Experience the all in one choice. Elegance, durability
GATF Digital Four-Color Control Bar (version 2.4)
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GATF Digital Four-Color Control Bar (version 2.4)
100 100 100 100 25 50 75 25 50 75 25 50 75 25 50 75100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 BLU GRN RED 100
and convenience for extraordinary performance ease.
Discover the versatile VAIO FR for all ages, all
family members, all kinds of uses! Combining
elegant styling for long enjoyment, all in one
convenience for limitless uses, and durable
craftsmanship in hardware design for many
needs. At the heart of the VAIO FR is a Mobile
Athlon™ XP-M Processor 2200+ featuring
AMD PowerNow!™ Technology — a high
performance, high speed CPU with lots of hard
disk space for faster, more efficient processing,
and plenty of mobile operating time when
battery driven. You’ll notice a high level of
performance when playing back or editing
multimedia data such as digital video clips. And
with the support of a 40GB hard disk, you’ll
have ample space for audio and video needs.
One VAIO has it all for you. In style!
Floppy disk drive is the essential way to access a
data library.
No need to worry about
outdated media or loss of data
stored on a conventional
floppy disk! You can really
rely on the VAIO FR. Its floppy
disk continues to provide a
dependable medium for home
and personal use, so you
don’t have to change or sacrifice data with the arrival of new
Watch movies, play games and make your own
music CDs with the CD-RW/DVD-ROM combo drive.
Slip a DVD video disc into the
drive and movies and music
clips come to life on the large
screen. You can improve your
mind with dictionaries and
encyclopedias available on
DVD and CD, or entertain
yourself with games and music CDs. As a CD-R/RW drive, you
can also utilise this to write or rewrite as much data with the
CD-R or CD-RW as you need — a handy and space saving way to
back up the data on your hard disk. Or you can even create your
own music CDs with Sony’s original application, SonicStage.
Expansive 15 inch XGA (1024 x 768)
TFT colour LCD
VAIO FR’s new 15 inch colour
LCD provides generous screen
size for home business and
hobby applications, and it’s big
enough to watch DVD movies
comfortably. High resolution
reproduces images and text
cleanly and crisply. Almost one
inch larger than the previous model, it shows objects slightly
magnified on screen, which means the display is easy on the eyes
and easy for all ages to read.
Extra DDR266 SDRAM speeds up a variety of
Performance is greatly
improved, due to use of a
DDR266 SDRAM. Moreover,
this allows memory expansion
up to 1GB (default memory
size is 256MB). The result is
enhanced efficiency and ease
in virtually any job.
NVIDIA® GeForce4™ 420 Go for stress-free
installed on the VAIO FR for
dramatically improved
processing capability including
3D graphics. Now, VAIO FR
serves your CG or other
entertainment, such as 3D
game applications.
GeForce4™ 420 Go is
USB 2.0 for smoother connection with various
USB 2.0 allows smoother data
transfer, with three ports for
the VAIO FR. You can
connect a variety of additional
tools (including CLIÉ) without
unplugging your external
peripherals. This is extremely
convenient with many digital
cameras, printers and scanners. Just plug one end of a USB
cable into the camera and the other into your VAIO so you can
use Sony software such as PictureGear Studio to import your
photos. Plugging or unplugging while your PC or digital camera is
still on is all right.
Movie making starts with i.LINK.
Just plug one end of an
i.LINK cable into your digital
video camera and the other
into your VAIO to transfer
your movies onto your PC
with high speed reliability.
From there, you can edit your
movie in AVI format, and then
send it back to the camera via i.LINK to be recorded on DV
tape. i.LINK also gives you remote control over the DV camera
when using software such as Sony’s DVgate.
Extend your movie viewing pleasure.
It’s only natural you’ll want to
watch your DVDs on the
larger TV screen. A standard
feature on the VAIO FR, the
DVD-ROM drive makes
connecting this PC to your TV
set via video and audio input
connectors so simple.
Note: I
mage appearance of DVD video playback may differ from general DVD
video players.
Printer connector lets you connect peripherals
used with previous PCs.
In addition to three USB
connectors, VAIO FR
provides a printer connector,
which is helpful for those who
own a printer without a USB
connector. But thanks to the
VAIO FR’s printer connector,
new or old model peripherals
can be connected without any problems at all. These “legacy
connectors” help you take advantage of equipment you may
already own.
Sophistication and durability packaged in elegant style.
Elegant simplicity with VAIO for all!
Inside VAIO, an eye-catching palm
rest with a shining polarised pearl
finish changes colours when viewed
from different angles. This
sophisticated VAIO model fits any
environment — living room,
children’s room, private study or
bedroom. What’s more, all family
members are sure to appreciate its
easy to use all in one design.
Easy viewing display and dark LCD frame
Designed for understated elegance,
the LCD frame is somewhat darker
than the palm rest area, which is the
dominant colour feature of the open
display. This subtle colour
coordination is intended to help
reduce eye fatigue in extended use.
Built-in Stereo
15˝ XGA (1024 × 768)
TFT Colour Display
Streamlined, unified look of speaker cover area
Sony’s meticulous attention to detail
is also reflected in the design of the
keyboard top/speaker cover area.
Colour coordination with the bottom
of the LCD frame and hinge area
creates a look of seamless unity.
Additionally, the unique design of
the dark speaker cover “hides” the
speakers from the view of the user,
reducing visual distraction during
VAIO operation.
Durable, smooth opening hinge mechanism.
To improve linkage between the
LCD panel and body, Sony has
streamlined the hinge mechanism.
Independent placement of hinge
tags allows higher bending rigidity
for the LCD panel, so opening the
panel feels crisp and smooth. Even
after repeated opening and
closing, this durable mechanism
assures smooth action that will last
for a long time.
Sony recommends Microsoft® Windows® XP.
Modular (RJ -11) Connector
Network (RJ-45 )
USB 2.0
Connector ( ×
i.LINK (IEEE1394 ) S400 (4 pin) Connector
Microphone Jack
(Monaural )
Battery Bay
AV Out
Headphone Jack
(Stereo )
(Type III × 1 or Type 1/11 × 2)
CD-RW/DVD-ROM Combo Drive
(VGA, D-sub 15 pin )
PC Card Slot
(D-sub 25 pin )
Floppy disk drive