Sony Elect ron ics In c. res erves the r igh t to mak e
any modification to this manual or the
inform ati on contain ed herein at any time
withou t not ice. The s oftw are descr ibe d h erei n is
govern ed by the terms of a s epa rate us er licen se
This product contains software ow ned by Sony
and lice ns ed by third parties. Use of such
software is subject to the terms and conditions
of license agreements enclosed with this
product. Some of the software ma y not be
transported or used outside the United States.
Software specifications are subject t o change
without notice and may not necessarily be
identical to current retail versions.
Updates and additions to software may require
an additional charge. Subscriptions to online
service providers may requi re a fee and credit
card information. Financial services may
require prior a rrangements wi th participating
financial institutions.
STAR® Partner, Sony
Corporation has
determined that this
product mee t s the
guidelines for energy
The International
Equipmen t Pr ogr am is an int ern atio nal pr o gram
that promotes energy saving through the use of
computers and other offi ce equipment. Th e
program backs the development and
dissem in a tio n of prod u cts with fun ctio ns th at
effecti vely reduc e energy consumption. It is an
open system in which business proprietors can
participate voluntarily. The targeted products
are office equipment such as computers,
displays, printers, facsimiles and copiers. Their
standa rd s and logos are uniform among
V AIO® Computer Quick Start
participating nations. ENERGY STAR is a U.S.
registered mark.
The Wireless LAN
which is
incorporated into
selected models
only, has passed WiFi certification and
compli es with the
establi shed by
WECA (Wir eless
V A IO logo are trademar ks of Sony Corp oration.
Micros of t, Windows Media, W indows,
Windows NT, and the Windows logo are
register ed trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. Intel, SpeedStep, and Pentium are
trade marks or regist ered trademar ks of Intel
Corporation. PS/2 is a re gistered trademark of
IBM. Ac robat Reade r, Photoshop, Ph otoshop
Elements, and Premiere are trademarks of
Adobe Syst ems In cor porated. Po we r Panel is a
trade m ark of Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
This product incorporates copyright protection
technol ogy that is protected by method claims
of certain U .S. patents and other intellectual
property rights ow ned by Macrovision
Corp o r a tion an d other ri gh t s ow ners . U se of
this copyright protection technology must be
authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is
intended for home and other limited view ing
uses only unless otherwi s e authorized by
Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering
or disasse mbly is prohibited. i.LIN K is a
trademark of Sony used only to desi gnate tha t a
product co nt ains an IEE E 139 4 conne ct ion. The
i.LINK connection may vary, depending on the
software application s , operating syst em, and
compatible i.LIN K devi ces . All pro d ucts with
an i.LINK connection may not communicate
with each other. Pl eas e refer to the
docum en ta tio n that cam e with your com p atib le
i.LINK device for information on operating
conditions and proper connection. Before
connecting compatible i.LINK PC peripherals
to your system, such as a CD-RW or hard disk
drive, confirm their operating system
compatibility and required operating
condition s. All other trade mar ks are t rade marks
of their respective owne rs.
End User / Product
Activation Requirements
Certain so ftw a r e product(s) included with this
computer may include features such as copy
protecti on an d con tent ma nage ment te chnol ogy.
Use of the software product(s) requires
agreement to applicable en d us er agreements
and full comp li ance with applicable product
activation procedu res. Product activation
procedures and pr ivac y pol ici es will be detai le d
during initial launch of the software product(s),
or upon certain reinstallations of the software
product(s) or reconfiguration of the computer,
and may be comp leted by Inter net or telephone
(toll charges may apply).
Owner’s Record
The model number and serial number ar e
located on the bottom of you r S ony VAIO
computer. Re f er to the model a nd serial number
when you call your Sony Ser vice Center.
Model Nu m ber: PCG-8E 1L, 8E2L
Serial Num ber:______________________ __
Notice to Users
Safety Information
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not
expos e your computer to ra in or moisture.
❑To avoid electrica l shock, do not open the
cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified
personne l only.
❑Never install modem or telephone wiring
during a lightning storm.
❑Never install telephone jacks in wet
locations unless the jack is specifically
designe d for we t loca tio ns.
❑Never touch uninsulated telephone wire
or terminals unless the telephone line has
been disconnected at the network
❑Use caut ion when installing or modifying
telephon e lin es .
❑Avoid using the modem dur ing an
electrical storm.
❑Do not use th e modem or a telephone to
report a gas leak in the vic inity of the leak.
❑A socket outlet should be as close as
possible to the unit and easily accessible.
❑i.LINK, PC Card, and USB connect ors are
not supplied with Limited Power Sources
To change the backup battery,
plea se c ont a ct yo ur ne ar e st Sony
Service Cen t er.
