Customizing Your VAIO® Z505
SuperSlim Pro Notebook
You can customize the settings of your notebook. The following sections
briefly describe how to change your computer’s default settings. You can
also refer to Sony Notebook Setup Help for more detailed information.
Displaying the Sony Notebook Setup Screen
To display the Sony Notebook Setup screen:
Click the Start button on the Windows® taskbar.
Point to VAIO and click Sony Notebook Setup.
Select the tab for the item you want to change. See “Sony Notebook
Setup Tabs” on page 2.
After you finish, click OK.
Customizing Your VAIO® Z505 SuperSlim Pro Notebook
Sony Notebook Setup Tabs
TabDescriptio n
About This ComputerDisplay system information, including memory
capacity, serial number, and BIOS version.
PrinterChange printer port mode settings.
Initial SettingChange the volume of the sounds that play while the
operating system is loading. Select the order of
drives and devices from which you want to load the
operating system.
TouchpadWhen you connect an optional mouse to your
computer, you can make your touchpad in active.
You can also customize your mouse settings using
the mouse utility.
Power On PasswordSet the password to secure your computer.
Bass BoostTurn the Bass Boost function on/off (available only
when headphone is used). You can also check the
effect of the Bass Boost function by selecting a
sample from “Sound file” and playing it.
Enable PortsEnable or disable ports. Disabling ports releases
resources to the system. To change the serial or
Infrared settings, click Advanced on the Basic/
Advanced tab.
Basic/AdvancedToggle between Advanced mode (additional scr eens
with advanced settings) and Basic mode of display.
Advanced mode includes Serial, Infrared, and View
Resources tabs.
For more information about each option, click Help on the Sony Notebook Setup screen to
display the Help file.
Controlling Power Management
Controlling Power Management
The PowerPanel utility allows you to control the power management of
your notebook and provides key information about system activity. The
following sections briefly describe how to conserve your computer’s
battery power. You can also refer to the PowerPanel Help for more
detailed information. To activate a profile or command, see “Displaying
Battery Information” on page 7.
Viewing the PowerPanel icon
The PowerPanel icon (displayed in the task tray) indicates the level of
performance of the CPU. The tooltip will display information about the
active profile.
To activate PowerPanel
Right-click the taskbar at the bottom of the screen.
Select Toolbars from the pop-up menu, and then click PowerPanel.
The PowerPanel toolbar appears on the taskbar.
The current profile icon appears on the PowerPanel toolbar. It is the icon
farthest to the left, and its appearance changes depending on which
power management profile is currently selected. To change the power
management profile, click the current profile icon, and then select a
profile from the list. See “Power Management Profiles” on page 4 for a
description of available options. To select another power profile
command, click that option in the PowerPanel toolbar.
Refer to PowerPanel Help for information on customizing the PowerPanel toolbars.
When you use the battery pack to power your computer, your system selects the Maximum
Battery Life power management profile by default. If you select a different power
management profile while using battery power, that profile is selected automatically the next
time you use the battery pack to power your computer.
Customizing Your VAIO® Z505 SuperSlim Pro Notebook
To customize power management settings
You can customize power management settings, such as the system timer
and the brightness of the screen, to your individual tastes. To customize a
Click the Current Profile icon on the PowerPanel toolbar.
Select Edit/Create Profiles from the menu.
Click a profile whose setting you want to change from the list in the
left panel.
Double-click an item whose setting you want to change from the list
in the right panel.
Click the desired setting.
Click the File menu, and then click Save.
Click the File menu, then click Exit.
Power Management Profiles
PowerPanel provides several predefined power management profiles.
Each profile consists of a group of specific power management settings
that are designed to meet specific power management goals — rangi ng
from maximum power management to no power management. You can
change the settings for any of the predefined profiles or you can create
your own profile to suit your portable computing needs. The predefined
profiles are:
Maximum Battery Life
you maximum battery life and good performance. It slows the
computer and puts it into System Suspend mode after a specified
period of inactivity.
Maximum Performance
while still conserving power.
Provides power saving features to give
Provides the best system performance
Word Processing
timeouts on the hard disk and d is play screen. You can also establish
settings for LCD (Video) Standby and System Suspend to optimize
power management for your system.
spreadsheet applications.
Optimizes power management with longer
Optimizes performance and power requirements for
Controlling Power Management
Presentation – Keeps the display on at all times while it conserves
power. This option is ideal for slide show presentations. You can
establish settings for LCD (Video) St andby, Hard Disk Sleep, and
System Suspend to optimize power management for your system.
timeout. The Internal modem remains powered. You can also
establish settings for LCD (Video) Standby and System Suspend to
optimize power management for your system.
Camera– Optimizes performance and power requirements for
camera usage.
AC Power – The power management state when AC power is in
use. Similar to the Power Management Off setting. PowerPanel
automatically loads the AC profile unless you disable this feature.
Power Management Off
such as System Suspend and System Hibernation modes.
Disables the display and the Hard Disk Spindle Down
Optimizes performance and power requirements for DVD
Extends battery life by initiating a quick display
T urns of f all power management features
Automatic Profile Selection – Automatically switches to a profile
suitable for active applications.
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