Sony VCL-2030S User Manual

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Tele-Conversion Lens
Operating lnstructions Mode d’emploi Bedienungsanleitung Manual de instrucciones Gebruiksaanwijzing Bruksanvisning Istruzioni per I’uso
VCL-2030 S
©1998 by Sony Corporation Printed in Japan
Manual de instruções Po Rv
Before using this lens, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Notes on use
• Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock to the video camera recorder, especially when the lens is attached.
• When using the tele-conversion lens at a wide­angle position, the corners of the screen may darken. In this case, change the zooming magnification to a better position.
• The image may sometimes appear out of focus on some video camera recorders with auto focus function. Adjust the focus manually in such cases.
• Avoid keeping the lens in a very humid place for a long period of time to prevent mold.
• Take the tele-conversion lens off when transporting.
Attaching the tele-conversion lens
The Sony VCL-2030 S tele-conversion lens is designed for use with the Sony video camera recorder whose filter is 30 mm in diameter.
1 Remove the caps at the front and back of the
tele-conversion lens.
2 Attach the tele-conversion lens firmly to the lens
of the video camera recorder. (see illustration 1)
Use the supplied accessory flare-prevention hood when sunlight reflections might occur while shooting outdoors. (see illustration 2)
Cleaning the tele-conversion lens
Brush off dust on the surface of the lens with a blower brush or soft brush. Wipe off fingerprints or other smears with a soft cloth slightly moistened with a mild detergent solution.
Lens power 2.0 Lens structure 3 groups, 3 elements Screw thread for video camera recorder
M30.0 × 0.75
Dimensions Maximum diameter: ø50 mm
(2 in.) Length: 30.6 mm (1 1/4 in.)
Mass (excluding the caps)
Approx 85 g (3 oz.)
Supplied accessories
Lens caps (2) (for the front and back of the lens) Carrying case (1) Operating instructions (1) Flare-prevention hood (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products, Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES” mark.
Avant d’utiliser ce convertisseur, veuillez lire attentivement ce manuel et le conserver pour toute référence future.
Remarques sur l’emploi
• Evitez de soumettre le camescope à des chocs et manipulez-le avec précaution, surtout lorsque le convertisseur est sur l’objectif.
• Lorsque vous utilisez le téléconvertisseur à la position grand angle, les angles de l’écran risquent d’être sombres. Si le cas se présente, changez le taux de grossissement du zoom.
• L’image peut apparaître floue sur certains camescopes à d’autofocus. Dans ce cas, faites la mise au point vous-même.
• Evitez d’entreposer le convertisseur dans un endroit humide pendant longtemps. De la moisissure pourrait se former.
• Déposez le téléconvertisseur lorsque vous transportez le camescope.
Fixation du téléconvertisseur
Le téléconvertisseur Sony VCL-2030 S est conçu pour les camescopes Sony à 30 mm de diamètre de filetage.
1 Otez les capuchons avant et arrière du
2 Vissez bien le téléconvertisseur sur l’objectif du
camescope. (voir l’illustration 1)
Utilisez le capuchon antiparasite fourni si la reflexion du soleil est trop importante lors de la prise de vues en extérieur. (voir l’illustration 2)
Nettoyage du téléconvertisseur
Enlevez la poussière sur la surface du convertisseur avec une brosse soufflet ou une brosse douce. Enlevez les traces de doigts ou les taches avec un chiffon doux légèrement humidifié d’une solution légèrement détergente.
Puissance du convertisseur
Structure des lentilles
3 groupes, 3 éléments
Diamètre de filetage
M30,0 × 0,75
Dimensions Diamètre maximal: ø 50 mm
(2 po.), Longueur: 30,6 mm (1 1/4 po.)
Poids (sans les capuchons)
Env. 85 g (3 on.)
Accessoires fournis
Capuchons de convertisseur (2) (pour l’avant et l’arrière du convertisseur) Etui (1) Mode d’emploi (1) Capuchon antiparasite (1)
La conception et les spécifications peuvent être modifiées sans préavis.
Ce label indique qu’il s’agit d’un accessoire authentique pour produits vidéo Sony. Lorsque vous achetez des produits vidéo Sony, nous vous recommandons d’acheter des accessoires munis de ce label “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES”.
Vor der Verwendung dieses Objektivs lesen Sie bitte diese Anleitung gründlich durch, und bewahren Sie sie zum Nachschlagen auf.
Hinweise zur Verwendung
• Vermeiden Sie grobe Behandlung oder starke Erschütterungen des Camcorders, und zwar besonders wenn das Konverterobjektiv angebracht ist.
