5) More than 408 mVrms at the maximum volume setting (variable)
More than 408 mVrms (fi x); Impedance (output): 2 kilohms
6) 3.3V T.M.D.S., 50 ohms
The DVI-HDTV input terminal is complieant with the EIA-861
standard and is not intended for use with personal computers.
994 x 776.5 x 634 mm
x 30
104.3 kg
230.0 lbs
x 25 in
by SRS
TruSurround is a trademark of SRS Labs, Inc. SRS and the SRS
symbol are registered trademarks of SRS Labs, Inc. in the United
States and in select foreign countries. SRS and TruSurround are
incorporated under license from SRS Labs, Inc. and are protected
under United States Patent Nos. 4,748,669 and 4,841,572 with
numerous additional issued and pending foreign patents. Purchase of this product does not convey the right to sell recordings
made with the TruSurround technology.
by Sony Corporation under license from SRS Labs, Inc. It is
covered by U.S. Patent No. 4,748,669. Other U.S. and foreign
patents pending.
The word ‘SRS’ and the SRS symbol are registered trademarks of SRS Labs, Inc. BBE and BBE symbol are trademarks of
BBE Sound, Inc. and are licensed by BBE Sound, Inc. under U.S.
Patent No. 4,638,258 and 4,482,866.
Design and specifi cations are subject to change without notice.
Remote Commander RM-Y197
Two Size AA (R6) Batteries
Optional Accessories
AV Cable: VMC-810/820/830 HG
Audio Cable: RKC-515HG
Component Video Cable: VMC-10/30 HG
TV Stand: SU-27HX1 (KV-27HS420/29DRC420 Only)
TV Stand: SU-30HX1 (KV-30HS420 Only)
TV Stand: SU-32HX1 (KV-32HS420 Only)
TV Stand: SU-34HX1 (KV-34HS420 Only)
TV Stand: SU-36HX1 (KV-36HS420 Only)
Short circuit the anode of the picture tube and the anode cap to the metal chassis, CRT shield, or carbon painted on the CRT, after
removing the anode.
An isolation transformer should be used during any service to avoid possible shock hazard, because of live chassis. The chassis of
this receiver is directly connected to the ac power line.
Components identifi ed by shading and ! mark on the schematic diagrams, exploded views, and in the parts list are critical for safe
operation. Replace these components with Sony parts whose part numbers appear as shown in this manual or in supplements
published by Sony. Circuit adjustments that are critical for safe operation are identifi ed in this manual. Follow these procedures
whenever critical components are replaced or improper operation is suspected.
Apres avoir deconnecte le cap de l’anode, court-circuiter l’anode du tube cathodique et celui de l’anode du cap au chassis metallique
de l’appareil, ou la couche de carbone peinte sur le tube cathodique ou au blindage du tube cathodique.
Afi n d’eviter tout risque d’electrocution provenant d’un chássis sous tension, un transformateur d’isolement doit etre utilisé lors de tout
dépannage. Le chássis de ce récepteur est directement raccordé à l’alimentation du secteur.
Les composants identifi es par une trame et par une marque ! sur les schemas de principe, les vues explosees et les listes de pieces
sont d’une importance critique pour la securite du fonctionnement. Ne les remplacer que par des composants Sony dont le numero
de piece est indique dans le present manuel ou dans des supplements publies par Sony. Les reglages de circuit dont l’importance
est critique pour la securite du fonctionnement sont identifi es dans le present manuel. Suivre ces procedures lors de chaque
remplacement de composants critiques, ou lorsqu’un mauvais fonctionnement suspecte.
After correcting the original service problem, perform the following
safety checks before releasing the set to the customer:
1. Check the area of your repair for unsoldered or poorly soldered
connections. Check the entire board surface for solder splashes and
2. Check the interboard wiring to ensure that no wires are “pinched” or
touching high-wattage resistors.
