SoundTraxx SoundCar Technical Reference

Tsunami® SoundCar Digital Sound Decoder
Technical Reference
Software Release 1.01
Rev.B 9/29/14
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
SoundTraxx (Throttle Up!) shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance or use of this material.
This document contains information protected by copyright. No part of this document may be photocopied or reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Throttle Up! Corp.
Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
SoundTraxx and Tsunami, SoundTraxx DCC, Digital Sound Decoder, Dynamic Digital Exhaust, Auto-Exhaust, Hyperlight, SoundCar, and Intelligent Consisting are trademarks of Throttle Up! Corp.
Bit 7 Bit 0
Primary CVs
CV 1 Primary Address Control
Description CV 1 contains the decoder’s primary address from 1 to 127.
0 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
A0-A6: Decoder Address 0: Not used. Must be set to 0.
Additional Information
The decoder will process all valid instruction packets containing an address that matches the value contained in this register when bit 5 (Extended
Address Enable) of CV 29 (Conguration Register 1) is set to 0.
Programming this register with a new value will automatically reset CV 19 (Consist Address) to 0 and clear bit 5 of CV 29.
The decoder will ignore commands that attempt to program this register with values outside the range of 1 to 127.
Note: CV 1 can only be changed in Operations Mode if the extended address is enabled.
Default Value: 3 Related CVs: CVs 17 and 18 (Extended Address)
CV 19 (Consist Address) CV 29 (Conguration Register 1)
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Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
CV 3 Baseline Acceleration Rate
CV 3 contains a value from 0 to 255 that sets the decoder’s acceleration rate.
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D0-D7: Baseline Acceleration Rate
Additional Information
The acceleration rate may be calculated as:
Seconds/Speed Step = CV 3 x 0.896 ÷ Number of Speed Steps
When CV 3 is set to 0, the speed-related sounds will respond almost instantly to increases in throttle setting, equivalent to no momentum. When set to 255, it will take the decoder sounds approximately 3.8 minutes to accelerate to full speed from a standing stop.
It is recommended that CV 3 be set to a non-zero value when operating the decoder in 14 or 28 speed-step mode, as the throttle will interpolate between speed steps during acceleration to produce a smoother overall response.
Note: For this CV, the value in a SoundCar decoder should match the value
in a Tsunami-equipped locomotive when in a consist.
Default Value: 0 Related CVs: CV 4 (Baseline Deceleration Rate)
CV 23 (Consist Acceleration Rate) CV 24 (Consist Deceleration Rate)
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Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
CV 4 Baseline Deceleration Rate
Description CV 4 contains a value from 0 to 255 that sets the decoder’s deceleration rate.
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D0-D7: Baseline Deceleration Rate
Additional Information
The deceleration rate may be calculated as:
Seconds/Speed Step = CV 3 x 0.896 ÷ Number of Speed Steps
When CV 4 is set to 0, the speed-related sounds will respond almost instantly to decreases in throttle setting. When set to 255, it will take the decoder sounds approximately 3.8 minutes to come to a full stop from top speed.
It is recommended that CV 4 be set to a non-zero value when operating the decoder in 14 or 28 speed-step mode, as the throttle will interpolate between speed steps during braking to produce a smoother overall response.
Note: For this CV, the value in a SoundCar decoder should match the value
in a Tsunami-equipped locomotive when in a consist.
Default Value: 0 Related CVs: CV 3 (Baseline Acceleration Rate)
CV 23 (Consist Acceleration Rate) CV 24 (Consist Deceleration Rate) CV 61 (F11 Braking Rate)
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Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
CV 7
Manufacturer Version ID (Read-Only)
CV 7 contains the 8-bit software identier.
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D0-D7: Version Code
69 = SoundCar Digital Sound Decoder, v1.0
Note: CV 7 is read-only and cannot be modied.
Default Value: 69
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Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
CV 8 Manufacturer ID
CV 8 contains the NMRA-issued Manufacturer ID code assigned to
SoundTraxx/Throttle Up! (141).
1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
Note: Writing a value of 8 to this CV will reset all CVs to their default values. All other write operations will be ignored.
Default Value: 141
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Primary CVs
CV 11 Packet Time-out Value
CV 11 contains a value from 0 to 255 that corresponds to the time period allowed to elapse between receipts of valid packets addressed to the decoder before the speed-related sound effects stop.
Bit 7 Bit 0
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D0-D7: Packet Time-out Value
Additional Information
The time-out period is calculated in seconds as:
Time-out Period = CV 11 x 0.25
A value of 0 disables the time-out period, causing the sounds to play
indenitely without receiving another packet.
