Sound Performance Lab EQ MAGIX User Manual

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EQ MAGIX Owner´s Manual by Hermann Gier
Manual version 2.1/94
Construction and circuit layout are subject to constant improve­ment and development.
Changes will be made without notice.
1994 SPL electronics GmbH All rights reserved
® 1993 Vitalizer is a registered trademark of SPL electronics GmbH
SPL electronics GmbH Sohlweg 55
D-41372 Niederkrüchten Germany
Tel. (0 21 63) 98 34-0 Fax (0 21 63) 98 34-20
Foreword 4 Introduction 4
The concept of sound processing in the EQ MAGIX 7
Installation 9 Inputs & outputs 9 Power supply 10 Rear panel 11 Connection examples 11
Control elements
Input Mic /Line 12
Line -30dB 12 Peak 13 Phase reverse 13 48V phantom power supply 13 Insert 14
Parametric Active 15
Frequency 15 Boost/Cut (+/-) 16 Bandwidth Q 17 Q Fine 17 Notch 17 Deleting an interference frequeny 19
Introduction into the Vitalizer 20 The control elements of the Vitalizer
Active 22 +10dB 22 Peak 22 Bass 23 Deep 24 Mid-Hi Tune 24 Process 25 Harmonics 26 Combine 26
Output Pan 27
PPM Meter 27 Fader 27 Mute 27
Specifications 28 Block diagram 29 Circuit layout 30 Main board & top board 32
EQ MAGIX legend 33
Warranty 34
Dear customer,
Thank you for the confidence you have shown towards SPL electronics GmbH by purchasing the SPL EQ MAGIX. The EQ MAGIX is a first-rate Equalizer with exemplary specifications, excellent workmanship and unri­valled sound quality.
Please study this owner´s manual carefully so that you can make the most of the wide range of possible applications offered by the EQ MAGIX and to ensure ease of operation.
We have tried to write this manual in such a way that it is easy to under­stand, with as clear a layout as the complexity of such a sophisticated product allows. The manual is divided into two columns throughout. The main column contains a detailed description whilst the margin contains headings and summarized information.
We wish you every success and unlimited enjoyment with your new EQ MAGIX.
The EQ MAGIX is a single-channel equalizer system consisting of a para­metric and a psychoacoustic equalizer. Both are combined with a superior microphone preamplifier and an active two-channel panorama output stage.
People in MIDI hybrid studios or production studios often need a single mixing desk channel with superior microphone preamplification and perfect sound control to record different song tracks, saxophone or guitar soli on R-Dat, hard disk or samplers. The EQ MAGIX is, so to speak, an »all-in-one« tool for applications of this nature.
The EQ MAGIX is ideally suited for both a demanding instrumentalist's or a singer's rack. Existing equipment can be looped into the signal path via I
NSERT. The unit's outputs are either connected directly with the recording
medium or with one to four (2x balanced and 2x unbalanced) mixing desk channels. From there, the signal is fed into the Insert Return after the EQ section (provided that appropriate Insert points are available), so as to bypass as much desk circuitry as possible. As you know, a signal is also influenced if all the switches are on »off« and all controls are in the centre position or on »0«. That is why it is advisable to feed the signal in after the desk equalizer.
The technology in the microphone preamplifier is used in the very latest generation of mixing desks made by Harrison and SSL. The P
section features a microphone preamplifier with 48V phantom power supply, P
and L
-30 dB
switch, P
jacks between
microphone preamplifier and
equalizer with a frequency range from 14 Hz to 58 kHz, constant-Q, Q-F
+/-15dB B
with R
equalizer of the EQ MAGIX is based on SVF design (state-variable-filter) and provides a operation frequency range between 14 Hz and 58 kHz. The integrated V
ITALIZER was developed by SPL and has achieved a significant
degree of popularity over the years. The filter concept works on the basis of psychoacoustic sound principles and is therefore ideal to achieve creative sound effects.
