Get a pair of Sony
Bluetooth Headphones
worth £60
Your favourite tracks
never sounded so good
With wireless streaming, a slick swivel design
and 8 hour battery life, these Sony Bluetooth
Headphone are waiting to take your listening
experience to the next level.
To get your hands on a pair, purchase the
Xperia XZ instore or online today. Then head
to sonymobile.com/argos and fill in a few
details to redeem your new headphones.
Let the epic playlist making begin…
The o er only appli es to Argos cus tomers who p urchase an Xp eria XZ in st ore or online b etween 9t h January 2 017 and
midni ght on 28th Ju ly 2017. Open to re sidents of t he UK aged 18 or ov er. Opening dat e for claims is 2 3rd Januar y 2017.
Closi ng date for rece ipt of claims is m idnight 13t h August 201 7. To claim, go o nline with yo ur IMEI numb er, mobile numb er
and reg ister. Custom ers who retur n the device f or change of mi nd are not elig ible. For ful l terms and cond itions visi t
www. sonymobi le.com/Argos. P romoter: So ny Mobile Com municatio ns AB (of 221 88 L und, Sweden). I cons and image s
are sim ulated and are f or illustra tive purpo ses only. Sony i s a trademark o r registere d trademark o f Sony Corpo ration.
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