Soundmax SM-CMD3009 User Manual [ru]

SM - CM D 3 0 0 9

M ULTI M EDI A D VD/ CD/ M P3 RECEI VER w it h bu ilt - in 3 .5 ” T FT displa y

I nst ruction m anual

′ DVD / CD/ M P3 - [ ] [

" 3 .5 ” TFT-

[ " "

D e a r custom er !


Thank you for purchasing our product. For safety, it is strongly recom mended to read this m anual carefully

before connecting, operating and/ or adjusting the product and keep the m anual for reference in the future.

Ta ble of cont ent s


Table of contents ...............................................................................................


Im portant safeguards .........................................................................................




Installation/ connection .......................................................................................


Unit controls ....................................................................................................


General operations............................................................................................


Radio operations...............................................................................................


Disc operations ................................................................................................


USB/ SD/ MMC operation .....................................................................................


Setup m enu .....................................................................................................


Handling and cleaning discs................................................................................


Troubleshooting guide .......................................................................................


Specification ....................................................................................................



I m por ta nt sa fe gua r ds

Read carefully through the m anual to fam iliarize yourselves with this unit .

Keep this m anual handy as a reference for operating procedures and precautions. Do not allow persons

who have not read through t his m anual to use this unit .

“CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT” . This product contains a la ser diode of higher class than 1. Laser beam s


from the optical pickup are dangerous to the eyes. To ensure continued safety, do not rem ove any

covers or at tem pt t o gain access to the inside of the product. Refer all servicing to qualified personnel.

Do not allow this unit to come into contact with liquids. Electrical shock could result . Also, dam age to


this unit, smoke, and overheating could result from contact with liquids or dust. Protect this unit from

m oisture.

Make sure that foreign objects do not get inside the unit; they m ay cause m alfunctions, or create safety hazards such as electrical shock or laser beam exposure.

The beginning of operation is the moment of the unit installation. Before use the device in winter it is

recom mended to heat up the passenger compartm ent during 20 seconds or to the operation tem perature.

Using the unit with the tem perature that goes beyond the operation tem perature greatly decreases the

operation resource of the screen and other com ponents of the unit and can result in an outage.

Disconnect the vehicle’s negative battery term inal while m ounting and connecting the unit .

The unit is designed for negative term inal of the battery, which is connected to the vehicle m etal. Please ensure it before installation.

When replacing the fuse, be sure to use one with an identical amperage rating. Using a fuse with a

higher amperage rat ing m ay cause serious dam age to t he unit.

Do not allow the speaker wires to be shorted together when the unit is switched on. Otherwise it m ay overload or burn out the power amplifier.

Make sure you disconnect the power supply and aerial if you will not be using the system for a long period or during a thunderstorm .

Make sure you disconnect the power supply if the system appears to be working incorrectly, is m aking an unusual sound, has a strange smell, has sm oke em itting from it or liquids have got inside it . Let a qualified technician check the system .

Always keep t he volume low enough so that you can hear sounds from outside t he vehicle.

Should this product fail to operate properly, contact your dealer or nearest service center.


Acce ssorie s




Front panel



Rem ot e controller



Front panel protective case



I SO cable



I nstallation parts:



Release keys



Screw 5

1 pc

Screw 7 25

1 pc

Flat washer



Spring washer



Metal strap






Consum er inform ation



Warranty card



I nstruction m anual




I n st a lla t ion / conn e ct ion

Choose the m ounting location where the unit will not interfere with the norm al driving function of the driver.

Before finally installing the unit, connect the wiring and make sure that the unit works properly.

Consult with your nearest dealer if installation requires the drilling of holes or ot her m odifications of the


I nstall the unit where it does not get in the driver's way and cannot injure the passenger if there is a

sudden stop, like an emergency st op.

I f installat ion angle exceeds 30° from horizontal, the unit m ay not perform properly.

