Sony PSP Final Fantasy User Manual
Published by Square Enix, Inc.
999 N. Sepulveda Blvd., 3rd Floor
El Segundo, CA 90245
© 2008 , 2009 SQUAR E ENIX CO., LTD. All Ri ghts Reser ved. CHAR ACTER DESI GN: TETSU YA NOMURA
FINAL F ANTASY, SQUARE E NIX, and the SQ UARE ENIX log o are regist ered trade marks or trad emarks of
Squar e Enix Holding s Co., Ltd. DISSI DIA is a tradem ark of Square E nix Co., LTD.
The ra ting icon is a tr ademark of t he Entert ainment Sof tware As sociatio n.
ULUS 10437
For safe use of this product, carefully read the following section of this manual and the Precautions section of the instruction manual supplied with the PSP
(PlayStation®Portable) system before use. Retain both this
software manual and the instruction manual for future reference.
Use and handling of UMD
• This disc is PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) format software and is intended for use with the PSP® system only. If the disc is used with other devices, damage to the disc or to the device may result. • This disc is compatible for
use with the PSP
system marked with FOR SALE AND USE IN U.S. AND CANADA ONLY.Depending on the software, a Memory Stick Duo™ or Memory Stick PRO Duo™ (both sold separately) may be required. Refer to the software manual for full details.If paused images are displayed on the screen for an extended period of time, a faint image may be left permanently on the screen.Do not leave the disc in direct sunlight, near a heat source, in a car or other places subject to high heat and humidity.Do not touch the opening on the rear of the disc (recording surface of the disc; see drawing). Also, do not allow dust, sand, foreign objects or other types of dirt to get on the disc.Do not block the opening with paper or tape. Also, do not write on the disc.If the opening area does get dirty, wipe gently with a soft cloth. • To clean the disc, wipe the exterior surface gently with a soft cloth. • Do not use solvents such as benzine, commercially-available cleaners not intended for CDs, or anti-static spray intended for vinyl LPs as these may damage the disc. • Do not use cracked or deformed discs or discs that have been repaired
with adhesives as these may cause console damage or malfunction. • SCE will not
be held liable for damage resulting from the misuse of discs.
Ejecting the disc
Press the right side of the disc until it is in the position shown in the drawing and then remove it. If excess force is applied this may result in damage to the disc.
Storing the disc
Insert the bottom side of the disc and then press on the top side until it clicks into place. If the disc is not stored properly, this may result in damage to the disc. Store the disc in its case when not in use and keep in a place out of the reach of children. If the disc is left out this may result in warping or other damage to the disc.
Recording surface
A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures or blackouts when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds on a screen or when playing video games may trigger epileptic seizures or blackouts in these individuals. These conditions may trigger previously undetected epileptic symptoms or seizures in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. If you, or anyone in your family, has an epileptic condition or has had seizures of any kind, consult your physician before playing. IMMEDIATELY DISCONTINUE use and consult your physician before resuming gameplay if you or your child experience any of the following health problems or symptoms:
• dizziness disorientation
altered vision • seizures
eye or muscle twitches any involuntary movement or convulsion
loss of awareness
Use and handling of video games to reduce the likelihood of a seizure
• Use in a well-lit area and keep a safe distance from the screen.
Avoid prolonged use of the PSP
system. Take a 15-minute break during each hour of play.
Avoid playing when you are tired or need sleep.
Stop using the system immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms: lightheadedness, nausea, or a sensation similar to motion sickness; discomfort or pain in the eyes, ears, hands, arms, or any other part of the body. If the condition persists, consult a doctor.
Do not use while driving or walking. Do not use in airplanes or medical facilities where use is prohibited or restricted. Set the PSP
system’s wireless network feature to off when using the PSP® system on trains or in
other crowded locations. If used near persons with pacemakers, the signal from the PSP
system’s wireless
network feature could interfere with the proper operation of the pacemaker.
04 Story & Characters
10 Controls
12 Getting Started
16 Story Mode
22 Arcade Mode
24 Duel Colosseum
26 Quick Battle
28 Customization
34 Communications Mode
38 PP Catalog
38 Museum
40 Calendar
41 Hint s
POWER indicator
R button LCD screen L button
Directional buttons
MEMORY STICK DUO™ access indicator
WLAN access indicator
Analog stick Strap holder Left speaker HOME button
HOLD indicator
Right speaker START button SELECT button Sound button Display button
PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system configuration
Set up your PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system according to the instructions in the manual supplied with the system. Turn the system on. The power indicator lights up in green and the home menu is displayed. Press the OPEN latch to open the disc cover. INSERT the DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY
disc with the label facing away from the
system, slide until fully inserted and close the disc cover. From the PSP
system’s home menu, select the Game icon and then the UMD
icon. A thumbnail for the software is displayed. Select the thumbnail and press the
button of the PSP® system to start the software. Follow
the on-screen instructions and refer to this manual for information on using the software.
