Items to Check
Actions to be Taken
Remote controldoes
not workproperly.
Is thepower turned on?
Is theaudio which isconnected with
the audiocable set toreceive
the DVDsignal output?
Is audiocable connected securely?
Is themonitor which isconnected
with theaudio cable turnedon?
Is theaudio output set
in thecorrect position?
Is theremote control facing
the remotesensor?
Is thedistance too far?
Is thereany obstacle inthe middle?
Is thebattery weak?
Check thecar battery capacity.
Select thecorrect input modefor the audioreceiver.
Connect theaudio cable intothe jacks securely.
Turn onthe monitor connectedwith the audiocable.
Set theAudio Output tothe correct position,
and thenturn on theDVD player againby pressing
the POWERbutton.
Point theremote control towardthe remote sensorof
the product.
Use theremote control within15 feet.
Remove theobstacle.
Replace withnew battery.
Buttons donot work.
No sound
When adisc is broughtfrom a coldenvironment to a warm one, there may be moisture
on thethe disc, orcondensation on thepickup lens. It will affect disc playback.
1. Removethe disc fromthe DVD player.
2. Turn on the powerand leave iton for an hour to vaporize the condensation.
Moisture or condensation on lens
Quality installationsare best
performed byqualified and
certified installers.
Don ttouch the unitif there is
a flashof lightning. You may
receive anelectric shock.
Do notcover or stopup heater
ducts orvents. It maycause a
fire orreceive an electricshock.
Watching the monitor foran
extended periodof time
without theengine running
may depletethe vehicle s
battery charge.
This productis designed for
operation witha 12 Volt DC,
negative groundvehicle. It
is notsuitable for operation
under otherconditions or
Operating Notes
Do notbring magnetic devices
such ascredit card ormagnetic
card nearthe magnets.
1. The operating temperature of this product is limited to 14 ~+140 F.
2. If your vehicle is extremely hot or cold you must allow time for your air
conditioner or heater to cool or heat the vehicle until operating temperatures
have returned to normal operating ranges.
3. Optimal picture quality is achieved when viewed from directly front of the
monitor (+/-30degrees).
4. Do not open the housing and attempt to make any repairs yourself. Refer
servicing to qualified personnel.
5. DVD Players use an invisible laser beam which can cause hazardous radiation
exposure. Be sure to operate the unit correctly as instructed.
6. Do not cut the car power supply off while a disc is playing. It can cause
damage to the DVD Player.
7. If the buttons get stuck, please try to press the up of buttons, it will get back.
It won't impact using normal.
8. If you cann't find the files name in list when playing, please reset units or
turn off/on over again.
9. If the unit cann't be change mode when playing some special files which the unit
didn't support, please reset units or turn off/on over again.