SparkLAN Communications WRTR168G User Manual

SpeedPlus Wireless-G AP/Router
User’s Manual
Version 1.0
Copyright Statement
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior writing of the publisher.
JULY 2008
User’s Manual
1. Introduction ................................................................................................4
2. Safety Notification......................................................................................5
3. Hardware Installation.................................................................................6
4. How to Configuring the AP/ Router........................................................10
4.1 Quick Setup ............................................................................................12
4.2 General Setup.........................................................................................20
4.3 Setup Internet Connection (WAN Setup)..............................................24
4.4 Wired LAN Configuration.......................................................................34
4.5 Wireless LAN Configuration..................................................................38
4.6 Quality of Service (QoS) ........................................................................56
4.7 Network Address Translation (NAT) .....................................................60
4.8 Firewall....................................................................................................68
4.9 System Status.........................................................................................80
4.10 Tools Settings.......................................................................................84
5. Troubleshooting – Q & A .........................................................................87
User’s Manual
1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing your SpeedPlus Wireless-G AP/Router. This user guide will assist you with the installation procedure.
Package Contents
Please make sure you have the following in the box:
SpeedPlus Wireless-G AP/Router ♦ Quick Installation Guide ♦ User Manual CD-ROM ♦ Universal AC/DC Power Adapter ♦ RJ-45 Network Cable
Note: if anything is missing, please contact your vendor
User’s Manual
2. Safety Notification
Your Wireless Router should be placed in a safe and secure location. To ensure proper operation, please keep the unit away from water and other damaging elements. Please read the user manual thoroughly before you install the device. The device should only be repaired by authorized and qualified engineer.
Please do not try to open or repair the device yourself. Do not place the device in a damp or humid location, i.e. a bathroom. The device should be placed in a sheltered and non-slip location within a temperature
range of +5 to +40 Celsius degree.
Please do not expose the device to direct sunlight or other heat sources. The housing
and electronic components may be damaged by direct sunlight or heat sources.
User’s Manual
3. Hardware Installation
Front Panel
The front panel provides LED’s for device status. Refer to the following table for the meaning of each feature.
LED Name Light Status Description PWR On Router is switched on and correctly powered.
WAN 10/100M
On Wireless WPS function is enabled. Off Wireless network is switched off. Flashing Wireless LAN activity (transferring or receiving
data). On WAN port (Internet) is running at 100Mbps. Off WAN port (Internet) is running at 10Mbps. Flashing WAN activity (transferring or receiving data). On WAN port is connected. Off WAN port is not connected. Flashing WAN activity (transferring or receiving data). On LAN port is running at 100Mbps. LAN Off LAN port is running at 10Mbps. On LAN port is connected. Off LAN port is not connected. Flashing LAN activity (transferring or receiving data).
User’s Manual
Rear Panel
The rear panel features 4 LAN ports, 1 WAN port and Reset/WPS button. Refer to the following table for the meaning of each feature.
The POWER port is where you will connect the power adapter.
The WAN port is where you will connect your broadband Internet connection.
These ports (1, 2, 3, 4) connect the Router to your networked PCs and other Ethernet network devices.
Reset the router to factory default settings (clear all settings) or start WPS
User’s Manual
function. Press this button and hold for 10 seconds to restore all settings to factory defaults, and press this button for less than 5 seconds to start WPS function.
AP Router Default Settings
User admin Password 1234 IP Address Subnet Mask RF ESSID default Channel 11 Radio Band Wide (Full speed to 300Mbps) Mode BGN Mixed Encryption Disabled WPS Function Enabled DHCP Server Enabled
User’s Manual
Hardware Installation for Connection to Your Broadband Modem
1. Power off your network devices.
2. Locate an optimum location for the Router. The best place for the Router is usually at the center of your wireless network, with line of sight to all of your wireless devices.
3. Adjust the antennas. Normally, higher location of your Router will get better performance.
4. Using a standard Ethernet network cable, connect the Router’s Internet port to your broadband modem.
5. Connect your network PCs or Ethernet devices to the Router’s LAN ports using standard Ethernet network cable.
6. Connect the AC power adapter to the Router's Power port. Then connect the other end to an electrical outlet. Only use the power adapter supplied with the Router. Use of a different adapter may cause product damage.
7. The Hardware installation is complete; please refer to the following content for Router
User’s Manual
4. How to Configuring the AP/ Router
Quick power cycle would cause system corruption. When power on, be careful not to shut down in about 5 seconds, because data is writing to the flash.