• Bei Verwendung des Telekonverter-Objektivs in Weitwinkelstellung können die Ecken des Bildes etwas verdunkelt werden. In diesem Fall stellen Sie die Zoomposition auf eine besseve Stellung ein.
• Das Bild kann manchmal bei bestimmten Camcordern mit Aufofokus etwas unfokussiert erscheinen. Stellen Sie es in diesem Fall manuell scharf.
• Vermeiden Sie es, das Objektiv längere Zeit an Orten mit hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit aufzubewahren, um Schimmelbefall zu verhindern.
• Nehmen Sie das Telekonverter-Objektiv beim Transport ab.
Ansetzen des Telekonverter­Objektivs
Das Telekonverter-Objektiv Sony VCL-2030S ist für die Verwendung mit Sony-Camcordern mit einem Filterdurchmesser von 30 mm konstruiert.
1 Nehmen Sie die Deckel vorne und hinten am
telekonverter-Objektiv ab.
2 Bringen Sie das Telekonverter-Objektiv fest am
Objektiv des Camcorders an. (Siehe Abbildung 1)
Verwenden Sie die mitgelieferte Gegenlichtblende, wenn Sonnenlichtreflexionen bei Außenaufnahmen auftreten können. (Siehe Abbildung 2)
Reinigung des Telekonverter­Objektivs
Zum Entfernen von Staub auf dem Objektiv verwenden Sie einen Blaspinsel oder eine weiche Reinigungsbürste. Zum Entfernen von Fingerabdrücken oder Schlieren reinigen Sie sie mit einer milden Reinigungslösung und einem weichen Lappen.
Technische Daten
2,0 Objektivstruktur 3 Gruppen, 3 Elemente Fassungsschraubendurchmesser für Camcorder
M30,0 × 0,75 Abmessungen Maximaldurchmesser: ø 50 mm
Länge: 30,6 mm Gewicht (ohne Deckel)
Ca. 85 g Mitgeliefertes Zubehör
Objektivdeckel (2) (für Vorder-
und Rückseite des Objektivs)
Trageetui (1)
Bedienungsanleitung (1)
Gegenlichtblende (1)
Änderungen bei Design und technischen Daten bleiben ohne vorherige Ankündigung vorbehalten.
Diese Markierung gibt an, daß es sich bei diesem Produkt um ein spezielles Zubehör für Sony Videogeräte handelt. Wenn Sie ein Sony Videogerät besitzen, sollten Sie darauf achten, daß das Zubehör mit „GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES“ gekennzeichnet ist.
Antes de utilizar este objetivo, lea detenidamente el manual y consérvelo para futuras referencias.
Notas sobre la utilización
• Evite manejar con rudeza o golpear la videocámara, especialmente cuando tenga instalado el objetivo.
• Cuando utilice el objetivo para teleconversión, las esquinas de la pantalla pueden obscurecerse, en tal caso, cambie la ampliación del zoom a una posición mejor.
• La imagen puede aparecer a veces desenfocada en ciertas videocámaras provistas de función de enfoque automático. En tal caso, ajuste manualmente el enfoque.
• Evite guardar el objetivo en un lugar muy húmedo durante mucho tiempo a fin de evitar que se enmohezca.
• Antes de transportar la videocámara, quítele el objetivo para teleconversión.
Instalación del objetivo para teleconversión
El objetivo para teleconversión VCL-2030 S Sony ha sido diseñado para utilizarse con videocámaras Sony con filtro de 30 mm de diámetro.
1 Quite las tapas frontal y posterior del objetivo
para teleconversión.
2 Fije firmemente el objetivo para teleconversión
en el objetivo de la videocámara. (consulte la ilustración 1)
Cuando videofilme en exteriores, utilice la visera protectora contra destellos accesoria suministrada, como protección contra reflexiones de luz. (consulte la ilustración 2)
Limpieza del objetivo para teleconversión
Elimine el polvo de la superficie del objetivo con un cepillo soplador o con un cepillo suave. Limpie las huellas dactilares y demás manchas con un paño suave ligeramente humedecido en una solución muy diluida de detergente.
Potencia del objetivo
Estructura del objetivo
3 grupos, 3 elementos
Rosca para montaje en la videocámara
M30,0 × 0,75
Dimensiones Diámetro máximo: ø 50 mm
Longitud: 30,6 mm
Masa (excluyendo las tapas)
Aprox. 85 g
Accesorios suministrados
Tapas para el objetivo (2) (para las partes frontal y posterior) Funda de transporte (1) Manual de instrucciones (1) Visera protectora contra destellos (1)
El diseño y las especificaciones están sujetos a cambio sin previo aviso.
