Sony VAIO VGN-T370P/L Specifications

VAIO® T Series Notebook PC
Feature-packed. Distinctive. The premium, ultra-portable personal computer.
The VAIO® T Notebook is ultra-lightweight, ultra-portable, and impressively equipped. With enhanced battery life9, it has the stamina to power you through your most demanding applications. It’s also remarkably comfortable to use, with a generous 10.6" widescreen display with Sony’s original XBRITE™ LCD technology. Enhanced wireless capabilities maximize your efficiency and productivity when you’re on-the-go.
True mobility is about broad access, just as much as it is about slim, lightweight design. And the VAIO T Notebook is taking that access farther than ever before. With integrated wireless Wide Area Network (WAN) technology, you can access the Cingular Wireless National EDGE Network to extend your wireless coverage beyond LAN access networks and hotspots. The VAIO® T Notebook gives you the freedom to go farther, do more, and stay connected.
SmartWi™ technology seamlessly integrates wireless Wide Area Network (WAN)3, 802.11b/g wireless LAN and Bluetooth®5technologies. Now you can quickly and easily toggle among your wireless connectivity options depending on your surroundings.
With Sony’s original multimedia software, you have the power to easily create, customize, and distribute impactful presentations, videos and training materials. And, with long battery life1, a DVD+R Double Layer/DVD±RW drive6, integrated wireless Wide Area Network (WAN)3, and 802.11 b/g wireless LAN4, the VAIO® T Notebook enables you to easily manage your digital content from the road.
The VAIO® T Notebook comes with a 10.6” widescreen display with Sony’s original XBRITE™ LCD technology. It provides brilliant colors, sharp contrasts and crisp images to help you deliver high-quality, professional presentations. And, with the anti-reflective coating to minimize reflection, you’re assured an exceptionally clear image from any viewing angle.
The VAIO® T Notebook is truly ultra-portable at less than 3.1 lbs and 1” thin, enhanced battery life9and integrated 802.11 b/g wireless LAN4. And, with integrated wireless Wide Area Network (WAN)3technology, you can access the Cingular Wireless National EDGE Network to extend your wireless coverage beyond LAN access networks and hotspots.
VAIO® T Series Notebook PC
Intel® Pentium® M Processor Ultra Low Voltage 753 (1.20GHz1, 2MB L2 Cache)
Front Side Bus Speed
Intel® 855GME
Integrated Wireless WAN
Integrated Wireless Wide Area Network (WAN)3accessing Cingular
Wireless National EDGE Network with SmartWi™ technology
(Wireless WAN and Wireless LAN radio do not transmit
Integrated Wireless LAN
Intel® PRO/ Wireless 2200BG Network Connection (802.11b/g)
Integrated Bluetooth® Technology
10.6” WXGA display (1280x768) with XBRITE™ technology
Hard Drive
60GB2(4200rpm) Ultra ATA
1GB PC-2100 333MHz DDR (512 MB x 2) (Expandable to 1GB)
Intel® 855GME Chipset Integrated Graphics 64MB Video RAM (shared w/ Main Memory)
Graphics Interface
VGA out w/ Smart Display Sensor
Optical Drive
DVD+R Double Layer/DVD±RW drive DVD+R DL Write (2.4x MAX)
DVD±RW DVD+RW +R Write (4x MAX); +RW Write (2.4x MAX) DVD-RW
-R Write (4x MAX); -RW Write (2x MAX) CD-RW
-R Write (24x MAX); -RW Write (10x MAX) DVD-ROM DVD Read (8x MAX); CD Read (24x MAX)
Integrated V.90 modem (RJ-11)
10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet with RJ-45 interface
Windows® sound system compatible Dolby® Headphone & Dolby® Virtual Speaker Built-in stereo speakers
Audio Interface
Monaural mini-jack microphone Stereo mini-jack headphone
Memory Stick® Media Slot
Supports optional Memory Stick®, Memory Stick PRO™ media
Other Interfaces