Avoid installing the unit where it would be subject to high temperature, such as from direct sunlight, or from hot air, from the heater, or where it would be subject to dust, dirt or excessive vibrat ion.

Din Front / Rea r - M ount

This unit can be properly installed either from 'Front' (conventional DI N Front - mount) or 'Rear' (DI N Rear- m ount installation, utilizing threaded screw holes at the sides of the unit chassis) . For details, refer to the following illustrated installation m et hods.

D I N FRONTMOUNT ( M et hod A)

1. Car dashboard

2. Sleeve

3. Screw

4. Nut

5. Spring washer

6. Screw

7. Metal strap

8. Flat washer



I nstall the sleeve into the dashboard; ensure it is installed with the correct side and there are no


obstacles (wires, dashboard elem ents, etc) for the unit installat ion.

2. After installing the sleeve into the dashboard, bend tabs fitting to the size of


the dashboard to fix the sleeve in place.


Use the metal strap to fix the rear side of the unit. Determ ine a place for fixing


and install the strap as shown in the picture. You can bend the strap to the


needed angle wit h your hands.

4. Make the necessary wire connections. Ensure the connections are correct.


I nstall t he unit into t he sleeve until the side locks are fixed.

Dism a ntling t he unit

– Trim frame

– Frame uninstall direction– Release key insertion


Switch off t he unit and detach the front panel.


I nsert your fingers into the groove in the front side of the trim frame (apply


som e effort to detach the frame) . Pull the fram e to detach it.


I nsert the supplied release keys into the both sides of the unit body to click,


as shown in the picture. To extract the unit from the dashboard, pull the


release keys or the unit body to pull it out . Before detaching the unit, ensure


it is not fixed wit h the m etal strap.

Tr im fr a m e inst a llat ion

To install the trim frame, press it to the unit body and push it to fix it in place. This should be done before installing the front panel; otherwise you are not able to install the trim fram e. When the trim frame being installed, the side wit h the groove should face down and fixed first.


2 . D I N REARMOUN T ( M et hod B)

For t his m ethod, use the screw holes in t he lateral sides of t he unit. Fix t he unit with the help of t he factory radio mounting brackets.

1. Select a position in which the screw holes of t he brackets (3) are aligned

wit h t he screw holes in the unit body, and screw in two screws (2) in each side. 2. Screw.

3. Factory radio mounting brackets.

4. Vehicle dashboard.

5. Lock (rem ove this part).

N ot e: The outer trim fram e and mounting sleeve are not used for m ethod of installation.

I nst a lling t he front pa ne l

I nstall the fastening hole on the right side of the front panel on the right fastening of the unit . Then insert the left fastening on the panel into the fixing hole on the left part of the unit. Press on the upper right part of the panel until a click. Ensure that the panel is properly fixed, otherwise error symbols may be displayed and som e buttons m ay not function.

To detach the front panel, press OPEN button, then distract the left side of the panel from t he fastening of the unit .

Ant i- t heft syst em

The front panel of this unit can be stored in the included protective case when not in used and carried away when you leave the vehicle to deter t heft . Switch off the power of the unit . Detach the front panel, t hen put it t o t he protective case and take it with you.

Cau tions: The control panel can easily be dam aged by shocks. Aft er rem oving it, place it in a protective case and be careful not to drop it or subject it to strong shocks.

The rear connector that connects the m ain unit and the control panel is an extrem ely im portant part . Be careful not to dam age it by pressing on it wit h fingernails, pens, screwdrivers, etc.

N ot e: I f the control panel is dirty, wipe off the dirt with soft, dry cloth only. And use a cotton swab soaked in isopropyl alcohol to clean t he socket on the back of the control panel.