The combination of a flexible parametric EQ and V
ITALIZER means that
the EQ MAGIX is not only predestined to process the sounds of acoustic instruments but also to post-process samples or poor quality Sync audio tracks, ranging from the elimination of aliasing artefacts or other digital interferences to the addition of sub basses or comprehensive sound impro­vements via the V
The EQ MAGIX provides you with equalizer technology which is unri­valled in comparable units. You will find that this equalizer can not only be set quickly and accurately at the desired frequencies but, with the aid of loudness sound control, can also form sound patterns which cannot be achieved with conventional equalizers.
The section below contains a brief description of the EQ MAGIX's func­tion groups:
: Microphone and line level signals can be preamplified in the
NPUT section. Microphone signals can be preamplified up to 65 dB.
Activating the L
INE switch attenuates the preamplifiers stage by -30 dB.
There is a phantom power supply (48 V) for condensor microphones. The
HASE REVERSE switch is used to change the polarity of the microphone. The
EAK LED provides adequate warning of potential overdriving of the
output stages in the I
NPUT section.
: Additional sound processing equipment such as a compressor,
de-esser or reverb can be looped into the EQ MAGIX via the I
NSERT jacks.
The I
NPUT section can be used separately for one signal, whilst the equa-
lizer sections are available for a second signal. Use the I
output for the I
NPUT section and the INSERT RETURN as the input for the
second signal.
: The PARAMETRIC equalizer is to boost or cut different frequencies or to cut out specific interference noise signals. It is, in a manner of speaking, a corrective instrument in the EQ MAGIX chain of sound-processing tools. The P
ARAMETRIC works according to the constant-Q
principle. The frequency ranges between 14 Hz and 58 kHz. The control characteristics of the bandwidth (Q) control ranges from Q0.6 to Q3.6 and can be sensitized via the Q-F
INE switch to set more subtle Q values. The
boost or cut range is max. +/-15dB. The integrated N
OTCH filter can be
controlled in frequency, bandwidth and also in the filter slope (R
from gentle decreasing or increasing (G
ENTLE) to steeply decreasing or
increasing (S
TEEP). This significantly increases the tonal flexibility of the
OTCH Filter.
4. VITALIZER®®: The VITALIZER is an equalizer concept which makes use of scientific psychoacoustic technology to process audio signals. The unique combination of dynamic equalizers, amplitude-controlled phase correction and harmonic filtering in the V
ITALIZER opens up a whole new listening
dimension by adapting the sound pattern to the non-linearities of the human ear. The V
ITALIZER is thus the creative element amongst the EQ
MAGIX's sound processing tools.
The V
ITALIZER gives the mid frequencies accurate transparency with a
soft, unobtrusive sound. The treble and harmonics range is reworked with broadband shelving filters of 2nd and 4th order, which focus on achieving a smooth, silky sound pattern. High frequencies are livened up without them sounding hard or agressive.
The V
ITALIZER uses a newly developed filter network to process the low
frequency range. The bass is accentuated without any risk of emphasizing the lower mid frequencies unnaturally. You can choose between a dry, percussive bass (T
IGHT) or a punchy, soft and very deep sound character
The result is a pleasanter and livelier sound pattern with an unrivalled wealth of detail. You will be amazed by how transparent and powerful almost every audio signal sounds after it has been processed with the V
: The OUTPUT section enables you to create a two-channel output signal from a one-channel input signal. You can return the signal to two desk channels or feed it directly into a multi-track recording medium or effect unit. Balanced outputs available via XLR sockets and unbalanced outputs available via jacks can be used in parallel. A signal can therefore be recorded on two media simultaneously.
On the front panel, two bargraph meters each featuring 10 LEDs provide information about the output level of each channel. The indication of PPM values (peak values) provide more information than a VU display (average values). The M
UTE switch can be used to mute the output signal
altogether. The P
ANORAMA control allows
panning between the two output channels, compensating the loss in volume (- 3dB) which arises in conjunction with panning to one channel. The F
ADER switch alters the
characteristics of the P
ANORAMA control, making it an output level control.