Esta marca indica que este producto es un accesorio genuino para productos de vídeo Sony. Cuando adquiera productos de vídeo Sony, Sony recomienda que adquiera los que lleven la marca “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES”.
Lees, alvorens deze lens in gebruik te nemen, de gebruiksaanwijzing aandachtig door en bewaar deze voor eventuele naslag.
Voorzorgsmaatregelen bij het gebruik
• Ga voorzichtig met de videocamera/recorder om, vooral wanneer deze voorzetlens er op is bevestigd, en zorg dat het toestel niet wordt blootgesteld aan heftige schokken.
• Bij gebruik van deze tele-voorzetlens met de camcorder in de groothoekstand kunnen de hoeken van het beeld donker worden (vignettering). In dat geval kunt u beter met de zoomknop iets verder in-zoomen op uw onderwerp.
• Bij bepaalde videocamera/recorders kan de autofocus minder goed werken, zodat het beeld onscherp is. In dat geval kunt u beter met de hand op uw onderwerp scherpstellen.
• Bewaar de lens op een plaats met niet te veel vocht, om schimmelvorming te voorkomen.
• Neem voor vervoer van de videocamera/recorder eerst deze tele-voorzetlens er af.
Aanbrengen van de tele­voorzetlens
Deze Sony VCL-2030 S tele-voorzetlens is ontworpen voor gebruik op een Sony videocamera/recorder met een 30-mm filtermaat.
1 Verwijder de beschermdoppen aan de voor- en
achterkant van de groothoek-voorzetlens.
2 Bevestig de tele-voorzetlens stevig voorop het
objectief van de videocamera/recorder. (zie afbeelding 1)
Gebruik de bijgeleverde zonnekap om bij buitenopnamen direct zonlicht in de lens te voorkomen. (zie afbeelding 2)
Schoonmaken van de tele­voorzetlens
Stof op de lens kunt u verwijderen met een blaaskwastje of zacht borsteltje. Vingerafdrukken en aanklevend vuil kunt u wegvegen met een zacht doekje, licht bevochtigd met wat milde huishoudzeep.
Technische gegevens
Vergrotingsfactor 2,0 Lensconstructie 3 elementen in 3 groepen Schroefdraad voor videocamera/recorder
M30,0 × 0,75
Afmetingen Max. doorsnede: ø 50 mm
Lengte: 30,6 mm
Gewicht (zonder beschermdoppen)
Ca. 85 gram
Bijgeleverd toebehoren
Beschermdoppen (2) (voor de voor- en achterkant van de lens) Draagtasje (1) Gebruiksaanwijzing (1) Zonnekap (1)
Wijzigingen in ontwerp en technische gegevens voorbehouden.
Dit beeldmerk geeft aan dat dit produkt een originele accessoire is, bestemd voor gebruik met Sony video-apparatuur. Het is aanbevolen voor Sony video­apparatuur uitsluitend de originele accessoires aan te schaffen, die zijn voorzien van ditzelfde “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES” beeldmerk.
Läs noggrant igenom bruksanvisningen innan linsen tas i bruk. Spara bruksanvisningen.
Att observera angående bruk
• Utsätt inte videokameran för ovarsam hantering eller mekaniska stötar, särskilt inte när telelinsen är monterad på videokameran.
• När telelinsen används vid vidvinke-lzoomning kan det hända att hörnen på bilden blir mörka. Ändra i så fall zoominställningen.
• Med vissa videokameror med automatisk skärpeinställning kan det ibland hända att bilden blir oskarp. Ställ i så fall in skärpan manuellt.
• Förvara inte telelinsen på en fuktig plats under lång tid, eftersom det kan orsaka mögelskador.
• Ta av telelinsen före transport.
Montering av telelins
Sonys telelins VCL-2030 S är avsedd för montering på en Sony videokamera med en filterdiameter på 30 mm.
1 Ta loss locken från linsen. 2 Fäst telelinsen ordentligt på objektivet på
videokameran (ill 1).
Använd det medföljande antireflexskyddet mot solreflexler under inspelningar utomhus. (ill 2)
Borsta bort damm från linsytan med en linsblåsborste eller en mjuk borste. Torka bort fingeravtryck eller andra fläckar med en mjuk trasa fuktad i mild rengöringslösning.
