AS1 Wireless Stereo Distribution Streamer
Muullttiizzoonnee AAuuddiioo DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn SSyysstteemm
200 New Highway * Amityville, NY 11701 * www.SpecoTech.com
Quick Start Guide
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This WiFi enabled digital streamer has great performance and is flexible enough to satisfy picky residential
audio enthusiasts while simultaneously meeting the demands of commercial installations. With the free
iOS and Android applications you can easily control your smart audio system to stream and distribute music
in up to 12 zones. You can stream the same music to all zones or different music to different zones, no
matter if the music is from local storage like cell phone memory, NAS, USB flash disk and hard disk or from
online streaming services such as Spotify, Tidal, TuneIn, iHeartRadio, Napster, etc.
IInn TThhiiss BBooxx
• AS1 x1
• Quick Start Guide x1
• Power supply x1
• RCA cable x2
• Antennas x1
WWhhaatt YYoouu NNeeeedd FFoorr IInnssttaallllaattiioon
• Wifi router
• Amplifier with connected speakers (Commercial 70V amplifier or Residential amplifier, or active
• Mobile device or computer
200 New Highway * Amityville, NY 11701 * www.SpecoTech.com
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IInntteerrffaaccee aanndd FFuunnccttiioonns
① WiFi Antenna: Used to connect to WiFi
② Reset: Used to reset the device when if you are having problems with
your WiFi connection
③ LED: Indicates the status of the device
Blinking White: Searching for a network connection
Solid white: Power on, Network connected, WiFi and USB streaming
Solid green: Line in streaming
④ Optical: Used to provide 2.1 digital output to other devices such as an
⑤ Coaxial: Used to provide coaxial output to other devices such as an
⑥ Line out: Used to provide an analog output to other devices such as a
receiver or amplifier
200 New Highway * Amityville, NY 11701 * www.SpecoTech.com
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IInntteerrffaaccee aanndd FFuunnccttiioonnss ((CCoonntt..)
⑦ Network connector: RJ45 used to connect to a wired Ethernet network
⑧ USB input: Used to connect to local storage devices such as thumb drive
⑨ Line input: Analog input used to connect audio devices via RCA cable
⑩ Power input: Used to connect the power adaptor
200 New Highway * Amityville, NY 11701 * www.SpecoTech.com
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