Soundmax SM-CMD3009 User Manual

Ele ctr ical Conne ct ion

Connect or A




4.Mem ory + 12V

5. Aut o antenna output

6. -

7. + 12 V (t o ignit ion key)

8. Ground

Connect or B

1.Rear right speaker (+ )

2.Rear right speaker ( - )

3.Front right speaker (+ )

4.Front right speaker ( - )

5.Front left speaker (+ )

6.Front left speaker ( - )

7.Rear left speaker (+ )

8.Rear left speaker ( - )


I SO Connect ion t a ble

Locat ion


Funct ion


Connect or A


Connect or B




Rear right ( + ) - Blue




Rear right ( - ) - Blue/ White




Front right (+ ) - Grey


Battery + 12V/ Yellow


Front right ( - ) - Grey/ White


Auto Antenna/ Orange


Front left (+ ) - Green




Front left ( - ) - Green/ White


I gnition/ Red


Rear left (+ ) - Brown


Ground/ Black


Rear left ( - ) - Brown/ White

N ot e: Power antenna wire is intended for power supply of the antenna and for remote control of an additional amplifier.

Pa rk ing w ir e conne ct ion

I f parking cable is connected to hand brake switch, the video display of the m onitor will be controlled by driving status, system setup and input video sources. When the car is m oving ahead, if the video disc is played, the screen shows “Warning! Please stop watch video player” , and blank screen. The warning screen will prevent t he driver from watching im ages.


Reverse driving cable connect ion

I f the rear view video cam era is connected, the unit automatically switches to camera picture during reverse driving. The unit ret urns t o t he original work m ode after the reverse driving is done.


Unit con t rols

Fr ont panel

1. POWER/ TFT OFF button

2. BND/ NP/ SUB button

3. PREVIOUS button

4. AF button

5. TA button

6. Display

7. OPEN button

8. USB port

9. AUDIO/ TYPE/ APS button

10. MOD/ MUT button

11. NEXT button

12. PTY/ PLAY/ PAUSE button

13. VOLUME regulator/ SELECT button

14. CLK button

15. I R sensor

16. AUX in jack


I nner pa nel

1. Disc loading slot

2. SD/ MMC m em ory card slot

3. RESET button (hole)

4. Panel status indicator

5. EJECT button

Pressing RESET hole will erase the clock set ting and stored stat ions.

Panel stat us indicator lights up when you flip down the panel and flashes when you rem ove the panel.


Rem ot e controller ( RC)

1. SETUP button

2. POWER button

3. ANGLE button

4. ZOOM button

5. STOP button

6. PROG button

7. STEREO button

8. Cursor (UP/ DOWN/ LEFT/ RI GHT) buttons

9. REPEAT button

10. AMS button

11. TI TLE button

12. OSD button

13. Number buttons

14. SLOW button

15. MODE button

16. SUB- T button

17. MEN/ PBC button

18. PLAY/ PAUSE button

19. LOCAL button

20. RANDOM button

21. ENTER button

22. SYSTEM button

23. BAND button

24. MUTE button

25. SEL button

26. AUDI O button

27. VOL+ / VOLbuttons

28. PREVI OUS/ NEXT buttons

29. GOTO button


Changing t he bat t ery



Press the catch and at the sam e t ime pull out the bat tery t ray (pic. 1) .



I nsert the 1 lit hium battery, type CR2025 (3V) battery wit h t he stam ped


(+ ) m ark facing upward. I nsert the battery tray int o the rem ote controller





Pic. 1

Pic. 2

W a r ning:


Store the battery where children cannot reach. I f a child accidentally swallows the battery,

consult a

doctor im m ediately.

Do not recharge, short, disassemble or heat the battery or dispose it in a fire.

Do not expose or bring into contact the battery with other m etallic m aterials. Doing t his may cause the

battery to give off heat, crack or start a fire.

When t hrowing away or saving the battery, wrap it in tape and insulat e; otherwise, the bat tery m ay give

off heat, crack or start a fire.

Please direct the Rem ote cont roller to t he I R sensor of t he front panel.


