1) These servicing instructions are for use by qualified service personnel only.
2) To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not perform any servicing other than
that contained in the operating instructions unless you are qualified to do so.
3)An isolation transformer should be used during any service to avoid
Possible shock hazard, because of live chassis. The chassis of this receiver is
directly connected to the ac power line.
4) Be sure to follow these guidelines to protect your property and
avoid causing serious injury :
• Carry the TV with an adequate number of people; larger size TVs require
two or more people.
• Correct hand placement while carrying the TV is very important for
safety and to avoid damages.
5) Components identified by shading and mark on the exploded views,
and in the parts list are critical for safe operation. Replace these
components with Sony parts whose part numbers appear as shown in this
manual or in supplements published by Sony. Circuit adjustments that are
critical for safe operation are identified in this manual. Follow these
procedures whenever critical components are replaced or improper
operation is suspected.
1-2. Caution Handling of LCD Panel
When repairing the LCD Panel, make sur e you are grounded with a wrist band.
When repairing the LCD Panel on the wall, the panel must be secured usi ng the
4 mounting hol es on the rear cover .
1) Do not pr ess the panel or frame edge to avoi d the risk of electri c shock.
2) Do not scr atch or press on the panel w ith any sharp objects.
3) Do not leave the module i n high temperature or in areas of high humidi ty for
an extended per iod of time.
4) Do not expose the LCD panel to direct sunlight.
5) Avoid contact with water . I t may cause short ci rcu it within the module.
6) Disco nnect the AC power when replaci ng the backl ight ( CCF L) or
inverter cir cuit . (Hi gh voltage occur s at the inver ter ci rcui t at 650Vrms)
7) Always cl ean the LCD panel with a soft cloth mater ial .
8) Use care when handli ng the wir es or connectors of the inver ter ci rcui t.
Damaging t he wir es may cause a short cir cuit.
9) Protect the panel from ESD to avoid damaging the elect roni c circuit (C-MOS).
10) Dur i ng the r epai r , DO NOT leave the Power O n or Bur n-i n period for more
than 1 hour w hil e the T V i s face dow n on a cloth.
Figure 1. TV is faced down on a cloth during repair.
Safety Notes
1-3. Caution About the Lithium Battery
1) Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectl y replaced. Replace only with
the same or equivalent type.
2) Outer case broken battery shoul d not contact to water.
1-4. Safety Check-Out
After correcting the original service problem, perform the following
safety checks before releasing the set to the customer:-
1) Check the area of your repair for unsoldered or poorly soldered
connections. Check the entire board surface for solder splashes and bridges.
2) Check the inter board wiring to ensure that no wires are pinched or
contact high-wattage resistors.
3)Check all control knobs, shields, covers, ground straps and mounting
hardware have been replaced. Be absolutely certain you have replaced all
the insulators.
4) Look for unauthorized replacement parts, particularly transistors that
were installed during a previous repair. Point them out to the customer and
recommend their replacement.
5) Look for parts which, though functioning show obvious signs of
deterioration. Point them out to the customer and recommend their
6) Check the line cords for cracks and abrasion. Recommend the
replacement of any such line cord to the customer.
7) Check the antenna terminals, metal trim, metalized knobs, screws and all
other exposed metal parts for AC leakage. Check leakage test as described
8. For safety reasons, repairing the Power board and/or Inverter board is
1-5.Leakage Test
The AC leakage from any exposed m etal par t to earth ground and from all
exposed metal par ts to any exposed metal part having a retur n to chassi s must
not exceed 0.5mA (500 micr oamperes) .
Leakage cu rrent can be measur ed by any one of the three m ethods:-
1) A comm erci al leakage test er such as the SIM P SON 229 or RCA WT540A.
Follow the manufacturers instr uctions to use those instruct ions.
2) A battery-operate d AC milliampmeter The DATA PRECISI ON 245 digital
multimeter is suitable for this job.
3) Measu ring the volt age dr op across a resi stor by means of a VOM or battery
operated AC voltmeter. The 'li mi t' indication is 0.75V so analog m eters m ust
have an accurate low volt age scale. T he SIM PSON' S 250 and SANWA SH63TRD are exampl es of passi ve VOM s that are sui table. N early all battery
operated digi tal mul timeter that have a 2 VAC range are sui table.
