GB 6
For installation, connection and operation of the SEO S and SEO L stoves,
all necessary national and European standards, TROL as well as local regulations (DIN, DIN EN, state construction ordinances, firing ordinances, etc.)
must be complied with and applied! The list of regulations given below is
not exhaustive.
FeuVo /
Firing Installation Ordinance of the respective German Federal State /
State building or fire protection regulations VKF (Switzerland)
1. BlmschV Erste Verordnung zur Durchführung des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz (First
Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act)
TROL Regulations of the German Tiled Stove and Air Heating Constructors Association
DIN 1298 / EN 1856: Connecting flue pipes for heat generating systems
DIN EN 13240 Stoves / solid fuel room heaters
DIN 18896 Solid-fuel fireplaces Technical specifications for installation and operation
DIN EN 13384 Chimneys - Thermal and fluid dynamic calculation methods
DIN 18160-1/2 Chimneys / house chimneys
Artikel 15a B-VG (Austria)
Fireplaces may only be installed in rooms and places where the location,
construction situation and type of utilisation do not lead to hazards. The
floor area of the installation must be of a design and size such that the
fireplace can be operated properly and as intended.
Your SEO S / SEO L stove must not be installed:
1. In stairways, unless they are in residential buildings with two or fewer
2. In hallways with general access.
3. in garages.
4. Fireplace systems in rooms or flats that are ventilated through ventilation systems or warm air heating through the use of fans, unless the safe
operation of the stove is ensured.
5. In rooms in which highly combustible or potentially explosive substances
or mixtures are processed, stored or manufactured in quantities that
would be hazardous in the event of ignition or explosion
Closed flue stones can be installed in rooms, apartments or utilization units
of comparable size from which air can be extracted using fans, e.g. in ventilation or hot air heating systems. The condition is that the vacuum-capable
equipment cannot create a vacuum > 8 PA.
Multiple use of the chimney in accordance with DIN 18160 is possible
because the SEO S / L stove has a self-closing fire door (type A1). Without
exception, this should always be discussed and agreed in advance with the
local chimney sweep. All fireplaces connected to a chimney must also be
approved for multiple connection!