Information in this document is subject to change without
Sony and VAIO are trademarks of Sony. Intel logo and Intel
Inside logo are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
Pentium MMX is a trademarks of Intel Corporation. Microsoft,
MS-DOS, Windows, the W indows 95 and W indows 98 logo are
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective owners. Oter trademarks and trade names may
be used in this document to refer to the entitles claiming the
marks and names or their produces. Sony Corporation disclaims
any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than
its own.
1. Obey precautionary markings and
Labels and stamps on the cabinet, chassis, and components identify areas requiring special precautions. Be sure to observe these
precautions, as well as all precautions listed in the operating
manual and other associated documents.
2. Use designated parts only
The set’s components possess important safety characteristics,
such as noncombustibility and the ability to tolerate large
voltages. Be sure that replacement parts possess the same safety
characteristics as the originals. Also remember that the (
which appears in circuit diagrams and parts lists, denotes components that have particularly important safety functions; be extra
sure to use only the designated components.
3. Always follow the original design
when mounting parts and routing wires
The original layout includes various safety features, such as inclusion of insulating materials (tubes and tape) and the mounting of parts above the printer board. In addition, internal wiring
has been routed and clamped so as to keep it away from hot or
high-voltage parts. When mounting parts or routing wires. therefore, be sure to duplicate the original layout.
Caution Markings for Lithium/Ion Battery - The following or
similar texts shall be provided on battery pack of equipment or
in both the operating and the service instructions.
CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by
the manufacturer . Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
CAUTION: The battery pack used in this device may present a
fire or chemical burn hazard if mistreated. Do not disassemble,
heat above 100˚C (212˚F) or incinerate.
Dispose of used battery promptly.
Keep away from children.
4. Inspect after completing service
After servicing, inspect to make sure that all screws, components, and wiring have been returned to their original condition.
Also check the area around the repair location to ensure that
repair work has caused no damage, and confirm safety.
5. When replacing chip components...
Never reuse components. Also remember that the negative side
of tantalum capacitors is easily damaged by heat.
6. When handling flexible print boards...
• The temperature of the soldering-iron tip should be about 270C.
• Do not apply the tip more than three times to the same pattern.
• Handle patterns with care; never apply force.
Caution: Remember that hard disk drives are easily damaged
by vibration. Always handle with care.
Service and Inspection Precautions
— 3 —PCG-C1X/C1F (U/E)
1-1.VAIO C1 Picture Book computer Read Me First ...................................... 1-1
1-2.VAIO C1 Picture Book computer User Guide .........................................1-13
This pr oduct contains software owned by Sony and licensed by third
parties. Use of such software is subject to the terms and conditions of
license agreements enclo sed with this product. Some of the software may
not be tr a nsported or used outs i de the United Sta t e s. Software
specifications are subject to change without notice and may not
necessarily be identical to current retail versions.
Updates and additions to software may require an additional charge.
Subscriptions to online service providers may require a fee and cr ed i t
card information. Financial services may require prior arrangements with
participating financia l institutio ns.
Sony, Digital Media Park, DVgate, i.LINK, Mavica, PictureGear, VAIO ,
the VAIO logo, PictureBook, and XWIDE are trademarks of Sony.
Windows and the Windows 98 logo are reg istered tradema rk s of
Microsoft Corporation. Intel, MMX, and Pentium are trademarks of Intel
All other trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respe ctive owners.
Congratu lations on your purchase of the VAIO® C1 PictureB o ok™
Computer with integrated digital camera. Sony has combined leadingedge technology in audio, vide o, computing, and commun ications to
provide you with state-of-the-art personal computing.
For a complete description of the specifications of your C1 PictureBook Computer, see
page 20.
Integrated digital camera
built-in digital camera and a variety of software tools that i ntegrate
the cam era with your computer. Capturing, ma n ipulatin g, and
communicating dig ital images is quick and eas y.
Exceptional performance
processor with MMX™ technology and a V.90 compatible
data/fax modem.*
The rechargeable battery pack provides hours of use
without AC power. See “To charge the battery pack” in the User
Guide for specific informat ion on your model.
Sony audio and video quality:
TFT LCD with XWIDE™ display technology supports high-quality
MPEG1 video. Take advantage of today’s advanced multimedia
applications, games, and entertain ment soft ware.
Windows® 98:
Your system includes the latest operating system
from Microsoft.
