VAIO® S Series Notebook PC
High-Powered Mobile Performance.
The VAIO® S Series Notebook PC employs cutting-edge notebook technologies and a highly
mobile design. It offers integrated wireless LAN3, an exceptional 13.3” widescreen display with
XBRITE™ LCD technology, and a generous keyboard in a 4.3 lb. form factor. The VAIO® S
Notebook is the portrait of sleek, contemporary style.
The VAIO® S Notebook features a 13.3” widescreen display with Sony’s original XBRITE™ LCD
technology for higher brightness levels than standard displays. The result: deeper blacks,
brighter whites, true-to-life color and razor-sharp detail. Smart Display Sensor makes connecting
to a compatible external projector or display easy and worry-free. It automatically senses and
selects the appropriate input for your external device and adjusts optimized resolution.
The VAIO® S Notebook has a 5400rpm Serial ATA hard drive, advanced DDR2 memory,
533MHz Front Side Bus, Intel® Pentium M processor and 915 chipset work together to provide
impressive application performance and processor speed. The nVIDIA® GeForce™ Go 6200
graphics chip with Turbo Cache™ technology delivers turbo-charged graphics performance,
excptional DVD viewing and optimized use of the latest multimedia applications.
The VAIO® S Notebook allows you to create dynamic presentations, view movies with stunning
clarity and create and manage your multimedia files with ease.
The VAIO® S Notebook is highly-mobile with a slim, lightweight design,
integrated wireless LAN3, cutting-edge notebook technologies, and
durable magnesium casing. And, with the impressive 13.3" widescreen
display with XBRITE™ technology and a suite of Sony's original
multimedia software, you have the tools you need for work and
entertainment on-the-go.

VAIO® S Series Notebook PC
Intel® Pentium® M Processor 730
(1.60GHz1, 2MB L2 cache)
Front Side Bus Speed
Intel® 915GM
13.3" WXGA with XBRITE™ Technology (1280x800)
Integrated Wireless LAN
Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection
Hard Drive
60GB25400rpm Serial ATA
512MB PC-3200 400MHz DDR2 (512MB x 1)
(Expandable to 2GB)
Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 900
128MB Dynamically Shared Video Memory
Graphics Interface
VGA out w/ Smart Display Sensor
Optical Drive
CD-R Write (24x MAX), CD-RW Write (24x MAX)
DVD Read (8x MAX); CD Read (24x MAX)
Integrated V.92/V.90 Modem with RJ-11 interface
10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet with RJ-45 interface
Windows® sound system compatible, Built-in stereo
Audio Interface
Stereo mini microphone jack, Stereo mini headphone jack
Memory Stick® Media Slot
Supports optional Memory Stick, Memory Stick PRO™
PC Card Slots
One PCMCIA - Type II/Type I card slot with CardBus
Other Interfaces
One 4pin i.LINK®6connector(IEEE 1394), 2 USB 2.0 ports,
port replicator connector
Optional Port Replicator
3 USB 2.0, Ethernet, VGA, DVI-D, printer, DC in
Optional Floppy Drive
External 1.44 MB, 3.5” USB floppy drive (VGP-UFD1)
Pointing Device
Electro-Static touch pad
QWERTY, 82 keys with 2mm stroke and 18.05mm pitch
Action Buttons
S1, S2 (programmable), WLAN on/off
Power Requirements
Lithium-ion Battery (VGP-BPS2)
Estimated Battery Life
Standard Battery: 1.5 - 3.0 hours
4.3 lbs. with standard battery (weight is approximate and
may vary)
12.3”(W) x 1.18”-1.39”(H) x 8.85”(D)
Supplied Accessories
Standard Lithium-ion battery (VGP-BPS2)
