Wireless Access Beyond Hotspots
Get One Month of Sprint* Mobile Broadband service
Sprint Mobile Broadband gives you the power to connect your notebook to more places, from
more places. You get instant access, true mobility and more productivity from your notebook.
Activate your Sprint Mobile Broadband one month free*service now!
Register for quick and easy access to Sprint Mobile Broadband service. Simply click
the Sprint icon on your desktop for quick activation and service plan information.
Now with Sprint and Sony, you have the power to get more done. Sprint Mobile
Broadband service gives you access to the nation’s largest mobile broadband network.**
That’s the power of Sprint Mobile Broadband.
Month Oiler: Expires Oecember 30,2007. Get 1 month FREE wtienyou sign up for the one or two year Sprint Mobile Broadband
unlimited Connection Card Plan. Alter one month, pay the regular monthly charge ol the folowin^ Orve^r subscriber agreement
tor domestic Conrsection Card, $7999 or two^ar subscnber agreement. $S999<rtet of al discounts) Acredit ei)ual to the amount of
the monthly service charge will be applied to your account Credit approval required. Service not available lor use in all areas. Taxes
and other charges apply. $200earty termination fee applies it not cancelled within the first month See wwwsony com/sprint for
complete otter details, prKe plans, service terms and conditions and coverage map **As ot August 07,2006 Sprint Mobile Broadband
Network reaches over 2S3 million people-coverage not available everywhere. See sprintcom for deuils. Actual download speeds m^
vary 02006 Sprint Nextel. Al rights reserved. Spnnt. the *Go<ng Forward* logo.d other tradenurts are trademarlrs ot Sprint Nextel
Sor^, VAK> and itieir logos are registered t lademartcs ol Sony Qectronaa Inc.