3. Check that all control knobs, shields, covers, ground straps, and
mounting hardware have been replaced. Be absolutely certain that
you have replaced all the insulators.
4. Look for unauthorized replacement parts, particularly transistors,
that were installed during a previous repair. Point them out to the
customer and recommend their replacement.
5. Look for parts which, though functioning, show obvious signs of
deterioration. Point them out to the customer and recommend their
6. Check the line cords for cracks and abrasion. Recommend the
replacement of any such line cord to the customer.
7. Check the B+ and HV to see if they are specifi ed values. Make sure
your instruments are accurate; be suspicious of your HV meter if
sets always have low HV.
8. Check the antenna terminals, metal trim, “metallized” knobs, screws,
and all other exposed metal parts for AC leakage. Check leakage as
described below.
Leakage Test
The AC leakage from any exposed metal part to earth ground and from
all exposed metal parts to any exposed metal part having a return to
chassis, must not exceed 0.5 mA (500 microamperes). Leakage current
can be measured by any one of three methods.
1. A commercial leakage tester, such as the Simpson 229 or RCA
WT-540A. Follow the manµFacturers’ instructions to use these
2. A battery-operated AC milliampmeter. The Data Precision 245 digital
multimeter is suitable for this job.
3. Measuring the voltage drop across a resistor by means of a VOM
or battery-operated AC voltmeter. The “limit” indication is 0.75 V,
so analog meters must have an accurate low voltage scale. The
Simpson’s 250 and Sanwa SH-63TRD are examples of passive
VOMs that are suitable. Nearly all battery-operated digital multimeters
that have a 2 VAC range are suitable (see Figure A).
How to Find a Good Earth Ground
A cold-water pipe is a guaranteed earth ground; the cover-plate retaining
screw on most AC outlet boxes is also at earth ground. If the retaining
screw is to be used as your earth ground, verify that it is at ground by
measuring the resistance between it and a cold-water pipe with an
ohmmeter. The reading should be zero ohms.
If a cold-water pipe is not accessible, connect a 60- to 100-watt troublelight (not a neon lamp) between the hot side of the receptacle and the
retaining screw. Try both slots, if necessary, to locate the hot side on the
line; the lamp should light at normal brilliance if the screw is at ground
potential (see Figure B).
To Exposed Metal
Parts on Set
0.15 µF
Figure A. Using an AC voltmeter to check AC leakage.Figure B. Checking for earth ground.
The units in this manual contain a self-diagnostic function. If an error occurs, the STANDBY/TIMER LED will automatically begin to fl ash. The number
of times the LED fl ashes translates to a probable source of the problem. A defi nition of the STANDBY/TIMER LED fl ash indicators is listed in the
instruction manual for the user’s knowledge and reference. If an error symptom cannot be reproduced, the Remote Commander can be used to review
the failure occurrence data stored in memory to reveal past problems and how often these problems occur.
Diagnostic Test Indicators
When an error occurs, the STANDBY/TIMER LED will fl ash a set number of times to indicate the possible cause of the problem. If there is more than
one error, the LED will identify the fi rst of the problem areas.
Results for all of the following diagnostic items are displayed on screen. If the screen displays a “0”, an error has occurred.
No. of times
Diagnostic Item
Power does not turn on Does not light _______
+B Overcurrent (OCP)* 2 times 2:0 or 2:1
Low +B Overvoltage (OVP) 3 times 3:0 or 3:1
Vertical Deflection Stopped 4 times 4:0 or 4:1
White Balance Failure
(not balanced)
Horizontal Deflection
TIMER lamp
5 times 5:0 or 5:1
6 times 6:0 or 6:1
7 times 7:0 or 7:1
Probable Cause Location Detected Symptoms
• Power cord is not plugged in.
• Fuse is burned out (F501). (AY Board)
• H.OUT (Q5030) is shorted. (DZ Board)
• +B PWM (Q5003) is shorted.