RJ-11 modem jack, 1 4pin i.LINK®8(IEEE 1394) interface, 2 USB
2.0, RJ-45 Ethernet, VGA output, headphone (stereo), monaural mini-jack microphone
PC Card Slots
One PCMCIA - Type II/Type I card slot with CardBus support
Pointing Device
Electro-Static touch pad
QWERTY, 82 keys with 1.7mm stroke and 17mm pitch
Action Buttons
DVD/CD Playback, Volume/Mute buttons, WLAN/BT on/off, Magnify
Optional Port Replicator
3 USB 2.0, RJ-45 Ethernet, VGA output, DC in, parallel port
Power Requirements
Lithium-ion battery (VGP-BPS3A)
Estimated Battery Life
4-9 hours
3.04 lbs. with standard battery (weight is approximate and may vary)
10.7”(W) X 1”-1.34”(H) X 8.1”(D)
Midnight Blue
Supplied Accessories
Cingular SIM Card Lithium-ion Battery (VGP-BPS3A) AC Adapter (VGP-AC16V8) Power Cord
Optional Accessories
Additional standard battery (VGP-BPS3A) Additional AC adapter (VGP-AC16V8) Port Replicator (VGP-PRT1) Additional 512MB memory (VGP-MM512I) External 60GB2Hard Drive (PCGA-HDM06) Memory Card Adapter10(VGP-MCA10) USB mobile mouse (PCGA-UMS3/B/S) Wireless optical mouse (PCGA-WMS5/S) External USB floppy disk drive (VGP-UFD1) Privacy Filter (VGP-FL10) Wireless keyboard and mouse (VGP-WKB1) Slim carrying case (PCGA-CCB2) Large carrying case (PCGA-CCGX) Notebook Briefcase (PCGA-CCV) USB Camera (PCGA-UVC11A) Notebook backpack (PCGA-CCP3/H, /G, /R, /L) Notebook protection case (PCGA-CCTR/J, CCTR/L)
Operating System
Microsoft® Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2
Sony Original Software
SmartWi™ Connection Utility VAIO Zone™ with WinDVD™ Click to DVD™ - DVD Creation DVGate Plus™ - Digital Video SonicStage® - Digital Music SonicStage® Mastering Studio software with MP3 encoder PictureGear Studio™ - Digital Photo VAIO Media™ - Network File Sharing Image Converter - PSP Transfer
Additional Bundled Software
Intuit® Quicken® 2005 New User Edition InterVideo® WinDVD® Sonic RecordNow!® 7
Microsoft® Works 8.0 - Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Calendar,
Scheduling, Contact Management and Database
Microsoft® Office® 2003 60-Day Trial Student/Teacher Edition
Anti-Virus and Recovery Software
Norton Internet Security™ 90-Day Subscription - Norton
AntiVirus®, Norton Personal Firewall, Norton Privacy Control, Norton AntiSpam®, Norton Parental Control
Intermute™ SpySubtract™ 30-Day Subscription Sony® VAIO® Update Sony® VAIO® Recovery Wizard Sony® VAIO® Control Center
Internet Services
AOL Online™ 90-day Trial - New Users Only
Service and Warranty
Limited Warranty
1 Year Limited Warranty
Telephone Support
1 year toll-free technical telephone assistance, available 24-hours,
Online and Email Support
Support available from
1. GH z de notes mic ropr oces sor i nter nal cloc k spe ed; othe r fa ctors may aff ect appl icati on p erfo rman ce. C PU s peed wil l be redu ced unde r cer tain ope rati ng c ondit ions .
2. GB mea ns o ne bi llio n by tes w hen refe rrin g to hard dri ve c apaci ty. Acc essi ble capa city may vary . A port ion o f ha rd d isk s pace is rese rved as a re cove ry p artit ion.
3. Su bscr iptio n wi th C ingul ar W irel ess requi red. See www .son ysty m/ci ngula r fo r de tail s.
4. Re quir es 80 2.11 b or 802 .11g comp atib le a ccess poi nt. So me fun ctio nali ty ma y re quir e int erne t se rvice s wh ich may requ ire a fee .
5. In tero perab ilit y am ong B luet ooth dev ices vari es.
6. DV D Me dia/F orma ts a re no t un iver sally com pati ble.
7. Su ppor ts Me mory Sti ck P RO™ h igh- capa city medi a te sted up to 1G B. Doe s no t su pport Mag icGa te™ funct iona lity .
8. i. LINK is a tr adema rk o f So ny us ed o nly to de sign ate that a p roduc t con tain s an IEE E 139 4 co nnec tor. All prod ucts wit h an i.LI NK c onne ctor may not com muni cate with eac h ot her.
