Spectralink IP-DECT Installation Manual

722-0210-000 Rev: A November 2020
Spectralink IP-DECT Servers
Installation and Configuration Guide
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400/6500 Virtual IP-DECT Server One
Spectralink IP-DECT and Virtual IP-DECT Server One Configuration Guide
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Copyright Notice
© 2013–2020 Spectralink Corporation All rights reserved. SpectralinkTM, the Spectralink logo and the names and marks associated with Spectralink’s products are trademarks and/or service marks of Spectralink Corporation and are common law marks in the United States and various other countries. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. No portion hereof may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, for any purpose other than the recipient’s personal use, without the express written permission of Spectralink.
All rights reserved under the International and pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this manual, or the software described herein, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or translated into another language or format, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of Spectralink Corporation.
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Spectralink Corporation has prepared this document for use by Spectralink personnel and customers. The drawings and specifications contained herein are the property of Spectralink and shall be neither reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written approval of Spectralink, nor be implied to grant any license to make, use, or sell equipment manufactured in accordance herewith.
Spectralink reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document without prior notice, and the reader should in all cases consult Spectralink to determine whether any such changes have been made.
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Contact Information
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Chapter 1: About This Guide .............................................. 9
Important Information Before You Begin ........................................................................ 9
Related Documentation ............................................................................................... 10
Chapter 2: About DECT ................................................... 13
DECT Frequency Bands .............................................................................................. 13
Chapter 3: Spectralink IP-DECT/Virtual IP-DECT Server One
Solution ....................................................................... 14
Types of Servers .......................................................................................................... 14
Other Solution Components ......................................................................................... 19
System Capacity Overview .......................................................................................... 24
Spectralink Server Solution Overview and Comparison ............................................... 26
Configuration Overview–Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200 ........................................... 30
Configuration Overview–Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400 ........................................... 31
Configuration Overview–Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 ......................................... 32
Configuration Overview–Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One ............................... 33
Communication Ports–Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200 .............................................. 34
Communication Ports–Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400/6500 ..................................... 35
Communication Ports–Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One .................................. 37
Service Codes–Spectralink IP-DECT/Virtual IP-DECT Server One .............................. 38
Chapter 4: Licenses ........................................................ 39
Licenses for Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200.............................................................. 39
Licenses for Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400/6500 ..................................................... 40
Licenses for Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One .................................................. 45
Ordering Licenses ........................................................................................................ 47
Loading Licenses ................................................................ ......................................... 48
Chapter 5: Installation Requirements .................................. 49
Requirements for Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400 ............................................... 49
Requirements for Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 and Spectralink DECT Media
Resource ............................................................................................................... 49
Requirements for Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One and Spectralink Virtual IP-
DECT Media Resource .......................................................................................... 50
Requirements for Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station and Spectralink DECT Repeater 50
Requirements for Spectralink DECT Handset .............................................................. 51
Requirements for Handset and Repeater Management Tool ....................................... 51
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Chapter 6: Installation Prerequisites ................................... 52
Chapter 7: About ARI and IPEI Identification ......................... 53
Identifying IPEI on Spectralink Handset ....................................................................... 53
Identifying ARI on Spectralink IP-DECT/Virtual IP-DECT Server One .......................... 53
Chapter 8: Installing Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200 .............. 55
Power Requirements for the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200 ..................................... 55
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200 Appearance and Components .................................. 55
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200 LED Indicators ......................................................... 57
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200 Reset Button ............................................................ 57
Wall-Mount and Power on the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200 .................................. 58
Chapter 9: Installing Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400 .............. 62
Chapter 10: Installing Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 and
Spectralink DECT Media Resource ..................................... 63
Server Appearance and Components .......................................................................... 63
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 and Media Resource Reset Button ......................... 64
Mounting in a Rack ...................................................................................................... 64
Adding Additional Spectralink DECT Media Resources ............................................... 65
Chapter 11: Deploying Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One and Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource on VMware ESXi
................................................................................. 70
Deploying a Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One (or Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT
Media Resource) .................................................................................................... 71
Chapter 12: Installing Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station .......... 75
Power Requirements for the Base Station ................................................................... 75
Base Station Appearance and Components ................................................................ 75
Base Station LED Indicators ........................................................................................ 77
Base Station Reset Button ........................................................................................... 78
Mounting the Base Station ........................................................................................... 78
Chapter 13: Installing Spectralink DECT Repeater .................. 82
Repeater Appearance and Components ...................................................................... 82
Repeater LED Indicators .............................................................................................. 83
Site Installation Considerations .................................................................................... 84
How to Wall Mount the Repeater ................................................................................. 84
Programming a Spectralink DECT Repeater with the Repeater Programming Kit ........ 87
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Using the Spectralink DECT Repeater with External Antenna ...................................... 90
Chapter 14: Using Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400 and
Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station with External Antenna ......... 92
Chapter 15: Configuration Steps Overview ........................... 96
Chapter 16: Configuring the Servers ................................... 98
Recommended Network Configuration ......................................................................... 98
Assigning DHCP Server Options.................................................................................. 99
Discovering Spectralink IP-DECT/Virtual IP-DECT Components on the Network ....... 101
Assigning DHCP Server Reservations ....................................................................... 101
Accessing the Web-Based Administration Page ........................................................ 101
Configuring Network Settings ................................................................ ..................... 104
Configuring Security Settings and Changing System Password ................................. 111
Configuring SIP and IP-PBX Settings ........................................................................ 113
Configuring Wireless Server Settings ......................................................................... 119
Configuring Media Resource Settings ........................................................................ 134