Tekniska data
Linseffekt 2,0 Linsuppbyggnad 3 grupper, 3 element Objektivgänga videokamera
M30,0 × 0,75
Mått Max. diam.: 50 mm
Längd: 30,6 mm Vikt (exkl. lock) Ca 85 g Medföljande tillbehör
Linslock (2 sats, två lock)
Fodral (1)
Bruksanvisning (1)
Antireflexskydd (1)
Rätt till ändringar förbehålles.
Detta märke anger att produkten ifråga är ett äkta tillbehör till Sonys videoprodukter. Vi rekommenderar vid inköp av Sonys videoprodukter också inköp av de tillbehör som märkts med märket GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES.
Prima di usare questo teleobiettivo, leggere tutto il manuale e conservarlo per eventuali consultazioni.
Note sull’uso
• Evitare di sottoporre la videocamera registratore a maltrattamenti o shock meccanici, in particolare quando il teleobiettivo è applicato.
• Se si usa l’obiettivo di conversione tele da una posizione grandangolare, gli angoli dello schermo possono scurirsi. In questo caso, cambiare l’ingrandimento di zoomata su una posizione migliore.
• A volte l’immagine può apparire sfocata su videocamere con funzione di messa a fuoco automatica. In questo caso regolare manualmente la messa a fuoco.
• Evitare di depositare il teleobiettivo in un luogo molto umido per periodi prolungati in modo da prevenire la formazione di muffa.
• Togliere il teleobiettivo quando si trasporta la videocamera.
Per applicare l’obiettivo di conversione tele
L’obiettivo di conversione teleobiettivo VCL-2030 S Sony è progettato per essere usato con una videocamera registratore Sony il cui filtro ha un diametro di 30 mm.
1 Togliere il cappuccio sulla parte anteriore e su
quella posteriore del teleobiettivo.
2 Applicare il tele all’obiettivo della videocamera
registratore fissandolo bene. (vedere illustrazione 1)
Usare il paraluce antiriflessi in dotazione quando si possono avere riflessi del sole durante le riprese in esterni. (vedere illustrazione 2)
Per pulire l’obiettivo di conversione tele
Togliere la polvere sulla superficie dell’obiettivo con un soffio d’aria o uno spazzolino soffice. Eliminare impronte digitali o sporco usando un panno soffice leggermente imbevuto di una soluzione detergente blanda.
Caratteristiche tecniche
Alimentazione 2,0 Struttura 3 gruppi, 3 elementi Filettatura per videocamera registratore
30,0 M × 0,75
Dimensioni Diametro massimo: 50 mm ø
Lunghezza: 30,6 mm
Massa (cappucci esclusi)
85 g circa
Accessori in dotazione
Cappuccio (2) (per la parte anteriore e posteriore dell’obiettivo) Custodia per il trasporto (1) Istruzioni per l’uso (1) Paraluce antiriflessi (1)
Il disegno e le caratteristiche tecniche sono soggetti a modifiche senza preavviso.
Questo marchio indica che questo prodotto è un accessorio autentico per prodotti video Sony. Quando si acquistano prodotti video Sony, la Sony consiglia di acquistare accessori con questo marchio “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES”
Português Po Rv AAA
Antes de utilizar a sua objectiva, leia atentamente este manual e guarde-o para futuras consultas.
Notas acerca do uso
• Evite submeter a videocâmara a manuseamentos bruscos ou choques mecânicos, especialmente quando a objectiva estiver acoplada.
• Na utilização da objectiva de teleconversão em uma posição de grande angular, os cantos do écran podem ficar escuros. Neste caso, altere a magnificação do zoom para uma melhor posição.
• A imagem pode aparecer, às vezes, fora de foco em algumas videocâmaras com função de focagem automática. Ajuste o foco manualmente em tais casos.
• Evite manter a objectiva em locais muito húmidos por um longo período, para evitar mofo.
• Retire a objectiva de teleconversão quando do transporte.
Acoplagem da objectiva de teleconversão
A objectiva de Sony VCL-2030 S teleconversão foi projectada para a utilização com a videocâmara Sony cujo filtro tenha 30 mm de diâmetro.
1 Remova as tampas da frente e de trás da
objectiva de teleconversão.
2 Acople a objectiva de teleconversão firmemente
na objectiva da videocâmara. (veja ilustração 1)
Utilize a viseira antiofuscamento acessório fornecido quando reflexöes da luz solar possam incidir durante filmagens em exteriores. (veja ilustração 2)
Limpeza da objectiva de teleconversão
Remova a poeira na superfície da lente com uma escova sopradora ou uma escova macia. Remova impressões digitais ou outras manchas com um pano macio levemente humedecido em solução de detergente suave.