(DZ Board)
• IC6505 is faulty. (DZ Board) • Has entered standby mode.
• 15V is not supplied. (DZ Board)
• IC5004 is faulty. (DZ Board)
• Video OUT (IC9001-IC9003) is faulty.
(CH, Board)
• CRT drive (IC2801) is faulty. (BY Brd.)
• G2 is improperly adjusted.**
• +5 line is overloaded. (AY, BY, MY
• +5 line is shorted. (AY, BY, MY Brds.)
• IC504 is faulty. (AY Board)
• Power does not come on.
• No power is supplied to the TV.
• AC Power supply is faulty.
• Power does not come on.
• Load on power line shorted.
• Has entered standby mode after
Horizontal raster.
• Vertical deflection pulse is stopped.
• Power line is shorted or power
supply is stopped.
• No raster is generated.
• CRT cathode current detection
reference pulse output is small.
• No picture
• No picture
* If a +B overcurrent is detected, stoppage of the vertical deflection is detected simultaneously. The symptom that is diagnosed first by the
microcontroller is displayed on the screen.
** Refer to Screen (G2) in Section 2-5 of this manual.
*** If STANDBY/STEREO LED flashes six (6) times, unplug the unit and wait 10 seconds before performing the adjustment.
Display of Standby/Timer LED Flash Count
Diagnostic items Flash count
Vert.fiDeflectionfiStoppedfi 4fitimes
Horiz.fiDeflectionfiStoppedfi 7fitimes
Lamp ON 0.3 sec.
Lamp OFF 0.3 sec.
Lamp OFF 3 sec.
* One fl ash count is not used for
Standby/Timer LED
Stopping the Standby/Timer LED Flash
Turn off the power switch on the TV main unit or unplug the power cord from the outlet to stop the STANDBY/TIMER LAMP from fl ashing.
For errors with symptoms such as “power sometimes shuts off” or “screen sometimes goes out” that cannot be confi rmed, it is possible to bring up past
occurrences of failure on the screen for confi rmation.
To Bring Up Screen Test
In standby mode, press buttons on the Remote Commander sequentially, in rapid succession, as shown below:
Channel 5 Sound volume - Power ON.
2: +B OCP 0
3: +B OVP 0
4: VSTOP 0
5: AKB 1
6: LOWB 0
7: H-STOP 0
Numeral “0”
means that no fault was detected.
Numeral “1”
means a fault was detected one
time only.
101: WDT 24
Handling of Self-Diagnostic Screen Display
Since the diagnostic results displayed on the screen are not automatically cleared, always check the self-diagnostic screen during repairs. When you
have completed the repairs, clear the result display to “0”.
Unless the result display is cleared to “0”, the self-diagnostic function will not be able to detect subsequent faults after completion of the repairs.
Clearing the Result Display
To clear the result display to “0”, press buttons on the Remote Commander sequentially when the diagnostic screen is displayed, as shown below:
NOTE: This will also reset all user functions (including auto programming and picture settings)
Quitting the Self-Diagnostic Screen
To quit the entire self-diagnostic screen, turn off the power switch on the Remote Commander or the main unit.
Occurs when excessive current fl ows through R5013. The increase in voltage across R5013 causes the output of Q5004 to go high, and this high
signal goes to the micro.
+B overvoltage (OVP)
IC6505 detects +B OVP condition and turns on Q6522. This sends a high signal to the micro and also shuts down the AC relay.
Occurs when an absence of the vertical defl ection pulse is detected by pin 24 of IC2801 (BY Board). Power supply will shut down when waveform
interval exceeds 2 seconds.
White Balance Failure
If the RGB levels* do not balance within 2 seconds after the power is turned on, this error will be detected by IC2801. TV will stay on, but there will be
no picture.
*(Refers to the RGB levels of the AKB detection Ref pulse that detects 1K).
