CPD-E530 (E) 3-2
<How to place wedge>
Green plain crosshatch pattern
a and b should be equal.
c and d should be equal.
Plaster RTV to both sides for the upper wedge.
Make sure that they settle inside DY.
Plaster RTV to one side for other wedges.
± 6 ± 6 ± 6
± 6 ± 6 ± 6
± 6 ± 6 ± 6
10 10 10
10 7 10
10 10 10
The red and blue must be within the
specification given right with respect to the
A difference between red and blue must be
within the specification given right.
Adjust so that the green is within the
specification given right.
4 corner adjust target : within ± 1
0 ± 3 0 ± 7.5 0 ± 3
0 ± 3 0 ± 7.5 0 ± 3
0 ± 3 0 ± 7.5 0 ± 3
14. Adjust landing by LCC_NS, LCC_LT, LCC_LB, LCC_RT, and
LCC_RB. Adjustment of registers shall be limited within the following
LCC_NS: 128 ± 15
LCC_LT, LCC_LB, LCC_RT, and LCC_RB: 128 ± 40
Set LCC_SW to 13, and Perform Service Save.
15. Tighten DY screw within specified torque, and auto-degauss.
Note: Torque 22 ± 2 kgcm (2.2 ± 0.2Nm)
16. Adjust the vertical angle of DY to make top and bottom pins equal (a =
b). The horizontal angle shall not be changed (straight). Settle DY
upright without leaning, and insert wedges firmly so that DY shall not
17. Adjust top and bottom pins correction VR.
18. Adjust the horizontal trapezoid distortion by DY horizontal trapezoid
correction VR.
19. Check landing at each corner and in case not in specification, adjust
landing of 4 corners with "LCC_NS", "LCC_LT", "LCC_LB",
"LCC_RT", and "LCC_RB". The limitations of registers are shown
LCC_NS: 128 ± 15
LCC_LT, LCC_LB, LCC_RT, and LCC_RB: 128 ± 40
20. Remove the sensor and wobbling coil.
21. Switch signals to R, G, and B, and then check that the pure colors have
good color purity.
22. Fix purity magnets with white paint.