Sony PCG-GRX415MP, PCG-GRX415MK User Manual

Sony notebook user guide

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Sony Notebook User Guide


© 2002 Sony Corporation. All rights reserv ed. This manual and the so ftw ar e des c ribe d her ein, in who le or in par t , may not be repr oduc ed, tran slat ed, or reduced t o any machine-
readable form without pri or writt en a ppr oval. Sony Corp or ation provides no war r ant y wit h regard to this ma nual, the softw ar e , or oth er inf or mation cont ai ne d her ein and hereby
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Sony Corporat i on res er ves the right t o make any modi ficat io n to t his manual or the infor mat ion contained herein at any time without notice. The software descr ibe d herein is governed by the terms of a separate user license agreement .


Sony, Digita lPri nt , DVgate, i.LINK, Jog Dial, PictureGear, PictureT oy, PowerPanel, MovieShaker, Smart Capture, SonicStage, Sony Note book Se t up, UI Design S el e cto r, VisualF lo w , Memor y S tic k, the Me m or y Sti ck logo, Memory St ick For ma tter, VAI O and t he VAIO logo are t ra dem arks of Sony Corp or ation. The Wi ndow s , Wi ndows XP and Windows 2000 Professional logo ar e r egist er ed t r adem ar ks of Micros of t Corp or a t ion .
i.LINK is a trademark of Sony used to designate that a product contai ns an IEEE1394-connection. Adobe and Adobe Acrobat Reade r are trademar ks of Adobe Sy s t ems In c or por at ed. QuickTime and the QuickT ime logo a r e tradem a r ks use d under li c ens e. Qu ickTime is register ed in the U.S. and other c ount r ie s.
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Sony Notebook User Guide
RealPlayer and RealJukebox are trademarks or registered trademarks of RealNetworks, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. PowerPanel i s a trademark of Phoenix Technologies Ltd. Symantec Norton An tiVir us is a trademar k of Symantec Corporat ion .
All other names of systems, products and services are trademarks of their respective owners. In the manual, the ™ or ® marks are not specified.
Speci f icat i ons are s ubj ec t to change w it hout noti c e. All other trademar ks are trademarks of their respecti ve owners.
As an ENER GY STAR ® Partne r, Sony has det ermin ed that this p ro duct meets th e ENERGY STAR ® guidelines for energy efficiency. The Interna ti o nal ENERGY STAR® Office Equipme nt Program is an internati onal program that promo te s energy saving throu gh the use
of comput e r s and their office eq uip m e nt . The progr a m bac ks the development and dissemi na t io n of products wit h fun c tions th at effec t ively re duc e ene r gy co ns um pt io n. It is an ope n s ystem in w hich busine s s pro pr ietor s can participate voluntar ily. The targeted prod ucts a r e of fic e equipment such as comput er s, dis pl ay s , printers , facs imiles a nd copiers. Their s tan da r ds and logos are uni form among participating nations.
ENERGY STAR is a U.S. registered mark.
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Sony Notebook User Guide

Safety information

Owner's recor d

The serial num be r and mo del numb er are loca t ed on t he bot t om of your S ony not e book. Record the serial number and the model number in the spaces provided here. Refer to the model number and serial number if you call VAIO-Link.
Serial number: ________________________ Model number (mod el name in brackets):PCG -8A8M (PCG- GRX 415MK/ PCG -GRX415MP)