High voltage remains in the CRT even after the power is disconnected. To avoid electric shock,
discharge CRT before attempting to remove the anode cap. Short between anode and CRT
coated earth ground strap.
1. Discharge the anode of the CRT and remove the
anode cap.
2. Unplug all interconnecting leads from the defl ection
yoke, neck assembly, degaussing coils and CRT
grounding strap.
3. Remove the CH Board from the CRT.
4. Remove the chassis assembly.
5. Loosen the neck assembly fi xing screw and remove.
6. Loosen the defl ection yoke fi xing screw and remove.
7. Place the set with the CRT face down on a cushion
and remove the degaussing coil holders.
8. Remove the degaussing coils.
9. Remove the CRT grounding strap and spring
tension devices.
10. Unscrew the four CRT fi xing screws [located on
each CRT corner] and remove the CRT
[Take care not to handle the CRT by the neck].
WARNING: High voltage remains in the CRT even after the power is disconnected. To avoid electric shock, discharge CRT before attempting to
remove the anode cap. After removing the anode cap, short circuit to either the metal chassis, CRT shield, or carbon painted on the CRT.
NOTE: After removing the anode cap, short circuit the anode of the picture tube and the anode cap to either the metal chassis, CRT shield or carbon
painted on the CRT.
Turn up one side of the rubber cap in
the direction indicated by arrow a .
Use your thumb to pull the rubber
cap fi rmly in the direction indicated
by arrow b .
1. Do not use sharp objects which may cause damage to the surface of the anode
2. To avoid damaging the anode cap, do not squeeze the rubber covering too
hard. A material fi tting called a shatter-hook terminal is built into the rubber.
3. Do not force turn the foot of the rubber cover. This may cause the shatter-hook
terminal to protrude and damage the rubber.
Anode Button
When one side of the rubber cap separates from
the anode button, the anode cap can be removed
by turning the rubber cap and pulling it in the
direction of arrow c .
The following adjustments should be made when a complete
realignment is required or a new picture tube is installed.
These adjustments should be performed with rated power supply
voltage unless otherwise noted.
The controls and switch should be set as follows unless otherwise
• Use cross hatch signal to rough adjust focus, G2 and then input a
white pattern signal.
• Face the picture tube in an East or West direction to reduce the
infl uence of geomagnetism.
• Confi rm data in service mode to match with CRT screen size.
• CXA2170D-4
• CXA8070 (Should be set to default) - or unplug CRT from DY.
(Should be set to default value).
NOTE: Do not use the hand degausser; it magnetizes the CRT .
Perform the adjustments in order as follows:
1. Beam Landing
2. Convergence
3. Focus
4. Screen (G2)
5. White Balance
Test Equipment Required:
1. Color Bar Pattern Generator
2. Degausser
3. DC Power Supply
4. Digital Multimeter
5. Move the defl ection yoke forward, and adjust so that the entire screen
becomes green.
1. Input white pattern from pattern generator. Set the PICTURE control
to maximum, and the BRIGHTNESS control to standard.
2. Loosen the defl ection yoke mounting screw, and set the purity
control to the center as shown below:
Purity Control
3. Input a green pattern from the pattern generator.
4. Move the defl ection yoke backwards, (See Figure 1) and adjust with
the purity control so that green is in the center and red and blue are
even on both sides.
Blue Red
Figure 1
6. Switch over the raster signal to red and blue and confi rm the
7. When the position of the defl ection yoke is determined, tighten it with
the defl ection yoke mounting screw.
8. If landing at the corner is not right, adjust it by using the disk
NOTE: Changing neck assembly position will affect corner convergence.