Configuring Certificates .............................................................................................. 134
Configuring Sites (and Zone) ..................................................................................... 140
Assigning the Server Address .................................................................................... 146
Chapter 17: Administration of Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations
............................................................................... 148
Using Multicast for LAN ............................................................................................. 149
Connecting Base Station to System ........................................................................... 149
Radio Based Synchronization .................................................................................... 149
LAN-Based Synchronization (License Required) ....................................................... 153
Checking Sync State of Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station ....................................... 159
Checking LAN Sync Performance of Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station ................... 160
Checking for Loops .................................................................................................... 162
Verifying Correct Base Station Assignment to Site ..................................................... 163
Bulk Changing Synchronization Type ........................................................................ 163
Chapter 18: Registering Users and Subscribing Handsets ...... 164
Registering a User ..................................................................................................... 164
Subscribing a Spectralink DECT Handset .................................................................. 167
Chapter 19: Admin Rights User ....................................... 168
To Replace a Handset ............................................................................................... 168
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Chapter 20: Handset Management .................................... 170
User List Information .................................................................................................. 171
Tasks to Perform from User List ................................................................................. 172
Import/Export of Users or Delete Users ...................................................................... 175
Managing Handset Configuration and Configuration Groups ..................................... 176
Chapter 21: System Management ..................................... 186
Making a Back-Up and Restore of System ................................................................. 186
Updating Firmware..................................................................................................... 187
Restarting System or Block Calls during Firmware Update ................................ ........ 194
Reading System Information ...................................................................................... 194
Changing Administration Password ........................................................................... 198
Resetting System to Factory Settings ........................................................................ 199
Exporting/Importing Server Configuration File ............................................................ 200
Disabling Web-Based Administration Page ................................................................ 202
Deleting Licenses ...................................................................................................... 203
Chapter 22: Statistics and Service Report .......................... 206
Statistics of System.................................................................................................... 207
Statistics of Sites ....................................................................................................... 208
Statistics of Media Resources .................................................................................... 209
Statistics of Base Stations.......................................................................................... 210
Statistics of Devices ................................................................................................... 211
Statistics of Users ...................................................................................................... 212
Statistics of Active Calls ............................................................................................. 213
Statistics of Dropped Calls ......................................................................................... 213
Statistics of Traffic Distribution ................................................................................... 214
Service Report ........................................................................................................... 215
Chapter 23: OAM REST API ............................................ 216
Chapter 24: Messaging Over MSF .................................... 217
XML-RPC SDK Documentation.................................................................................. 217
Chapter 25: Broadcast Messaging .................................... 218
Broadcast Messaging Support Matrix ........................................................................ 218
Components Supporting Broadcast Messaging ......................................................... 218
System Broadcast Messaging Capacity ..................................................................... 219
Broadcast Messaging Handset Management ............................................................. 220
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Chapter 26: Frequency Swap Support ............................... 221
Handset 7212 Supporting Frequency Swap (Part no. 02610004)............................... 222
Chapter 27: Redundant System Configuration ..................... 223
Design of Redundant Server Solution ......................................................................... 224
Redundancy Licenses Generation ............................................................................. 226
Configuration of the Redundant Servers .................................................................... 227
Administration Scenarios ........................................................................................... 231
Chapter 28: Configuring Company Phone Book/Directory ...... 233
To Get Phone Book Data through LDAP Server, CSV File or BroadWorks ................ 234
Chapter 29: Handset Sharing .......................................... 238
Handset Sharing–Firmware Compatibility .................................................................. 239
Adding Handset Sharing License ................................ ............................................... 240
Configuration of Handset Sharing .............................................................................. 240
User Sign-in/Sign-out ................................................................................................. 241
Adding Devices to Server .......................................................................................... 247
Adding Users to Server .............................................................................................. 250
Handset Sharing and Provisioning ............................................................................. 251
Handset Sharing Setup Examples ............................................................................. 252
Chapter 30: Product Compatibility .................................... 255
Chapter 31: Technical Specification .................................. 260
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200................................................................................ 260
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400................................................................................ 263
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 .............................................................................. 266
Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One .................................................................... 268
Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station ............................................................................. 270
Spectralink DECT Repeater ....................................................................................... 272
Spectralink External Antenna ..................................................................................... 273
Chapter 32: Troubleshooting .......................................... 275
Packet Capture .......................................................................................................... 275
Network Diagnose ..................................................................................................... 276
Insufficient Software Assurance Licenses .................................................................. 276
Chapter 33: Parameter Overview ...................................... 278
Status ........................................................................................................................ 278
Configuration ............................................................................................................. 280
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Users ......................................................................................................................... 296
Administration ............................................................................................................ 301
Firmware .................................................................................................................... 306
Appendix A: Intercom (Push-To-Talk) ................................ 309
Appendix B: Example of Handset Registration Data–CSV Format
............................................................................... 310
Appendix C: Handset Configuration XML File Example .......... 311
Appendix D: Configuration Parameters ............................. 318
Appendix E: Acoustic Echo in Telephone System ................ 319
Handling Acoustic Echo ............................................................................................. 319
Spectralink DECT Handset Handling of Acoustic Echo .............................................. 320
How Settings Influence on Spectralink DECT Handset .............................................. 321
Recommended Echo Canceller Settings .................................................................... 321
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Chapter 1: About This Guide

