White Paper T290i/T290c
8 October 2004
sible via the WAP browser. The openness of the
downloadable games solution is dedicated to pro
vide an enhanced gaming experience.
The downloadable games can fully take advantage
of the phone’s interfaces, such as TCP/IP, SMS,
vibrator and backlights. The virtual machine exe
cutes the downloading of games for the optimal
game experience. The user can download an
unlimited number of games as long as the file sys
tem allows it, i.e. until the phone memory is full.
The downloading concept includes certification of
the games, which makes it possible to create a rev
enue chain and favorable business opportunities
for network operators and content providers. The
virtual machine uses true sandbox technology for
highest level of security. The software development
kits are available via www.mophun.com
With a digital camera attached to your phone, you
can take, view, store and send high-quality pictures
over the air to another mobile phone, as MMS mes
sages, or you can send them to an email address
or Web photo album. Downloading images from
the Web is another alternative. Thousands of online
image collections already exist on the Web and
many sites are already gearing up to include
images for use in mobile phones.
There are various ways to incorporate images and
other multimedia into your communication. You can
attach pictures to people listed in your phonebook
and have pictures or icons of the caller identifying
them in your display.
The pictures are stored in the picture browser in the
phone. From here, the user can select view, thumb
nail or full view, as well as keep track of the number
and size of the pictures stored in the phone.
Your T290i/T290c supports the WAP 1.2.1 browser
and protocol stack, as well as the WAP 2.0
browser. With WAP 1.2.1, your phone can read
WML pages and use WTLS class 3 security. The
added benefit of supporting the WAP 2.0 browser
is the capability to navigate to pages written in
XHTML Mobile Profile and XHTML Basic markup
languages. These two languages, subsets of the
Web standard XHTML, are supported by all major
Web browsers. An XHTML page can be viewed in
both the WAP browser and in any standard Web
browser. All of the basic XHTML features are sup
ported, including text, images, links, checkboxes,
radio buttons, text areas, headings, horizontal rules
and lists. In addition to WML, XHTML Mobile Pro
file, and XHTML Basic, your phone supports the
markup language iHTML.
With the WAP 2.0 browser, cascading style sheets
(CSS) and cookies are supported. CSS enhances
content presentation and style. Cookies are often
used by Web sites to store site-specific information
in the browser between visits to the site. Cookies
are often used by e-commerce sites (shopping
carts and wish lists), and to save the user from
entering the same information more than once.
Full graphic 4K display
The T290i/T290c delivers 4K colours on a large display that enhances viewing, facilitating high-quality
multimedia messaging, and personalized imaging.
The standby display looks like the desktop in a
computer, with the menus presented as icons.
There is an easy-to-use 4-directional navigation
key. Using finger or thumb, you can easily navigate
the menu system. When you arrive at the required
function in a menu, instead of pressing Yes, just
gently press the small button in the center of the
navigation key and the feature is activated.
GPRS uses Internet-style packet based technology. It allows users to be permanently connected
to the mobile Internet, but only uses the radio link
for the duration of time that it transfers data. GPRS
offers the user the speed needed for satisfactory
mobile Internet usability. Support is provided for
GPRS 3+1.
Figure 1. The T290 standby display.