Soundcraft 324LIVE BROCHURE

BEYOND 324 LIVE... e-mail:
Spirit by Soundcraft™
Harman International Industries Ltd., Cranborne House, Cranborne Road, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 3JN, England. Tel: +44 (0)1707 665000 Fax: +44 (0)1707 665461
Soundcraft USA
Air Park Business Center 12, 1449 Donelson Pike, Nashville, TN 37217, USA. Tel: 800-255-4363 Fax: (615) 360 0273
Part Nº A4: ZL0547 US: ZL0548 02/2000 E&OE
24 to 40 Input Live Mixing Consoles
12 to 40 Channel 4 Group Live Mixing Consoles
16 to 40 Channel 8-Buss Live Mixing Consoles
24 to 40 Channel Stage Monitor Consoles
16 & 24 Channel Powered Live Mixing Consoles
32 Channel Digital Mixing Console
A Range of Professional Nearfield Monitors
16 Mono Channels with onboard Lexicon Effects
8 Mono Channels with onboard Lexicon Effects
12 Mono & 4 Stereo Inputs
6 or 8 Mono & 4 Stereo Inputs
4 Mono & 2 Stereo Inputs
Compact 10 Input Mixing Console with 2 x 30W power amp
Spirit by Soundcraft Registered Community Trademark / RTM Nº 000557793.
Soundcraft Registered Community Trademark / RTM Nº 000557827
Spirit 324 Live is part of the extensive range of Spirit professional audio equipment. In the studio, on stage and front-of-house, Spirit designs are synonymous with versatility, innovation and sonic excellence.
Since Spirit’s inception in 1991 the Company has forged an unrivalled reputation designing and manufacturing high quality, low cost live mixing consoles. The award-winning Folio range has consistently set the standard for all compact mixers, while the Absolute range of nearfield studio monitors are now employed in some of the world’s top studios.
Launched in 1998, Spirit's multi-award-winning Digital 328 console revolutionised digital mixing with a unique, user friendly interface. Digital 324 Live shares and develops this proven technology, introducing new levels of compact, feature­packed performance to the live arena.
For details of the complete Spirit range contact your local dealer or visit our website where you’ll find comprehensive details of every product, including information on users, downloadable PDF brochures, technical support and user group information.
8 to 24 Channel 3-Buss Live Mixing Consoles
16 Mic/Line Inputs plus 16 T-DIF Digital Inputs
AES/EBU and S/PDIF Input and Outputs
4 Groups; 4 Matrices Left, Right and
Mono Busses Automation System
tailored to Live Sound Comprehensive MIDI
Event List capability 16 MIDI Controllers
on faders
324 Live is a compact digital mixer which addresses the unique requirements of the Live Sound reinforcement engineer. Equally comfortable touring with a small band, installed in a Theatre, or providing vocal reinforcement in a Place of Worship, 324 Live is equipped as standard to handle a wide variety of Sound Reinforcement tasks.
Based on the proven technology of the Digital 328 console, 324 Live boasts much of the standard featureset of its powerful Project Studio sibling. However, to reflect the unique requirements of Live Sound mixing, 324 incorporates a number of adaptations and new features designed to assist the Live Sound operator in creating the desired mix with the minimum of fuss.
The compact footprint of the console belies the power behind the front panel. With up to 32 inputs plus 2 stereos, 4 Auxiliary sends, 2 internal FX units with dedicated sends and returns, 4 Groups, 4 Matrices, Left/Right and Mono busses, 324 Live delivers exceptional flexibility in a small package.
Brochure conventions
To help you identify or locate controls and functions on the control surface and connector fields, the wording that appears adjacent to the relevant control or connector is shown in the text using small capitals.
For example, a Select control is shown as
Abbreviations, such as LED or MIDI, are shown using full capitals.
In Live Sound, speed of operation is everything. The unpredictable nature of Live Sound - variations in the performances on stage, the fluctuating audience size, problem microphones ­demands that any piece of Live Sound mixing equipment offers fast and intuitive control over its featureset.
At the heart of the operation of 324 Live is the E-Strip - a concept inherited from the 328. The E-Strip is essentially a conventional channel strip, turned through 90 degrees so that it sits horizontally in the console rather than vertically.