This guide is intended for qualified technicians who will install, configure and maintain the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400/6500 and Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One solution. To qualify to install the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400/6500 and Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One solution, you must have successfully completed the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400/6500 and Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One technical training. The guide provides all the necessary information for successful installation and maintenance of the wireless solutions.
This includes the installation and configuration of:
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400/6500
Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One
Spectralink DECT Media Resource (only Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 and
Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One)
Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource (only Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One)
Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station (only Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400/6500 and Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One)
Spectralink DECT Repeater
The guide also provides you with information about:
Web-based Administration Page of the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400/6500, Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One, Spectralink DECT Media Resource, Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource, and Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station.

Important Information Before You Begin

This guide assumes the following:
that users have a working knowledge of the call handler’s operations
that the call handler is installed, initialized and is working correctly
that you have a working knowledge of deployment in general
that you have a running VMware vSphere solution or ESXi host and solid knowledge
of deploying OVA files and managing virtual machines on VMware vSphere/ESXi (only if using the Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One and Spectralink Virtual IP­DECT Media Resources)
that a site survey has been conducted and that the installer has access to these plans
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The site survey should determine the number of handsets, base stations and repeaters needed, and where to place them. The site survey should also determine how many RF channels are needed.

Related Documentation

All Spectralink documents are available at http://support.spectralink.com/products including Safety and Handling information and Regulatory information.
Contact your Spectralink support representative if you need more information.
Spectralink DECT Handset
For more information about the handset, refer to the user guide for the model being deployed.
Site Survey Function in Handset
For more information about the site survey function in handset, refer to the online guide.
Synchronization and Deployment
For more information about synchronization and deployment, refer to the refer to the online guide.
For more information about the redirection service, refer to the online guide.
For more information about IP-DECT Server Installation, refer to the online guide for the model server you are installing.
Handset and Repeater Management Tool
For more information about handset and repeater management using the Handset and Repeater Management Tool, refer to the online guide.
VMware vSphere/ESXi
Navigate to the VMware documentation site for more information about OVA files and managing virtual machined on VMware vSphere/ESXi.
Release Notes
Document that describes software changes, bug fixes, outstanding issues, and hardware compatibility considerations for new software releases. Available online--refer to the online guide.
Spectralink DECT Training material
In order to gain access to the Spectralink training material, you must attend training and become Spectralink Certified Specialist. Contact your Spectralink support representative for more information.