: The C1 PictureBook Computer includes a
: Your computer includes a fast Intel
The 8.9-inch XGA-width (1024 x 480)
* Actual upload and download speeds may vary due to line conditions, ISP support, and government
VAIO C1 Pic tureBook Computer Read Me First6
❑Communications: Access popular online servic e s, send e-ma il,
browse the Internet, use fax features, and incorporate digital images
into your electronic communic ations.
❑100 free hours of Internet access: Use the Internet for up to 100 free
hours when you sign up with GTE (no credit card required ). Free
access expires after 100 hours of use or 60 days af te r signing up—
whichev e r occurs first. Use the Easy Internet Ac ce ss icon on the
desktop t o sign up. If you have alr e ady signed up, the icon lau nches
the Easy Internet Access browser.
Unpacking Your C1 PictureBook Computer7
Unpacking Your C1 PictureBook Computer
Remove the following hardware items from the box:
C1 Picture B ook Computer
USB cable for FDD
Poin ting d evic e spare caps
VGA ad apt er cable
Phone cable
AC adapter
Rechargeable battery
Floppy di s k dr iv e
❑Read Me First (this manual) contains specifications, software
descriptions, and quick tips on sp e cific hardware and softw a re issues.
❑The VAIO C1 PictureBook Computer User Guide d esc ribe s how to set up
and use your computer.
❑The Microsoft
use the basic f e atures of the W indows operating system.
To use these recovery CDs, you need to purchase the PCGA-CD5 CD-ROM drive.
VAIO C1 Pic tureBook Computer Read Me First8
❑Setting up your VAIO C1 PictureBook Computer (poster)
❑Packet containing special product of fers
Supplementary Information9
Supplementary Information
For the most recent version of this manual, see the online version of Read
Me First. You can access this document from the Windows Start Menu by
selecting Programs/VAIO Document a t ion.
Power Management Tips
❑If you find that an application exhibits unexpected behavior (such as
reduced video quality) after returning fr om a reduced power
consumption mode, you should close that application before your
compu ter enters a powe r-sa ving mode.
❑For maximum audio and video performance, use PowerPanel to
select e ither the AC Power Profile or the P ower Management Off
❑If your battery level falls to less than 10 percent, you should either
attach th e AC adapter to recharge the battery or shut down your
computer and insert a fully charged battery.
If Your Computer Does Not Start
❑Check that the computer is plugged into a power source and t hat it is
turned on. Check that the power ind icator on the front p anel of the
computer indicates that the power is on.
❑Check that the battery is inserted properly and that it is charged.
❑Make sure there is no diskette in the floppy disk drive.
❑Confirm that the AC adapter and all cables are connected firmly, as
described in “Connecting Peripheral Devices” in the VAIO C1
PictureBook Computer User Guide tha t ca me with your computer.
❑If you plugg ed th e c omput er i nt o a po wer str ip or U PS, m ake sur e the
power strip or UPS is turned on and working.
❑If you are using an external display, check that it is plugged into a
power source and turned on. Check that the brightness control is
adjusted correctly. See the manual that came with your display for
VAIO C1 Pic tureBook Computer Read Me First10
❑Moisture condensation may have occurred. Do not use the computer
for at least one hour and then turn on the computer.
❑When the internal backup battery is low on power, it may not be able
to boot your sys tem properly. You can correct this situation as
follows: Plug in the AC adapter and allow the computer to charge for
one hour while it is connected to AC power. Do not use t he co mputer
during this time. After one hour, turn the power off and th e n on
again. To charge the internal backup battery fu lly, keep the AC
adapter co nnecte d for mor e than 24 hours af te r turn in g the power on.
You can use your computer while charging the battery.
Applications That Use the TWAIN Driver
Digital imaging applica tions, su ch as Adobe Pho toDe luxe®, allow you to
import images to you r co mp uter from an exte rn a l de v i ce , such as a
scanner or digital camera. When you selec t a device, a TWAIN d rive r
window appears on th e screen. You should always close the TWAIN
driver window be fore exiting or minim iz ing a dig ital imag ing
Programmable Power Key
If you wish to use the Programmable Power Key (PPK) to read your email or laun ch a web browser, you need an Internet connection and you
must use Microsoft Outlook. In order to use PPK with your free Easy
Internet Access account, follow these steps:
1Register your computer and sign up for free Internet access.