Opening th e unit, for whatever re aso n, coul d lead to damages that are not cove red by the guarant ee. To avoid electrical shoc k, do not open the cabi net . Refer servicing to qualified per so nnel only. To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose your VAIO notebook to rain or moisture. Avoid using the modem during a se vere electrical storm. Do not use the modem or a telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak. To change the backup bat te ry, please contact your near es t Sony Serv ice Cent er. Before you connec t per iph era ls, tur n off the computer and all per iph er als. Connect the power cord only after connecting all cables. Tu rn on th e compu ter onl y after turn ing off al l per iph era ls. The magnetic properties of some objects can have serious consequences for your hard disk drive. They
can erase the data on the hard disk drive and cause the computer to malfunction. Do not place your computer near or on any objec ts which em it mag net ic fiel ds , mainly :
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Sony Notebook User Guide
TV sets Speakers Magnets Magnetic bracelets.
Audio and picture distortion may occur if this equipment is positioned in close proximity to any
equipment em itting electromagnetic r adiation.
Never instal l modem or tele phone wiring during a severe light ning storm. Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations. Be cautio us when instal li ng or modif yi ng tel ephone lines. Use your notebook only with the suppli ed AC adapte r. To disc onnect your notebo ok comp lete l y from
mains volta ge, unp lug the AC adapte r.
Please make sure that the socke t outlet is easily accessi ble . Never touch uninsulated tel ephone wire or terminals unl es s the telephone line has been disconnected
at the network interfa ce .
Optical disc drive
Misuse o f opt ical i n strume n ts can cau se eye h az ard. As the lase r be a m use d in th is product is harmful to
eyes, do not atte mp t any disass em bl ing process. For servic ing , refe r to qualif ied personnel only.
There are visible and invisible radiations when the optical disc drive is open: avoid direct exposure to the
laser beam.
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Sony Notebook User Guide

Regulatory information

Sony hereb y declar e s that t he pro duc t is in comp li anc e wit h th e essent ial require men ts and ot he r relev ant pr ov i sions of Eu ro pean Directive 1999/5/EC (radio equipm ent and telecomm uni cat ion s terminal equip ment Directive).
This product compli es with EN 55022 Class B and EN 55024 for use in following areas: residential , commer cial and light-indu strial. This pro duc t has been test ed and fo und c om plian t wit h th e limi t s set out in the EMC Di r e cti ve fo r using conne ct ion ca bles not longer
than 3 metres (9.8 feet). The opti cal disc drive i s c lassified as a CLA S S 1 LASER PRODUCT and c ompl ies w i th t he Laser Product Saf et y St andard EN 60825-1. Repair
and mai nt enanc e only by auth or ized Son y techni c ians. Impr oper repairs and use can creat e sa fety ha zar ds . Before activating the built-in modem, users are invited to read the Modem Regulations flyer.
TO EN 60825-1
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Sony Notebook User Guide

Disposing of lithium ion batteries

Do not handle damaged or leaking lithium ion batteries. Dispose of promptly and properly at end-of-life. Danger of explosion if the battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type
recomm ende d by the ma nuf ac ture r. Disca rd us ed ba tt er ies a ccord i ng to t he m a nufactur er’ s instruction s.
The battery pac k used in this device may present a fire or chemical burn hazard if mistreated. Do not
disassemble, heat above 60°C (140°F) or incinerat e.
Keep away from childr en. In some areas the disposal of lithium ion batteries in household or business waste may be prohibited. Use the public collection syste m.

Disposing of internal memory backup battery

Y our notebook is equipped with an internal memory backup battery that should not have to be replaced
during the lifetime of the product. For changing this battery , please contact VAIO-Link.
Dispose of prop erly at end-of - li f e. In some areas the disposal of lithium ion and other non-hazardous batteries in household or business
waste may be prohibited.
Please use the public c ollec tion system.


Sony Notebook User Guide
Congratulations on purchasing a Sony VAIO notebook. Sony has combined leading-edge technology in audio, video, computing and communications to provide you with state-of-the-ar t personal computing.
Here are just some of the featur es your VAIO not ebook has to offer :
Exceptional performance - Your PC inclu des a fast process or, a fast CD-RW/DVD-ROM drive and an
inte rnal modem.
Portability - The rechargeable bat tery pac k pr ovides hours of use without AC power. Sony audio and video quality - A high-resolution LCD screen enables you to take advantage of today’s
advanced mul timedia applications, games, and entertainment software.
Multimedia featur es – Enjoy audio and video CDs. Interconnectivity – Y our computer has MagicGate Memory Stick™, Ethernet and i.LINK™
functi ona l iti es. Me mory Stick ™ is Sony’s universal sto rag e medi um . i.LI NK™ is a bi-d irectional digital interface for exchanging data.
Professional operating system*.
Communications - Access popular onli ne s ervic es , send and r ece ive e-m ail s , browse the Inter net , and
Excellent customer support - If you are experiencing any problems with your computer, please check
the VAIO-Link website fo r a poss ible so luti on:
Before contactin g VA IO-Link, yo u may try to solve the proble m by readi ng the User Guide or the man uals and help fi les for the peripherals or softw are.
* Depending on your model. See the online Specifications.
- Y our s ystem includes the Microsoft Windows® XP Professional or Microsoft Windows® 2000
Sony Notebook User Guide

Documentation pack

Your Documentation Pack contains paper and online user guides on your computer's hard drive and on the Application CD.