AC adapter (VGP-AC19V10)
Power cord
Optional Accessories
Additional Battery (VGP-BPS2)
Large Capacity Battery (VGP-BPL2)
Port Replicator (VGP-PRS2)
AC Adapter (VGP-AC19V10)
Visual Communication Camera (PCGA-UVC11A)
Slim Carrying Case (PCGA-CCB2)
Notebook Briefase (PCGA-CCV)
Notebook Backpack (PCGA-CCP3)
Neoprene notebook and AC adapter cases (VGP-AMC1)
USB Optical Mouse (VGP-UMS50)
Wireless optical mouse (PCGA-WMS5/S)
USB Mobile Mouse- Black (PCGA-UMS3/B)
USB Mobile Mouse- Silver (PCGA-UMS3/S)
Memory Card Adapter8(VGP-MCA10)
512MB memory expansion module (VGP-MM512L)
60GB2External Hard Drive (PCGA-HDM06)
External Floppy Disk Drive (VGP-UFD1)
External DVD±RW drive4(PCGA-DDRW3)
Operating System
Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional with Service Pack
Sony Original Software
VAIO Zone™ with WinDVD™
DVGate Plus™ - Digital Video
SonicStage® - Digital Music
PictureGear Studio™ - Digital Photo
VAIO Media™ - Network File Sharing
Image Converter - PSP Transfer
Other Software Applications
InterVideo® WinDVD®
Intuit Quicken® 2005 New User Edition (Previous Quicken
users may require upgrade.)
Microsoft® Works 8.0 - Word Processing, Spreadsheet,
Calendar, Scheduling, Contact Management, and
Microsoft® Office 2003 60-Day Trial Small Business
Anti-Virus and Recovery Software
Norton® Internet Security™ 90-Day Subscription - Norton
AntiVirus®, Norton Personal Firewall, Norton Privacy
Control, Norton AntiSpam®, Norton Parental Control
Intermute™ SpySubtract™ 30-Day Trial
VAIO® Update software
VAIO® Recovery Wizard software
VAIO® Control Center
Internet Services
AOL Online™ 90-Day Trial - New Users Only
Service and Warranty
Limited Warranty
1 Year Limited Warranty
Telephone Support
1 year toll-free technical telephone assistance, available
24-hours, 7-days-a-week10.
Online and Email Support
Support available from http://www.esuuport.sony.com
1. GHz den otes mic ropr ocess or i nter nal c lock spe ed; othe r fac tors may
aff ect appl icat ion p erfo rman ce. C PU s peed wil l be redu ced unde r ce rtain
ope rati ng c ondit ions .
2. GB mean s on e bi llion byt es w hen refe rring to hard dri ve c apac ity.
Acc essi ble capa city may vary . A port ion of h ard d isk spac e is res erved
as a re cove ry p artit ion.
3. Req uire s co mpati ble wire less LAN acc ess p oint , so ld se para tely . Int erne t
con -nec tion may req uire fees .
4. DVD Med ia/F orma ts ar e no t un ivers ally com pati ble.
5. Sup port s Me mory Stic k PR O™ h igh-c apac ity medi a. Do es n ot s uppor t
Mag icGa te™ func tiona lity .
6. i.L INK is a tra dema rk of Son y us ed o nly t o de sign ate t hat a pr oduc t
con tain s an IEE E 139 4 co nnec tor. All prod ucts wit h an i.L INK c onne ctor
may not com muni cate wit h eac h ot her.
7. Est imat ed b atter y li fe. Actu al ba tter y li fe ma y va ry o n usa ge.
8. Doe s no t su pport Mem ory Stic k® m edia and Memo ry S tick PRO ™ med ia
usi ng t he M agicG ate™ fun ctio n. Suppo rts memo ry c ards with cap acit ies
up to 1 GB. Doe s no t sup port 5.0 V Sm artMe dia medi a or the ID func tion
of Smar tMed ia m edia with IDs . D oes not supp ort the SD M emory Car d
med ia c opyr ight prte ctio n fu nctio n. This ada pter has bee n tes ted with
onl y So ny® bran ded M emor y St ick P RO™ medi a. Sony ® bra nded
Mem ory Stic k PR O™ me dia is r ecom mende d fo r us e wit h th is a dapte r.