In order to configure the SpeedPlus Wireless-G AP/Router, you must use web browser and manually input into the Address box and press Enter. The Main Page will appear.
In order to configure the SpeedPlus Wireless-G AP/Router, you must input the password into the Password box and leave blank on the User Name box. The default User name is “admin” and password is “1234”.
User’s Manual
Once you have logged-in as administrator, it is a good idea to change the administrator password to ensure a secure protection to the SpeedPlus Wireless-G AP/Router. The Security Settings section described later in this manual describes how to change the password.
Once you have input the correct password and logged-in, the screen will change to the setup page screen.
User’s Manual
4.1 Quick Setup
To change the configuration, use Internet Explorer (IE) or Netscape Communicator to connect the WEB management
Please go to Quick Setup menu by clicking ‘Quick Setup’ button.
Most users will be able to configure the AP Router and get it working properly using the settings on this screen. Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will require that you enter broadband specific information into this device, such as User Name, Password, IP Address, Default Gateway Address, or DNS IP Address for Internet access. This information can be obtained from your ISP, if required.
And the following message will be displayed:
User’s Manual
Set Time Zone
Here are descriptions of every setup items: Set Time Zone: Please press button, a drop-down list will be shown, and you can choose
a time zone of the location you live.
Time Server Address: Input the IP address / host name of time server here Daylight Savings: If the country you live uses daylight saves, please check ‘Enable
Function’ box, and choose the duration of day light saving.
After you finish with all settings, please click ‘Next’ button.
Broadband Type
Setup procedure for ‘Cable Modem’:
User’s Manual
Host Name:
Please input the host name of your computer, this is optional, and only required if your service provider asks you to do so.
MAC address:
Please input MAC address of your computer here, if your service provider only permits computer with certain MAC address to access internet. If you’re using the computer which used to connect to Internet via cable modem, you can simply press ‘Clone Mac address’ button to fill the MAC address field with the MAC address of your computer.
After you finish with all settings, please click ‘OK’ button; if you want to go back to previous menu, click ‘Back’.
Setup procedure for ‘Fixed-IP xDSL’:
IP address assigned by your Service Provider:
Please input IP address assigned by your service provider.
Subnet Mask:
Please input subnet mask assigned by your service provider.
DNS address:
Please input the IP address of DNS server provided by your service provider.
Service Provider Gateway Address:
Please input the IP address of DNS server provided by your service provider.
After you finish with all settings, please click ‘OK’ button; if you want to go back to previous menu, click ‘Back’
User’s Manual
Setup procedure for ‘PPPoE xDSL’:
User Name:
Please input user name assigned by your Internet service provider here. Password: Please input the password assigned by your Internet service provider here.
Service Name:
Please give a name to this Internet service, this is optional. MTU: Please input the MTU value of your network connection here. If you don’t know, you can use default value.
Connection Type:
Please select the connection type of Internet connection you wish to use (detailed explanation listed below). Idle Time Out: Please input idle time out, (detailed explanation listed below).
After you finish with all settings, please click ‘OK’ button; if you want to go back to previous menu, click ‘Back’
Setup procedure for ‘PPTP xDSL’:
PPTP xDSL requires two kinds of setting: WAN interface setting (setup IP address) and PPTP setting (PPTP user name and password). Here we start from WAN interface setting:
User’s Manual
Select the type of how you obtain IP address from your service provider here. You can choose ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’ (equal to DHCP, please refer to ‘Cable Modem’ section above), or ‘Use the following IP address’ (i.e. static IP address). WAN interface settings must be correctly set, or the Internet connection will fail even those settings of PPTP settings are correct. Please contact your Internet service provider if you don’t know what you should fill in these fields.
Now please go to PPTP settings section:
User ID:
Please input user ID (user name) assigned by your Internet service provider here.
Please input the password assigned by your Internet service provider here.
PPTP Gateway:
Please input the IP address of PPTP gateway assigned by your Internet service provider here.
User’s Manual
Connection ID:
Please input the connection ID here, this is optional and you can leave it blank.
Please input the MTU value of your network connection here. If you don’t know, you can use default value.
Setting item ‘BEZEQ-ISRAEL’ is only required to check if you’re using the service provided by BEZEQ network in Israel.
Connection type:
Please select the connection type of Internet connection you wish to use, please refer to last section for detailed descriptions.
Idle Time Out:
Please input the idle time out of Internet connection you wish to use, and refer to last section for detailed descriptions.
After you finish with all settings, please click ‘OK’ button; if you want to go back to previous menu, click ‘Back’
Setup procedure for ‘L2TP xDSL’: L2TP is another popular connection method for xDSL and other Internet connection types,
and all required setting items are the same with PPTP connection.