Potência da objectiva
Estrutura da objectiva
3 grupos, 3 elementos
Rosca de parafuso para videocâmara
M30,0 × 0,75
Dimensões Diâmetro máximo: ø 50 mm
Comprimento: 30,6 mm
Peso (excluindo tampas)
Aprox. 85 g
Acessórios fornecidos
Tampas de objectiva (2) (para a frente e a traseira da objectiva) Estojo de transporte (1) Manual de instruções (1) Viseira antiofuscamento (1)
Design e especificações sujeitos a alterações sem aviso prévio.
Esta marca indica que este produto é um acessório genuíno para equipamento de vídeo Sony. A Sony recomendia-lhe que, quando adquirir equipamento de vídeo Sony, adquira também acessórios com o logótipo “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES”.
XxxBefore using this lens, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Notes on use
• Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock to the video camera recorder, especially when the lens is attached.
• When using the tele-conversion lens at a wide­angle position, the corners of the screen may darken. In this case, change the zooming magnification to a better position.
• The image may sometimes appear out of focus on some video camera recorders with auto focus function. Adjust the focus manually in such cases.
• Avoid keeping the lens in a very humid place for a long period of time to prevent mold.
• Take the tele-conversion lens off when transporting.
Attaching the tele-conversion lens
The Sony VCL-2030 S tele-conversion lens is designed for use with the Sony video camera recorder whose filter is 30 mm in diameter.
1 Remove the caps at the front and back of the
tele-conversion lens.
2 Attach the tele-conversion lens firmly to the lens
of the video camera recorder. (see illustration 1)
Use the supplied accessory flare-prevention hood when sunlight reflections might occur while shooting outdoors. (see illustration 2)
Cleaning the tele-conversion lens
Brush off dust on the surface of the lens with a blower brush or soft brush. Wipe off fingerprints or other smears with a soft cloth slightly moistened with a mild detergent solution.
Lens power 2.0 Lens structure 3 groups, 3 elements Screw thread for video camera recorder
M30.0 × 0.75
Dimensions Maximum diameter: ø50 mm
(2 in.) Length: 30.6 mm (1 1/4 in.)
Mass (excluding the caps)
Approx 85 g (3 oz.)
Supplied accessories
Lens cap (1) (for the front and back of the lens) Carrying case (1) Operating instructions (1) Flare-prevention hood (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products, Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES” mark.
XxxBefore using this lens, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Notes on use
• Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock to the video camera recorder, especially when the lens is attached.
• When using the tele-conversion lens at a wide­angle position, the corners of the screen may darken. In this case, change the zooming magnification to a better position.
• The image may sometimes appear out of focus on some video camera recorders with auto focus function. Adjust the focus manually in such cases.
• Avoid keeping the lens in a very humid place for a long period of time to prevent mold.
• Take the tele-conversion lens off when transporting.
Attaching the tele-conversion lens
The Sony VCL-2030 S tele-conversion lens is designed for use with the Sony video camera recorder whose filter is 30 mm in diameter.
1 Remove the caps at the front and back of the
tele-conversion lens.
2 Attach the tele-conversion lens firmly to the lens
of the video camera recorder. (see illustration 1)
Use the supplied accessory flare-prevention hood when sunlight reflections might occur while shooting outdoors. (see illustration 2)
Cleaning the tele-conversion lens
Brush off dust on the surface of the lens with a blower brush or soft brush. Wipe off fingerprints or other smears with a soft cloth slightly moistened with a mild detergent solution.
Lens power 2.0 Lens structure 3 groups, 3 elements Screw thread for video camera recorder
M30.0 × 0.75
Dimensions Maximum diameter: ø50 mm
(2 in.) Length: 30.6 mm (1 1/4 in.)
Mass (excluding the caps)
Approx 85 g (3 oz.)
Supplied accessories
Lens cap (1) (for the front and back of the lens) Carrying case (1) Operating instructions (1) Flare-prevention hood (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products, Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES” mark.
XxxBefore using this lens, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Notes on use
• Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock to the video camera recorder, especially when the lens is attached.
• When using the tele-conversion lens at a wide­angle position, the corners of the screen may darken. In this case, change the zooming magnification to a better position.
• The image may sometimes appear out of focus on some video camera recorders with auto focus function. Adjust the focus manually in such cases.