2Launch Microsoft Outlook and verify that you can send and receive
e-mail usi ng your free Easy Internet Access accoun t.
Supplementary Information11
Hardware Temperature
The AC adapter or th e bo ttom panel of your compute r may become
warm. This is the result of CPU oper atio n and do e s not indi cat e a
malfunction of the computer. The actual temperature varies depending
on the peripherals and software you are using and the length of time that
the unit is in use.
! Do not cover the computer or adapter with clothing or blankets when the computer is
turned on. Covering these components may result in damage to your unit.
When connec ting the supplied AC adapter to an AC outlet th at h as more than two outlets ,
do not plug th e AC adapter into an outlet that is obs tru c ted by an oth er adapter. T o prevent
fire or electrical shock, the adapter must be firmly plugged into the outlet. If necessary,
use a separate AC outlet .
Using Smart Capture to Send Still and Video Images by E-mail
To send images by e-mail using the MAIL button in Smart Capture, you
must first set up your e-mail software to send and receive mail. When
sending a video image to a recipient for the first time, you must include
the VDOWave3 Codec decoder. When compressing the image, select the
Attach decoder check box on the Compressed Images Advanced Settings
screen. The decoder allows the recipient to view the compressed video
If you use an online service provider such as America Online or other
non-MAPI-compliant e-mail so f tware, use the SAVE button to save the
image as a file and then attach the file to your e-mail message. When
sending a video image to a recipient for the first time, you must include
the VDOWave3 Codec decoder. The file name is VDODecode3 0.exe and is
located in C:\Program Files\Sony\Smart Capture\Decoder.
In order for the recipient of a video image to view your file, the recipient
must first install the VDOWave3 Codec decoder by running the
executable file (VDODecode30.exe). The recipient can verify the
installation by opening the Multi media Component of the Control Panel.
The list of Video Compression Codecs under the Devices tab should
include the entry “VDOn et VDOWave3 (Scalable) Advanced Video
VAIO C1 Pic tureBook Computer Read Me First12
About the Software on Your Computer
Your C1 PictureBook Computer is ready to help you work, play, learn,
and communicate as soon as you turn it on. This section gives you an
overview of the activities you can perform with your software titles. For
support inf ormation, see “For Answers to Your Software Questions.”
Adobe Acrobat® Reader
Adobe Systems Inc.
Acrobat Reader software allows you to view, navigate, and print
electronic documents in Ad ob e Portable Document Format (PDF), an
open file format that is intended to preserve the fidelity of documents
created on all major computer platforms.
Adobe PhotoDeluxe® Business Edition
Adobe Systems Inc.
Creat e amazing photo effects with Adob e PhotoDeluxe. Without learning
complex software, you can enhance, restore, and be creative with your
photos. In cludes built-in guided activities , stock photos, clip art, and
templates to assist you.
America Online®
America Online
America Online is the world's most popular Internet online service. Stay
in touch with family and friends with Easy-to-Use E-mail, manage your
personal finances, get the latest news and sports scores, and chat with
thou sa n d s of others who share your i nte re st s.
AT&T WorldNet® Service
Fast, reliable Internet access from AT&T WorldNet Service. AT&T
WorldNet Service provides web-based e-mail, a personalized star t page
from Ex cite, easy acces s to the Excite search engine, free web pages,
online and live agent technic al supp o rt, instant mes sagi ng, and spec ia l
shopping discounts at Market Square.
About the Software on Your Computer13
CompuServe, Inc.
CompuServe is the most compre hensive source of organized business
and educational information online today. CompuServe allows you to
access the vastness of th e Internet, without wasting time wading throu gh
it. Maximize your time online with CompuServe.
Digital Media Park™
Sony Electronics
An integrated suite of multimedia cataloging and playback programs,
including Media Bar, Media Library, and Media Showcase. Manage your
music by cataloging your entire CD collection.
Dr. Solomon's® Anti-Virus
Dr. Solomon’s Software Inc.
Dr. Solomon's Anti-Virus provides the most comprehensive defense
again s t the sp re a d of vi ru s e s , in cluding ma cro viru s e s. It can scan in side
compre sse d files and automatically protects your system agai nst viruses
sent via e-mail or Internet down lo ad.
