SoundTraxx Coach Lighting Decoder User Manual

SoundTraxx Accessory Decoder
User’s Guide For the Blackstone Models
Open Platform Passenger Coach and
Long Caboose Lighting Decoder
Software Release 1.00
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
SoundTraxx (Throttle Up!) shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance or use of this material.
This document contains information protected by copyright. No part of this document may be photocopied or reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Throttle Up! Corp.
Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
SoundTraxx, SoundTraxx DCC, and Hyperlight are trademarks of Throttle Up! Corp.
Table of Contents
All Aboard! ...........................................................................1
Overview ................................................................................................1
Operation .............................................................................2
Using Your SoundTraxx Lighting Decoder ............................................. 2
Basics of Programming ......................................................3
Programming the CVs ........................................................................... 3
Basic Programming ............................................................9
Step 1: Conguring the Address ............................................................9
Step 2: Conguring the Decoder ......................................................... 11
Step 3: Conguring the Lighting Outputs.............................................12
Step 4: Conguring for Consist Operation ........................................... 16
Step 5: Function Mapping....................................................................17
Step 6: Analog Mode ...........................................................................20
Troubleshooting ................................................................ 22
Appendix A - Decimal-Hex-Binary Conversion ...............23
Appendix B - List of Conguration Variables .................24
All Aboard!
Congratulations on the purchase of your SoundTraxx lighting decoder for Blackstone Models Long Caboose and Open Platform Coaches. This user’s guide will walk you through the various aspects of programming your decoder, as well as some tips for troubleshooting. For instructions on wiring and a wiring diagram please refer to the decoder’s packaging.
Technical Bulletins and Application Notes covering various topics are also published from time to time, and these may be downloaded free of charge from our website at
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Using Your SoundTraxx Lighting Decoder
Your SoundTraxx decoder has been shipped with all CVs pre-programmed so you can begin using it in your model right out of the box without any programming at all. Install your lighting decoder according to the installation instructions that were included with the product. The default function assignments are as follows:
Mobile Decoders
Function Key Effect
F0 Hyperlight Lighting Output F5 Interior Lights F6 Hyperlight Lighting Output F7 Dimmer
While these are the default settings, you may wish to make changes to the function mapping later. For now, simply set your model on the track, select address 3, and press F5 to light the interior. As you can see, no programming is necessary to enjoy your lighting decoder, but you will probably wish to change the address to the number of the individual coach or caboose. Alternatively you can assign a consist address that makes up the train ID for a string of passenger coaches. The following section will introduce you to CVs and how and why you may wish to change them.
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Basics of Programming
Programming the CVs
What is a CV?
CV stands for Conguration Variable, which is the industry-adopted term for a decoder’s user-programmable memory locations. CVs allow you to customize individual decoder properties such as the address, momentum, throttle response, and much more. Once a CV has been programmed, the setting will be permanently remembered even after the power has been turned off. A CV can be modied as often as necessary by simply reprogramming it with a new value.
With the large number of CVs available, rst inspection of the available options may cause confusion and little panic! Relax. As you have already seen the decoder has been shipped with all CVs pre-programmed so you can begin using your locomotive immediately without having to worry about what adjustments to make.
The following paragraphs break the decoder’s CVs into various subsystems so it is only necessary to change a few CV’s at a time. As you become comfortable with it’s operation, move onto a new section and begin exploring the options and capabilities found there. For more technically inclined users, detailed information on any CV can be found in the Coach and Caboose
Lighting Decoder Technical Reference.
Bits and Bytes
One of the most confusing aspects of programming a CV is guring out what all the different bits, bytes and x’s found in the various decoder manuals mean. The problem is compounded further by differences in each command station manufacturer’s user interface. For users unfamiliar with such terms, a short math lesson (ugh!) is in order before proceeding:
Each decoder CV stores a numeric value that can be represented in one of three forms:
Decimal - This is the form everyone is familiar with and we use in our day-to­day lives. Numbers are represented as a sequence of digits composed of the numerals 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9.
Hexadecimal - Also referred to as simply “hex”, this is a more specialized number representation that, in addition to 0 through 9, also uses the characters A-F. It has the advantage that a given decimal number can be more compactly represented. For example, the decimal number 127 converts to a simple 7F in hex (one less digit). This allows user interfaces with a limited number of digits (i.e., the LCD on your cab) to display a wider range of numbers.
Binary - Binary numbers get their name from the fact they use only two digits 0 and 1 called ‘bits’ and is the fundamental number system used by all computers including the ones found inside a digital decoder. Because there
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Basics of Programming
are only two bit values, it takes more digits to represent a number using binary. The decimal number 127, for example, is written as 01111111 in binary notation. A ‘byte’ is a binary number made up of eight bits. And a ‘nibble’ is half a byte or four bits. Really! We didn’t make that up.
Coincidentally, each CV is made up from one byte or eight bits and can store any number between 0 and 255. Most of the CVs contain a single piece of data that can be easily represented in any of the three forms, i.e., CV 3, the acceleration rate, can be loaded with any value from 0 to 255 and it always affects the same thing - the acceleration rate.
On the other hand, some CVs use individual bits to control different features. This allows up to eight individual features to be controlled by a single CV and is done to conserve the number of CVs. As the bit variables can take on only one of two values (0 and 1) they are usually used for simple variables that are either On or Off, enabled or disabled or something similar. Unfortunately, bit variables are difcult to represent in any form other than binary and still preserve any meaning. Because most DCC system user interfaces don’t use binary representation, these numbers are the most difcult to work with and require a tedious series of additions to convert to the decimal or hex form used by most systems.
