Table of Contents
Welcome! ........................................ 1
Precautions ...................................... 1
Using This Manual .......................... 1
Connecting and Installing the TV
Note on AC Power Cord ............................ 2
Connector Types .......................................... 2
Making Connections ................................... 2
Connecfialg directly to cable
or an antenna ....................................... 2
Cable or m_telma ...................................... 3
Cable and anteima .................................... 3
Connecting a. cable box ............................ 3
Cable box and cable .................................. 3
Connecting an antelma/cable TV system
with a VCR .......................................... 4
Connecting to an S Video equipped
VCR ..................................................... 4
Connecting a VCR and TV with a cable
box ....................................................... 5
Connecting to an S Video equipped VCR
with a cable box ................................. 5
Connecting a DBS receiver ...................... 6
Connecting a DBS receiver and a VCR .... 6
Connecting an audio system ................... 7
Connecting an AV receiver ...................... 7
Connecting two VCRs for tape editing
using MONITOR OUT ....................... 8
Connecting a DVD Player ....................... 9
Connecting a DVD Player with component
video output connectors ...................... 9
Connecting a camcorder ........................ 10
Using the S-Link function ...................... !1
Using the CONTROL S feature ............ 12
Using the Console Box
(KV-35XBR88 only) .......................... 13
Basic Set Up
h_serting Batteries......................................... 14
Using the Remote Control Joystick .............. 14
Adjusting Sliders .......................................... 14
On Line Help/Instructions .......................... 14
Using your New TV
Setting Up the TV Automatically ................. 15
Watching the TV .......................................... 16
Watching Two Programs at One Time
- PIP/P&P (Twin ViewS9 ................ 18
Using CHANNEL INDEX ........................... 20
Adjusting your SET UP (menus)
Leamhlg Menu Selection ............................. 22
Using the VIDEO Menu ............................... 23
Using the AUDIO Men_L.............................. 24
Using the TIMER Menu ............................... 25
Using tee SET UP Menu ............................. 26
Setting and Selecting
FAVORITE CHANNEL ..................... 28
Custon_zing the Menu ................................ 31
Operating Video Equipment
Setting the Manufacturer's CcKte ................. 32
Operating a Cable Box or DB5 Receiver
Settin,gtheManufacturet's Code ................. 34
Troubleshooting ........................... 35
Specifications ................................ 37
Index .............................................. 38
Owner's Record
The model and serial numbers are located at the rear
of the I"V, below the Sony logo, ore, the sticker, and
also on the TV box (white label). Record these numbers
in the spaces provided below. Refer to them whenever
you call upon your Sony dealer regarding this product•
Model No. KV-
Serial No.