1.5.2 Embedded H.323 Gatekeeper Features
200 H.3232 endpoints scale: SK400 providing 250 H.323 endpoints to register.
Register Security Policy: SK400 providing security setting on your H.323 VoIP network. This
provides protection for VoIP calls and insures proper endpoint identification.
Pre-Granted Endpoints: letting other gateways or H.323 endpoints which were not register to
this embedded gatekeeper. And the registered VoIP Gateways can make an Off-Net call to
these pre-granted endpoints..
Real time Call Detail Record and Post Call Detail Record Report : Support Real Time CDR to
monitor VoIP calls, including caller ip, called ip , call date , call duration and other information.
Also providing a CDR report to look up VoIP call record.
Top 20 list: SK400 Gatekeeper can lists top 20 calls by call duration, caller number, calling
number, caller IP or callee IP address.
Syslog Client: Providing CDR information to Syslog Server.
1.5.3 Embedded Sip Proxy Features
200 SIP endpoints scale: SVR200 / SVR400 /SVR800 series providing 200 SIP endpoints to
Trunk Line Setting for Off-Net Call: SVR400 / SVR 200 /SVR 800 series providing trunk
interface for Off-Net call by ITSP. (Optional)
Register Security Policy: SVR200 / SVR400 / SVR800 series providing MD5 authentication
Real time Call Detail Record and Post Call Detail Record Report : Support Real Time CDR to
monitor VoIP calls, including caller ip, called ip , call date , call duration and other information.
Also providing a CDR report to look up VoIP call record.
Top 20 list: SVR200 / SVR 400 / SVR800 series can lists top 20 calls by call duration, caller
number, calling number, caller IP or called IP address.
Syslog client: Send CDR information to Syslog server.
1.5.4 Gateway & Gatekeeper & Sip proxy server Specifications
S200/S400/S800 Series Gateway & Gatekeeper & Sip proxy server & Call Manager
Telephony Specification:
Voice Codec:
G.711(A-law /μ-law), G.729 AB,
G.723 (6.3 Kbps / 5.3Kbps).
FAX support : T.30 / T.38.
Echo Cancellation: G.165/G168(Version:2000).
FXO Caller ID detection : DTMF and FSK (Optional).
FXO hang up detection / anti-seized : Tone Learning Automatically / Manual Tone
Learning (Optional).
Answer supervision: Support Battery Reverse Detection and Voice
FXO answer delay time: Support delay 0 – 8000 ms to answer.
Adjustable AC Termination Impedance : 600 / 900 OHM and complex Impedance.
Failsafe Mechanism (FXS relay to FXO) : Power failed by pass support / Internet Failed by
pass (Optional)).
Creative Metering: 12K Hz and 16K Hz Metering (Customized)
IP Specification:
Protocol: H.323 v2/v3/v4 and SIP (RFC 3261) ,
SDP (RFC 2327), Symmetric RTP,