Like PPTP, there are two kinds of required setting, we’ll start from ‘WAN Interface Settings’:
Please select the type of how you obtain IP address from your service provider here. You can choose ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’ (equal to DHCP, please refer to ‘Cable Modem’ section above), or ‘Use the following IP address’ (equal to static IP address, please refer to ‘PPPoE xDSL’ section above).
User’s Manual
WAN interface settings must be correctly set, or the Internet connection will fail even those settings of PPTP settings are correct. Please contact your Internet service provider if you don’t know what you should fill in these fields.
Now please go to L2TP settings section:
User ID:
Please input user ID (user name) assigned by your Internet service provider here.
Please input the password assigned by your Internet service provider here.
L2TP Gateway:
Please input the IP address of PPTP gateway assigned by your Internet service provider here.
Please input the MTU value of your network connection here. If you don’t know, you can use default value.
Connection type:
Please select the connection type of Internet connection you wish to use, please refer to last section for detailed descriptions.
Idle Time Out:
Please input the idle time out of Internet connection you wish to use, and refer to last section for detailed descriptions.
After you finish with all settings, please click ‘OK’ button; if you want to go back to previous menu, click ‘Back’
Setup procedure for ‘Telstra Big Pond’:
User’s Manual
User Name:
Please input the user name assigned by Telstra.
Please input the password assigned by Telstra.
User device login server manually:
Check this box to choose login server by yourself.
Login Server:
Please input the IP address of login server here.
After you finish with all settings, please click ‘OK’ button; if you want to go back to previous menu, click ‘Back’
When all settings are finished, you’ll see the following message displayed on your web browser:
Please click ‘Apply’ button to prepare to restart the router, and you’ll see this message:
Please wait for about 30 seconds, then click ‘OK!’ button. You’ll be back to router management interface again, and the router is ready with new settings.
User’s Manual
4.2 General Setup
In this chapter, you’ll know how to change the time zone, password, and remote management settings. Please start your web browser and log onto router web management interface, then click ‘General Setup’ button on the left, or click ‘General Setup’ link at the upper-right corner of web management interface.
Time zone and time auto-synchronization: Please follow the following instructions to set time zone and time auto-synchronization parameters:
Please click ‘System’ menu on the left of web management interface, then click ‘Time Zone’, and the following message will be displayed on your web browser: Please select time zone at ‘Set time zone’ drop-down list, and input the IP address or host name of time server. If you want to enable daylight savings setting, please check ‘Enable Function’ box, and set the duration of daylight setting. When you finish, click ‘Apply’. You’ll see the following message displayed on web browser:
User’s Manual
Press ‘Continue’ to save the settings made and back to web management interface; press ‘Apply’ to save the settings made and restart the router so the settings will take effect after it reboots.
Change management password: Default password of this router is 1234, and it’s displayed on the login prompt when accessed from web browser. There’s a security risk if you don’t change the default password, since everyone can see it. This is very important when you have wireless function enabled.
To change password, please follow the following instructions:
Please click ‘System’ menu on the left of web management interface, then click ‘Password Settings’, and the following message will be displayed on your web browser:
Here are descriptions of every setup items: Current Password:
Please input current password here.
New Password:
Please input new password here.
Confirmed Password:
Please input new password here again.
When you finish, click ‘Apply’. If you want to keep original password unchanged, click ‘Cancel’.
If the password you typed in ‘New Password’ (2) and ‘Confirmed Password’ (3) field are not the same, you’ll see the following message:
User’s Manual
Please retype the new password again when you see above message.
If you see the following message:
It means the content in ‘Current Password’ field is wrong, please click ‘OK’ to go back to previous menu, and try to input current password again.
If the current and new passwords are correctly entered, after you click ‘Apply’, you’ll be prompted to input your new password:
Please use new password to enter web management interface again, and you should be able to login with new password.
Remote Management This router does not allow management access from Internet, to prevent possible security risks (especially when you defined a weak password, or didn’t change default password). However, you can still management this router from a specific IP address by enabling the ‘Remote Management’ Function.
User’s Manual
To do so, please follow the following instructions:
Please click ‘System’ menu on the left of web management interface, then click ‘Remote Management’, and the following message will be displayed on your web browser:
Host Address:
Input the IP address of the remote host you wish to initiate a management access.
