VL-265PIR & VL-272PIR
B/W Camera in Non-Operating
and Operating PIR Housing
V L - 2 6 5 P I R VL-272PIR (with working PIR)
Re s o l u t i o n 420 lines 420 lines
M i n i m um Illumination .5 lux .5 lux
I m a g e Dev i c e 1/3" CCD image sensor 1 / 3 ” CCD image sensor
E l e c t r onic Shu t t e r Auto 1/60 - 1/100,000 seconds Auto 1/60-1/100,000 seconds
L e n s 3.6mm Hor. 7 4 ˚ , Ve rt . 5 7 ˚ 3.6mm Hor. 7 4 ˚ , Ve r t . 5 7 ˚
O p e rating Te m p e r a t u re 14º F to 122º F 14˚F to 122˚F
O u t p u t Video - BNC, p o we r- DC jack Video - BNC, p owe r - DC jack
Power Co n s u m p t i o n 120 ma 130 ma
Scanning Fre q u e n cy H o r i zontal 15.75 kHz ve r tical 60 Hz H o r i zontal 15.75 kHz ve r tical 60 Hz
Video Output Leve l 1.0 V p - p , 75 ohm 1.0 V p - p , 75 ohm
Video S/N Ratio G r eater than 46 dB G reater than 46 dB
H o u s i n g White ABS plastic White ABS plastic with working
with mount PIR and mount
Power Supply Regulated 12V DC power supply Regulated 12V DC power supply
included (UL and CSA listed) included (UL and CSA listed)
D i m e n s i o n s 2"L x 2.75"W x 4.75"H 2"L x 2.75"W x 4.75"H
* N o t e : The PIR electronics in the VL-572PIR and VL-272PIR (wo r king PIRs) are for local indication and activation of
re c o rding devices only. Do not connect these devices to alarm systems that will re p o r t to local police or a central station.
Specifications subject to change
For more information contact us at:
Speco Technologies 200 New Highway,Amityville, NY 11701 Web: www.specotech.com
Toll Free: 1-800-645-5516 In Metro NY: 631-957-8700 Fax: 631-957-9142 or 631-957-3880
Our 1/3" B/W CCD camera is encased in a white PIR housing. It has a .5 lux
sensitivity with 420 line resolution. It features a 3.6mm wide angle pinhole lens
and built-in electronic shutter. A 12V DC power supply is included. A color
version of this camera can be found under model number VL-565PIR
and VL-572PIR (with working PIR). A fully adjustable wall/ceiling mount is
included with this unit.