Caution: The use of optical
inst r um e nts w ith t his produc t
will incr ease eye hazard. As the
laser beam used in this product
is harmful to the eyes, do not
attempt to disassemble the
cabinet. R ef er s ervicing to
qualified personnel only.
(For CD-RW/DVD Combo
Drive, CD-ROM drive,
DVD-ROM drive) Danger:
Vi sible an d invisible laser
radiati on when open. Avoid
direct exposure to beam.
Caution: To reduce the risk of
fire, use only No. 26 AWG or
larger telecommunication line
Pour prévenir tout risque d’incendie ou
d’électrocution, garder cet appareil à
l’abri de la pl uie et de l’humi dité.
❑Pour prévenir tout risque d’électrocution,
ne pas ouvrir le châssis de cet appareil et
ne confier son ent retie n qu’à une per sonne
❑Ne jamais effectuer l’instal lation de fil
modem ou téléphone durant un orage
❑Ne jamais effectuer l’instal lation d’une
prise té léphonique dans un endroit
mouillé à moins que la prise soit conçue à
cet effet.
❑Ne jamais to uch e r un fil télé ph o ni que à
découvert ou un terminal à moins que la
V AIO® Computer Quick Start
ligne téléphonique n’ait été débranche de
l’interface réseau.
❑Soyez très pr udent lorsque vous installez
ou modifiez les lignes téléphoniques.
❑Évitez d’utiliser le modem durant un
orage électrique.
❑N'utilisez pas le modem ni le téléphone
pour prévenir d'une fuite de gaz quand
vous êtes près de la fuite .
❑L’appareil doit être le plus près possible
d’une prise murale pour en faciliter
❑Des connecteurs i.LINK, PC Card, et
USB ne sont pas fo urnis avec des So urces
d’Énergie Limitées.
Pour changer l a pile de
rechange, veuillez contacter
votre cen t r e de service Sony le
plus près.
Avertissement: L'utilisation
d'instruments optiques avec ce
produit augmente les risques
pour les yeux. Puisque le
faisceau laser utilisé dans ce
produit est dommageable pour
les yeux, ne tentez pas de
désassembler le boîtier.
Adressez-vous à un agent de
service qualifié.
(Pour le lecteur Combo de
CD-RW/DVD, le lecteur CDROM, le lecteur DVD-ROM)
Danger: Radiation laser visible
et invisible si ouvert. Évitez
l’exposition directe au f aisceau.
Attention : Afin de réduire les
risques d'incendie, n'utilisez
qu'un c ord on de c ommu ni ca tio n
N0. 26 AWG ou plus gros.
If you have ques tions about this product, you
can reach the Sony Customer Information
Service Center at 1-888-4-SONY-PC; or wr it e
to the Sony Customer Information Service
Center at 12451 Gate w ay Blvd., Ft. Myers, FL
33913 or find Sony Cust om er Servi ce on the
Web at:
Regu l ato r y I n formatio n
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name:Sony
Model No.: PCG-8E1L, 8E2L
Responsible Party: Sony Electronics
Address:680 Kinderkamack
Oradell, NJ 07649
(For FCC-related
matt ers only.)
This device complies with Part 15 of the
FCC rules. Ope ratio n is subj ect to the
following two conditions:
(1) This de vice may not cause har m f ul
interference, and
(2) this de vice must accept any interference
received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to
compl y with the lim its for a Clas s B digi tal
device, pu rsuant to Part 15 of the Rules. These
lim i ts are des i g ned t o provi d e r e as o nable
protection against harmfu l interferenc e in a
reside n tial installatio n . This equ ip me nt
generate s, uses , and can radia te rad io fre quen cy
energy and, if not inst alled and used i n
accordanc e with the instructions, may cause
Notice to Users
harmful interference to radio communications.
However , the re i s no gua rantee t ha t in ter ference
will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to
radi o or televisio n rec eption, wh ic h can be
deter mined by turnin g the equipment off and
on, the user is enco u ra ged to try to correc t the
interference by one or more of the following
❑Reorien t or relo cate the rec eivi ng antenn a.
❑Increase the separation between the
equipment and the receiver.
❑Connect the equipment to an outlet on a
circuit different from that to which the
recei ver is connected.
❑Consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/TV technician for help.
You are cautioned t hat any changes or
modif ications not expressly approved in thi s
manual coul d vo id your a uthori ty to oper ate t his
Only peripherals (computer input/output
devices, terminals, pri nters, etc.) that comply
with FCC Class B limits may be attached to this
computer product. O per ation with noncompliant peripherals is likely to result in
interference to radio and television reception.