9. Est imat ed b atter y li fe. Actu al ba tter y li fe ma y va ry o n usa ge.
10. Does not supp ort Memo rySt ick m edia and Mem ory S tick PRO ™ me dia usi ng t he M agicG ate func tion or high- spee d da ta tr ansf er. Supp orts mem ory card s wi th ca paci ties up to 1G B. D oes not supp ort 5 .0V Sma rtMe dia medi a or the ID f unct ion o f Sm artM edia medi a wi th I Ds. Doe s no t su pport the SD Memo ry C ard m edia cop yrig ht pr otec tion fun ctio n.
11. See actua l Li mite d War rant y fo r de tails . Fo r a copy of S ony’ s wa rrant y, ple ase visi t ww w.son m/pcs uppo rt, call tol l-fre e 88 8-47 6-697 2 (88 8-4S ONYP C), o r wr ite to S ony E lect roni cs, 1 2451 Gat eway Boul evar d, For t My ers, FL 33913 .
12. For certa in t hird par ty so ftwa re a pplic atio ns, Sony pro vides fir st l evel Pho ne S uppo rt. A ddit iona l tel epho ne s uppor t ma y be ava ilabl e fr om t he app lica ble 3rd party ven dor. Ava ilab ility and sch edul e for any suc h sup port is dete rmine d by the app lica ble s oftw are vend or.
13. Uppp er ba tter y ra nge t este d us ing d evic e fo r mus ic p layb ack.
Co mpu ter I nte rfa ce: Th e c omp ut er ind ust ry lac ks st and ard s, and th ere for e, th ere ar e a mu lt itu de of var yin g sof twa re pac kag es an d ad d-o n h ard wa re opt ion s. Thi s per son al com put er is no t m anu fac tur ed to op era te an y s pec ifi c s oft wa re, an d S ony do es no t a nd can not m ake an y w arr ant y or rep res ent ati on wi th res pec t t o the pe rfo rma nce o f t his pr odu ct wi th any pa rti cul ar so ftw are pa cka ge s a nd/ or non -So ny ad d-o n ha rdw are o pti ons ex cep t t hos e men tio ned in t his do cum ent . S ony he reb y d isc la ims an y r epr ese nta tio ns or wa rra nty t hat th is pro du ct is co mpa tib le wi th any co mbi na tio n o f p rod uct s y ou ma y c hoo se to co nne ct. W hil e S ony re pre sen tat iv es or Son y a ut hor ize d d eal ers ma y be ab le to as sis t y ou and m ay mak e r eco mme nda ti ons , t hey ar e N OT au tho riz ed to va ry or wa ive th is dis cla im er. Pu rch ase rs mu st det erm ine fo r t hem sel ves t he sui tab ili ty an d c omp ati bil ity o f t he har dwa re an d so ftw are i n e ach an d e ver y p ar tic ula r i nst anc e. Sof tw are ti tle s pr e-i nst all ed on th e S ony N ote boo k C omp ute r a re su bje ct to cha ng e wi tho ut no tic e. Sim ula ted g rap hic sh own on d isp lay . P rei nst all ed so ftw are m ay not be id en tic al to ret ail v ers ion s o r h ave a ll do cum ent ati on. T his pr odu ct me ets th e s tan dar ds of th e I nte rna tio na l En erg y S tar P rog ram fo r e ner gy ef fic ien cy. Fe at ure s a nd spe cif ica tio ns ar e s ubj ect t o c han ge wit hou t not ice . N on- met ric w eig hts an d me asu rem ent s are ap pro xim ate . ©2 005 So ny El ect ron ics In c. Al l r igh ts res er ved . R epr odu cti on in wh ole or in p art wi tho ut wri tt en per mis sio n i s p ro hib ite d. Son y, i. LIN K, Me mor y S tic k, So nic Sta ge, XB RI TE, Me mor y S tic k P RO, M agi cGa te, Cl ick to D VD, DV gat e P lus , V AIO M edi a, Pic tur e G ea r S tud io, Li ke No Ot her , a nd VA IO are tr ade ma rks of So ny. I nte l a nd Pen tiu m a re re gis ter ed tr ade mar ks, an d C en tri no is a t rad em ark of In tel C orp ora tio n. Mi cro sof t a nd Wi ndo ws are r egi ste red tr ade mar ks of Mi cro sof t Co rpo rat ion . All ot her tr ad ema rks ar e t rad ema rks o f t hei r r esp ect ive ow ner s. Pr int ed in U. S.A . 0 4/0 5.
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Last Updated 2005-05-03