A: The Windows® operating system may not shut down properly for many reasons, including
incompatible or conflicting drivers, damaged files, or non-responsive hardware. For troubleshooting
information, you can search Windows Help. From the Start menu, select Help, click the Contents
tab, click Troubleshooting, and then click Windows 98 Troubleshooters. Click the subject for which
you want information, and then answer the questions that are appropriate for your problem.
Q: Why is my system running slowly?
A: The system responsiveness varies depending on the number of applications that are open and
running. Close any applications that you are not currently using. Increasing the system memory
may also help. The computer has two memory slots. For memory upgrades, use only 3.3V 64-bit
PC-100 SDRAM DIMM modules. Sony computer supplies, accessories, and peripherals can be
purchased from your dealer or by contacting Sony at http://www.sony.com/accessories. For
information on installing memory, see the online document Upgrading and Maintaining Your VAIO®
Computer .
Q: Why is there no sound in any application?
A: There are independent controls for your system volume.
There is volume control in the Windows® task tray. Click the icon and slide the level bar up to
increase the volume.
In addition to adjusting the volume, check that the Mute check box is not selected in the Windows
volume control .
Q: Why doesn't my CD-RW drive record at the highest speed?
A: You must use 4x media to achieve optimum performance. If you must use other media, the
following steps may be helpful:
If you are having difficulty formatting non-4x writable media, change the write speed from 4x to 2x
or 1x. To change the write speed from the 4x default to another speed, click the My Computer icon
on your desktop. Right-click the CD-RW drive icon (your CD-RW drive is assigned drive H as its
default), select Properties, and then select the Settings tab. Change the "Current Write Speed" field
to 1x or 2x, and then click OK.
Q: How do I change my modem to rotary or Touch-Tone dialing?
A: Click the My Computer icon on your desktop. Click Control Panel, and then click Modems. Click
Dialing Properties. Next to "Dial using," select the Tone dial or Pulse dial radio button. Click OK.
Q: Why is there unusual activity on my floppy disk drive?
A: If you notice that your system is slow to respond due to unusual floppy disk drive activity, it
could be because of Find Fast. To determine if Find Fast is present, click Start, point to Programs,
and then point to Startup. Removing this item may remedy the problem.
Supplementary Information
Recovering Microsoft® Word 2000
If you recover your operating system using the System Recovery CD, Word 2000 will not be
recovered. Use the Word 2000 CD-ROM to recover this application.
Standby Mode
Resuming from Standby Mode
There are three ways to bring your computer back from the standby mode: press the space bar on
your keyboard, press the left mouse button, or momentarily depress the power button on your
Resetting Your Computer For Printer Use After Resuming From A Power Saving Mode
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