VGN-S480B CTO Series
VAIO® S Series Notebook PC
High-Powered Mobile Performance.
At 4.2lbs and 1.4” thin, the VAIO® S Series delivers superior performance within an incredibly
slim, lightweight design. Built-in wireless LAN keeps you easily connected.3And, the sleek,
modern styling and durable magnesium casing project a professional, sophisticated image when
you’re on the road.
The VAIO® S Notebook was designed to be highly mobile, while also providing a generous
workspace. The 13.3” widescreen display lets you view more of your content with less need for
scrolling. And, the spacious keyboard is comfortable and easy-to-use.
The VAIO® S Notebook delivers superior performance for demanding business applications.
Robust features include: 5400rpm Serial ATA hard drive (configurable up to 100GB2), DDR2
memory (configurable up to 2GB), 553MHz front-size bus, Intel® Pentium® M processor and
915 chipset, optional nVIDIA® GeForce™ Go 6200 graphics chip with Turbo Cache™
technology, integrated DVD±RW drive4or CD-RW/DVD-ROM combo drive, Memory Stick
PRO™ and Memory Stick Duo™ media slot5, built-in wireless LAN3and optional Bluetooth®
technology11. Choose from multiple configuration options to meet your growing business
demands and maintain your optimal productivity while you’re on the road.
With Sony’s original multimedia software, you have the power to easily create, customize and
distribute impactful presentations, videos and training materials. And, with superior performance,
integrated wireless LAN3, and the DVD±RW drive4or CD-RW/DVD-ROM combo drive
configuration options, the VAIO® S Notebook lets you easily manage your digital content from
the road.
Incredibly slim and lightweight with a generous workspace, built-in
wireless LAN3and a sleek, durable magnesium case, the VAIO® S
Notebook is designed to be highly mobile. Robust features, including a
5400rpm Serial ATA hard drive, DDR2 memory, 553MHz front-size bus
and Intel® 915 chipset, enable optimal productivity on the road.

VGN-S480B CTO Series
VAIO® S Series Notebook PC
Processor (Configurable)
Intel® Pentium® M Processor 770(2.13GHz1, 2MB L2 cache),
Intel® Pentium® M Processor 760(2GHz1, 2MB L2 cache),
Intel® Pentium® M Processor 750(1.86GHz1, 2MB L2 cache),
Intel® Pentium® M Processor 740(1.73GHz1, 2MB L2 cache),
Intel® Pentium® M Processor 730(1.60GHz1, 2MB L2 cache)
Intel® Celeron® Processor 360 (1.40GHz1, 1MB L2 cache)
Front Side Bus Speed
Chipset (Configurable)
Intel® 915PM or Intel® 915GM
LCD (Configurable)
13.3" WXGA display (1280x800) with XBRITE™ or 13.3" WXGA
display (1280x800)
Integrated Wireless LAN (Configurable)
Intel® PRO/Wireless 2915ABG Network Connection (802.11a/b/g)
or Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection
Hard Drive (Configurable)
100GB25400rpm Serial ATA, 80GB25400rpm Serial ATA, 60GB
5400rpm Serial ATA, 40GB25400rpm Serial ATA
Memory (Configurable)
2GB (1GBx2), 1GB (1GBx1), 1GB (512MBx2), 512MB (512MBx1),
512MB (256MBx2), 256MB(256MBx1)
PC-3200 400MHz DDR2 (Expandable up to 2GB)
Graphics (Configurable)
NVIDIA® GeForce™ Go 6200 with TurboCache™ supporting
128MB (with Intel® 915PM chipset) or Intel® Graphics Media
Accelerator 900 (with Intel® 915GM chipset)
(NVIDIA® TurboCache™ technology combines the size and
bandwidth of video memory and dynamically available system
memory for optimal system performance.)