The output level can be reduced for both channels to compensate diffe­rences in the levels of the processed and the dry signal.
TThhee VV
iinn tthhee EEQQ MMAAGGIIXX:: The new generation of psycho­acoustic equalizers for the first time in a 19“ mixer channel module, together with microphone preamplifier,
equalizer and
output stage.
output stage creates a double Mono output signal from the Mono input signal and enables active panning between the two channels.
Two LED meters indicate the PPM peak values. M
and F
switch options.
The concept of sound processing in the EQ MAGIX
The P
section serves to perfectly remove any interference frequency or to accentuate a frequency band as desired.
With its enormous range of frequencies from 14 Hz to 58 kHz, the EQ MAGIX provides a plat­form for experimentation as to the extent signal portions affect the tonal perception range beyond the spectrum of the human hearing.
The EQ MAGIX features a PARAMETRIC constant-Q equaliser combined
with the V
ITALIZER equaliser system.
This combination of filters is based on the assumption that after succes­sful microphoning, you only have one problem zone, if at all, that needs to be equalized. The V
ITALIZER provides all the necessary circuitry for creative
sound post-processing.
The EQ MAGIX provides a total of five processing ranges: the PARAME­TRIC section provides an extremely variable and efficient filter for selective intervention in a frequency band between 14Hz and 58kHz. The VITA­LIZER interferes in 4 frequency ranges, bass, mid and treble, along with the harmonical frequencies pertaining to even and odd overtones.
The P
ARAMETRIC section is designed to clean up one »problem zone« in
the frequency spectrum of the recorded instrument or voice perfectly, without prejudicing the sound and without being inhibited by technical limitations of standardized filter circuits.
The equalizer used in the EQ MAGIX is based on the state-variable filter type (SVF). Its function is phase-stable and neutral right down to 14 Hz in the infra-sonic range. The frequency range extends right up to breath­taking 58 kHz! This initially provides a platform for experimentation as to whether interspersing digital components affects into the tonal perception range (16 Hz to 20 kHz) or whether the removal thereof can remedy sound problems directly or indirectly.
We have visited sound engineers and producers in European and American audio and video studios and they pointed out to us that inter­spersing the sample rate frequencies (44.1 kHz and 48 kHz) into the audio path is a well-known phenomenon, whereby subharmonic elements can be transposed right down into the audible frequency spectrum. Furthermore, this can result in audible phase shifts and distortions. With the EQ MAGIX, you can now influence these frequencies actively. The sample rate frequencies are inscribed on the scale (44, 48).
All frequencies can be boosted or cut with 15dB throughout the entire
frequency range from 14 Hz to 58 kHz. The P
ARAMETRIC equalizer of the EQ
MAGIX is based on the constant-Q principle and provides an »inversible Q«, i.e. when filtering out a interfering frequency, inverting the boost value to a cut value results in precise inversion of the bandwidth (Q) values.
Notching is also possible with a variable R
OLL-OFF to select a STEEP or
GENTLE filter slope.
Extremely flexible bandwidth defintion allows Q values between 0.6 and 3.6.
The VITALIZER is the creative sound component in the EQ MAGIX. It works »intelligently«, provided the appropriate parameters are preselected. This means that it does not just raise or lower a certain frequency range but analyses the signal and reacts to it, influencing the frequency and phase response in a sophisticated fashion.
Independently of the potentiometer settings on the front panel, the
ITALIZER filter system can correlate the phase and amplitude relations of
adjacent frequency bands in such a way that the increasing amplitude of a frequency is given a growing phase drift which, however, can never endanger the signal's mono compatibility. The maximum phase drift is +/­20° which equals a time difference of around 1 ms to 2.5 ms. This time span is sufficient to trigger two hearing perceptions. Quiet frequencies which are normally masked by louder ones are effectively demasked and thus become audible.