Ge ner a l ope r a tions

Reset t he unit

Operating the unit for the first time or after replacing the car battery, you must reset the unit . Press RESET button (hole) with a pointed object, such as a ballpoint pen, to set the unit to initial state.

N ot e: When some errors occur, you can also press RESET button to resume to normal, and it will erase some m emorized functions.

Turning t he unit on/ off

Press any button on the panel or the RC (except OPEN button) to turn on the unit. Press and hold POWER/ TFT OFF button on the panel or press POWER button on the RC to turn off the unit .

M ode se le ct ion

Repeatedly press MOD/ MUT button on the panel or MODE button on the RC to select a m ode: Radio = > Disc = > USB = > Mem ory card = > AUX. Or in the Main m enu touch the icon of the needed m ode. The Main m enu is available on the touch screen after you touch the blue arrow icon in the top right corner of the screen while in any m ode.

N ot e: The Disc, Card and USB m odes are only available when corresponding storages are connected to the unit .

Syst em set t ing m enu

To adjust parameters of the system you can use

the touchable

m enu consisting of 2




page is

available if you touch SETUP icon in Main menu, or if you touch SETTI NGS icon in Radio or Aux m ode. SOUND page is available if you touch SOUND icon in Radio or Aux m ode. Each page contains touch icons enabling you to perform the operations described below.


M ut e function

Press MUTE button on the RC or press and hold MOD/ MUT button on the panel to t urn off the sound. Or touch MUTE icon available in SOUND page or in Radio interface. “ MUTE ON” appears on the display. Press the button again or adjust volum e to resume the sound output .

Volum e control

Press VOL+ / VOLbuttons on the RC or rotate VOLUME regulator on the panel to decrease or increase sound volum e level. Or touch + and – icons referring to VOL item in SOUND page.

Se t ting t he sound char a ct er ist ics

Press repeatedly SELECT button on the panel or SEL button on the RC to select the audio setting: VOL (volum e) = > BAS (bass) = > TRE (treble) = > BAL (balance) = > FAD (fader). Press VOL+ / VOLbuttons on the RC or rot ate VOLUME regulator on t he panel to adjust t he selected it em . Balance is t o adj ust t he balance between the left and right speakers. Fader is to adjust the balance between the rear and front speakers. Or touch + and – icons referring t o corresponding parameter in SOUND page. After you have reached your desired effect, leave the unit idle in order for the new sett ing to take effect .

N ot e: I f the equalizer is set on, bass and treble are not adjustable.

EQ m odes

Press repeatedly SELECT button on the panel or SEL button on the RC until the display shows EQ OFF. Press VOL+ / VOLbuttons on the RC or rotate VOLUME regulator on the panel to choose an equalizer effect: POP = > ROCK = > CLASS = > FLAT = > EQ OFF. Or touch repeatedly EQ icon available in SOUND page. After you have reached your desired effect, leave the unit idle in order for t he new set ting t o t ake effect.


Press repeatedly SELECT button on the panel or SEL button on the RC until the display shows LOUD ON (LOUD OFF) . Press VOL+ / VOLbuttons on the RC or rotate VOLUME regulator on the panel to select between LOUD ON/ LOUD OFF. Or touch LOUD icon available in SOUND page. LOUD function is to em phasize the bass output; the word LOUD ON indicates t hat t he LOUD m ode is on.

Be st M usic Posit ion a nd D ouble Bass

I n SOUND page touch MBP icon to select left (L) or Right (R) channel for best m usic position. Touch DBAS icon to switch on or off double bass function.


Clock se t ting

Press CLK button on the panel to show the time on the display. Press and hold it, the hour will be in yellow. Rotate VOLUME regulator on the panel or press VOL+ / VOLbuttons on the RC to adjust the hour. Press SEL button on the RC or SELECT button on the panel, t he m inute will be in yellow. Rotate VOLUME regulator on the panel or press VOL+ / VOLbuttons on the RC to adjust m inutes. Press CLK button to confirm.

