Sony VGN-TX670P-W, VGN-TX670P Marketing Specifications

VAIO® TX Series Notebook PC
Ultimate Mobile Companion
The sleek VAIO® TX Notebook is ultra-lightweight, ultra-portable, and impressively equipped. At 2.76 lbs with standard battery, less than 1” with a razor-thin LCD panel and durable, cutting-edge carbon-fiber casing, the VAIO TX Notebook is incredibly convenient for life on-the-road. And with 4 to 7.5 hours of standard battery life8, it has the stamina to power you through your most demanding applications.
The VAIO® TX Notebook is taking that access farther than ever before. With integrated wireless Wide Area Network (WAN)3technology, you can access the Cingular Wireless national EDGE network to extend your wireless coverage beyond LAN access networks and hotspots. The VAIO TX Notebook gives you the freedom to go farther, do more, and stay connected.
Sony’s original SmartWi™ technology seamlessly integrates wireless Wide Area Network (WAN)3, 802.11 b/g wireless LAN,4and Bluetooth®5technologies. Now you can quickly and easily toggle among your wireless connectivity options: wireless LAN for home, office, and hotspots; Bluetooth for peripherals; and wireless WAN for access to the Cingular Wireless national EDGE network when you’re traveling outside the reach of LAN access networks and hotspots.
The VAIO® TX Notebook allows you to create dynamic presentations, view movies with stunning clarity, and create and manage your multimedia files with ease. Use the included Click to DVD™ software and DVD+R Double Layer/DVD±RW drive6to easily create high-quality, customized DVDs. And managing music files and making your own audio CDs is easier than ever with the SonicStage® Mastering Studio music software. And if that's not enough, Sony's ingeniuous Instant Mode allows you to go straight to watching a movie, playing music or viewing photos at the touch of a button, without having to boot-up the operating system.
The sleek VAIO® TX Notebook is truly ultra-portable at 2.76 lbs with standard battery and 4 to 7.5 hours of standard battery life,8integrated 802.11 b/g wireless LAN4and DVD+R Double-Layer/DVD±RW drive6. And, with integrated wireless Wide Area Network (WAN)3technology, you can access the Cingular Wireless national EDGE network to extend your wireless coverage beyond LAN access networks and hotspots.
VAIO® TX Series Notebook PC
Intel® Centrino™ Mobile Technology Intel® Pentium® M Processor Ultra Low Voltage 753 (1.20GHz1, 2MB L2 Cache)
Front Side Bus Speed
Intel® 915GMS
Integrated Wireless WAN
Integrated Wireless Wide Area Network (WAN)3accessing
Cingular Wireless National EDGE Network with SmartWi™ technology
(Wireless WAN and Wireless LAN radio do not transmit
Integrated Wireless LAN
Intel® PRO/ Wireless 2200BG Network Connection
Integrated Bluetooth® Technology
11.1" WXGA display (1366x768) with XBRITE™ technology
Razor-Thin Panel
Hard Drive
60GB2(4200rpm) Ultra ATA
1GB PC2-3200 400MHz DDR2 (512MBx1/on-board) +
(Expandable to 1.5GB)
Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 900 128MB dynamically allocated shared RAM video memory
Graphics Interface
VGA out w/ Smart Display Sensor
Optical Drive
DVD+R Double Layer/DVD±RW drive DVD+R DL Write (2.4x MAX); DVD+R Write (4x MAX); DVD+RW Write (2.4x MAX) DVD-R Write (4x MAX); DVD-RW Write (2x MAX) CD-R Write (24x MAX); CD-RW Write (10x MAX) DVD-ROM Read (8x MAX); CD-ROM Read (24x MAX)
Integrated V.90 modem (RJ-11)
10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet (RJ-45)
Windows® sound system compatible Dolby® Headphone & Dolby® Virtual Speaker Built-in stereo speakers
Audio Interface
Microphone jack, Headphone jack
Media Slot
Supports optional Memory Stick®, Memory Stick PRO™
media with MagicGate™ functionality and Secure Digital Media
Other Interfaces
1 4pin i.LINK®7(IEEE 1394) interface, 2 USB 2.0, port