This allows the strip to perform two key functions: it offers a conventional complete channel strip for any selected channel, or a view of one function across a number of channels.
It is this flexibility that allows the audio parameters of 324 Live to be viewed and edited with minimal fuss. Checking for the cause of a hot send to an FX device, for example, is as simple as selecting the appropriate Aux to be viewed on the E-Strip, and identifying the channel with the excessive send level. Viewing the complete EQ for a microphone input can be achieved with a single press of the appropriate Select switch.
Why use Snapshot Automation Live?
During almost any performance, the nature of Live performers and Live performance spaces requires that the user make adjustments to the console settings to compensate for the changing situation.
In addition to this, the user is often required to make fast and accurate predetermined changes to EQ, Levels, Routing and Aux sends, which need to happen regardless of the variance in performance. This is where automation comes in. With just a small amount of preparation time, an operator can
program in a number of different console settings (“snapshots”), and then step between these with a single button press. This means that the user is now free to concentrate on the business of mixing the performance, rather than trying to remember which switch presses have to be made at the end of the next song.
However, there can be problems with Live automation - if the performance deviates radically from the planned material, then the settings programmed into some channels for upcoming scenes may well be highly inappropriate. At this point, the user needs a way of quickly removing just a FEW channels from the snapshot system, while keeping the bulk of the console under automated control.
This need gave rise to the
switch, present on all
Input channels. Pressing the
ISO switch
protects that channel from the Automation system, but still allows full manual access by the user.
In addition to manual MUTE control, 324 Live offers 4 Mute groups. Assigning input channels to a Mute Group will result in all those channels being Muted when the Mute Group Master is Muted. This is particularly helpful when rehearsing, as it allows Muting of similar channel types - e.g. Radio mics, Keyboards, or Drums ­with a single keypress.
As well as console audio parameters, 324 Live is capable of sending MIDI information when a cue is recalled. The user may define a number of MIDI events to occur with each cue (choosing from Note ON
, Note OFF, or
Program Change).
MIDI is extremely useful for triggering external sound FX (via Note ON
sent to a MIDI Sampler), or for setting up the desired FX Patches in external FX devices (via Program Changes sent to the remote device).
Of course, when the snapshot containing MIDI is recalled, the console audio parameters are also recalled from memory. This means that a Sound Effect triggered by a cue can be routed, processed via the two Lexicon FX, subgrouped and routed to a matrix in one cue, then be processed completely differently in the next.
The console will also respond to incoming MIDI Program Change data, which is mapped to Snapshot recall.
It is often necessary for a single operator of a Live console to leave the desk unattended in a venue at certain
points during setup, and
before the show. During that time, the temptation of so many controls can occasionally prove too much for audience members, and the carefully­prepared mix can be quickly undone.
To help prevent unauthorised use of the desk, 324 Live employs a Security function, enabled with the
LOCK key
adjacent to the
CUE LED display.
Various levels of lockout are offered, from
OFF (nothing locked), through
combinations of faders, automation, and switches, to
ALL (every function
locked out). A permanent lockout could be counter-
productive, so the console may be unlocked either with the appropriate keystroke, or by powering down, then repowering the console, so an operator can always regain complete control of any 324 Live should the need arise.
324 Live offers 4 Matrix outputs on dedicated balanced XLR connectors.
These additional outputs are most
commonly employed as sends to
individual speaker positions in a distributed system, allowing the operator to feed a specified amount of the Group 1-4, Left/Right and Mono buss signals into each Matrix output.
This can be particularly useful
when trying to improve vocal
intelligibility in a room, as the
operator can increase the balance of Vocals against Music in certain parts of the room without affecting the Main mix.
The benefits of Digital mixing consoles extend beyond simply the capability to accurately reset the parameters from scene to scene. The user interface of 324 Live incorporates features that would simply not be possible on an analogue equivalent.
Although 324 Live is a digital mixing console, and most console functions are therefore performed in a generic DSP “block”, the signal path can be shown in much the same way as that of an equivalent analogue console.
Although 324 Live has an exceptionally small footprint, it is still capable of handling some 32 mono inputs and 15 outputs. Control over these inputs is achieved via the 16 motorised faders, operating in 3 “BANKS
”, or pages.
It is fader paging that is often criticised when engineers consider using a digital console, as they feel that it takes too long to find a channel, and furthermore it is too risky to have only some of the channels visible, and the remainder “hidden” in a separate page.