Printed docum entation

The printe d part of your docu men ta tion c ont ains:
A Getting Started broc hure, where you will find a brief desc r iption of the items in your box, some
specifications of your notebook, and how to setup your notebook;
A Customer G uide, where you will find all the basic information you need to start using your notebook,
as well as troubles hooting and VAIO-Link infor ma tion;
Your Sony Guarantee conditions; A Safet y Reg ulatio ns flye r; A Modem Regulations flyer.

Onlin e doc um e nt at io n

1 The Sony Noteb ook User Guide:
Using your notebook show s you how to use th e standa rd co mp onen ts o f yo ur syste m. In thi s part
of the manua l you will als o find out wh at you can do with a Memory Stick™.
Connecting peripheral devices expl ain s how y ou ca n add fun ctionality by connect i ng va rious
Getting help explains the support opt io ns availa ble to you, and offers basic troublesh oot in g tips . Precautions provides facts and adv ice about using your note book. Glossary refers to terms used in this manual.
Sony Notebook User Guide
2 Refer to your Software Guide for infor mati on on th e bundl ed so ftw ar e and th e Sony appli cat ions.
Ab o u t the So ft w a r e is a short description of the features of the software pre-installed on your
Using Video software explains how to use Sony vi deo softw ar e: DV gate , Movi eShaker and S mart
Mana gi ng audi o file s wit h Soni cSt age explains how to convert your existing MP3, WMA and
WA V forma t a udi o files into A TR A C3 fo rmat.
Usin g Im agin g soft w are gives you an idea what you can do with still images: c reating a collection,
a slide show, a screen saver or a photo album.
Customizing your notebook explai ns how to set your syst em and power management. Installing and updating applications expl ains how to ins tall, run or unins ta ll a software
Mana gi ng driv er s explains how to install, update or uninstall a driver. Using the Product Recovery CD-ROMs explains how to per form a sy stem and applica tion recovery . Using partitioned drives tells you what you can do with part itioned drives.
3 Refer to the Specifications online document for deta ils on your c om put er, drivers and accesso rie s . 4 In the VAIO-Link Customer Service Guide you will find all the VAIO-Link information you need,
including specific contact numbers and addresses for each country .
5 Consult the Online Help f iles of the software you are usi ng fo r detai led infor ma tion on f eat ur es and
6 Refer to the Microsoft Quick Start manual for more in fo rmation on Windows®. 7 Go to to find online tutorials about your favorite VAIO software.
Sony Notebook User Guide

Yo ur notebook and it s accessories

The fol lowi ng har dw are items* are in the box:
1 Main unit 6 Weight sa v er 2 Prod uc t rec over y CD- RO M s 7 Phone plug ( c ount r y- sp e cif ic) 3 Documentation pack 8 Phone cable 4 AC adapter 9 Power cord 5 Rechargeable battery pack 10 CD-RW/DVD-ROM
* See the Specifications online document.
Sony Notebook User Guide

Ergonomic considerations

You will be using y our not ebook as a portabl e dev ice i n a variety of env ironments. Whenever pos sibl e,
you should at tempt to take account of the fol low i ng erg onom i c considerations to both stat io nar y and portab le environments:
Position of your computer – Place the computer direc t ly in front of you (1). Keep y our fo rea rms
horizont al (2) , with your wrist s in a neutral , comf or tab le posi tion (3) while using the keyboard, touch pad, or exte rn al mouse. Let yo ur upper arms h a ng nat ur ally a t your side s. Have bre aks during sessio n s with your comp u te r. Excessive use of the compu ter may str ain musc les or tendons.
Furniture and posture – Sit in a chair with good back support. Adjust the level of the chair so your feet
are flat on the floor. A footrest may make you mor e comfor t able . Sit in a relaxed, upr ig ht postur e and avoid slouching forward or lean ing far bac kwards .
Sony Notebook User Guide
Viewing angle of the computer’s display – Use the display’s tilting feature to find the best position.
You can reduce eyestrain and muscle fatigue by adjusting the tilt of th e display to the proper position. Adjust th e brigh tn ess se tti n g of the disp lay as well.
Lighting – Choo se a location where windows and lights do not create gl ar e and reflection on the
display. Use indirect li ght in g to avoid br ight spots on the display. You can also purchase accessories fo r your display that help reduce glare. Proper lighting adds to your comfort and work effectiveness.
Positi oning an external dis play – When using an ext ern al di splay, set the display at a comfortab le
viewing di stance. Mak e sure the display screen is at eye level or slightly lower when you are sitt ing in front of the mo nito r.