This modem uses the USOC RJ-11 telephone
The REN is used to determine the quantity of
devices wh ich may be connected to the
telepho ne line. Excess ive RENs on the
telephone line may result in the devices not
ringing in response to an incoming call. In
most, but not all ar eas , the sum of the RENs
should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of
the numb er of devices that may be connected to
the line, as determined by the total RENs,
contact th e te lepho ne co mpany t o dete rmin e the
maximum REN for the calling area.
If the terminal equipment causes harm to the
telephone network, the telephone company will
notify you in advance that temporary
disconti nuance of service may be required. But
if advance notice is not pract ical, the telephone
company wil l notify the customer as soon as
possib le. Al so, you w il l be ad vi sed of yo ur r ight
to fi le a com plaint with the FCC i f you believe
it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in
its facili tie s, eq u ip ment, op e ra tio n s or
procedures that could affect the operations of
the equipment. If this happens, the telep hone
company wil l provide advanc e notice in order
for you to make the necessary modifications in
order to maintain uninterrupted service.
All cabl es us ed to connect peripherals must be
shield ed and grounded . Oper ation with cables,
connected to periphe rals, that are not s hielded
and grounded, may re s ult in interfe rence to
radio and televisi on reception.
FCC Part 68
This equ ipment complies wi th Part 68 of the
FCC rules. On the bottom of this equipment is a
label that contains, among other information,
the FCC Ringer Equiva lency Number (REN )
for this equipment. If requested, this
inf ormation m ust be p rovided to the teleph one
If trouble is experienced with this equipment,
you can reach the Sony Customer Information
Servic e Cen ter at 1-888-4- SONY-PC; or write
to the Sony Customer Information Service
Center at 12451 Gatew ay Blvd., Ft. Myers, FL
33913 or find Sony Customer Servi ce on the
Web at: rt.
Repair of this equipmen t should be made onl y
by a Sony Service Center or Son y authorized
agent. For the Son y Servic e Center nea rest you,
call 1-888-4-SONY-PC (1-888-476-6972).
This equipment cannot be used on public coin
service provided by the telep hone company.
Connection to Party Line Service is subject to
V AIO® Computer Quick Start
state and poss ible provin cial tariffs. (Contact
the state or provincial utility service
commission, public service commission, or
corporation commission, for information.)
FCC Radio Frequency
Exposure (United States)
This equipment complies with FCC radiation
exposu re limits set for th for an uncont rolled
environm ent. This equipment s hould be
installed and operated wit h minimum distance
of 8 inches ( 20 cm ) between the radiator and
body (excluding extremitie s : hands, wri s ts, and
Users are not permitted t o make changes or
modify the system in any way.
IC RSS-210 (Canada)
Operation is subject to the following two
condit ions: (1) this device may not cause
interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference, including interference that
may cause undesired oper ation of the device.
To prevent radio interference to the licensed
service, this device is intended to be operated
indoors and away from w indows to prov ide
max imum shielding. Eq uipm ent (o r its transmit
antenna) that is installed outdoors is subject to
Pour empêcher que cet appareil cause du
broui llag e au serv ic e faisa n t l’ob jet d’u n e
licence, il doit être utilisé à l’interieur et devrait
être placé loin des fenêtres afi n de fournir un
écran de blindage maximal. Si le matériel (ou
son antenne d’ émission) est installé a
l’exterieur, il doit faire l’objet d’une licence.
L’expression “IC:” avant le numéro
d’homol ogation/enregistrem ent signifi e
seulement que les spécifications techniques
d’Industrie Canada on t ét é r es pectées.
Telephone Consumer
Protection Act of 1991
(United States)
The T elephone Cons umer Protection Act of
1991 makes it unlawful fo r any person to us e a
computer or other electronic device to s end any
message via a telephone facsimile machine
unless such message clearly contains, in a
margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted
page or on the f irst pa ge o f the trans mis sion, the
date and time it is sent and an identification of
the business, other enti ty, or individual sending
the m essage, and the telephone number of the
sending machine or such business, other entity,
or individual.
In order to program this information into your
facsimile mac hine, see your fax sof tware
The term “IC :” before the
certif ication/re gistration number only signifies
that the Industry Canada technical
specifications were met.
L’utilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée
seulement aux conditions suivantes: (1) il ne
doit pas produire de brouillage et (2)
l’utilisateur du dispositif doit être prêt à
accepter tout brouillage radioél ectrique reçu,
même si ce brouillage est susceptible de
compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif.
