Sony VAIO Notebook PC User Manual

VAIO Notebook PC
Packing Instructions
(2) Trays
with plastic
Fold flaps
In order to protect your PC during transit, Sony Service Center has provided you with packaging material. Some assembly will be required and after assembled the packaging should look as shown on photo#1.
(1) Box
IMPORTANT ! If plastic film is missing do not proceed with these instructio ns, call
customer support and request another box.
Place tray with the plastic film facing down. In a single move, fold and hold small flaps in place (see photo #2) while rolling larger flap over small flaps (see photo #3). Complete the folding of larger flap by locking the 2 tabs onto open slot.
Rotate tray (see photo #4) and repeat the folding process with other side of the tra
Turn tray, pre-fold and roll side flap towards inside of the tray (see photo # 5), ensure that both tabs are fully inserted on open slots as shown on photo #6.
Fold and press down the end of tray as shown on photo #7.
Fold end of
Rotate tray (see photo #8) and continue the folding process with other side of tray.
Last Revised: April 2005 1/2
Insert tabs in
Insert tabs in
Completed tray should look as shown on photo #9. Assemble the 2nd tray by following same steps (#2 thru #8).
VAIO Notebook PC
Packing Instructions
Assemble box and secure the bottom with clear packaging tape. Place one of the trays inside the box with the film side up as shown on photo #10 and #11.
Place second tray on top of PC with film side down (see photo #14).
IMPORTANT! The PC must be in between the film side on both trays.
Place accessories (if any) inside the opening as shown on photo #13 add newspaper/scratch-paper on the sides to hold them in place.
IMPORTANT! Do not place any accessories or loose items with your PC.
Place your PC in the center of tray as shown on photo #12.
Place any pertinent documentation related to the repair of your PC (i.e. inventory sheet, copy of proof of purchase, copy of warranty papers, etc…) inside the box.
Press down top tray applying pressure, some force may be required to suspend the PC between the films. Fold small flaps first and then the larger flaps as shown on photo #16. Ensure that there is no gap between the l arger flaps and seal the box with clear packaging tape (see photo #17).
Last Revised: April 2005 2/2
ttach FedEx label on the side
Attach the FedEx return label to the box. The sealed box should look as shown in photo #18. Call FedEx toll free at 1-800-GO-FEDEX (800-463-
3339) to request for a Prepaid
Pickup or drop off box at any Kinko’s/FedEx location.