Graphics Interface
VGA out w/ Smart Display Sensor
Optical Drive (Configurable)
DVD+R Double Layer/DVD±RW Drive
DVD+R DL Write (2.4x MAX)
DVD+R Write (4x MAX), DVD+RW Write (2.4x MAX)
DVD-R Write (4x MAX), DVD-RW Write (2x MAX)
CD-R Write (24x MAX); CD-RW Write (10x MAX)
DVD Read (8x MAX); CD Read (24x MAX)
CD-R Write (24x MAX); CD-RW Write (10x MAX)
DVD Read (8x MAX); CD Read (24x MAX)
Integrated V.90 Modem with RJ-11 interface
10Base-T/100Base-TX Fast Ethernet (RJ-45)
Windows® sound system compatible with Built-in stereo speakers
Audio Interface
Monaural mini microphone jack, Stereo mini Headphone jack
Memory Stick® Media Slot
Supports optional Memory Stick®, Memory Stick PRO™ media
PC Card Slots
One PCMCIA - Type II/Type I card slot with CardBus support
Other Interfaces
One 4pin i.LINK®6connector(IEEE 1394), 2 USB 2.0 ports, port
replicator connector
Optional Port Replicator
3 USB 2.0 ports, Monitor (VGA) port, Printer port, DC in, RJ-45
Ethernet, DVI-D
Optional Floppy Drive
External 1.44 MB, 3.5” USB floppy drive (VGP-UFD1)
Pointing Device
Electro-Static touch pad
QWERTY, 82 keys with 2mm stroke and 18.05mm pitch
Action Buttons
S1, S2 (programmable), Wireless LAN on/off
Power Requirements
Battery (Configurable)
Standard lithium-ion battery (VGP-BPS2) or Large capacity
lithium-ion battery (VGP-BPL2)
Estimated Battery Life
1.5-3.0 hours7(Standard Battery) or 2.25-4.5 hours7(Large
Capacity Battery)
Integrated Bluetooth® technology11or none
4.3 lbs. with standard battery (weight is approximate and may vary)
12.3”(W) x 1.18”-1.39”(H) x 8.85”(D)
Supplied Accessories
Lithium-ion battery
AC adapter (VGP-AC19V10)
Power cord
Optional Accessories
Additional Battery (VGP-BPS2)
Large Capacity Battery (VGP-BPL2)
Port Replicator (VGP-PRS2)
AC Adapter (VGP-AC19V10)
Visual Communication Camera (PCGA-UVC11A)
Slim Carrying Case (PCGA-CCB2)
Notebook Briefase (PCGA-CCV)
Notebook Backpack (PCGA-CCP3)
Neoprene notebook and AC adapter cases (VGP-AMC1)
Wireless optical mouse (PCGA-WMS5/S)
USB Mobile Mouse- Black (PCGA-UMS3/B)
USB Mobile Mouse- Silver (PCGA-UMS3/S)
Memory Card Adapter (VGP-MCA10)
External Floppy Disk Drive (VGP-UFD1)
Operating System
Microsoft® Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2
Other Software Applications
InterVideo® WinDVD®
Intuit Quicken® 2005 New User Edition (Previous Quicken users
may require upgrade.)
Microsoft® Works 8.0
Sonic Record Now!® 7 (with DVD±RW drive option only)
Anti-Virus and Recovery Software
Norton® Internet Security™ 90-Day Subscription
Intermute™ SpySubtract™ 30-Day Trial
VAIO® Update software
VAIO® Recovery Wizard software
VAIO® Control Center
Internet Services
America Online® 180-Day Trial - New Users Only
Optional Software
Sony® VAIO Zone™ with WinDVD®
Sony® Click to DVD™ - DVD Creation (only with DVD±RW drive
Sony® DVGate Plus™ - Digital Video
Sony® SonicStage® - Digital Music
Sony® PictureGear Studio™ - Digital Photo
Sony® VAIO Media™ - Network File SharingSony® Sony®
SonicStage® Mastering Studio
Adobe® Photoshop® Elements 3.0
Adobe® Premiere® Standard or Pro
Microsoft® Office® 2003 60-Day Trial (Small Business Edition)
Microsoft® Office 2003 (Basic, Small Business or Professional
Service and Warranty
Limited Warranty
1 Year Limited Warranty
Telephone Support
1 year toll-free technical telephone assistance, available 24-hours,
Online and Email Support
Support available from http://www.sony.com/pcsupport
1. GHz den otes mi crop roces sor int erna l clo ck s peed ; ot her f acto rs m ay
aff ect app lica tion per form ance . CPU s peed wil l be re duce d und er c erta in
ope rati ng c ondit ions .
2. GB m eans on e bi llion by tes whe n re ferri ng t o ha rd d rive cap acit y.
Acc essi ble cap acity ma y va ry. A p orti on of ha rd d isk spa ce is re serv ed
as a r ecov ery par titio n.
3. Requ ires co mpat ible wir eles s LA N acc ess poi nt, sol d se parat ely. In tern et
con -nec tion ma y req uire fe es.
4. DVD Med ia/F orma ts ar e no t un ivers ally co mpat ible.
5. Supp orts Me mory St ick P RO™ hig h-ca pacit y me dia. Do es n ot su ppor t
Mag icGa te™ fun ction alit y.
6. i.LI NK i s a tra demar k of So ny u sed o nly to des igna te t hat a pr oduc t
con tain s an IE EE 13 94 c onne ctor. A ll pr oduc ts w ith a n i. LINK co nnect or
may no t co mmun icate wi th e ach oth er.
