extensive site survey will ensure that the minimum number of APs are deployed, but at the risk of having to significantly reconfigure the network if the coverage area is remodeled. Wi-Fi infrastructure providers are making significant developments to reduce the time, cost, and complexity of determining AP locations. Because the cost of APs has significantly dropped over the last few years, in some cases it is more cost effective to install more APs with overlapping coverage rather than try to maximize coverage for each AP with a rigorous site survey.
To verify coverage with an existing Wi-Fi network, NetLink Wireless Telephones offer a site survey mode that can be used to test the AP’s signal strength in the wireless LAN coverage area. This mode detects the four strongest AP signals and displays the signal strength and the AP channel assignments. This mode can be used to detect areas with poor coverage or interfering channels. With the NetLink e340 and i640 Wireless Telephones, the entire coverage area should be checked to ensure that at least one access point’s reading is stronger than –70 dBm in all areas. Also, if the site survey mode indicates 2 APs using the same channel, then at least one other AP must be indicated at 10 dBm stronger than those APs to avoid channel conflicts. After a site survey is completed, coverage issues can be resolved by adding and/or relocating APs and overlap issues may be resolved by reassigning channels or by relocating some access points. Another complete site survey should be performed after any adjustments are made to ensure that the changes are satisfactory and have not impacted other areas.
2.2.2 Access Point Data Rates and Power Output
All APs on the wireless network used by the NetLink Wireless Telephones must be set to the same supported and basic data rates. If this is not adhered to, the NetLink Wireless Telephones may not associate to the closest AP if a more distant one supports a higher data rate.
In addition, all APs must be set to operate at the same power output. SpectraLink highly recommends a power output setting of 100 mW. If this cannot be accommodated, SpectraLink recommends a 50 mW setting and requires a minimum of 30 mW. With lower power output settings, special attention must be made to AP placement to ensure there are no frequency re-use issues. These problems may not be evident when using the handset’s site survey tool as it is assumes 100 mW transmission power from the APs.
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2.3 Capacity
2.3.1 Access Point Bandwidth Considerations
The network capacity requirements also factor into the number of APs required, although in most cases the coverage area is the primary factor. Data traffic is very bursty and sporadic, but data applications can tolerate network congestion with reduced throughput and slower response times. On the other hand, voice traffic cannot tolerate unpredictable delays, but at least the bandwidth requirements are constant and consistent for every phone call. Also, telephone traffic can be predicted using probabilistic usage models, allowing a network to be designed with high confidence in meeting anticipated voice capacity requirements. Beyond the normal IP telephony design guidelines, there are several additional considerations that need to be addressed for Wi-Fi telephony with NetLink Wireless Telephones.
There are several factors that determine the AP bandwidth utilization of a telephone call. The first is the VoIP protocol used and its characteristics. The type of codec utilized combined with the packet rate will determine the size of the voice packets, along with any additional overhead information required for the protocol. The payload information makes up a little more than half of a typical voice packet, with 802.11 and IP protocol overhead filling the rest. The 802.11 protocols include timing gaps for collision avoidance, which means bandwidth utilization is more accurately quantified as a percentage rather than actual data throughput. The percentage of bandwidth used increases for lower data rates, but it is not a linear function because of the bandwidth consumed by the timing gaps and overhead. For example, a call using standard 64 kb/s voice encoding (G.711) utilizes about 4.5% of the AP bandwidth at 11 Mb/s, and about 12% at 2 Mb/s. In this example, four simultaneous calls on an AP would consume about 18% of the available bandwidth at 11 Mb/s or about 48% at 2 Mb/s.
The following table lists the theoretical percentage of available bandwidth used per telephone call for each 802.11b data rate:
1 Mb/s 2 Mb/s 5.5 Mb/s 11 Mb/s
NetLink Telephony Gateway (24 kb/s), 20 ms sample rate
G.711 (64 kb/s), 30 ms sample rate 20.5% 11.7% 6.1% 4.5%
G.729 (8 kb/s), 30 ms sample rate 9.3% 6.1% 4.1% 3.5%
15.7% 10.0% 6.4% 5.4%
Theoretical Call Bandwidth Utilization of 802.11b Access Points
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