We have tried to use the decimal number system in this manual when describing the proper values to program into a given CV; however, you will occasionally nd values listed in the Technical Reference in binary, hex and decimal values. Hex numbers can be distinguished from a decimal number by noting a 0x prex. Thus 0x10 is the hex version of sixteen and not ten as one might guess. Binary numbers are represented using a ‘b’ sufx. 100b is really the number four and not one hundred. To further assist the math­impaired, we have provided a handy-dandy conversion table in Appendix A that allows one to quickly convert between decimal, hex and binary.
When working with individual bits such as in CV 29, we suggest the following procedure for determining the correct value to program. Referring to the CV description, write down the value desired for each individual bit. Consider for example, the case of CV 29. We would like to set this CV so that speed tables are enabled and the 28 speed-step mode is in effect. Referring to the Technical Reference, we see that bit 4 and bit 1 should be set to 1 and all other bits are cleared to zero. Remembering that we are dealing with binary, write down the individual bit values and we get:
bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
We then look up the binary value 00010010b in Appendix A and see that it corresponds to the decimal value 18 (0x12 in hex). This is the value to use
when programming the CV.
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Basics of Programming
If you don’t have the conversion chart available, you can also calculate the value in the following manner. Reading from right to left, each bit has a decimal value associated with it, beginning with a 1 and doubling this value as you go from bit 0 to bit 7. This value is only counted when the bit is a ‘1’. Looking at the gure below, you can see that using this method, bit 1 has a value of 2 and bit 4 has a value of 16. Adding these two numbers together gives the correct decimal value of 18.
bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0
When bit is set to 1, value = 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Therefore: 0 + 0 + 0 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 18
Programming Methods
There are two methods for changing the decoder’s CVs:
Service Mode Programming - This programming mode usually requires the locomotive to be placed on a special programming track or connected to a dedicated programmer. Your decoder can support four types of service mode
Address Mode - Can change CV 1 (Primary Address) only. Register Mode - Can change CVs 1,2,3,4,7,8 and 29 only. Paged Mode - Uses a page register to indirectly modify any CV. Direct Mode - Can directly change any CV.
Operations Mode Programming - Sometimes called ‘Ops Mode’ or ‘Programming on the Main’, this programming mode allows the CVs to be changed while the locomotive is operating on the layout even when other locomotives are present. The neat thing about this mode is that the CVs can be changed in the middle of operation allowing the engineer for example, to increase the momentum rate of a locomotive after it couples to a train. The main disadvantage of operations mode programming is that the CV data cannot be read back to verify its value.
Programming and Reading CVs
Although your decoder will accept any changes you make on a programming track the decoder will not successfully read back a CV value because there is no motor load on to the decoder. Decoders generate a current pulse to the motor to create an acknowledgement. Without the motor load the command station has no way of receiving the acknowledgement from the decoder. Furthermore, the Super Capacitor interferes with the read back process.
To verify that the decoder has accepted the programming watch the interior lights for a ‘blip’ (a quick change in brightness). This is the lighting decoder’s way of showing an acknowledgement pulse. It is also important to understand that when you attempt to program on a programming track you must rst wait for the capacitor to fully discharge or else it cannot program
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Basics of Programming
the CVs in the decoder. Simply remove the model from the mainline and wait for the lights to turn off. This will indicate the SuperCap has discharged. (This usually takes between 35 and 120 seconds depending on the values you have in CV 55 and 56 as well as how many bulbs you have on the outputs.)
Programming Procedure
As each DCC system is different, the procedure for programming a CV will vary depending upon the system. Unfortunately, we cannot provide detailed instructions to cover every command station and have to assume that you have some level of understanding regarding it’s capabilities and operating procedures. For specic programming procedures, please consult your DCC system manual.
Locking and Unlocking CVs
The CV Lock/Unlock is a relatively new feature available in some DCC decoders which allows you to program a decoder without the danger of overwriting the programming in another. This especially useful in installations where multiple decoders are used. For example, if you have installed a function decoder in addition to the mobile decoder, you may wish to lock the CVs after programming to prevent accidentally programming one or the other.
CV 15 and 16 are used for locking and unlocking the decoder. To use the CV Lock feature implemented in CV 15 and 16, Bit 0 of CV 30 must rst be set to 1 (the default value is 0). This is to avoid inadvertently locking the decoder when the CV Lock feature is not needed.
CV 15 is the Unlock Code and may be programmed to any value between 0 and 255 regardless of whether the decoder is locked or unlocked. CV 16 is the Lock Code and may be set to any value between 0 and 7 but only when the decoder is unlocked. Attempts to program CV 16 with a value greater than 7 will be ignored.
The decoder is unlocked when the value in CV 15 matches the value in CV
16. Otherwise the decoder is locked and can not be programmed in either operations mode or service mode. Further, a locked decoder can not be reset to its factory defaults until it is rst unlocked. These decoders are shipped from the factory with all CVs unlocked, that is, CV 15 and 16 are both set
to 0.
Note that if the decoder is unlocked, changing the value in CV 16 will instantly lock the decoder. You must then set CV 15 to the same value as was just programmed into CV 16 to unlock the decoder again.
If you decide to use the CV Locking feature for a multi-decoder installation, each decoder installed inside that locomotive must rst have its Lock Code in CV 16 set prior to installation of any other decoders. Otherwise, all the decoders will have the same Lock Code and the feature will not work. The easiest way to go about this is to rst install one decoder and program its Lock Code. Then install the next decoder and program its Lock Code. Since
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