Normally, no adjustments are necessary for these systems. If for some
reason the data is lost, use the data from Table 1 on Page 24:
Write the data from any non-vertically compressed mode, then use
the CPY1 function (CXA2170D-4 Item 6) to copy the data to the
vertical compressed modes. V-compressed data is identical to non-vcompressed data. Service personnel with a trained eye can adjust the
DF or DQP registers to adjust DF phase (Item 7) or DQP phase (Item 8),
respectively, to balance left and right focus. Refrain from adjusting more
than 5 steps from table data below. Further adjustment indicates a circuit
problem -- troubleshoot to cause. Be sure that Neck Assembly is in the
proper location. Always mark position before moving or replacing neck
Position tolerance: Just
G1 Cu
Figure 1
Screen (G2)
: NA328
osition +/- 0.5mm
(See Section 2-4 Figure 1 - before changing DF/DQP data or
troubleshooting circuit when DF/DQP is suspect.)
Procedure to adjust or check:
1. Input a cross hatch signal.
2. Short Q8018 B-E to disable DF – Markings are on the circuit board.
Circuit connection changes should always be done with the power off.
Caution: Q8018 heatsink is live and peak voltage is 250V.
3. Defocus or overfocus to adjust DQP phase. Adjust the data
(CXA2170-D4 item 8) to balance left and right vertical line width.
4. Once DQP is balance, remove the short from DF circuit and refocus
the set.
5. Adjust DF (CXA2170-D4 item 7) to balance left and right vertical line
• Input a Color Bar signal to RF (75 IRE 75%).
• Set picture mode: single (FULL) (PRO MODE Reset).
• Picture: Max
1. Set to Service Mode and adjust as follows:
NO. NameControl FunctionAvg. Data
2. Connect an oscilloscope to pin 5 of CN9001 (B. DRV) on the CY
3. Adjust color according to Service Mode for SCOL.
4. Adjust color according to Service Mode for SHUE.
NO. NameControl Function
• Input an all white 480I (15.734 KHz) signal into the VIDEO 1 input
terminal to perform the White Balance (highlight, cut-off) adjustments.
The parameters to adjust are in the CXA2170P1 in Service Mode.
• Set Picture Mode: Single (FULL) ( POR MODE Reset)
• Picture: Max
• Color: Min
WHITE BALANCE ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE (Compos ite White Field Signal into Video 1)
Old CalibrationR/G
Highlight/Cutoff29RSN/29RSEN .790.903
9300K + 8MPCD
3. Input a monoscope and crosshatch signal. Adjust the picture
distortion with the following service parameters to balance the best
condition for these two signals.
NOTE: Make sure that the picture size is within specs. Vertical size
is 11.8 ± 0.1 sq. and horizontal size is 15.8 ± 0.1 sq.
1. Input a 1080i cross-hatch signal and an HD monoscope signal that
contains overscan markers. (From service mode, verify 1080I mode).
2. Adjust the raster position per Section 2-8., only if this procedure was
not performed for full mode.
3. Adjust the geometry similar to Full DRC mode. Vertical size is 11.7
± 0.1 sq. and horizontal size is 15.6 ± 0.1 sq., if monoscope signal is
available. Otherwise, set the Vertical size to 91.0 ± 0.6% scan and
Horizontal size as 91.0 ± 0.6% scan.
4. Use the following register to adjust the horizontal parameter:
NOTE: If necessary, touch up the geometry using the data register
listed above for Full mode. Check NTSC full mode for side
effect and balance.
Confi rm Point:..........................Across CN5509 PIN 9 for B+ of DZ Board
1. Remove DZ board screws and carefully lift board as necessary to
2. Unsolder CN5001 pin 1 to open ABL connection to AY or AZ board.
(Alternately, open AY or AZ - DZ connector (CN509-CN5001) and
3. Install jumper wire from MY or MZ board connection CN2304 pin 1
4. Unsolder CN5009 pin 8 (H-prot).
5. Open ABL pin 1 of T8001 (RHT) on DZ board and connect analog
1. Using an external DC power supply, apply 5.3 ± 0.5 Vdc between
Pin 2 of CN507 (jig connector) and ground (Pin 8); confi rm set goes
to hold-down (main power relay click).