For all other values, the decoder maintains an internal timer, which is reset every time the decoder receives a valid broadcast address packet or other valid packet with an address that matches the decoder’s primary address, or if enabled, the extended address or consist address.
In the event no valid packets are received within the prescribed time period, the decoder will bring all speed-related sound effects to a stop at the rate set in CVs 4 and 24. The state of the auxiliary function outputs will remain unchanged.
Default Value: 0 Related CVs: CV 4 (Baseline Deceleration Rate)
CV 24 (Consist Deceleration Rate)
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Primary CVs
CV 12 Power Source Conversion
CV 12 denes the type of power source that the decoder should switch to
whenever a DCC signal is not present and bit 2 (Alternate Powers Source
Enable) of CV 29 (Conguration Register 1) is set.
Bit 7 Bit 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D0
D0: Alternate Power Source
0 = No alternate power source available 1 = Analog power supply
0: Not used. Must be set to 0.
Default Value: 1 Related CV: CV 29 (Conguration Register 1)
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Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
CV 13 Analog Function Enable 1
CV 13 denes whether functions 1-8 are active during analog mode
operation. If a bit is set to 1, the corresponding function will be mapped to the
output dened in CVs 33-46.
F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1
F1-F8: Analog Function Enable
0 = Function is disabled for analog operation 1 = Function is enabled for analog operation
Note: This CV is most useful for turning on lighting effects when running on a
DC-powered layout. Sound functions may be turned on in analog mode, but this is less useful as they will either run continuously or sound just once when the decoder is powered up. Instead, use the automatic sound functions (CV 197) to generate sound effects in analog mode.
Default Value: 0 Related CVs: CVs 33-46 (Function Outputs)
CV 197 (Analog Mode Auto Sound Conguration)
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Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
CV 14 Analog Function Enable 2
CV 14 denes whether functions 9-12 are active during analog mode
operation. If a bit is set to 1, the corresponding function will be mapped to the output dened in CVs 33-46.
0 0 F12 F11 F10 F9 F0(r) F0(f)
F0(f): F0 Forward Enable 0 = Function is disabled for analog operation 1 = Function is enabled for analog operation
F0(r): F0 Reverse Enable 0 = Function is disabled for analog operation 1 = Function is enabled for analog operation
F9-F12: Analog Function Enable 0 = Function is disabled for analog operation 1 = Function is enabled for analog operation
0: Not used. Must be set to 0.
Note: This CV is most useful for turning on lighting effects when running on
a DC-powered layout. Sound functions may be turned on in analog mode,
but this is less useful because they will either run continuously or sound
only once when the decoder powers up. Instead, use the automatic sound
functions (CV 197) to generate sound effects in analog mode.
Default Value: 3
Related CVs: CVs 33-46 (Function Output Maps)
CV 197 (Analog Mode Automatic Sound Conguration)
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Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
CV 15 CV Unlock Register
CV 15 contains a value from 0 to 7 that is used to unlock access to the
decoder’s CVs in a multi-decoder installation.
CV 15 may always be written or veried regardless of the decoder’s lock
status. However, an acknowledgment will only be generated when the
decoder is unlocked.
0 0 0 0 0 D2 D1 D0
D0-D2: CV Unlock Code
0: Not used. Must be set to 0.
Additional Information
Locked State
If CV 15 does not match CV 16 (CV Lock ID Code), all read and write
operations to the decoder will be ignored and no acknowledgment will be
Unlocked State
Access to the decoder’s CVs will only be possible when CV 15 = CV 16.
Note: Bit 0 (CV Lock Enable) in CV 30 (Error Information/Alternate Mode
Selection) must be set to enable the lock feature in CVs 15 and 16.
Default Value: 0
Related CVs: CV 16 (CV Lock ID Code)
CV 30 (Error Information/Alternate Mode Selection)
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Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
CV 16 CV Lock ID Code
CV 16 contains a value from 0 to 7 that sets the unlock code that must be
programmed into CV 15 in order to access the decoder’s CVs in a
multi-decoder installation.
CV 15 may always be written or veried regardless of the decoder’s lock
status. However, an acknowledgment will only be generated when the
decoder is unlocked.
0 0 0 0 0 ID2 ID1 ID0
ID0-ID2: CV Lock Code
0: Not used. Must be set to 0.
Note: Bit 0 (CV Lock Enable) in CV 30 (Error Information/Alternate Mode
Selection) must be set to enable the lock feature in CVs 15 and 16.
Default Value: 0
Related CVs: CV 15 (CV Unlock Register)
CV 30 (Error Information/Alternate Mode Selection)
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Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
Bit 7 Bit 0
CVs 17, 18 Extended Address
CVs 17 and 18 comprise a “paired” CV, meaning that the two CV registers
hold one piece of data. In this case, the CV pair holds the 14-bit extended
decoder address.