Notice to Users
Telephone Consumer
Guideli n es (Cana d a)
Please refer to your t e lephone directory under
‘Privacy Issues’ and/or ‘Terms of Service.’ For
more detailed information, please cont act:
Terrasses de la Chaudière, Tour centrale
1 promenade du Por tage, 5 étage Hull
PQ K1A 0N2.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with
Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est
conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
batteries are
You can help
preserve our
environment by
returning your us ed
batteries to the
colle cti on and
recycling location
nearest you.
Les accumulateurs
aux ions de lith iu m
sont recyclables.
Vo us pouve z
contribuer à
l’environnement en
rappor tant les pile s
usées dans un point
de collection et
recyclage le plus
Pour plus d’informations sur le recyclage
des accumulateurs, télé phonez le numéro
gratuit 1-800-822-8837 (Etats-Units et
Canada uni quement), ou vi sitez
Avertissment: Ne pas utiliser des
accumulat eurs aux ions de lit hium qui sont
endomma gées ou qui fui e nt .
For more information regarding recycling of
rechargeable batteries, call toll free 1-800822-8837, or visit
Caution: Do not handle damaged or leaking
Lithium-Ion batteries.
V AIO® Computer Quick Start
Do not ha ndle dama ge d or
leaking lithium ion batterie s.
Danger of explosion if battery is
incorrectly replaced. Replace
only with the same or equivalent
type recommended by the
manufacturer . Discard used
batteries accordin g to the
manufacturer’s instructions.
The batt ery pack used i n this
device may present a f ire or
chemical burn hazard if
mistreated. Do not disassemble,
heat above 14 0°F (60°C) or
incinerat e. Dispose of used
battery promptly. Keep away
from children.
Ne pas utiliser des batteries au
lithium ionis é qui sont
endommagées ou qui fuient.
Une batterie non conforme
présente un danger d'explosion.
La rempla cer seu lemen t par une
batterie identique ou de type
équivalent recommandé par le
fabricant. Évacuer les batteries
usées selon les directives du
NOTICE: This equip men t meets th e applic a ble
Industry Canada T erm inal Equi pment Te chnical
Specifications. This is confirmed by the
regist ration number. The abbreviat ion, IC,
before the registration number signifies that
registration was performed based on a
Declaration of Conformity indicati ng that
Industry Canada technical specifications were
met. It does not imply that Industry Can ada
approved the equipment.
The Ring er Equi v alence Numb er (R EN) for thi s
terminal equipment is 0.2. The REN assigned to
each terminal equipment provides an indication
of the maximum number of ter minals allowed
to be connected to a telephone int erface. The
terminat ion on an interface may consist of any
combination of devices su bject only to the
requirement that the sum of the Ringer
Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does
not exceed five.
La manu tention incorrect e du
module de batt erie de cet
ap parei l p r é s ente un risque
d'ince ndie ou de brûlures
chimiques. Ne pas démonter,
inc i n érer ou expos e r à u n e
température de plus de 60°C.
Évacuer promptement la
batterie usée. Garder hors de
porté e de s enfant s.
Notice to Users
REMARQ U E: Cet équipeme nt est conforme
aux Spéci ficatio ns T echni ques des É quipeme nts
Termina ux d’Industr ie Canada en vi gueur. Le
numéro d’identification en est la preuve.
L’abréviatio n IC, avant le numéro
d’identification, signifie que l’enregistrement
s’est déroulé conformément à une Déclarat ion
de Conformité stipulant que les spécifications
techni ques d’Industrie Canada ont été
respect ées. Cela ne veut pas dire qu’Indus trie
Canada a approuvé cet équi pement.
Le Nombre Équivalent de Sonneries (REN) de
cet équi pement terminal est 0,2. Le REN
attri bué à chaque équipement terminal indique
le nombre maximum de terminaux que l’on
peut connecter à une inter face téléphonique. Il
est possible de raccorder à une interface
plusieurs combinaisons d’appareils, mais l a
somme des Nombres Équivalents de Sonneries
de tous ces appareils ne doit pas dépasser cinq.
Visible and invisible laser
radiation when open. Avoid
direct exposure to beam.
Diode Properties
Laser Output:151.50 µW (CD)
3.352 µW (DVD)
Wave Length:784 nm (CD)
660 nm (DVD)
The use of optical instruments
with this prod uc t will inc rea se
eye hazard. As the la s er beam
used in this product is harmful
to the eyes, do not attempt to
disassemble the drive cabinet.
Refer servicing to qualified
personnel only.
V AIO® Computer Quick Start
Setting Up
Congratulati ons o n your p ur chas e of t he Sony VAIO® computer. Sony h as
combined leading-edge technology in audio, vide o, co mputing, and
communications to provide you with state-of-the-a rt personal computing.