Or touch + and

– icons referring to HOUR

and MI N item in SOUND page to set hours and m inutes







Press repeatedly

SEL button on the RC until

the display shows BEEP ON (BEEP OFF). Press VOL+ / VOL-

buttons on the RC to select between BEEP ON (beep sound will be heard when buttons are pressed) and BEEP OFF. Or touch BEEP icon in SOUND page to switch beep on of off. After you have reached your desired effect, leave the unit idle in order for t he new sett ing to take effect.

But t on ba ck light color

Press repeatedly SELECT button on the panel or SEL button on the RC until the display shows COLOR1 (COLOR2) . Press VOL+ / VOLbuttons on the RC or rotate VOLUME regulator on the panel to select between COLOR1 (green button backlight) and COLOR2 (red button backlight) . After you have reached your desired effect, leave the unit idle in order for t he new sett ing to take effect.

I m age adj ust m ent

I n SETTI NGS page touch + and – icons referring to Brightness, Contrast, Color and Hue item to adjust corresponding parameter of the im age.

TFT on/ off

Press POWER/ TFT OFF button on the panel to switch the TFT display off. Press the butt on again to switch t he display on.

Subw oofer

Press repeatedly SELECT button on the panel or SEL button on the RC until the display shows SUB ON (SUB OFF). Press VOL+ / VOLbuttons on the RC or rotate VOLUME regulator on the panel to select between SUB


ON/ SUB OFF. Or press and hold BND/ NP/ SUB button on the panel to switch on or off the subwoofer output . Aft er you have reached your desired effect, leave the unit idle in order for t he new setting to take effect .

N ot e : An external am plifier is required to operate the subwoofer.

AUX in j ack

AUXin jack is intended for connecting external audio equipment to am plify the sound. I f connection is m ade correctly, the audio signal from the external source will be translated through the acoustics of the head unit . This enables to adjust the volume and quality of the sounding. For example, you can connect an MP3-player to listen to tracks using the car acoustic system .


Ra dio ope r at ions

Tou ch screen

I n Radio m ode touchable interface is available enabling you to perform various operations. The touch menu consists of two pages. Touch icon in t he right bottom part of the screen to switch between two pages.

Band select

Press repeatedly BND/ NP/ SUB button on the panel or BAND button on the RC or touch repeatedly BND icon on the screen to select your desired radio band in Radio mode: FM1, FM2, FM3, AM1 (MW1), AM2 (MW2). I n each set of t he bands you can store up to 6 preset stat ions, m aking total 30 preset m em ory stat ions.

Aut o/ M anua l tuning








Manual tuning: Press PREVI OUS/ NEXT buttons on the panel or on the RC or touch repeatedly ; and <

icons on the screen to m anually adjust the radio frequency.




Auto tuning: Press and hold PREVI OUS/ NEXT buttons on the panel or on the RC or touch 9 and : icon


on the screen, t he

radio will seek to



up or

down st rong


clear frequency station


autom atically. Repeat

this action to seek




stations. To


automatic search, press

NEXT or PREVI OUS button on the panel or on the RC or touch 9 and : icon on the screen.

Pr ogr am m ing tune r st a tions

There are six numbered preset buttons on the RC (1~ 6) and six number icons (P1~ P6) in the bottom of the screen, under which you can store and recall stations for each band. Select the needed frequency, then press and hold a preset button. The station will be saved in the mem ory under the corresponding num ber. To recall a stored station, press the corresponding preset button.

Aut om at ic st ore/ preset scan

Autom atic store: Press and hold AUDIO/ TYPE/ APS button on the panel or AMS button on the RC, or


touch and hold AMS icon on the screen. SCAN will be displayed. The radio will autom atically store the 6


strongest available stations to the 6 preset mem ories of the current band. To stop auto store, press this

button again.