However, the reality is that any channel on 324 Live is no more than a single button press away - the three
FADER BANK switches above the fader
panel give instant access to the three main fader pages. This is only a view function, and does not in any way affect the audio.
BANK A brings up the 16
Mic/Line Inputs Pressing
BANK B brings up the 16 T-DIF
Digital Inputs Pressing
MASTERS brings up all the Buss
Output faders - Groups, Matrices, Auxiliaries, FX sends and Main Outs.
Note that, even when a bank is changed, a channel SELected to the E-Strip remains on the E-Strip until another channel is selected or a
switch is pressed to reassign the E-Strip to other duties. This means that it is possible to flip to another
to view levels without losing a main microphone from the E-Strip.
One of the main problems with paged faders is that a “hidden” channel could overload briefly, and the operator would miss the peak as they were viewing a different Bank at the time.
To assist with this issue of “hidden” channels peaking, an additional ALT PK LED below the channel meters illuminates to denote that the channel in that slot on the hidden bank has peaked. This way, it is possible to monitor the peak LEDs of all 32 channels without paging at all, and access to the problem channel is never more than a button press away.
Although routing and switching of channels may be performed via
SELection of the channel to the E-Strip
and pressing the individual switches, 324 Live also allows switch information to be viewed “in reverse”. That is, instead of selecting a channel and looking at all the parameters for that one channel, the operator may
choose a switch and view the status of that switch across all channels. This feature is called “Query mode”, and is activated by pressing and holding the appropriate channel switch in the
SELECT panel.
As an example, to check which channels have been routed to
GRP1, the
operator would usually press the
SELect switch for each channel in turn
to verify whether
GRP1 was active or
not for that switch. However, with Quer y mode, pressing
and holding the
GRP1 switch will result
in the
SELect switches on each channel
showing the status of the
GRP1 switch
for that input. Settings may be edited simply by pressing the appropriate
SELect switch, which will toggle the
status ON/OFF.
Automation on a Live Sound mixer is very helpful, as long as the show goes as planned. Inevitably, however, things go wrong: a radio mic taped in the hairline moves an inch, requiring more gain and a new EQ; a musician adjusts
their output level on stage, meaning a trimmed fader position on that input.
At this point, although the changes can easily be made manually, as soon as the next snapshot is recalled the channels will be reset to their setting for that snapshot ­undoing all the careful adjustments.
To combat this, 324 Live uses a feature called
ISOlate to
protect individual channels from Automation system replay. When a snapshot is recalled it will replay the data as expected to all channels except those with ISO activated. Note that this feature only affects replay to the console - settings on
channels will be stored along with all other data when a snapshot is created.
Thanks to the Query function, ISOlating a series of inputs in an emergency is a very fast process. Dropping the first four microphones from automation, for example, involves just pressing and holding the ISOlate function, and pressing the
SELect switch on the
appropriate channels. Those microphones are now “safe”, and may be edited manually without the risk of the console overwriting the settings.
It can often be useful to copy data selectively from one channel to another. This is not only useful for fast setup, but also during a performance. In the event of a microphone line going down, it offers a very quick way of copying the entirety of a channel setup from one input to another if a mic has to be repatched to a different input, leaving only the analogue input trim and HPF settings to be manually matched.
Copying of channel data is a two-button process. Pressing and holding the SELect switch for the source channel will put the console into copy mode. At this point (still with the source SELect held), pressing any other channel
SELect will result in
the source channel data being copied across to the destination channels. Additional presses of other SELect switches will continue to copy that information to those channels.
In certain setup situations, a more specific type of copy may be required. Take an example where all channels
need to be routed to the
(for a
house system), but also to
for an additional stereo feed for Broadcast, and to
GRP3 for a Mono
backstage feed. Setting up a single channel with the appropriate routing takes just a couple of seconds, but multiple settings would take a while. Even Query mode doesn’t help much here, since there are multiple settings to be copied, and it is not possible to press and hold multiple switches.
This is where selective copy comes in.
This allows the operator to copy only certain parameters of the source channel to the destination channel. Setting the copy function to copy only
ROUTING, then performing a normal
copy SELecting all required destination channels will give the desired result with minimal fuss.
+ 5 hidden pages