The front panel also accommodates controls to define the bass sound
colour (S
OFT/TIGHT), the starting frequency of the MID-HI TUNE filter, the
ROCESS intensity and the addition of the harmonics.
The B
ASS control provides up to 20 dB gain, thus affecting the direction
of the phase drift by the bass sound colour selected. The fact that the phase drift is controlled by the amplitude means that even high bass amplifica­tion remains free from negative sound colouration in the lower mid range.
The mid-high frequency filter (M
ID-HI TUNE) works with shelving filters
which provide »linear« broadband amplification. This rules out any comb filter effects which create sound distortions similar to those produced by graphic equalizers.
The P
ROCESS control determines the addition of the bass sound selected
and the M
ID-HI TUNE filter to the dry signal. In addition, dominant mid
frequencies are lowered by phase shifts which means that as the P
value increases, they are adapted automatically to curves of equal loudness (Fletcher-Munson curves). The P
ROCESS is, in a manner of spea-
king, an »intelligent« loudness control which can be used to set the typical »bath-tub« curves on graphic EQ's by turning one potentiometer.
The H
ARMONICS circuitry provides a silky sounding, refreshed version of
the original signal. This proves particularly beneficial for voices and acoustic instruments. No distortions are added to the original as there is no Exciter involved. The filters merely amplify the harmonic tones contained in the original.
The EQ MAGIX is constructed like a mixing desk channel. Direct recor­dings can be made on to a recording medium (multi-track machine or hard disk) which means that one less mixer channel is required.
The V
is the creative sound
component in the EQ MAGIX.
The internal signal processing of the V
correlates the phase with the amplitude in such a way that masking effects in the original signal are compensated.
The bass sound colours: S
& T
filter provides shelving filtering with a broad bandwidth which therefore sounds very neutral.
The P
control adapts the output signal to the curves of equal loudness, thus realizing an intelligent loudness concept.
The H
filter stage accen-
tuates even and odd harmonics.
The concept of sound processing in the EQ MAGIX
The housing of the EQ MAGIX has the standard 19" EIA format and
occupies 1 height unit (1 U = 44 mm) in your rack.
When installing the unit in a 19" rack, the rear side of the unit needs
some support, especially in a Touring Case.
The EQ MAGIX should not be installed near units which produce strong magnetic fields or extreme heat. Do not install the EQ MAGIX directly above or below power amplifiers or digital processors. If possible, the EQ MAGIX should be placed in an »analog rack« where the majority of (or all) the equipment installed is analog. This eliminates problems which could result from interfering high-frequency signals such as clock frequencies, MIDI or SMPTE control signals.
Make sure that the correct mains voltage has been set on the mains
voltage selector located at the rear of the EQ MAGIX.
The EQ MAGIX is equipped with an electronically balanced, 3-pole XLR socket to connect a microphone or a line signal.
The outputs of the EQ MAGIX are designed balanced on XLR sockets as well as unbalanced on 1/4“ jacks. The outputs can be used parallel to each other. This means that four output signals can be produced from one input signal.
TThhee PPiinn aassssiiggnnmmeenntt ooff tthhee XXLLRR jjaacckkss iiss PPiinn 22 == hhoott ((++))..
In addition, the EQ MAGIX also has unbalanced I
NSERT jacks which inter-
rupt the signal flow between the microphone preamplifier and the
TRIC equalizer.
The I
NSERT SEND jack can also be used as an output of the microphone
preamplifier. The I
NSERT RETURN jack can then pick up an independent
signal which means that two signals can be processed in parallel to each other. One signal uses the microphone preamplifier and another signal is processed by the EQ MAGIX equalizer.
Fig. 1: The diagram shows how to unbalance balanced wiring correctly
Inputs & Outputs
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