The Difference of Cables
Cable Types and Distances
Wire Application Cable Type Description
From Power Supply 2-cond, 18-22 AWG n/a
From Locking Device and power
supply or gate operator
2-cond. See Mfr’s Specifications n/a
From external alarm system’s Doo
Monitor Switch (for shunting)
2-cond, 18-22 AWG 100 m
From Exit Button 2-cond, 18-22 AWG 100 m
From Optional Auxiliary Reader 2-cond unshielded 22 AWG,
plus a separate 4-cond,
shielded 22-24 AWG cable
50 cm - 12 m
5. Front Panel Indicators
1. In the programming mode, if no key or card entry is made within 30 seconds, it will
automatically exit the programming mode.
2. In the programming mode, LED light green and flash rapidly. It means that the
controller waits for entering. LED is red and flash rapidly, it means that the reader is
3. LED light green and one beep sound mean acknowledge, LED light red and two
beep sounds mean not acknowledge.
4. In card learn mode, after flash card, a green light and five beeps mean that same
card have existed in controller.
5. In anti-pass-back access mode, five beep sounds mean violates
access function. (For AR-721H4 and AR-721H8)
6. In arming state LED light green per 0.6 second. In disarming
state LED light green per 1.5 second, In alarm state LED light red per 0.4 second.
(For AR-721H4 and AR-721H8)
7. If three incorrect user code (or master code) are entered, keypad will be locked for
30 seconds.
8. Press button【0】+【#】to luck/unlock keypad.
9. Press button【*】+【#】for all cards entrance allowance.
10. Press button【#】to function as the Bell Output.