You can define the port number this router should expect an incoming request. If you’re providing a web service (default port number is 80), you should try to use other port number. You can use the default port setting ‘8080’, or something like ‘32245’ or ‘1429’. (Any integer between 1 and 65534)
Select the field to start the configuration.
When you finish, click ‘Apply’. If you want to keep original password unchanged, click ‘Cancel’.
Press ‘Continue’ to save the settings made and back to web management interface; press ‘Apply’ to save the settings made and restart the router so the settings will take effect after it reboots.
User’s Manual
4.3 Setup Internet Connection (WAN Setup)
Internet connections setup can be done by using ‘Quick Setup’ menu described in chapter 4-
1. However, you can setup WAN connections up by using WAN configuration menu. You can also set advanced functions like DDNS (Dynamic DNS) here.
To start configuration, please follow the following instructions:
Please click ‘WAN’ menu on the left of web management interface, and the following message will be displayed on your web browser:
Please select an Internet connection method depend on the type of connection you’re using. You can either click the connection method on the left (1) or right (2). If you select the connection method on the right, please click ‘More Configuration’ button after a method is selected.
Setup procedure for ‘Dynamic IP’:
User’s Manual
Host Name:
Please input the host name of your computer, this is optional, and only required if your service provider asks you to do so.
MAC address:
Please input MAC address of your computer here, if your service provider only permits computer with certain MAC address to access internet. If you’re using the computer which used to connect to Internet via cable modem, you can simply press ‘Clone Mac address’ button to fill the MAC address field with the MAC address of your computer.
After you finish with all settings, please click ‘Apply’; if you want to remove and value you entered, please click ‘Cancel’.
After you click ‘Apply’, the following message will be displayed on your web browser:
Please click ‘Continue’ to back to previous setup menu; to continue on router setup, or click ‘Apply’ to reboot the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for about 30 seconds while router is rebooting).
Setup procedure for ‘Static IP’:
IP address assigned by your Service Provider:
Please input IP address assigned by your service provider.
Subnet Mask:
Please input subnet mask assigned by your service provider.
User’s Manual
Service Provider Gateway Address:
Please input the IP address of DNS server provided by your service provider.
After you finish with all settings, please click ‘Apply’ button and the following message will be displayed on your web browser:
Please click ‘Continue’ to back to previous setup menu; to continue on other setup procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboot the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for about 30 seconds while router is rebooting).
If you want to reset all settings in this page back to previously-saved value, please click ‘Cancel’ button.
Setup procedure for ‘PPPoE xDSL’:
User Name:
Please input user name assigned by your Internet service provider here. Password: Please input the password assigned by your Internet service provider here.
Service Name:
Please give a name to this Internet service, this is optional. MTU: Please input the MTU value of your network connection here. If you don’t know, you can use default value.
Connection Type:
Please select the connection type of Internet connection you wish to use.
User’s Manual
Continuous – The connection will be kept always on. If the connection is interrupted, the router will re-connect automatically. Connect On-Demand – Only connect when you want to surf the Internet. “Idle Time Out” is set to stop the connection when the network traffic is not sending or receiving after an idle time. Manual – After you have selected this option, you will see the “Connect” button and “Disconnect” button, click “’Connect” and the router will connect to the ISP. If you want
to stop the connection, please click “Disconnect” button. Idle Time Out: If you have selected the connection type to “Connect-On-Demand”, please input the idle time out.
After you finish with all settings, please click ‘Apply’ button and the following message will be displayed on your web browser:
Please click ‘Continue’ to back to previous setup menu; to continue on other setup procedures, or click ‘Apply’ to reboot the router so the settings will take effect (Please wait for about 30 seconds while router is rebooting).
If you want to reset all settings in this page back to previously-saved value, please click ‘Cancel’ button.
Setup procedure for ‘PPTP xDSL’:
PPTP xDSL requires two kinds of setting: WAN interface setting (setup IP address) and PPTP setting (PPTP user name and password). Here we start from WAN interface setting:
User’s Manual
Select the type of how you obtain IP address from your service provider here. You can choose ‘Obtain an IP address automatically’ (equal to DHCP, please refer to ‘Cable Modem’ section above), or ‘Use the following IP address’ (i.e. static IP address). WAN interface settings must be correctly set, or the Internet connection will fail even those settings of PPTP settings are correct. Please contact your Internet service provider if you don’t know what you should fill in these fields.
Now please go to PPTP settings section:
User ID:
Please input user ID (user name) assigned by your Internet service provider here.
Please input the password assigned by your Internet service provider here.
PPTP Gateway:
Please input the IP address of PPTP gateway assigned by your Internet service provider here.
User’s Manual
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