replicator connector
PC Card Slots
One PCMCIA - Type II/Type I card slot with CardBus
Pointing Device
Electro-Static touch pad
QWERTY, 82 keys with 1.7mm stroke and 17mm pitch
Action Buttons
DVD/CD (Instant On) Play/Pause/Stop, Volume/Mute
buttons, WLAN/BT on/off, Magnify
Optional Port Replicator
3 USB 2.0, RJ-45 Ethernet, VGA output, DC in, parallel port
Power Requirements
Lithium-ion standard capacity battery (VGP-BPS5)
Estimated Battery Life
4.0-7.5 hours
2.76 lbs. with standard battery
10.7”(W) X 0.83”-1.12”(H) X 7.7”(D)
Supplied Accessories
Cingular SIM Card Lithium-ion Battery (VGP-BPS5) AC Adapter (VGP-AC16V8) Power Cord
Optional Accessories
Additional standard battery (VGP-BPS5) Large Capacity Battery (VGP-BPL5) Additional AC adapter (VGP-AC16V8) Port Replicator (VGP-PRTX1) Bluetooth® Wireless mouse (VGP-BMS30) Privacy Filter (VGP-FL11) Leather Protection Case (VGP-CKTX2)
Operating System
Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional with SP2
Sony Original Software
SmartWi™ Connection Manager Click to DVD™ - DVD Creation DVgate Plus™ - Digital Video SonicStage® - Digital Music SonicStage® Mastering Studio software with MP3 encoder VAIO Media™ - Network File Sharing Image Converter - PSP Transfer
Supplied Software
Adobe® Photoshop® Album Starter Edition Intuit® Quicken® 2005 New User Edition InterVideo® WinDVD® InterVideo® Instant On Roxio® DigitalMedia SE Microsoft® Works 8.0 Microsoft® Office® 2003 60-Day Trial11Small Business
Anti-Virus and Recovery Software
Norton Internet Security™ 90-Day Subscription Intermute™ SpySubtract™ 30-Day Subscription Sony® VAIO® Update/ Recovery Wizard/ Support Central
Internet Services
AOL Online™ 180-day Trial - New Users Only
Service and Warranty
Limited Warranty
1 Year Limited Warranty
Telephone Support
1 yr. toll-free technical telephone assistance, available
Online and Email Support
Support available from
1. GH z de notes micro proc essor inter nal clo ck s peed ; oth er f acto rs ma y aff ect app lica tion pe rfor mance . CP U sp eed w ill be re duced u nder ce rtai n ope rati ng c ondit ions . 2. GB mea ns o ne b illio n by tes whe n re ferr ing t o har d dr ive cap acit y. Ac cess ible ca paci ty ma y va ry. A p orti on o f har d di sk spa ce i s re serve d as a re cover y pa rtit ion. 3. S ubscr ipti on w ith C ingu lar Wir eles s re quire d. Se e ww w.son ysty le.c om/ci ngul ar f or c omple te o ffer det ails , pr ice p lans , se rvice t erms an d con diti ons and c overa ge m ap. Cal l 1- 888- 739-V AIO (82 46) for s ervic e ac tiva tion. 4. Req uire s 802 .11b or 80 2.11g c ompat ible ac cess po int. Some f uncti onal ity may re quir e int erne t se rvice s wh ich may re quir e a fee . 5. Int erop erab ility a mong Blu etoo th d evice s va ries . 6. DV D Med ia/F orma ts ar e no t un ivers ally com pati ble. 7. i .LINK i s a t rade mark of S ony u sed onl y to de sign ate pro duct s co ntain ing an IE EE 13 94 c onne ctor. A ll p roduc ts w ith i.L INK con nect or m ay no t co mmun icate w ith e ach oth er.
8. Ac tual ba tter y lif e ma y va ry u pon u sage pa tter ns. Upp er b atter y ra nge tes ted usi ng d evic e for m usic pl aybac k. Ba tter y li fe wi ll b e sh orter w hen usi ng t he I nstan t mo de f eatur e. 9. Se e ac tual Li mite d Wa rrant y fo r det ails . Fo r a c opy of So ny's wa rrant y, p leas e vis it www .esu ppor t.son m, c all t oll- free 88 8-47 6-697 2 (8 88-4 SONYP C), or wr ite t o So ny E lectr onic s, 1 2451 Ga teway B oulev ard, F ort M yers , FL 339 13. 1 0. F or ce rtai n th ird p arty so ftwa re a pplic atio ns, Son y pr ovid es fir st l evel Ph one Sup port . Add itio nal tel epho ne s uppor t ma y be av aila ble fro m th e ap plica ble 3rd p arty ve ndor. A vaila bili ty a nd s chedu le f or a ny suc h su ppor t is de termi ned by th e app lica ble sof twar e ve ndor.