DVgate™ Still
Sony Electronics
Connect a dig ital video camera recorder to the i .LINK™ connector and
capture your own still images. You can save your images in a variety of
popular file formats.
VAIO C1 Pic tureBook Computer Read Me First14
EarthLink Sprint TotalAccess™
EarthLink Network, Inc.
An Internet Service Provider that supplies access, information, and
assistance to its customers, introducing the m to the Internet. Member
benefits include e-mail, newsgroups, a Personal Start Page, a free 6MB
web site, a member magazine, and 24-hour technical support.
Microsoft® Internet Explorer for Windows® 98
Microsoft Corporation
Internet Explorer delivers the web the way you want it. It's safe, easy to
use, and you can personalize how you access the web. Outlook Express
and other tools in Internet Explorer also help you have a great experience
when you're on the web!
Microsoft® Money 99
Microsoft Corporation
Micr osoft Money 99 is personal finance softwar e that lets you perform
your financial tasks, everything from paying bills to planning for the
future, in a smarter, faster way. With Money's online services, you can
pay bills and ban k from the comf or t o f h o m e .
Microsoft® Outlook® 98
Microsoft Corporation
Outlook 98 is Microsoft's premier messaging and collaboration client. It
combines the leading support for Internet standards-based messaging
systems with integrated calendar, contact, and task-management
About the Software on Your Computer15
Microsoft® Works
Microsoft Corporation
Works provides users with a set of core tools that allows them to write
letter s and reports, track family and friends with the add ress book,
manage home finances, and create a home inventory.
Netscape Communicator®
Netscape Communications
Netscape Commu nicator is the all-in-one Internet tool that makes it easy
to browse the web, send Internet e-mail, chat, read newsgroups, and
compose great web documents.
Sony Electronics
This image manage men t softwa re displays image s from your hard drive,
a Sony Digital Still Came ra, or a Sony Mavica® Camera. The images
appear in a convenient light-table format, so that you can easily view the
contents of an entire folder.
Prodigy Internet™
Prodigy Communications Corporation
An Internet service that helps you find what you need online faster and
smarter. Prodigy delivers powe rful online conten t such as sports score s,
stock quotes, news, and easy access to Excite™, plus a personal e-mail
account and quality custom er servic e, all at a competitive price.
VAIO C1 Pic tureBook Computer Read Me First16
Quicken® Basic 99
Intuit, Inc.
Quicken is the fastest, easiest way to organize you r f inances. Quicken
works just li k e your checkbook, so it's easy to learn and use. Quicken
manages all of your finances , bank accounts, credit cards, investments,
loans. You can even pay your bills online.
Smart Capture
Sony Electronics
Smart Capture is the soft ware that allows you to operat e your computer’s
built-in camera. Smart Capture lets you use the built-in camera as a
digital or video camera, recording still images, motion, and soun d.
Whatever you record with the camera can be viewed with the built-in
movie player or still-picture viewer.
Smart Label
Sony Electronics
This tool allows you to record your voice and play it bac k at any time to
remind yo u of i m p ortant inf or mation, su ch a s te le p hone num be rs or
appointments. It can also be used as a normal text memo pad. It can
record a voice memo up to 60 se conds long. You can combine this with
pictures and/or text to create a memo that you can place on your
computer desktop.
Smart Publisher™
Sony Electronics
Smart Publisher makes it easy for you to combine pictures, movies, and
text to create web pages and send them to the Internet using e-mail or
About the Software on Your Computer17
Smart Write
Sony Electronics
A word processor that allows you to create documents that incorporate
pictures, movies, and sound . W i th Smart Write, you can r ecor d your voice
right into the page and draw directly onto your documents with the
computer “pencil.”
WinFax® Basic Edition
Symantec Corporation
WinFax Basic Edition incorporates an easy-to-use user interface that
allows you to send and receive faxes easily. Upgrade to WinFax Pro to
receive additional features.
About Your Recovery CDs
Application Recovery CD(s)
Sony Electronics
The Application Recovery CD program allows you to reinstall individual
applications and device drivers. Use to restore corrupted or accidentally
erased files.
System Recovery CD(s)
Sony Electronics
The System Recovery CD program allows you to restore the software
titles that shipped with your computer if they become corrupted or are
erased acc identally. It can be used only to restore the hard disk of the
Sony computer you purchased.