7. Esti mate d ba ttery li fe. Act ual bat tery li fe ma y va ry o n usa ge.
8. Does no t su ppor t Mem ory Sti ck® med ia a nd Me mory St ick PRO ™ med ia
usi ng t he M agicG ate™ fu ncti on. Sup port s me mory car ds w ith cap aciti es
up to 1GB . Does no t su pport 5. 0V S mart Media m edia or the ID fu ncti on
of Sma rtMe dia med ia wi th I Ds. Do es no t su ppor t the SD M emory Ca rd
med ia c opyr ight prt ecti on f uncti on. Th is a dapte r ha s be en te sted wi th
onl y So ny® bra nded Mem ory Sti ck P RO™ med ia. Son y® b rande d
Mem ory Sti ck P RO™ m edia is re comm ended f or us e wi th t his a dapt er.
9. See act ual lim ited wa rrant y fo r de tails . Fo r a cop y of So ny’s war rant y,
ple ase vis itww w.son y.co m/pc suppo rt, cal l to ll-fr ee 8 88-4 76-6 972
(88 8-4S ONYP C), o r wr ite to Son y Ele ctro nics , 12 451 G atew ay B oulev ard,
For t My ers, FL 33 913.
10. For ce rtain t hird par ty s oftw are a ppli cati ons, Son y pr ovid es fi rst lev el
Pho ne S uppo rt. A ddit iona l tel epho ne s uppor t ma y be av ailab le f rom the
app lica ble 3rd pa rty v endo r. A vaila bili ty a nd s chedu le f or a ny su ch
sup port is de term ined by th e app lica ble sof tware ve ndor .
11. Int erope rabi lity am ong Blu etoot h de vice s var ies. P lease s ee we bsit e fo r
com pati bili ty de tail s.
Co mpu ter I nte rf ace : T he co mpu ter i ndu str y la cks s tan dar ds, a nd
th ere for e, th er e a re a mu lti tud e o f v ary in g s oft war e p ack age s a nd
ad d-o n h ard wa re op tio ns. T his p ers ona l c om put er is n ot ma nuf act ure d
to o per ate a ny s pec ifi c s oft war e, an d S on y d oes n ot an d c ann ot ma ke
an y w arr ant y or r epr ese nta tio n w ith r esp ec t t o t he pe rfo rma nce o f th is
pr odu ct wi th an y pa rti cul ar so ftw are p ack ag es an d/o r n on- Son y a dd- on
ha rdw are o pti on s e xce pt th ose m ent ion ed i n t his d ocu men t. So ny
he reb y d isc la ims a ny re pre sen tat ion s o r wa rra nty t hat t his p rod uct i s
co mpa tib le wi th a ny co mbi nat ion o f p rod uc ts yo u m ay ch oos e t o
co nne ct. W hil e So ny re pre sen tat ive s o r S on y a uth ori zed d eal ers m ay b e
ab le to a ssi st y ou an d m ay ma ke re com men dat io ns, t hey a re NO T
au tho riz ed to v ar y o r w aiv e t his d isc lai me r. Pu rch ase rs mu st de ter mi ne
fo r t hem sel ves th e s uit abi lit y an d c omp ati bil ity o f t he h ard war e a nd
so ftw are i n e ac h a nd ev ery p art icu lar i ns tan ce. S oft war e t itl es
pr e-i nst all ed o n t he So ny No teb ook C omp ut er ar e s ubj ect t o c han ge
wi tho ut no tic e. S imu lat ed gr aph ic sh own o n di spl ay. P rei nst all ed
so ftw are m ay no t be i den tic al to r eta il ve rs ion s o r h ave a ll
do cum ent ati on. Th is pr odu ct me et s t he st and ard s o f t he I nte rna tio nal
En erg y S tar P ro gra m f or en erg y e ffi cie nc y. Fe atu res a nd sp eci fic ati on s
ar e s ubj ect t o ch ang e w ith out n oti ce. N on -me tri c w eig hts a nd
me asu rem ent s ar e a ppr oxi mat e.
©2 005 S ony E lec tr oni cs In c. Al l r igh ts re se rve d. Re pro duc tio n i n w ho le
or i n p art w ith ou t w rit ten p erm iss ion i s pr ohi bit ed. S ony , i .LI NK,
So nic Sta ge, M em ory S tic k, XB RIT E, Me mor y St ick P RO, M agi cGa te,
DV gat e P lus , VA IO Me dia , P ict ure G ear S tu dio , L ike N o O the r a nd VA IO
ar e t rad ema rks of S ony . I nte l an d P ent ium a re re gis ter ed t rad ema rks ,
an d C ent rin o is a t rad ema rk of I nte l C orp or ati on. M icr oso ft an d
Wi ndo ws ar e r eg ist ere d t rad ema rks o f M ic ros oft C orp ora tio n. Al l o th er
tr ade mar ks ar e tr ade mar ks of t hei r r esp ec tiv e o wne rs.
Pr int ed in U .S. A. 0 6/0 5.
Please visit the Dealer Network for more
information at www.sony.com/dn
Sony Electronics, Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 • www.sony.com
Last Updated 2005-06-17