Using your notebook

Using your notebook
This section describes how to start using your computer and how to use your computer’s internal and externa l de vices.
Locating controls and connectors (page 14) Connecting a power source (page 19)
Sony Notebook User Guide
Starting your not ebook (page 27) Shutting down your notebook (page 28) Using the keyboar d (page 30) Using the touchpad (page 35) Using the Jog Dial™ (page 36) Using PC Cards (page 39) Us ing Memory S tick™ (page 42) Us ing the modem (page 51) Using the correct phone plug (page 52) Using the CD-RW/DVD-ROM drive (page 55) Using the weight saver (page 59)
Using your notebook

Locating controls and c onnec t or s


Sony Notebook User Guide
1Battery bay (page 20) 2 Hard disk drive / 3 Ventilation slot / 4 Headphone c onnector (page 70) 5 Microphone connector (page 71) 6 USB port (page 73)
Do not cover the ventilation sl ot when the computer is on.
Using your notebook


Sony Notebook User Guide
1 Memory Stick™ slot (page 42) 2 USB port (page 73) 3 i.LINK™ (IEEE13 94) S400 port (page 79) 4 PC Car d slot s (page 39) 5 Multi- purpose bay (for weight
saver or seco nd ba t te ry wit h weight sa ver or remo v able CD-RW/DVD-ROM drive)
(page 59) (page 55) (page 23)
Using your notebook


Sony Notebook User Guide
1 Memory Stick™ indicator (page 33) 2 Num Lock indi c at or (page 33) 3 Caps Lock indicator (page 33) 4 Scroll Lo c k indicator (page 33) 5 Power indicator (page 33) 6 Battery 1 indicator (page 33) 7 Battery 2 indicator (page 33) 8 Hard disk dri v e indi ca t or (page 33) 9LCD screen (page 34) 10 Keyboard (page 34) 11 Speakers (page 34) 12 Left/right buttons (page 35) 13 Touchpad (page 35) 14 Jog Dial™ (page 36) 15 Back button fo r Jog Di al™ (page36) 16 Power button (page 27)
Using your notebook


Sony Notebook User Guide
1 Ventilation s lot / 5 Printer c onnec t or (page 76) 2DC In (page 19) 6USB port (page 73) 3 Ethernet connector (network) (page 81) 7 A V Out con nec tor (page 67) 4 Monitor/VGA connector (page 65) 8 Modem conne ct or (page 51)
There is a ventilation slot located on the left side of the back panel . Do not cover the ventilation slot when the computer is on.
Using your notebook


Sony Notebook User Guide
1 Port replicator connector cover (page 61) 2 Memory module cover (page 101) 3 Multi- pur pos e bay re leas e lever (page 59)
Using your notebook

Connecting a power source

You can use either an AC adapter or a rechargeabl e batt ery pack as a power source.

Using the AC adapter

To use the AC adapter, proceed as follows:
1 Plug the cable attached to the AC adapter (1) into the DC In connector (2) on the comp ut er.
Sony Notebook User Guide
2 Plug one end of the power cord (3) into the AC adapter. 3 Plug the othe r end of the power c or d into an AC outlet.
Use your notebook only with the supplied AC adapter.
To disconnect your notebook completely from mains voltage, unplug the AC adapter. Make sure that the socket outlet is easily accessible. Some models may be su pplied wi th 2 p ower c ords, respectively for a UK and for a Contine ntal power o utlet. In this case, please make sure to u s e the
power cord, which corresponds to the type of your power outlet.
Using your notebook