VAIO C1 Pic tureBook Computer Read Me First18
For Answers to Your Software Questions
Acrobat® Reader, Adobe PhotoDeluxe® Business Edition
(Adobe Systems I ncorporated)
Americ a O n li n e
(America Online)
206-628- 2746 (fee-based su p p or t )
206-628-5 737
techdocs@adobe. com
M-F, 6 AM- 5 PM PT
http:// w w
7 days a week, 24 hours a day
AT&T WorldNet
Dr. Solomon’s
(EarthLink Network, Inc.)
Service (AT&T)
7 days a week, 24 hours a day
Interactive (CompuServe Interactive, Inc.)
800-848-8 990
M-F, 8 AM - 1 PM ET, S-S 10 AM - 10 PM ET
Anti-Virus (Dr. Solomon’s Software Inc.)
888-377-6 566
7 days a week, 24 hours a day t/
7 days a week, 24 hours a day
For Answers to Your Soft w are Q u estions19
Windows 98 Operating System, Works, Money, Internet Explorer (Microsoft
*Support from 1-888-4SONY PC is free of charge for 90 days after the original date of purchase.
888-4SONYPC (888-476-6972)
7 days a week, 24 hours a day
Netscape Communicator
*Support from 1-888-4SONY PC is free of charge for 90 days after the original date of purchase.
80 x 60, 100 x 120, 320 x 240
30 frames/s (max., overlay)
8.9” XWIDE™ Active Matrix
XGA TFT (1024 x 480)
256 KB Multibank® DRAM
MPEG1 Digital Video
16-bit CD-quality stereo sound
One PCMCIA type II ca rd
Zoomed video and card bus support
4.3 GB
f = 2.8 mm, F = 2.8
Automatic control
24 bit RGB
IrDA standard
Digital camera
Mono microphone
Mono speaker
Fax send/receive
Phone line (RJ-11)
USB port
Stereo headphone
Microphone in
VGA monitor
Supplied Accessories
Serv i ce
Extendible to one year from original
Limited Warranty
Extendible to one year from original
Power Requirements
34 watts maximum (16V DC/AC100- 240V)
Power Management
Advanced pow er man age ment (A PM)
* Maximum speed for faxing is 14.4 kbps. Your modem is capable of downloading at 56 kbps using K56flex
technology or V.90. Your online service or Internet Service Provider, however, may not support this
technology or operate at this speed.
Certain restrictions apply.
Floppy disk drive
Rechargeable battery
AC adapter
Phone cable
VGA adapter cable
Pointing device spare caps
USB cable for FDD
90-day limited express service
date of purchase upon registration
90-day par t s/labor standard
date of purchase upon registration
Energy S t ar Compliant
version 1.2
10.63” (w) x 1.45” (h) x 5.51” (d)
(270 mm x 37 mm x 140 mm)
2.42 lbs. (1.1 kg)
(with supplied battery)
40ºF to 95ºF (+5ºC to 35ºC)
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
This product meets the standards of the International Energy Star Program for energy efficiency.
reduce energy consumption. It is an open
system in which business proprietors can
participate voluntarily. The tar g eted
products are office equipment such as
computers, displays, printers, facsimiles
and copiers. Their standards and logos are
uniform among participating nations.
NERGY STAR is a U.S. registered mark.
Sony Electronics Inc. reserves the right to
make any modification to this manual or
the information contained her ein at any
time without notice. The software
described herein is governed by the terms
of a separate user license agreement.
Sony, VAIO, the VAIO logo, PictureBook,
DVgate, i.LINK, Mavica, and PictureGear
and are trademarks of So ny Corporation.
ImageStation and Sony VAIO Direct are
service marks of Sony Electronics Inc.
Windows and the Windows 98 logo are
registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. Intel, MMX, and Pentium are
trademarks of Intel Corporation.
All other trademarks are trade marks of
their respective owners.
Safety Information
Owner’s Record
The model number and serial number ar e
located on the bottom of your VAIO C1
PictureBook Computer. Record the serial
number in the space provided her e. Refer
to the model and serial number when you
call your Sony Service Center.
Model Number: PCG-C1X
Serial Number:_____________ ___________
Partner, Sony Corporation
has determined that this
product meets the
TAR guidelines for energy
The International ENERGY STAR Office
Equipment Program is an international
program that promotes energy saving
through the use of computers and other
office equipment. The program backs the
development and dissemination of
products with functions that effectively
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