❑Unpacking Your Computer
❑Applying Ergonomics
❑Locating Controls and Ports
V AIO® Computer Quick Start
Unpacking Your Computer
Main U n i tPo we r Co rd
AC Adapter
CD-RW/DVD drive
Rechargeable Battery
Port Replicator CoverWeight Saver
* The removable CD-RW/DVD drive is already inserted in your computer when you unpack
the box.
❑VAIO® Computer User Guide — A searchable online help file that
contain s de tailed informati on on how to use your new computer. See
“Lo c atin g Your VAI O Computer Use r G u id e” on pa ge 32 for m ore
Unpacking Your Computer
❑VAIO® Computer Quick Start — Contains information on unpacking and
setting up your computer for immediate use .
❑VAIO® Computer Specifications (Windows® XP) — An online file that
details the hardware specifications and lists the installed software programs
on your computer. See “Locating Your VAIO Computer User Guide” on
page 32 for more information.
❑VAIO® Computer Specifications (Windows® 2000) — A printed sheet
that details your computer's hardware specifications.
❑Microsoft® Windows® guide — Explains how to use the basic features of
the Microsoft® Windows ® operating system inst alled on your computer.
Software CDs
❑Microsoft® W ord — Enables you to reinsta ll Microsoft Word to your
VAIO ® co mputer if the application becomes corrupted or is erased.
Recovery CDs
❑Application Recovery CD(s) — Enables you to reinstall individ u al
software programs and device drivers if they become corrupted or are
❑System Recovery CD(s) — Enables you to re store the oper ating sys tem a nd
software tha t sh ipped with your computer if the y become corrupted or are
erased. This CD restores your computer to its original factory settings, so
user data and program s installed since you s tarted using your comp uter will
be lost.
✍ To use the se recovery C Ds, connect the external CD-RW/DVD Combo Drive
supplied with your computer. See “Using the Recovery CDs” on page 41 for more
V AIO® Computer Quick Start
Appl ying Ergonomics
Your computer is a portable device and can be used in a va riety of environments.
Whenever possible , you should apply the follo wing ergono mic considerati ons for
both stationary and portable environments.
❑Position of your computer — Place th e computer directl y in front of you a s
you work. Keep your forearm s horizontal, with your wrists in a neutral,
comfortable position while using the keyboard, touch pad, or external
mouse. Let your upp er arms han g natural ly at your s ides. Take breaks during
sessions with your computer. Excessive use of the computer may strain
muscles or tendons.
❑Furniture and posture — Sit in a chair with good back support and
armrests. Adjust the level of the chair s o your feet are flat on the floor. A
footrest may make you mo re co mfortable. Sit in a rela xed, upright posture
and avoid slouc hing forward or leaning far backward.
❑Viewing angle of the computer’s display — Use the display’s tilting
feature to find the best viewing angle. Also try adjusting the brightness
setting of the display. Following these suggestions can reduce eye strain and
muscle fatigue.
❑Lighting — Ch oose a l ocati on where windo ws and lig hts do not create gla re
and reflection on the display. Use indirect lighting to avoid bright spots on
the display. You can also purchase accessories for your display that help
reduce glare. P roper lighting adds to your comfort and work effecti vene s s.
❑Placement of an external d is p lay — When using an external display , s et
the display at a comfortable viewing distance. Make sure the display screen
is at eye level or s lightly lower when you are si tting in front of the monitor.
Locating Controls and Ports
Locating Controls and Ports
1Memory Stick® media
9L eft and right buttons
2Num lock indi cator10Wireless LAN indicator
3Caps lock indicator11Hard disk drive indicator
4Scroll lock indicator12Battery 2 indicator
5LCD screen13Battery 1 indicator
6Power button14Power indicator
7Keyboard15Jog Dial® Control
* On selected models only.
V AIO® Computer Quick Start
1Air vent7 USB port
2 DC IN port8Modem jack
3Printer port9Microphone jack
4Monitor (VGA) port10Headphone jack
5A/V Out jack11 USB port
6N etw or k (Ether net) p or t
Only connect 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX cables to the Ethernet port.
Do not con n ect any other type of network cabl e or any teleph one line.
Connec ting cables other than those listed abov e may result in an electric
current overload and could cause a malfunction, exces sive heat, or fi re in
the port. To connec t the unit to the network, contact your network
Locating Controls and Ports
1Memory Stick® media s lot4Optical drive eject b u tton
2 i.LINK® (IEEE 1394) S400
5Optical drive (CD-RW/DVD drive)
3PC Card slot
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