• Avoid keeping the lens in a very humid place for a long period of time to prevent mold.
• Take the tele-conversion lens off when transporting.
Attaching the tele-conversion lens
The Sony VCL-2030 S tele-conversion lens is designed for use with the Sony video camera recorder whose filter is 30 mm in diameter.
1 Remove the caps at the front and back of the
tele-conversion lens.
2 Attach the tele-conversion lens firmly to the lens
of the video camera recorder. (see illustration 1)
Use the supplied accessory flare-prevention hood when sunlight reflections might occur while shooting outdoors. (see illustration 2)
Cleaning the tele-conversion lens
Brush off dust on the surface of the lens with a blower brush or soft brush. Wipe off fingerprints or other smears with a soft cloth slightly moistened with a mild detergent solution.
Lens power 2.0 Lens structure 3 groups, 3 elements Screw thread for video camera recorder
M30.0 × 0.75
Dimensions Maximum diameter: ø50 mm
(2 in.) Length: 30.6 mm (1 1/4 in.)
Mass (excluding the caps)
Approx 85 g (3 oz.)
Supplied accessories
Lens cap (1) (for the front and back of the lens) Carrying case (1) Operating instructions (1) Flare-prevention hood (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products, Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES” mark.
XxxBefore using this lens, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Notes on use
• Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock to the video camera recorder, especially when the lens is attached.
• When using the tele-conversion lens at a wide­angle position, the corners of the screen may darken. In this case, change the zooming magnification to a better position.
• The image may sometimes appear out of focus on some video camera recorders with auto focus function. Adjust the focus manually in such cases.
• Avoid keeping the lens in a very humid place for a long period of time to prevent mold.
• Take the tele-conversion lens off when transporting.
Attaching the tele-conversion lens
The Sony VCL-2030 S tele-conversion lens is designed for use with the Sony video camera recorder whose filter is 30 mm in diameter.
1 Remove the caps at the front and back of the
tele-conversion lens.
2 Attach the tele-conversion lens firmly to the lens
of the video camera recorder. (see illustration 1)
Use the supplied accessory flare-prevention hood when sunlight reflections might occur while shooting outdoors. (see illustration 2)
Cleaning the tele-conversion lens
Brush off dust on the surface of the lens with a blower brush or soft brush. Wipe off fingerprints or other smears with a soft cloth slightly moistened with a mild detergent solution.
Lens power 2.0 Lens structure 3 groups, 3 elements Screw thread for video camera recorder
M30.0 × 0.75
Dimensions Maximum diameter: ø50 mm
(2 in.) Length: 30.6 mm (1 1/4 in.)
Mass (excluding the caps)
Approx 85 g (3 oz.)
Supplied accessories
Lens cap (1) (for the front and back of the lens) Carrying case (1) Operating instructions (1) Flare-prevention hood (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products, Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES” mark.
XxxBefore using this lens, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
Notes on use
• Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock to the video camera recorder, especially when the lens is attached.
• When using the tele-conversion lens at a wide­angle position, the corners of the screen may darken. In this case, change the zooming magnification to a better position.
• The image may sometimes appear out of focus on some video camera recorders with auto focus function. Adjust the focus manually in such cases.
• Avoid keeping the lens in a very humid place for a long period of time to prevent mold.
• Take the tele-conversion lens off when transporting.
Attaching the tele-conversion lens
The Sony VCL-2030 S tele-conversion lens is designed for use with the Sony video camera recorder whose filter is 30 mm in diameter.
1 Remove the caps at the front and back of the
tele-conversion lens.
2 Attach the tele-conversion lens firmly to the lens
of the video camera recorder. (see illustration 1)
Use the supplied accessory flare-prevention hood when sunlight reflections might occur while shooting outdoors. (see illustration 2)
Cleaning the tele-conversion lens
Brush off dust on the surface of the lens with a blower brush or soft brush. Wipe off fingerprints or other smears with a soft cloth slightly moistened with a mild detergent solution.
Lens power 2.0 Lens structure 3 groups, 3 elements Screw thread for video camera recorder
M30.0 × 0.75
Dimensions Maximum diameter: ø50 mm
(2 in.) Length: 30.6 mm (1 1/4 in.)
Mass (excluding the caps)
Approx 85 g (3 oz.)
Supplied accessories
Lens cap (1) (for the front and back of the lens) Carrying case (1) Operating instructions (1) Flare-prevention hood (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products, Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this “GENUINE VIDEO ACCESSORIES” mark.