2. Remove the external DC power supply.
Standard 135.3 ± 1 VAC
Check Condition:
AC input voltage: 120 (± 2) VAC
Note: If using a stabilized power supply, make sure that the distortion
factor is 3% or less.
Setting Mode: ............................................................................ Full mode
Signal Input: ............................................................Cross-hatch of NTSC
1. Confi rm ABL current which should be approximately 0.160mA.
2. Short across C8002, C8021, and C8052.
3. Turn off the set and install precision VR1 jig (initially set to 100K) to
4. Restore power and adjust HV to obtain
34.4 ± 0.15kV (KV-27HS420/29DRC420/30HS420 only)
35.2 ± 0.15kV (KV-32HS420/34HS420/36HS420 only)
by precision VR1 jig.
Note: If the picture turns bright red or other color and the set shuts
5. Remove short from C8002 and confi rm that hold down activates.
6. Short C8002 again and confi rm that HV recovers.
7. Re-adjust HV to obtain
31.5 ± 0.2 kV (KV-27HS420/29DRC420/30HS420 only)
32.5 ± 0.2 kV (KV-32HS420/34HS420/36HS420 only)
by precision VR1 jig.
8. Remove short from C8002 and C8021 and C8052.
9. Confi rm that hold down does not activate.
Note: Remove the 10 M resistor , if installed in step D above
gain access to the bottom of the board.
carefully push pin 1 metal tab (ABL) up from the bottom and pull up
from the top using long nose pliers and release it from the connector,
then close the connector with pin 1 connection now open.)
to CN509 pin 1 to inject 5V to ABL line. (Alternately, use STBY 5V,
IC501 Pin O on AY or AZ board)
current meter.
IC8005 pin 1 (It’s the unmarked IC8005 pin on PWB A side, neither K
nor A.) and GND (C8076 -).
down, place a 10 M resistor on the CX board between G2 and E2
pins on the socket. Confi rm G2 adjustment before returning set to
1. Short across C8002, C8021, C8052, C8012, and C8015.
2. Set ABL current to 2.76mA by adjusting picture and brightness
towards max condition.
3. Adjust HV to obtain
33.6 ± 0.15kV (KV-27HS420/29DRC420/
30HS420 only)
34.5± 0.15kV (KV-32HS420/34HS420/36HS420 only)
by precision RV1 jig.
4 Remove short from C8002 and confi rm that hold down activates.
5. Short C8002 again and confi rm that HV recovers.
6. Re-adjust HV to obtain
31.2 ± 0.2 kV (KV-27HS420/29DRC420/30HS420 only)
32.2 ± 0.2 kV (KV-32HS420/34HS420/36HS420 only)
by precision VR1 jig.
7. Remove shorts from C8002, C8021, and C8052.
8. Confi rm that hold down does not
9. Remove short from C8012 and C8015.
10. Remove VR1 jig from DZ board
1. Using an external DC power supply, apply 5.3 + 0.5 Vdc
between Pin 2 of CN507 (jig connector) and ground (Pin 8) on AY
or AZ board.
2. Confi rm that hold down activates.
3. Remove the external DC power supply.
1. Re-solder CN5001 pin 1 and CN5009 pin 8 to restore AY or AZ -DZ
connections. (Or as applicable, restore AY or AZ –DZ connector
by carefully pressing the tab back into the slot and snapping the
connector shut. Be sure the tab is fl ush and level with the other tabs
on the connector.)
2. Remove jumper wire from MY or MZ board connection CN2304 pin 1
to CN509 pin 1.
3. Remove current meter from ABL pin and restore ABL pin connection.
4. Replace all DZ board screws and restore user menu settings to reset
Input Video Signal:............................................................All White Signal
Item * uses the fixed setting in
normal TV operations.
{Its setting can be changed for
testing in Servcie mode only.
But the change will not be
memorized after leaving
Service mode.}