9. See act ual limi ted warr anty for deta ils. For a c opy of S ony’s war rant y,
ple ase visi twww .sony .com /pcs uppor t, c all toll -free 888 -476 -697 2
(88 8-4S ONYP C), o r wr ite to S ony E lect roni cs, 1 2451 Gat eway Bou levar d,
For t My ers, FL 3391 3.
10. For cert ain t hird par ty s oftwa re a ppli catio ns, Sony pro vide s fir st l evel
Pho ne S uppo rt. A ddit iona l tel epho ne s uppor t ma y be ava ilabl e fr om t he
app lica ble 3rd part y ven dor. Ava ilab ility and sch edul e fo r any suc h
sup port is dete rmin ed by the app lica ble soft ware vend or.
Co mpu ter I nte rfa ce: Th e c om put er ind ust ry la cks st and ard s, an d
th ere for e, th ere ar e a m ult itu de of va ryi ng sof twa re pa cka ges an d
ad d-o n h ard wa re opt ion s. Th is per son al co mpu ter is no t man ufa ctu red
to op era te an y s pec ifi c s of twa re, an d S ony d oes no t a nd ca nno t m ake
an y w arr ant y or rep res ent at ion wi th res pe ct to the p erf orm anc e o f t his
pr odu ct wi th any pa rt icu lar so ftw are p ack age s a nd/ or no n-S ony ad d-o n
ha rdw are o pti ons ex cep t t ho se men tio ned i n t his do cum ent . Son y
he reb y d isc la ims an y r epr ese nta ti ons or wa rra nt y t hat th is pr odu ct is
co mpa tib le wi th any c omb ina tio n o f p rod uct s y ou ma y c hoo se to
co nne ct. W hil e S ony re pre se nta tiv es or So ny aut hor ize d d eal er s m ay be
ab le to as sis t y ou an d m ay mak e r eco mme nd ati ons , t hey ar e NOT
au tho riz ed to va ry or wa ive th is di scl aim er. Pu rc has ers mu st de ter min e
fo r t hem sel ves t he sui tab il ity an d c omp ati bil it y o f t he har dwa re an d
so ftw are i n e ach an d e ver y par tic ula r i nst anc e. So ftw are t itl es
pr e-i nst all ed on th e S ony N ote boo k C omp ute r a re su bje ct to ch ang e
wi tho ut no tic e. Sim ula ted g rap hic sh own o n d isp lay . P rei nst al led
so ftw are m ay not be i den tic al to re tai l v ers ion s o r h av e a ll
do cum ent ati on. T his pr odu ct me ets th e s ta nda rds of th e Int ern ati ona l
En erg y S tar P rog ram fo r e ne rgy ef fic ien cy. F eat ure s a nd sp eci fic ati ons
ar e s ubj ect t o c han ge wit ho ut not ice . N on- met ri c w eig hts an d
me asu rem ent s are ap pro xim at e.
©2 005 So ny El ect ron ics I nc. Al l r igh ts re ser ved . R epr odu cti on in wh ole
or in p art wi tho ut wr itt en per mis si on is pro hib it ed. So ny, i. LI NK,
So nic Sta ge, M emo ry Sti ck, X BRI TE, Me mor y Sti ck PRO , M ag icG ate ,
DV gat e P lus , VAI O M edi a, Pi ctu re Gea r S tud io, L ike No O the r a nd VAI O
ar e t rad ema rks o f S ony . I nte l a nd Pe nti um are r egi ste red t rad ema rks ,
an d C ent rin o is a t rad ema rk of In tel C orp ora tio n. Mic ro sof t a nd
Wi ndo ws ar e r egi ste red tr ad ema rks of Mi cr oso ft Cor por ati on. A ll oth er
tr ade mar ks ar e t rad ema rks o f t hei r r esp ect ive o wne rs.
Pr int ed in U. S.A . 0 4/0 5.
Please visit the Dealer Network for more
information at www.sony.com/dn
Sony Electronics, Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 • www.sony.com
Last Updated 2005-05-10