Preset scan: Press AUDIO/ TYPE/ APS button on the panel or AMS button on the RC, or touch AMS icon on


the screen. I NTRO will be flashing. The receiver will scan the saved stations in all bands for 5 seconds.


M ono/ St ereo cont rol ( in FM radio m ode)

Press repeatedly SELECT button on the panel or SEL button on the RC until the display shows ST ON (ST OFF). Press VOL+ / VOLbuttons on the RC or rotate VOLUME regulator on the panel to select between ST



means stereo

reception of the


ST OFF m eans mono reception mode. Or press



on the RC or

touch MO/ ST

icon on

the screen to switch stereo reception on/ off.

I m provem ent of reception of distant stations can be done by selecting m ono m ode, which may cut down some reception noise.

Loca l r adio st a tion se a r ch

Press repeatedly SELECT button on the panel or SEL button on the RC until the display shows LOC ON (LOC OFF). Press VOL+ / VOLbuttons on the RC or rotate VOLUME regulator on the panel to select between LOC ON/ OFF. LOC ON m eans that only local stations are received; LOC OFF means that both local and distant stations with weak and strong signal are received. Or press LOCAL button on the RC or touch LOC/ DX icon on the screen to switch between local and distant station reception.

RD S function

RDS (Radio Data System ) service availability varies with areas. Please understand if RDS service is not available in you area, the following service is not available, either.

AF ( Alt erna t ive Frequencies) funct ion

Press AF button on the panel or touch AF icon on the screen to turn the AF function on or off. When the function is on, AF symbol will blink on t he display.

When the radio signal strength is poor, enabling the AF function will allow the unit to autom atically search another station with the same PI (Program I dentification) as the current station but with a stronger signal, so that you do not have to retune the stations when driving between different transm itter coverage areas.

PS (Program Service nam e): t he nam e of stat ion will be display instead of frequency. I f RDS service is not available in your area, turn off the AF m ode.

TA ( Tr a ffic Alar m ) function

Press TA button on the panel or touch TA icon on the screen to turn TA function on or off. When on, the TA sym bol will show on t he display.


I n TA m ode traffic program will be

autom atically searched,

unt il

the program

is received.

When t raffic

announcem ent is received the unit

will temporarily switch to


tuner m ode

(regardless of

the current

m ode) and begin broadcasting the announcem ent . After the traffic announcem ent is over, it will return to the previous m ode and volum e level. To interrupt t raffic announcem ent press TA button shortly; it will not switch off the TA m ode.

PTY ( Pr ogr am Type )

This radio will allow you to select the type of program required, and will search for a station broadcasting that type of program .

Press PTY/ PLAY/ PAUSE button on the panel or touch PTY icon on the screen to show the music type. Then press 1 - 6 number but tons to choose different m usic program s available.

Press twice PTY/ PLAY/ PAUSE button on the panel or touch PTY icon on the screen to show the speech type program . Then press 1 - 6 number buttons to choose different speech program s. Each number button will show 2 or 3 different speech program s for you t o choose (see t able below) .

Bu t t on

M usic t ype pr ogr a m s

Speech t ype progr am s


Pop, Rock

News, Affairs, I nfo


Easy, Light

Sport, Educate, Dram a



Cult ure, Science, Varied


Jazz, Country

Weather, Finance, Children


Nat ion, Oldies

Social, Religion, Phone I N



Travel, Leisure, Document

When PTY is selected, the radio starts to search corresponding PTY information, and stops if the corresponding PTY information is detected. I f no buttons are pressed within several seconds, previously selected PTY is searched. During 1 loop, if desired PTY is not found, the unit will return to previous m ode. Press PTY/ PLAY/ PAUSE button on the panel or touch PTY icon on the screen for the 3rd time to switch the PTY function off.

Ot her param et er set t ing

To choose the corresponding param eter, press and hold SELECT button on the panel or SEL button on the RC, then press it repeatedly until the display shows the needed parameter. Press VOL+ / VOLbuttons on the


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