Usi ng th e batt e ry pack

You can use one or two batteries as a source of power. You can insert the second battery pack into the multi­purpo se bay on the left side of the com put er . Additional battery packs are availabl e as a separat e option. The battery pac k supp lied wit h your compu ter is not full y charge d at the time of purchas e.
Inse rtin g the b a ttery pa ck
To insert the battery pack , proceed as foll ows:
Sony Notebook User Guide
1 Open th e cover of the battery bay.
2 Insert the battery pack with the label facing up into the battery bay on the right side of the computer.
3 Close the cover of the batte ry bay unti l it clic ks.
When the computer is direc tly connected to AC power and has a battery pack inserted in the battery bay, it uses power from the AC outlet.
Using your notebook
Charging t he batte ry pack
To charge the battery pac k, proc eed as follow s:
1 Connect the AC adapter to the comput er. 2 Inse rt th e b atte ry pack .
Sony Notebook User Guide
The computer aut omatic all y ch arges the batt er y (1) (the bat te ry indicat or (2) light flas hes in a double blin k pattern as the b atte ry ch arg e s) . Wh e n the b atte ry is 85% full, the b at tery ind icator ligh t turn s o ff. This proc ess ta kes a few hours whe n the syste m is off/ on. T o char ge the battery co mp lete l y, continue charging fo r an addit ional hour. There are two batte ry indicator lights o n the computer: 1 indicates the status of the battery pack in the battery ba y on the right side of the computer. 2 indicates the status of the battery pack in the multi-purpose bay on the left side of the computer.
Battery indicator light status Meaning
On The computer is using battery pow er. Single blink The battery is running out of power. Double blink The batte r y is charging. Off The computer is using AC power.
Using your notebook
When the battery is running out of power, both the battery and power indicators blink.
Sony Notebook User Guide
Keep the battery pack in the com puter while it is directly connected to AC power. The battery pack continues to charge while you are using the computer.
If the battery level fal ls below 10%, you should either attach the AC adapter to recharge the battery or shut down your computer and insert a fully charged battery.
You can extend battery life by changing the power management modes in the PowerPanel utility. The battery pack supplied with your computer is a lithium ion battery and can be recharged any time. Charging a partially discharged battery does
not affect battery life. The battery indicator light is on while you use the battery pack as a power source. When the batte ry life is nearly depleted, both the battery and power
indicators starts flashing. For some softw are applications and some peripheral devices , your computer may not enter Hibernate mode even when battery life is low. To avoid
loss of data when using battery power, you should save your data frequently and manually activate a power management mode, such as Standby or Hibernate.
When the computer is direc tly connected to AC power and has a battery pack inserted in the battery bay, it uses power from the AC outlet.
Using your notebook
Removing t he battery pac k
To remo ve the battery pack, proceed as follows:
1 Tu rn of f the compute r. 2 Open th e cover of the battery bay. 3 Pull out the battery pac k.
Sony Notebook User Guide
4 Close the cover of the battery bay.
Yo u may lose data if you remove the battery pack while the computer is on and not connected to the AC adapter or if you remove the battery while
the computer is in Standby mode.