CV 17 Extended Address MSB
A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8
CV 18 Extended Address LSB
A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
A0-A15: Extended Address Value
Additional Information
The extended address allows the decoder to be assigned to one of 10,179
addresses ranging from 0xC000 to 0xE7FF. Note: Most command stations
will only recognize addresses 0001 to 9999. The extended address will only
be recognized by the decoder when bit 5 (Extended Address Mode Enable)
of CV 29 (Conguration Register 1) is set to 1. Once this bit is set, the
decoder will not recognize its primary address until CV 29, bit 5, is cleared.
CV 17 contains the most signicant byte and must be loaded with values
within the range of 0xC0 and 0xE7. CV 18 contains the least signicant byte
and may contain any value.
To determine the extended address value, add the desired four-digit
extended address to the number 49152. Divide the sum by 256. Program
CV 17 with the quotient value and CV 18 with the remainder value.
Example: Calculate CV 17 and 18 register values for extended address 7152.
1. 7152 + 49152 = 56304
2. 56304 ÷ 256 = 219 Quotient; 240 Remainder
3. Program 219 into CV 17
4. Program 240 into CV 18
Note: Most command stations will perform these calculations automatically
when setting the extended address. However, it’s helpful to know how to
derive the appropriate register values.
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Primary CVs
Because CVs 17 and 18 are a paired CV, programming order is important.
Always write to CV 17 rst, and then write to CV 18. The decoder will ignore
commands that attempt to program these registers out of order or with values
outside of the allowable range of 0xC000 to 0xE7FF.
These CVs may be changed in Service Mode at any time, but may only be
changed in Operations Mode if CV 29, bit 5, is cleared (i.e., CV 1, Primary
Address, is enabled).
Default Value: CV 17 = 192
CV 18 = 3 (Long Address 0003)
Related CVs: CV 1 (Primary Address)
CV 19 (Consist Address)
CV 29 (Conguration Register 1)
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Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
CV 19 Consist Address
CV 19 contains address and direction data for consist operation.
CDIR A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
A0-A6: Consist Address Value
CDIR: Consist Direction 0 = Normal direction
1 = Reverse direction
Additional Information
A0-A6 (bits 0-6) assign the consist address from 1 to 127. If A0-A6 = 0, consist commands will be ignored. Otherwise, when the decoder receives a valid command packet with an address that matches the consist, that packet will be processed just as any other packet would be, with the following exceptions:
• Long form CV access instructions will be ignored.
The direction within a speed/direction or advanced operation packet is
inverted if CDIR (bit 7) = 1.
Only the auxiliary functions enabled in CVs 21 and 22 are allowed to change.
CDIR (bit 7) denes the orientation of the model within a consist and species whether the direction bit in a speed/direction data packet should be
When the consist address is active, speed/direction and advanced operations packets sent to the decoder’s primary address (or extended address, if enabled) will be ignored. All other instruction packets sent to the decoder’s primary (or extended) address, including CV access and function control, will be processed as normal.
To summarize, setting CV 19 to 0 or 128 disables consist addressing. Setting CV 19 to a value from 1 to 127 enables consist addresses 1-127 with the model oriented forward in the consist. Setting CV 19 to a value from 129 to 255 enables consist addresses 1-127 with the model oriented backward in the consist.
Default Value: 0 Related CVs: CV 1 (Primary Address)
CVs 17 and 18 (Extended Address) CV 21 (Consist Function Group 1) CV 22 (Consist Function Group 2)
Tsunami SoundCar Technical Reference Page 14
Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
CV 21 Consist Function Group 1
CV 21 denes the Group 1 functions that may be controlled by packets sent
to the decoder’s consist address, which is useful for differentiating the various engines and cars in a consist. Disabled functions may be controlled only from the decoder’s primary or extended address.
F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1
F1-F8: Consist Functions 1-8 Enable 0 = Function disabled in consist operation 1 = Function enabled in consist operation
Default Value: 128 Related CVs: CV 19 (Consist Address)
CV 22 (Consist Function Group 2)
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Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
CV 22 Consist Function Group 2
This CV denes the Group 2 functions that may be controlled by packets sent
to the decoder’s consist address. Disabled functions may be controlled only from the decoder’s primary or extended address.
0 0 F12 F11 F10 F9 F0(r) F0(f)
F0(f): Consist Function 0, Forward Enable 0 = Function disabled in consist operation 1 = Function enabled in consist operation
F0(r): Consist Function 0, Reverse Enable 0 = Function disabled in consist operation 1 = Function enabled in consist operation
F9-F12: Consist Functions 9-12 Enable 0 = Function disabled in consist operation 1 = Function enabled in consist operation
0: Not used. Must be set to 0.
