Southern States CSV User Manual

Title: Southern States – CSV
Vertical Interrupter Style Circuit Switcher
Product Specification Guide
1.0 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................... 2
2.0 STANDARDS ............................................................................................................ 2
3.0 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ................................ ....................................................... 2
3.01 Service Conditions ................................................................................................ . 2
3.02 Ratings .................................................................................................................. 3
3.03 Interrupter .............................................................................................................. 4
3.04 Insulators ............................................................................................................... 4
3.05 SF6 Gas System .................................................................................................... 5
3.06 Terminal Pads ....................................................................................................... 5
3.07 Operating Mechanism ............................................................................................ 5
3.08 Ground Pads ......................................................................................................... 6
4.0 MANUFACTURING REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................... 6
4.01 Wiring .................................................................................................................... 6
4.02 Base Frame ........................................................................................................... 6
4.03 Support Structure ................................................................................................... 6
5.0 DESIGN TESTS ........................................................................................................ 7
6.0 PRODUCTION TESTS .............................................................................................. 7
6.01 Mechanical Operation ............................................................................................ 7
6.02 Leak Test ............................................................................................................... 7
6.03 Resistance Tests ................................................................................................ ... 7
6.04 Dielectric Tests ...................................................................................................... 7
7.0 SPARE PARTS ......................................................................................................... 8
8.0 DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS ................................ ..................................... 8
8.01 Approval Drawings ................................................................................................. 8
8.02 Final Drawings ....................................................................................................... 8
8.03 Instruction Books ................................................................................................ ... 8
8.04 Additional Documentation ...................................................................................... 8
9.0 SHIPPING and DELIVERY ........................................................................................ 8
10.0 WARRANTY .............................................................................................................. 9
11.0 SPECIFIC QUOTE REQUIREMENTS....................................................................... 9
12.0 ACCEPTABLE CIRCUIT SWITCHER ....................................................................... 9
Page 1 of 9 Publication No.: PSG-806-06012011
Title: Southern States – CSV
Vertical Interrupter Style Circuit Switcher
Product Specification Guide
1.0 SCOPE This specification covers the design, manufacture, and testing of three pole, gang
operated vertical interrupter outdoor circuit switchers without integral disconnect.
2.0 STANDARDS All outdoor circuit switchers shall be designed, manufactured, assembled, and tested in
accordance with the latest applicable ANSI, NEMA, and ASTM standards and guidelines. If there are any conflicts between the ANSI, NEMA, or ASTM standards and this specification the specification shall govern.
3.01 Service Conditions
The circuit switcher shall be suitable for outdoor installation in electric power substations under the following conditions:
3.01.01 Temperature The circuit switcher shall perform in an ambient temperature range of
-40oC through +50oC.
3.01.02 Altitude The circuit switcher shall perform at elevations up to 3,300 feet.
3.01.03 Seismic The circuit switcher shall be capable of withstanding seismic loading of
0.2 g ground acceleration in any direction when installed on the
manufacturer’s furnished support structure and anchor bolts and with
flexible connections to the terminal pads. The circuit switcher shall perform its specified functions during and after the seismic event.
3.01.04 Wind Loading The circuit switcher shall be capable of withstanding wind loads up to 90 mph without loss of function.
3.01.05 Additional Requirements If any site specific service conditions not covered in sections 3.01.01 through 3.01.04 exists (e.g. extreme cold temperature installation, corrosive environment, high altitude installation, etc.) they will be defined in the quotation request.
Page 2 of 9 Publication No.: PSG-806-CSV 06012011
Title: Southern States – CSV
Vertical Interrupter Style Circuit Switcher
Product Specification Guide
Maximum kV Rating 27 38 38 48.3 72.5 38 48.3 72.5
BIL (kV) 150 200 200 250 350 200 250 350
Continuous Current
Primary Fault
Secondary Thru-Fault
Interrupting Time
Power Frequency
Short-Time Withstand
Peak Withstand
Short-Circuit Making
Insulator Design
Ambient Temperature Range
-40º C to +50º C 1200 A
25 kA
5 cycles
-40º C to +50º C standard
(-50º C to +50º C optional)
3 cycles
40 kA
1200 A, 1600 A, 2000 A, 2500 A
62.5 kA
25 kA
50/60 Hz
1200 A & 1600 A
25 kA
5 cycles
50/60 Hz
25 kA (3 sec)
-30º C to +50º C
40 kA
104 kA
40 kA (3 sec)
60 Hz
40 kA (3 sec)
104 kA
40 kA (3 sec)
Maximum kV Rating 48.3 72.5 123 145 170
Interrupter/Blade BIL (kV) 250 350 550 650 750
Continuous Current
Primary Fault Interrupting
Secondary Thru-Fault
Interrupting Time
Power Frequency
Short-Time Withstand
Peak Withstand
Short-Circuit Making
Insulator Design
Ambient Temperature
4000 A rating is only available thru 145 kV.
40 kA (3 sec), 63 kA (1 sec)
164 kA
63 kA
-40º C to +50º C standard
(-50o C to +50o C optional)
1200 A,1600 A, 2000 A, 3000 A, 4000 A*
25 kA, 31.5 kA, 40 kA
3 cycles
60 Hz
3.02 Ratings
3.02.01 Electrical
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