NOTICE: Do not eject a UMD
while it is playing.
Memory Stick Duo™
Warning! Keep Memory Stick Duo media out of reach of small children, as the media could be swallowed by accident.
To save game settings and progress, insert a Memory Stick Duo into the memory stick slot of your PSP
system. You can load saved game data from the same memory stick or any Memory Stick Duo containing previously saved games.
Right side view
Front view
Disc cover DC OUT connectors
IR port
OPEN latch
PSP® (PlayStation® Portable) system configuration
Cosmos, the goddess of harmony.
Chaos, the god of discord.
Reigning from distant realms, the two gods had
gathered warriors from all lands to lead them
in savage war.
Cosmos and Chaos were of equal strength.
It was believed the conflict would last forever.
But the balance was broken. Those who answered
Chaos's call created an inexhaustible force.
And under vicious attack without relent, the warriors
fighting for Cosmos started to fall, one by one.
The conflict that has continued for eons is now about to
end in Chaos's favor. The world has been torn asunder,
sinking into a vortex of disorder.
As for the few surviving warriors…their fates
have yet to be determined.
Warrior of Light
A legendary warrior blessed by the light. Bearing sword and shield, he is skilled in all aspects of combat. In the original game, he set out to rescue Princess Sarah of Cornelia and embarked on a journey to save a world shrouded in darkness.
A young warrior skilled in many types of weaponry. He is hot­blooded, with a strong sense of duty. In the original game, the Empire of Palamecia invaded his hometown of Fynn, killing his parents and severely wounding him. He later decided to join a resistance g roup with his friends.
4 5
Onion Knight
A pint-sized youth skilled in both sword and sorcery. In the orig inal game, a sudden earthquake opened a cavern in the ground. When the boy and his friends went to investigate, they fell into the Altar Cave and were eventually chosen as Warriors of the Light by the Wind Cr ystal.
A kind-hearted knight who wields the powers of both darkness and light. In the or iginal game, he was Lord Captain of Baron's airship force until circumstances led to his dismissal. He then embarked on a journey of self-discovery. He was eventually able to overcome his dark past and start down the path of a paladin.
A courageous young man with a strong sense of justice. He possesses the ability to mimic and combine the powers of Cosmos's warriors in battle. In the original game, he traveled the world with his chocobo friend, Boko, as willed by his late father. He ran into Princess Lenna at the scene of a meteorite crash, and they began a journey to seek out the failing Elemental Crystals.
A girl born with the power of espers who possesses potent magic. She can strike an enemy with long- and short-range magic attacks. In the original game, she was manipulated by the Gestahlian Empire for her magical powers. After telepathically communicating with an esper in the mining city of Narshe, the Empire’s control over her was broken, and she was stolen away by the thief, Locke. Afterwards, she joined a resistance g roup, standing up against the Empire to save the world.
A young swordsman w ith glowing eyes who wields a blade as large as he is. In the original game, his cooperation w ith the anti-Shinra group AVALANCHE marked the begin ning of his journey to defend the planet. His former idol, Sephiroth, became his nemesis after the legendary hero burned down his home village.
A 16 year-old thief with great energy and a sharp wit, though all is lost when it comes to women. In the original game, he was a member of Tantalus, a gang of thieves masquerading as a traveling theater group. After kidnapping the beguiling Princess Garnet, he was drawn into a conflict that concerned the very reason for his birth.
A taciturn youth who w ields a gunblade, a weapon which is part sword and part gun. In the original game, he was raised as a mercenary at Balamb Garden before training as a cadet in the special military force, SeeD. His destiny changed course when he met Rinoa, a member of the resistance.
A light-hearted, cheerful youth able to calm others even in the most trying of situations. In the original game, he was an ace blitzball player for the Zanarkand Abes. After an assault by the monster Sin, he found himself in a world called Spira and began traveling with a summoner named Yuna.