Additional Information
Among other things, this register allows you to differentiate headlight and
backup light functions for the lead engine and other units in the consist.
Default Value: 16
Related CVs: CV 19 (Consist Address)
CV 21 (Consist Function Group 1)
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Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
CV 23 Consist Acceleration Rate
CV 23 contains a value from -127 to +127 that corresponds to the decoder’s
consist acceleration offset.
SIGN D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D0-D6: Consist Acceleration Value
SIGN: Sign 0 = Positive value 1 = Negative value
Additional Information
When the consist address is active, the consist acceleration rate is added to
or subtracted from the decoder’s base acceleration rate (CV 3) depending on
the Sign bit (bit 7). The acceleration is then calculated as:
Seconds/Speed Step = (CV 3 + CV 23) x 0.896 ÷ Number of Speed Steps
If the sum of CVs 3 and 23 is a negative value, then the acceleration rate
is set to 0 (i.e., acceleration is instant). If the sum of CVs 3 and 23 exceeds
255, then the acceleration rate is set to the maximum value of 255.
CV 23 has no effect when the consist address (CV 19) is set to 0.
To summarize, a CV 23 value from 0 to 127 will increase the decoder’s base
acceleration rate. Conversely, values from 129 to 255 will decrease the
decoder’s base acceleration rate. A value of 128 is equivalent to a setting of 0
and will have no effect.
Note: When operating Intelligent Consisting, it is best to leave this value at
0 unless all of the locomotives pulling the cars are set up using advanced
Default Value: 0
Related CVs: CV 3 (Baseline Acceleration Rate)
CV 4 (Baseline Deceleration Rate)
CV 19 (Consist Address)
CV 24 (Consist Deceleration Rate)
Tsunami SoundCar Technical Reference Page 17
Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
CV 24 Consist Deceleration Rate
CV 24 contains a value from -127 to +127, which corresponds to the
decoder’s consist deceleration offset.
SIGN D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
D0-D6: Consist Deceleration Value
SIGN: Sign 0 = Positive value 1 = Negative value
Additional Information
When the consist address is active, the consist deceleration rate is added to
or subtracted from the decoder’s baseline deceleration rate (CV 4) depending
on the Sign bit (bit 7). The deceleration rate is then calculated as:
Seconds/Speed Step = (CV 4 + CV 24) x 0.896 ÷ Number of Speed Steps
If the sum of CVs 4 and 24 is negative, then the deceleration rate is set to 0
(i.e., braking is instant). If the sum of CVs 4 and 24 exceeds 255, then the
deceleration rate is set to the maximum value of 255.
CV 24 has no effect when the consist address (CV 19) is set to 0.
To summarize, a CV 24 value from 0 to 127 will increase the decoder’s
baseline deceleration rate. Conversely, values from 129 to 255 will decrease
the decoder’s baseline deceleration rate. A value of 128 is equivalent to a
setting of 0 and will have no effect.
Note: When operating Intelligent Consisting, it is best to leave this value at
0 unless all of the locomotives pulling the cars are set up using advanced
Default Value: 0
Related CVs: CV 3 (Baseline Acceleration Rate)
CV 4 (Baseline Deceleration Rate)
CV 19 (Consist Address)
CV 23 (Consist Acceleration Rate)
Tsunami SoundCar Technical Reference Page 18
Primary CVs
Bit 7 Bit 0
CV 29 Configuration Register 1
CV 29 contains miscellaneous decoder conguration bits.
DIR: Direction 0 = Normal operation
1 = Direction bit in speed/direction instruction is inverted
before processing
F0: F0 Location
0 = F0 state is controlled by bit 4 of speed/direction
instruction (14 speed-step mode)
1 = F0 state is controlled by bit 4 of Function Group 1
(28 and 128 speed-step modes)
APS: Alternate Power Source Enable
0 = NMRA digital only
1 = Alternate power source enabled as set by CV 12
ACK: Advanced Acknowledgment Mode Enable (not used)
EAM: Extended Address Mode Enable
0 = Decoder responds to primary address in CV 1
1 = Decoder responds to extended address in
CVs 17 and 18
MD: Multifunction Decoder (always reads as 0)
0: Not used. Must be set to 0.
F0 (bit 1) should be cleared to 0 if you are using 14 speed-step mode. For 28
or 128 speed-step mode, bit 1 should be set to 1.
APS (bit 2) must be set to 1 in order to activate an alternate power mode
as programmed into CV 12 (Power Source Conversion). To activate analog
mode, CV 12 must be set to 1.
ACK (bit 3) will always read as 0 because the decoder does not support
advanced acknowledgment.
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