Terminology and Acronyms

The table below refers to common terms and acronyms that are related to the Spectralink IP-DECT solutions.
Authentication Code
Acoustic Echo Canceller
Access Rights Identity–Wireless identity of the Spectralink
Busy Hour Call Attempts
Command Line Interface
(Handset) Configuration Over The Air
Computer Telephony Integration (for CUCM)
Cisco Unified Communications Manager
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Decibels (deciBells)
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
The act of locating the mounting location and installing base stations and repeaters. System performance is dependent on the deployment made–and, therefore, the survey performed.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Domain Name Server
Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power
The erlang is a dimensionless unit that is used in telephony as a measure of offered load or carried load on service providing elements such as telephone circuits or telephone switching equipment.
Fixed Part
Generic Access Profile
A process initiated by the handset in which the traffic channel carrying an active conversation is passed from one base station to another.
Hardware Product Change Status–Hardware edition
Internet Group Management Protocol version 3
Internet Protocol
International Portable Equipment Identity–Serial number of the handset
Inter Working Unit
Location Area Level
Local Area Network
LAN synchronization
Method for synchronizing IP-DECT base stations over LAN
Light Emitting Diode
Media Access Control–hardware address of a device connected to a network
Media channel
A network connection used to carry communication between the base station and the media resource, and between the media resource and an external endpoint.
Maximum Translation Unit
Message Waiting Indication
Nickel -Metal Hydride
Network Time Protocol
Open Virtualization Application
Open Virtualization Format
Operation and Administration Management Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface
Private Branch eXchange
Product Change Status (Edition)
Product Initial Edition
Power over Ethernet
Portable Parts–wireless handset
Precision Time Protocol (IEEE-1588v2)
Quality of Service
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Q Value
Signal Quality Factor value. An expression of the bit failure rate in the communication between the handset and a base station. The value has a max. of 64, equal to no bit errors measured.
Radio synchronization (OTA)
Method for synchronizing IP-DECT base stations over radio (Over The Air/OTA)
Radio Frequency
Radio Fixed Part–base station
Radio Part Number–base station number
Received Signal Strength Indicator
RSSI Value
Radio Signal Strength Indication value. A relative expression for the signal strength of a base station as measured by the handset at a given location.
Real-time Transport Protocol
Skype for Business
Session Initiated Protocol
Site survey
A site survey comprises the act of locating the best places for base stations by measuring RSSI levels with DECT handsets. Complete survey consists of measuring with multiple base stations, combining RSSI and Q value reading in real surroundings.
Spectralink IP-DECT Server
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400/6500
Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One
Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One SRPS
Spectralink Redirection and Provisioning Service
Secure Real-time Transport Protocol
Software Update Over The Air
Software Product Change Status–Software edition
Synchronization Over the Air (OTA)
Method for synchronizing IP-DECT base stations over Air (radio) TFTP
Trivial File Transfer Protocol
Transport Layer Security
Traffic channel
A traffic channel is used to carry communication between the handset and the base station or repeater.
Time To Live
User Datagram Protocol
Universal Plug and Play
Universally Unique Identifier
Voice over Internet Protocol
Wireless Local Area Network
Wireless Radio Fixed Part–Wireless Repeater
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Chapter 2: About DECT

DECT stands for Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications. DECT is the standard for short-range cordless communications developed by the European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI): ETSI EN 300 175-1. DECT is used in all countries in Europe and in most of Asia, Australia, South America and
North America. DECT is a low power technology and can be used in radio sensitive environments. Both
handsets and base stations have an average power output of 10mW, but can deliver a burst power output of 250mW.
The entire Spectralink 7000 Portfolio is built on DECT technology.

DECT Frequency Bands

The following frequency bands are dedicated to DECT:
EMEA, Australia & New Zealand: 1G8: 1880–1900 MHz
South America (SAM): 1G9: 1910–1930 MHz
USA & Canada: 1G9: 1920–1930 MHz (DECT 6.0)
Because DECT has its own dedicated frequency band, it is not subject to interference from other radio transmitters such as GSM phOne, Bluetooth, microwave ovens and widely used Wi-Fi equipment.
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Chapter 3: Spectralink IP-DECT/Virtual
IP-DECT Server One Solution

Types of Servers

Following types of servers are available:
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400
Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500
Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One
Besides the Spectralink IP-DECT/Virtual IP-DECT Server One solutions, a Spectralink DECT Server solution is also available. The Spectralink DECT Server solution is out of the scope of this Installation and Configuration Guide but see Spectralink Server
Solution Overview and Comparison.

Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200

a single cell system (one built-in base station in the server) supporting SIP lines only.
designed with connector for External Antenna.
Up to 3 additional Spectralink DECT Repeaters can be added to the Spectralink IP-
DECT Server 200.
supports up to 12 registered handsets and 6 simultaneous calls.
The DECT radius of coverage is up to 600 meters/2000 feet with a handset in free
The DECT radius of coverage can vary significantly if obstacles block the signal, for example in buildings with many rooms, hallways, walls and floors. The radius coverage is typically around 30 meters/100 feet in office environments. Coverage
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should always be verified to ensure optimal location of the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200 before it is permanently installed.

Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400

As a basic edition the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400 is a single cell system (one built-in base station in the server) supporting SIP lines only.
The Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400 is designed with connector for External Antenna.
Additional Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations can be added to the Spectralink IP­DECT Server 400 to enable multi-cell functionality and to expand the covered area.
A license is required to enable the multi-cell function. For more information, see
Licenses for Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400/6500.
All Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station models can be used. Up to 9 additional Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations can be added to the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400 system and up to 3 additional Spectralink DECT Repeaters can be added to each Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station. This results in up to 30 Spectralink DECT Repeaters if all Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations are registered.
The Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400 without any licenses supports up to 12 registered handsets and 6 simultaneous calls.
The DECT radius of coverage is up to 600 meters/2000 feet with a handset in free sight.
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Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500

The Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 controls the wireless infrastructure. It manages Spectralink DECT Media Resources, Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations and the IP interface to the call handler.
The communication protocol between the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 and the call handler is a SIP line interface.
A Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 is installed directly on the LAN and must be managed as part of the corporate network.
The Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 is a multi-cell solution in a 19” cabinet. It is shipped from the factory as a Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 with one Ethernet port and 32 on-board traffic channels, which allows for up to 32 full duplex simultaneous media streams (RTP streams) depending on the codec being used. There is no radio part in the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500. This means that at least one Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station must be part of the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 solution.
The Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 is extremely scalable and is very easy to scale in order to meet customer demands. If it is upgraded to its full potential via licenses, it supports up to 4096 registered handsets, up to 1024 Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations and with a maximum of 32 Spectralink DECT Media Resources, it supports up to 1024 simultaneous calls. For more information, see Licenses for Spectralink IP-DECT
Server 400/6500.
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Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One

The Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One controls the wireless infrastructure. It manages external Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resources, Spectralink DECT Media Resources, Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations and the IP interface to the call handler.
The communication protocol between the Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One and the call handler is a SIP line interface.
A Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One is deployed on VMware and must be managed as part of the corporate network.
The Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One is a multi-cell solution, that is distributed as an Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) file. The OVA file is easily deployed on a VMware vSphere infrastructure or directly on an ESXi host. Future updates can be applied directly in the web-based Administration Page of the Spectralink Virtual IP­DECT Server One using a new OVA file.
When initially deployed, the Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One includes a demo mode license with these features available:
Residential ARI 4 users 4 simultaneous calls 4 base stations Skype for Business interoperability Redundancy feature LAN Sync Enhanced Provisioning Handset sharing OAM REST API
For more information about deploying the OVA file of a Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One, see Deploying Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One and Spectralink Virtual IP-
DECT Media Resource on VMware ESXi.
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Mandatory Base License ARI 150 Users 64 Base Stations 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One License
To activate the Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One, a Mandatory Base License ARI 150 Users 64 Base Stations 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One License must be obtained and loaded.
The Mandatory Base License ARI 150 Users 64 Base Stations 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One License is created with the following information:
UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)
Number of allowed users: 150
Number of media channels: 32
Number of allowed base stations: 64
At least one Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station must be part of the Spectralink Virtual IP­DECT Server One solution to ensure the presence of a radio part. The Spectralink Virtual IP­DECT Server One has an internal media resource with 32 media channels after the Mandatory Base License ARI 150 Users 64 Base Stations 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP­DECT Server One License has been loaded. Additional users, numbers of allowed base stations and media channels can then be increased by installing corresponding licenses.
The Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One is extremely scalable and is very easy to scale in order to meet customer demands. If it is upgraded to its full potential via licenses, it supports up to 4096 registered handsets, up to 2048 Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations and with a maximum of 16 Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resources (each with up to 64 channels), it supports up to 1024 simultaneous calls. For more information, see Licenses for Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One.
The Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One uses Security (TLS, SRTP) as default.
The Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One can use both the external Spectralink DECT Media Resources (requires acquisition of a cabinet) and the Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resources.
Base Stations License
With the Mandatory Base License ARI 150 Users 64 Base Stations 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One License installed, the number of allowed base stations can be increased by installing a Base Stations License.
The Base Stations License comes in the following variants:
16 base stations
64 base stations
256 base stations
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1024 base stations
These Base Stations Licenses can be stacked up to a maximum of 2048 allowed base stations. For more information, see Licenses for Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One.
32 Media Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One License
With the Mandatory Base License ARI 150 Users 64 Base Stations 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One License installed, the number of allowed media channels in the Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One can be increased by installing a 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One License (64 media channels in total).
Besides the internal media resource, Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resources can also be deployed from the same OVA file used for the Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One, and then loaded with 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One Licenses.
Using Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resources can increase the capacity tremendously, as you can create up to 16 Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resources with two 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One Licenses each. For more information about Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resources, see Spectralink Virtual IP-
DECT Media Resource and Deploying Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One and Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource on VMware ESXi. For more information about
licenses, see Licenses for Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One.