11. The Mi cros oft Off ice 200 3 60 -Day Tr ial sof twar e is in tende d fo r eva luat ion pur pose s onl y. Th is t rial so ftwar e is i nstal led on yo ur sy stem and y ou mu st a ctiv ate t he s oftw are b efor e yo u can u se i t. Pro duct act ivat ion pro cedu res w ill be de taile d du ring in itia l la unch of th e sof twar e; a ctiva tion re quir es I ntern et a cces s. Th is so ftwa re h as an exp riat ion dat e of 60 da ys f rom dat e of fi rst use , at wh ich tim e th e sof twar e wi ll op erat e un der r educ ed-f uncti onal ity mod e, l imiti ng e nd-u se opt ions an d op erat ions.
Co mpu ter Int erf ace : T he c omp ute r i ndu str y la cks s tan dar ds, and th ere for e, t her e a re a mu lt itu de of v ary in g s oft war e p ack age s a nd ad d-o n h ard wa re op tio ns. T his per son al c omp ute r i s n ot m anu fac tur ed to o per at e a ny sp eci fic s of twa re, a nd So ny d oes n ot a nd ca nno t m ake an y w arr ant y or r epr ese nta tio n wi th re spe ct t o t he pe rfo rma nce of t his pr odu ct w ith a ny pa rti cul ar s oft war e p ack age s an d/o r n on- Son y a dd -on ha rdw are opt ion s e xce pt t hos e m ent ion ed i n t his d ocu men t. S ony he reb y d isc la ims a ny re pre sen ta tio ns or w arr an ty th at th is p rod uct i s co mpa tib le w ith a ny co mbi na tio n o f p rod uct s y ou m ay ch oos e t o co nne ct. Whi le So ny r epr ese nta tiv es o r S ony a uth ori zed dea ler s ma y b e ab le to ass ist you a nd m ay ma ke re co mme nda tio ns, t hey are NOT au tho riz ed t o v ary o r w aiv e t hi s d isc lai mer . P urc has er s m ust d ete rmi ne fo r t hem sel ves the sui tab ili ty a nd co mpa tib ili ty o f t he ha rdw ar e a nd so ftw are in ea ch a nd ev ery p ar tic ula r i nst anc e. S oft war e t itl es pr e-i nst all ed o n t he So ny N ote boo k C omp ute r a re s ubj ect t o c han ge wi tho ut n oti ce. S imu lat ed g rap hic s how n o n d is pla y. Pr ein sta lle d so ftw are may n ot b e i den tic al to ret ail ver sio ns o r h ave a ll do cum ent ati on. Thi s p ro duc t m eet s t he st an dar ds of t he I nte rna tio nal En erg y S tar Pro gra m f or e ner gy ef fic ie ncy . F eat ure s a nd s pec ifi cat ion s ar e s ubj ect to ch an ge wi tho ut no ti ce. N on- met ric wei ght s a nd me asu rem ent s ar e a ppr oxi mat e. ©2 005 S on y E lec tro nic s I nc. A ll r igh ts re ser ve d. Re pro duc tio n i n wh ole or i n p ar t w ith out w rit ten per mis sio n is p roh ibi ted . So ny, i .LI NK, Me mor y S tic k, S oni cSt age , X BRI TE, Mem ory Sti ck P RO, M agi cGa te, Cl ick t o DV D, DVg ate P lus , VA IO Me dia , S mar tW i, li ke. no. oth er a nd VA IO ar e tr ade mar ks of Son y. I nte l a nd Pe nti um a re re gis ter ed tr ade mar ks, and C en tri no is a tra dem ark of In te l C orp ora tio n. Mi cr oso ft an d W ind ows are r eg ist ere d t rad ema rks of Mi cro so ft Co rpo rat ion . Ci ngu lar Wir ele ss i s a r egi ste red tra dem ark of Ci ng ula r W ire les s L LC 20 05. Al l o the r tr ade mar ks ar e tr ade mar ks of the ir r esp ect ive o wne rs. Pr int ed i n U .S. A. 09 /05 .
Sony Electronics Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669
Last Updated 2005-09-16