Southern States Smart Tap User Manual

> Directional Fault Sensing > Smart Tap
Smart Tap
Fault Location in
Transmission Networks
Fault location and load restoration in transmission networks.
Faults on tapped transmission lines can result in signicant outage times and customer dissatisfaction. Commonly used
line segment where the fault occurred. Using Smart Tap technology, the fault location information is reported through the
SCADA system allowing the system operator to determine which line segment has experienced the fault.
For momentary faults, the SCADA fault information can assist the crews in the location and elimination of the source
of the momentary fault. For permanent faults, the operator can isolate the faulted section and minimize outage times.
Information from each line tap provides an indicator of a fault and fault direction, it also provides deterministic information
to allow proper sectionalizing.
For example, in a transmission network with four taps, there are nine possible sections where the fault could occur.
Faulted section is not identied
Trial and error approach required to clear fault
For permanent faults, breakers are reclosed into fault to locate faulted
The trial and error approach repeated until proper section is identied
Not possible to identify sections where momentary faults occur
Smart Tap is an innovative new technology that correctly identies the faulted section for low current momentary
faults and over current permanent faults.
Detects low current and over current faults
Detects magnitude and direction of permanent and
momentary faults
Works on looped transmission lines with radial load taps
Does not require PTs to determine fault direction
Direction indication points to faulted section
Reports information to SCADA operator
Can be congured for automatic operation
> Directional Fault Sensing > Smart Tap
Line fault between two taps. Smart Tap generates fault direction ags at each sensing point. These ags can be sent to the
SCADA system and displayed on the operators single line diagram. These direction indicators represented as arrows on this
diagram point to the faulted line segment.
Faulted Line Section Isolated
In the case of a permanent fault, The SCADA operator can open the switches which will isolate the faulted section after
the breakers have locked out for the remote controlled switches. If the switches are manually operated the crews can be
dispatched to the proper section to isolate the fault without the guess work of trying several locations before the proper location
is identied. The power to the customer can be quickly restored while the crews are clearing the source of the fault.
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