Usi ng th e sec ond bat ter y pack

You can purchase a second rechargeable battery pack. With two battery packs, you can extend the time you use your computer with battery power. When using tw o battery packs, the battery pack you insert first, charge s fi rst. The ba ttery pa ck you i ns ert se co nd, cha rg es wh en the fi rst b atte ry p ack is 85 pe rce nt fu ll . Y ou can monitor wh ich bat t er y pack is charging by observing the bat t ery i ndi ca tor light s .
Using your notebook
Inserting the second battery pack
To insert a second battery pac k, proceed as follows:
1 If the weight saver or the opti cal di sc drive is in the multi - pur pos e bay (1), re mov e it. 2 Inse rt th e b atte ry pack (2 ) into t h e mul ti- p u rpose ba y.
Sony Notebook User Guide
3 Attach the w eight saver (3) to the computer to stabilize the battery pack.
The battery 2-indicator light turns on.
4 Slide the eject lever on the bottom of the weight saver toward the front of the computer to lock it.
Using your notebook
Windows 2000: If you attach two battery pac ks, you can re move one of them without shutting dow n the computer . When removing one battery pack,
Charging t he se cond bat te ry pack
make sure that the other battery pack indicator is on . If the indicator of the battery pack you are going to remove is on, right click the b attery icon in the system tray and click the Switch battery option.
Windows XP: If you attach two battery packs, you can remove one of them without shutting down the computer. When removing one battery pack, make sure that the other battery pac k indicator is on. If the indicator of the battery pack you are going to remove is on, right click the PowerPanel icon or CPU icon ico n in t he syst em tray and click the Switch battery option.
Sony Notebook User Guide
To charge the second batter y pac k, proc eed as follows:
1 Keep the battery pack (1-3) in the comput er while it is connect ed t o AC power.
The battery indicator (2) flashes while the battery is charging.
2 When the battery indicator stops flashing, th e battery is 85% charged.
Using your notebook
Removing the second battery pack
To remove the second bat t er y pa ck, pr oceed as follo ws:
1 Slide the multi -p urpose bay releas e lever o n the bottom of the compute r in th e direct io n of the arrow.
Sony Notebook User Guide
2 Remove the weight sa ve r. 3 Pull out the battery pac k. 4 Reinsert the weight saver.
Using your notebook

Starting your notebook

To start your co mp ute r, proc eed as follows:
1 Slide the LCD lock lever (1) in the direction of the arrow, and lift the cover.
Sony Notebook User Guide
2 Press the power button (2) of the compu te r unti l the gree n powe r indicat or (3 ) light tu rn s on.
3 If ne cessa ry, pr ess <Fn>+<F5> to ad ju st th e brig h tne ss of th e L CD d isp lay. To increas e th e b righ tne ss, u se
the up or right arrow keys. To decrease, use the down or left arrow keys.
If you press the power button for more than four seconds, the computer will turn off .
Using your notebook

Shutting down your noteb ook

It is important th at you shut dow n yo ur comput er pr oper l y so you do not lose uns aved dat a.
To shut down your computer when your operating system is Windows® XP, proceed as follows:
1 Click the Start button. 2 Click Turn Off Computer.
Sony Notebook User Guide
3 Click Turn Off.
4 Turn off any peripherals connected to your computer.
Respond to any prompts warning you to save documents or , if multiple users are logged on, asking you to consider the other users.
The Turn off computer scree n appears.
Wait for your computer to turn off automatically. The power ind icato r tu rn s off.
If you are unable to shut down your computer:
- Close all software in use.
- If applica bl e, rem ove the PC Card. To do so, double-c l ic k the Safely Remove Hardware icon in the taskbar . Select the hardware you want to unplug and click Stop.
- Disconnect any USB devices. Press <Alt>+<F4> and sele c t Tu rn Of f from the screen that appears. If this does not work, you can press the po wer button for more than fou r s econds. This will shut d own the computer. This operati on may result in loss of data.
If you want to tu rn off the computer for a short p eriod only, you can save p ower by using the Standby mode. Go to the Start menu , sele ct Tu rn Off Computer, and th en click on Stand By.
For more on these Power Management features refer to the Using power saving modes (page 53) chapter.
Using your notebook
To shut down your computer when your operating system is Windows® 2000, proceed as follows:
1 Click the Start button on the Windows 2 Click Shut Down.
3 Select Shut down. 4 Click OK. 5 Wait for your computer to turn off automatically.
Sony Notebook User Guide
The Shut Down Windows dialog box appear s .
The power ind icato r tu rn s off.
If you are unable to shut down your computer:
- Close all software in use.
- Remove the PC Cards, if inserted. To do so, double-click the Unplug or Ejec t Ha r dwa r e icon in the taskbar . Select the hardware you want to unplug and click Stop.
- Disconnect any USB devices.
- Then press th e <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<Delete> k ey s at th e sam e time to e nter th e W indows Secur ity feature. Close any application that cannot close normally with the Task Manager. These applications are la belled as No t Resp on din g and restart your system. If this does not work, you can press the power button for more than four seconds. This will shut down the computer. This operation may result in data loss.
If you want to turn off the computer for a short period only, you can save power by using the Standby mode . Go to the Start menu, selec t Shut Down, a nd th en click on Stand By in the
For more on these Power Management features refer to the Using power saving modes (page 53) chapter.
Shut Down Windows dialog box.
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