Other Solution Components

In addition to the Spectralink IP-DECT/Virtual IP-DECT Server One, a Spectralink IP­DECT/Virtual IP-DECT Server One configuration can include a number of the following components:
Spectralink DECT Media Resources (only Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 and Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One)
Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resources (only Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One One)
Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations (only Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400/6500 and Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One)
Spectralink DECT Repeaters
Spectralink External Antennas (only Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400 and
Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station )
To handle the calls in the solution a call handler (IP-PBX SIP) is used.
For more information about system compatibility, see Product Compatibility. For configuration overview, see Total Configuration Overview.
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Spectralink DECT Media Resource

The Spectralink DECT Media Resource can be used with Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 and Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One.
The Spectralink DECT Media Resource performs media conversion between the call handler and the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500/Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One and is the media termination point for incoming and outgoing calls.
If used with Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500: The Spectralink DECT Media Resource is a print board that is placed within the same cabinet next to the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 board. Up to 2 Spectralink DECT Media Resources can be placed in the same cabinet that houses the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500 board. If more media resources are needed, it is necessary to acquisition a media resource cabinet. The media resource cabinet comes with one media resource print board and the possibility of installing up to two more media resource print boards.
If used with Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One: Acquisition of a media resource cabinet is required. The media resource cabinet comes with one media resource print board and the possibility of installing up to two more media resource print boards. Each Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One contains 32 built in media channels if the Mandatory Base License ARI 150 Users 64 Base Stations 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One License is installed. The Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One supports a total of 1024 media channels – up to 31 media resource print boards (11 cabinets in total).
Each Spectralink DECT Media Resource adds 32 media channels. The maximum number of simultaneous calls for a fully loaded system is 1024 calls at the same time. Depending on codec choice, the number of media channels per Media Resource card can vary from 12 -
32. G.726 allows for 32 duplex traffic channels as this codec requires no processing and is
routed directly to the Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station. Other codecs such as G.711 or G.729 must be converted to G.726 before routed further on to the Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station and this affects the total number of available media channels on the Spectralink DECT Media Resource, lowering the number of media channels down to 12 if all calls utilize the G.729 codec.
The Spectralink DECT Media Resource connects directly with the LAN and must operate in conjunction with the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500/Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One. If using sites, the Spectralink DECT Media Resources can be placed at different locations.
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The Spectralink DECT Media Resource contains no radio parts. It ships from the factory configured for DHCP. Should it enter an unrecoverable state, it can be reset to factory default settings when the reset button is pressed and held for more than 5 seconds.

Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource

The Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource is distributed in the same Open Virtual Appliance (OVA) file as the Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One. The OVA file is easily deployed on a VMware vSphere infrastructure or directly on an ESXi host. The Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource is connected to the Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One using UPnP or by manually entering the IP address or host name of the server through the web-based Administration Page or using OAM REST API.
The Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource performs media conversion between the call handler and the Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One and is the media termination point for incoming and outgoing calls.
When deployed and connected, the Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource can be loaded with 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One Licenses. Using Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resources can increase the capacity tremendously, as you can deploy up to 16 Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resources with two 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One Licenses each (a total of 64 media channels on each virtual external media resource). The Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One itself can have an extra 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One License installed as well (64 media channels in total on the server).
The Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource performs media conversion between the call handler and the Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One and is the media termination point for incoming and outgoing calls.
Each Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One contains 32 built in media channels if the Mandatory Base Licence ARI 150 Users 64 Base Stations 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP­DECT Server One License is installed. Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One supports a total of 16 Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resources. The Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One supports a total of 1024 (16 x 64) media channels.
Each Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource adds 32 voice channels. The maximum number of simultaneous calls for a fully loaded system is 1024 calls at the same time.
For more information about licenses and Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resources, see
Licenses for Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One and Deploying Spectralink Virtual IP­DECT Server One and Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource on VMware ESXi.
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Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station

The Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station is to be used with Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400/6500, Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One and Spectralink DECT Server 2500/8000.
The Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station is designed with two internal antennas and supports antenna diversity.
The Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station is designed with connector for External Antenna. The Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station is also able to carry out a handover between the RF
channels under the same Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station, and handles up to 12 (depending on synchronization configuration) DECT traffic channels simultaneously.
The Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station is able to frame synchronize with other Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations under the same server.
The Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station can be powered over ethernet (PoE/802.3af) or by a separate power supply (available separately).
The DECT radius of coverage is up to 600 meters/2000 feet with a handset in free sight.

Spectralink DECT Repeater

The Spectralink DECT Repeater is a building block to be used to extend the coverage area in a wireless Spectralink DECT solution. The repeater does not increase the number of traffic channels, however, it provides a larger physical spreading of the traffic channels and
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thereby increases the coverage area established with the Spectralink IP-DECT/Digital DECT Base Stations/Spectralink IP-DECT Servers 200/400.
Both the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200 and Spectralink IP-DECT Server 400 are Spectralink IP-DECT Servers with a built-in Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station.
The repeaters are mainly used in areas with limited traffic. The Spectralink DECT Repeater is available with either 2 or 4 traffic channels. It is wireless and does not need physical connection to the Spectralink IP-DECT/Virtual IP-DECT Server One, making it very easy to install. The repeaters can be supplied with an external antenna making it possible to create radio coverage in a remote area without cabling to the rest of the installation.
The base station/server 200/400 can support up to 3 repeaters.

External Antenna

Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations, Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400 and Spectralink DECT Repeaters can be equipped with an external antenna using a specially designed connection cable between the external antenna and the host.
The external antenna is highly directional and used with Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations or the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400 for added coverage in complex environments or to link up with remote areas. External antennas can also be used with Spectralink DECT Repeaters to link up with remote areas where wiring between the server and base station is difficult or impossible.
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When used with a Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400 or Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station, the external antenna always use the same channel as the host and provides full coverage for handsets.
When used with a Spectralink DECT Repeater, the external antenna always use a channel different from the host and only provides a link to the main coverage area–no speech coverage.
The range of the host (on base station and server) is reduced when the external antenna is connected.
For more information about using the external antenna to add coverage in complex environments or to link up with remote areas, see Using Spectralink IP-DECT Server
200/400 and Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station with External Antenna.
For more information about using the repeater with external antenna, see Using the
Spectralink DECT Repeater with External Antenna.

System Capacity Overview

Below you will find an overview of the system capacity of the Spectralink IP-DECT/Virtual IP­DECT Server One and Spectralink DECT Media Resources/Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resources:

System Capacity – Servers

Server 200
Server 400
Server 6500
Virtual Server One
IP-DECT Servers
1 1 2 *
2 *
Media Resources
32 print boards
16 ****
Protocol supported
Max number of simultaneous SIP calls
Up to 24 **
1024 ** Up to 12 per
Radio Base Station
32 media channels per Media Resource
1024 ** Up to 12 per
Radio Base Station
64 media channels per Media Resource
Codecs supported
G.711A, G.711μ, G.726, G.729
G.711A, G.711μ, G.726, G.729
G.711A, G.711μ, G.726, G.729
G.711A, G.711μ, G.726, G.729
Max number of subscribed DECT handsets
60 **
4096 ***
Max number of IP-DECT Base Stations
9 **
2048 Repeaters per base station
0 3 3
Repeaters per server
3 3 0
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*) Two Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500s/Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One for redundancy. License required.
**) License required. ***) License required. Skype for Business only supports up to 1500 users. ****) Installations of the Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource (each with two 32 Media
Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One Licenses)

