Psyc® Net MD® Walkman® Digital Music Player
New Psyc® Image
177MB1of Music Storage with 1 Standard MiniDisc~
Utilizes Affordable Standard MiniDisc Media (1 Standard MiniDisc Supplied)
Up to 56 Hours3Continuous Battery Life Using 1 "AA" Battery (LP4 Mode)
Plays Back in ATRAC3® Audio, Supports Multiple Audio Formats (MP3, WMA, WAV)
MiniDisc Media Offers Unlimited, Expandable Storage
Transfer Your MP3s or CDs at up to 32x5Speed
Skip-Free6G-Protection™ Technology
w.Earbuds Supplied
Compatible with the Connect™ Music Store
Music Management Software Supplied
Available in "Stereo Black" and "Electric White"
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Psyc® Net MD® Walkman® Digital Music Player
New Psyc® Image The fashion conscious can enjoy all the benefits of ATRAC® high quality sound and storage capacity together with style.
177MB1of Music Storage with 1 Standard MiniDisc MiniDisc media can store over 5 hours3(LP4 mode) of music and cost only about $2 per disc.
Utilizes Affordable Standard MiniDisc Media MiniDisc media is re-recordable, scratch resistant, low cost and provides high capacity storage.
Up to 56 Hours3Continuous Battery Life Using 1 "AA" Battery (LP4 Mode) Net MD® Walkman® recorders provide super long battery life (up to 56
hours3) with using just 1 "AA" battery.
Plays Back in ATRAC3® Audio, Supports Multiple Audio Formats (MP3, WMA, WAV)4For customers who have extensive music libraries, the Net MD®
Walkman® supports multiple audio formats. The Net MD Walkman uses Sony's ATRAC3® format for playback, but does support unsecured MP3, WMA and WAV files by converting them to ATRAC® which enables higher sound quality with smaller file sizes. That means more music and longer listening times.
MiniDisc Media Offers Unlimited, Expandable Storage Designed for people who want maximum flexibility. Users can create custom mixes for any activity and mood. At just a few dollars a disc, create a disc for every occasion and always have them at your fingertips.
Transfer your MP3s or CDs at up to 32x5Speed Net MD™ products provide high speed transfer of your music from your PC directly to your Net MD recorder. The title/track information you create in the jukebox automatically will be transferred to the Net MD recorder.
Skip-Free6G-Protection™ Technology Net MD® recorders come equipped with Skip-Free® G-Protection™ technology which provides virtually uninterrupted playback of your music.
Compatible with the Connect™ Music Store Offers one of the most extensive music collections online. Unique features such as Moodmix, Connect Sets and live radio, make this a choice destination for customers looking to expand their music collection. It's easy to discover, find and purchase single tracks or entire albums. Choose from top hits and tracks from independent artists.
Music Management Software Supplied Net MD® recorders come bundled with SonicStage® and MD Simple Burner application, which makes it easy to import, manage and transfer your music collections.
Format: Digital Audio MiniDisc System Sampling Frequency: 44.1 kHz Frequency Response: 20-20,000Hz /-3dB Data Compression Method (Coding): ATRAC®/ATRAC3® (Adaptive Transform Acoustic
Wow and Flutter: Unmeasurable Input(s): USB (previously called USB1.1) Output(s): Headphones/(stereo mini) Power Requirements: "AA" Alkaline Battery x 1 (optional) Battery Life (Approx.): Continuous Playback with 1 x "AA" Alkaline3: SP (Normal Stereo): up to
42 hrs; LP2: up to 48 hrs; LP4: up to 56 hrs
Weight: 4.0 oz (113g) without battery Dimensions (WHD): 3 1/4" x 1 1/4" x 3" (81.0 x 30.7 x 74.4mm) Color: Stereo Black, Electric White Supplied Accessories: Headphones (MDR-027LP)
SonicStage® Software CD-ROM with MD Simple Burner Application USB Cable
Optional Accessories: Active Mini Speakers UPC Code: 0272426642580
1. Use r ava ilabl e mem ory = 17 7,760 ,256 byt es a por tion of whi ch is us ed fo r dat a man ageme nt fu nctio ns.
2. Cal culat ed ba sed o n 4 m inute s per so ng wh en re cordi ng in LP 4 mod e.
3. Up to 56 hou rs co ntinu ous p layba ck wi th (1 ) "AA " bat tery whe n pla ying in ATR AC3 @ 66 kb ps. Act ual bat tery lif e may va ry ba sed o n usa ge pa ttern s.
4. Sup ports un secur e fil es wi th co nvers ion t o ATR AC3 f ormat .
5. Whe n rec ordin g in LP4 mo de. R esult s var y bas ed on PC sp ecifi catio ns an d doe s not in clude ti tle t ransf er.
6. Red uces or eli minat es sk ippin g dur ing m any a ctive us es.
©20 05 So ny El ectro nics Inc . Rep roduc tion in who le or in pa rt wi thout wr itten pe rmiss ion i s pro hibit ed. A ll ri ghts res erved . Son y, AT RAC, ATR AC3, Con nect, G- Prote ction , Net MD , Psy c, So nicSt age, w.e ar an d Wal kman are tr adema rks o f Son y. Min iDisc pr oduct s sol d by man ufact urer- autho riz ed ou tlets in clude th e Ser ial C opy M anage ment Sys tem whi ch wi ll no t pre vent you fr om ma king a d irect di gital -to-d igita l c opy f rom a di gital so urce but su ch co pies wil l pre vent a s econd di gital -to-d igita l copy fr om be ing m ade. Fea tures an d spe cific ation s are su bject to ch ange wit hout not ice. Non -metr ic we ights an d mea sures ar e app roxim ate.
Sony Electronics, Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 •
Last Updated 2005-05-02