PSP® ( PlayStation®Portable) syste m
Menu controls are in green text. Story Mode controls are in
light blue text. Battle controls are in dark blue text.
n button
Switch menu items
Lock / Unlock target
Read letter / Show calendar
HP attack
b button
Switch menu items
Scan mode
b button + ℘ button
Activate EX Mode (when EX Gauge is full)
bbutton + ⊕ button
b button +  button
Bravery attack
Analog stick
Move character
HOME button
Quit game
Directional buttons
Select menu items
Move player piece
Control camera
START button
Pause menu
SELECT button
Switch between customization sets
Reset camera position
Jump / Recovery / Escape banish trap / Chase (when shown on-screen) / Dodge chase attack
Insert the DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY disc into the PSP system, then turn the power on. Press the START button during the demo movie to open the title menu.
Title Menu
Select this to start a new game. Follow the instructions on-screen to set up.
[Enter a Nickname]
Enter your player name, then confirm or press the
START button.
[Play Plan]
Decide how much time you are going to spend playing in a day. Your selection will influence the bonus EXP you earn. ( P.29)
Continue the game from where you left off.
Data Install allows you to partially install game data to a Memory Stick Duo or Memory Stick PRO Duo for faster load times. You will need at least 261MB of free space to install game data on your Memory Stick Duo or Memory Stick PRO Duo.
In order to be able to save your progress, you will need a Memory Stick Duo or Memory Stick PRO Duo with at least 384KB of free space. Make sure to insert the Memory Stick into your PSP before powering it on.
[Bonus Day]
Select a special day of the week when you can earn bonuses for playing. ( P.4 0)
As soon as this is confirmed, the tutorial will begin. You will fight four battles in a row, but you do not have to win to proceed.
Start Menu
Play through the tales of warriors chosen by Cosmos and Chaos. ( P. 16 )
Use pre-set characters to run a gauntlet of battles. ( P. 22 )
Battle an intense barrage of opponents chosen by drawn cards. ( P.24)
* This mode becomes available after advancing through the game.
Engage in customizable one-on-one battles against the computer. ( P.2 6)
Connect to other players to battle or exchange Friend Cards. ( P.3 4)
Exchange PP you have received for options and bonuses in the game. ( P. 3 8)
* This feature becomes available after advancing through the game.
Enjoy cutscenes, music samples, and other data you have collected. (P.3 8 )
* This feature becomes available after advancing through the game.
Change your player name, play plan, and Bonus Day settings. ( P.12)
Change control and environmental settings, or view battle tutorials. (P. 15 )
Mognet ( button)
Read letters from moogles. (P.4 0)
Calendar ( button)
Display the weekly calendar. You can also read the moogles' letters from here by pressing the button.
Customization ( button)
Customize your characters. (P.2 8)
Battle Tutorials
Battle Mode
Character Control
Camera Controls: Ver t ic al
Camera Controls: Horizontal
Camera Auto-Follow
Camera Sensitivity
Quickmove Indicator
Lo ck-on Cursor Display
Target Indicator
Lock-on at Battle Start
Battle Information
Movie at Battle Start
Battle Voice Subtitles
Skip All Cutscenes
BGM Volume
SFX Volume
Voice Volume
Play Plan Notification
Data Install
Save Battle Replays
Data Management
View battle tutori als.
Set the battle c ontrol scheme. Those u naccustomed to action games m ay wish to try playing command-style.
* This feature b ecomes available af ter advancing through t he game.
Toggle the functionality of the an alog stick and directional buttons.
Set camera vertical axis control.
Set camera hor izontal axis control.
Turn camera auto-follow on or off.
Set the speed of camera movement.
Display arrows indicati ng where Quickmove is po ssible.
Display a cursor that locks onto the o pponent.
Display arrows indicati ng the opponent's location.
Lock onto opponents when matches begi n.
Set what infor mation is displayed dur ing battle.
Set the lengt h of battle intro movies.
Turn battle voice subtit les on or off.
Turn cutscene subtitles on or off.
Turning this on will automatically skip all skippable cutscenes in Story Mode.
* This feature b ecomes available af ter advancing through t he game.
Turn background music on or off.
Turn sound effects on or off.
Turn character voices on or off.
Turn on or off the noti fications of play plan bonuses that display af ter battles.
Set whether or not to acc ess data installed to the Memory Stick in addition to data f rom the game disc to decrease load times. Install data by selecting DATA INSTALL from the title menu.
When set to ON, pres sing the button at the end of a battle allows the battle's replay data to be saved. Replays may be v iewed and edited in the Mu seum.
* This feature b ecomes available af ter advancing through t he game.
Save or delete game data.
+ 19 hidden pages