Key Features
Center and Rear Speaker Package
Center Includes Dual 4 3/4" Drive with 1" Tweeter
Nano-Fine® Balanced Dome Tweeter Rated to 50 kHz (Only
for Center)
Rear Speaker Includes 4 3/4" Full-Range Driver
120W Maximum Power Handling (Center)
110W Maximum Power Handling (Surround)
Supplied Speaker Cables and Protective Feet
8 ohm Speaker Impedance
Center/Rear Speaker Package

Center/Rear Speaker Package
Frequency Response: Center: 85-50,000 Hz,
Surround: 85-20,000 Hz
Power Handling Capacity: Rear: 100 Watts Maximum
Speaker Type: Rear: 1 Way Bass Reflex Design
Woofer(s): Rear: 4 3/4" Full Range Driver
Weights and Measurements
Weight: Center: 8.2 lbs (3.7 Kg), Rear: 4 lbs (1.8 Kg)
Dimensions: Center: 14 15/16 x 5 10/11 x 7 7/11" (380
x 150 x 194mm), Rear: 7 7/15 x 5 10/11 x 7 5/7"
(190 x 150 x 196mm)
Center: 8.2 lbs (3.7 Kg); Rear: 4 lbs (1.8 Kg)
Dimensions (WHD)
Center: 14 15/16 x 5 10/11 x 7 7/11" (380 x 150 x
194mm); Rear: 7 7/15 x 5 10/11 x 7 5/7" (190 x
150 x 196mm)
UPC Code
©20 04 So ny El ectro nics Inc .
Son y and Na no-Fi ne ar e tra demar ks of So ny. A ll ot her t radem arks are
pro perty of th eir r espec tive own ers.
All ri ghts res erved . Fea tures an d spe cific ation s are su bject to ch ange
wit hout not ice.
Sony Electronics Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 • www.sony.com/dn
Last Updated 2005-07-11