System Capacity–Media Resources

Spectralink DECT Media Resource
IP-DECT Server 6500 – Maximum Quantity
Virtual IP-DECT Server One – Maximum Quantity
Media Resources
32 print boards
32 print boards
Protocol supported
Simultaneous calls
32 (depending on used codec)*
32 (depending on used codec)*
Codecs supported
G.711A, G.711μ, G.726, G.729
G.711A, G.711μ, G.726, G.729
*) The available number of channels on a Spectralink DECT Media Resource depends on the codec type of the active calls. Calls utilizing the G.726 codec uses approximately 2% of the available resources, calls utilizing the G.711 codec uses approximately 3%, and calls utilizing the G.729 codec uses approximately 8%. E.g.: With 5 active G.729 calls and 10 active G.711 calls, the total resource utilization will be approximately 70%.
If configuring a system with Spectralink DECT Media Resources or Spectralink Virtual IP­DECT Media Resources, Spectralink recommends disabling the internal media resource of the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 6500/Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Server One when:
The system handles more than 20 simultaneous calls.
There are more than 500 users (200 users if using Lync/Skype for Business).
For more information, see Configuring Media Resource Settings.
Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource
Virtual IP-DECT Server One – Maximum Quantity
Media Resources
16 *
Protocol supported
Simultaneous calls
Codecs supported
G.711A, G.711μ, G.726, G.729
*) Installations of the Spectralink Virtual IP-DECT Media Resource (each with two 32 Media Channels | Virtual IP-DECT Server One Licenses)
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Spectralink Server Solution Overview and Comparison

Product Overview

*) The Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400 has a built-in radio which acts like a Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station with up to 12 traffic channels.
**) Spectralink Digital DECT Base Stations are available in the following editions: RFP4 and RFP5 (4 traffic channels) and RFP6 (4 or 8 traffic channels).
***) The external antenna is highly directional and used with RFP6 Spectralink Digital DECT Base Stations and Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations or the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400 for added coverage in complex environments or to link up with remote areas. External antennas can also be used with Spectralink DECT Repeaters to link up with remote areas where wiring between the server and base station is difficult or impossible.
For a comparison of Spectralink Servers, and Spectralink Base Stations, see Server
Comparison Matrix and Base Station Comparison Matrix.
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Spectralink Handset Portfolio Overview

For more information about the handsets, see the relevant Handset User Guides.

Total Configuration Overview

Server Comparison Matrix

The illustration below shows a Spectralink 7000 Portfolio Infrastructure/Spectralink Server comparison matrix.
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*) 4 channel/8 channel Spectralink Digital DECT Base Station. **) The Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400 has a built-in radio which acts like a Spectralink IP-
DECT Base Station with up to 12 traffic channels. ***) External antenna can only be used with Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200/400, RFP 6 Spectralink
Digital DECT Base Stations, Spectralink IP-DECT Base Stations and Spectralink DECT Repeaters. ****) Recommended limitation is 150 subscribed Spectralink DECT Handsets, but more handsets can
be subscribed.
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Base Station Comparison Matrix

The illustration below shows a Spectralink Base Station comparison matrix. In the comparison matrix you see the currently most used Spectralink base stations and the difference between them.
Only the Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station and the RFP6 Spectralink Digital DECT Base Station are in production. All other base stations seen here are no longer in production, but are still widely used in the field.
The Spectralink Digital DECT Base Stations are not relevant to the Spectralink IP­DECT/Virtual IP-DECT Server One.
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*) The Spectralink Digital DECT Base Station with 8 channels requires two sets of twisted pairs.
You can use LAN synchronization for Spectralink IP-DECT Base Station instead of Radio synchronization (Over The Air). This requires installation of a LAN Synchronization License.

Configuration Overview–Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200

The Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200 is typically configured as illustrated below:
The Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200 connects with Ethernet as well as the IP-PBX and third-party application server.
Optional wireless repeaters can be used to extend the coverage of the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200. External directional antennas are also optional and can be used with the Spectralink IP-DECT Server 200 in physically complex environments which are challenging to cover with the built-in base station or repeaters.
External antennas can also be used to create long distance coverage to bridge two locations belonging to the same DECT system. Spectralink DECT Repeaters can make use of external antennas as well and create a link from a remote location to the main coverage area. There is no speech coverage in the linking area which is symbolized by the light blue color.
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