(see Figur e 2.)
Figure 2. AC voltmeter to check AC leakage
1-6. How to Find a Good Earth Ground
1) A cold-water pi pe is a guaranteed ear th ground; t he cover-pl ate retaini ng
screw on most AC outlet boxes i s also at earth ground.
2) If the retaining scr ew is to be used as your earth ground, veri fy that it is at
ground by measuring the r esi st ance between it and a col d-w ater pi pe with an
ohmmeter. T he readi ng should be zer o ohms.
3) I f a cold-w ater pi pe is not accessi ble, connect a 60- to 100-watt t roublelight (not a neon lamp) between the hot side of the recept acle and the
retaining scr ew. Tr y both slots, if necessa ry, to locate the hot si de on the line;
the l am p shoul d l i ght at normal brilli ance i f the screw is at ground potential
(see Figur e 3).
The circui t boards used i n these model s have been pr ocessed using Lead
Free Solder. The boards ar e identified by the LF logo loca ted close to the
board designation.
The servici ng of these boards r equires special precautions. It is strongly
Figure 4: LF Logo
recommended to use Lead Free Solder materi al in order to guarantee optimal
quality of new solder joi nts.
1-8. Handling the FLEXIBLE FLAT CABLE (FFC)
When you insert / pull out FFC, please grasp a reinforcement board and main
body of FFC.
Figure 5: LF logo on circuit board
Pleas e hol d rei nfor ce men t b oard an d
plunge it to depths.
Main Board
< Insertion>
Please pull out FF C while pushing the
but ton of both end s at the s ame tim e.
• Lights up in green when you select “Picture Off”.
• Lights up in amber when you set the timer or
“Photo Frame Mode”.
• Lights up in green when the TV is turned on.
• Flashes while the remote is being ope rated.
2-2. LED Display Control
Status LED Colour Remarks
Power Off ( AC Off and *1) OFF *1 power switch off (by touch button)
Power On Green
Standby( by remote control
off only )
Amber = Red + Green
2-3. LED Pattern
When safety shutdown occurs, Standby LED display reports the cause by using the lightning
3.0sec 3.0sec
patterns as indicated below
Example: The figure above shows LED display when SHUTDOW N is caused by Audio
Error. It repeats flashing f or a specified numb er of times in 0.5sec/c ycl e and has a 3 sec ond s in ter val of lighting
off. Pleas e not e that a 3 s econd s in ter val of light ing off is f ixed r egar dle ss of abnor ma l st ate t ypes.
2-4. Standby LED Error Display
The Number of Standby LED
(RED blinking)
2 Main Power Error AC adapter Error
3 Audio Error B* board Error
4 Panel Power Error B* board Error
5 Panel I2C COMM Error B* or Source board Error
6 Backlight Error B* board Error
Dete ct ion Ite ms Board Error Item
Picture Off Green
Set "Sleep Timer" Amber
Set " On T ime r” ( Powe r On ) Amber
Set "On Timer”( Standby ) Amber
Picture Frame Amber
Failure Red Blinking
Error of panel ID
Software Updating
The number of LED blinking indicates
cause of failure.
Blinking:0.5sec Amber/ 0.5sec Green
Blinking: 1sec O n / 1sec Off
B*Board Type:
28” BIS 32” BIS BIL
B* Board Type
Self Diagnostic Function
23456TunerUSBVideoComponentHDMIMHLSCARTMain Spe akerHPVideoComponentTunerHDMISCARTUS B
HIL Board
Light S ource Board
Open Cell
AC Adaptor
Speaker Unit
LS Harne ss
Main Harness
Speaker Harness
FFC Cable
No Sound
No P icture
2-5. Tri age C hart
Most likely defective part
Secondary possible defective part
*To avoid changing all LS bar, please follow steps below
Replace LS Bar*
B*Board Type:
28” BIS 32” BIS BIL
B* Board Type
(1)Turn off AC
(2)Unplug DC adaptor from DC jack
(3)Plug in DC adaptor to DC jack
(4)Turn on AC
(5)LS bar will turn on for ~4s before 6x blinking
(6)Observe which LS bar cannot turn on during power on
(7)Replace LS bar that failed to turn on