nc. All riyllls rCSCIAcd.
This manual and the
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not be reprodneed.
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Smiy Eleetromes Ine.
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nittke till) ituKiilieatii'tt to
this mtntual or the
information eotttained
herein at any titne w ithout
notiee. The software
deseribed herein ni;t\ also
be govenied by the tertiis
of a separate user
Sotiy and VAIO are
tradetiiarks of Sony.
All other trademarks arc
trademarks of their
respeetiv e ow ners. Caere
and OmniPage"' are
tradetntirks ol Cttere
Corporation. Microsoft"
and Windows“ are
registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
ColorSmart is a trademark
of Hew lett-Packard
Company. Publication
number: 4-635-750-01
First Edition, July 1997
Printed in USA.
This product is
approved for use in the
United States Only.
Local country laws may
prohibit the use of this
product outside of United
States. It is strictly
forbidden by law in
virtually every country to
connect nonapproved
equipment (fax machines)
to public telephone
Safety Information
Always follow basic
sately precautions when
using this product to
reduce risk of injury from
hre or electric shock.
1. Read and understand
all instructions in the
User's Guide.
Potential Shock Hazard
2. Use only a grounded
electrical outlet when
connecting the Sony
IJP-V100 to a pow'er
source. If you don't
know w hether the
outlet is grounded,
check with a qualilied
3. Telephone lines can
develop hazardous
voltages. To avoid
electrical shock, do not
touch the contacts on
the end of the cord, or
any of the sockets on
the Sony IJP-V 100.
Replace damaged
cords immediately.
4. Never install
telephone wiring
during a lightning
5. Observe all warnings
and instructions
marked on the product.
6. Unplug this product
from wall outlets and
telephone jacks hefi
7. Do not install or list
this product near
water or when you i
8. Install the product
securely on a stable
9. Install the product ir
protected location
where no one can sU
on or trip over line
cord, and the line coi
will not be damaged.
10. If the product does n
operate normally, set
11. No operator-
serviceable parts
inside. Refer servicin
to qualified service
The information container
in this document is subjec
to change without notice.
Sony shall not be liable fo;
errors contained herein or
for consequential damages
in connection with the
furnishing, performance,
or use of this material.
Information regarding
FCC Class B, Parts 15 and
68 requirements can be
found in the back of the
User’s Guide.
Complete the following information. You’ll need it if you contact your dealer or Sony Electronics, Inc:
Date of Purchase:
(Located on the back of the machine.)
Table of Contents
■etting Up the Sony 1)P-V100
Make Sure Everything Is in the Box
If you don’t have a CD-ROM disc drive
1. Load the Tray
2. Plug in the Line Connector......................................................1-3
3. Connect the Cables..................................................................1-4
4. Insert the Print Cartridges.......................................................1-4
5. Load the Paper Supply
6. Connect Your Equipment - REQUIRED!
What should you connect?.................................................. 1-7
How should you connect?
7. Install the Software - REQUIRED!
8. Make Sure Everything Works Properly
Receive a fax .......................................................................1-24
Print a report
Make a copy.........................................................................1-25
Scan a page lo your computer.............................................1 -25
Check to make sure you have everything tliat's shown and listed
a) SonylJP-VlOO
b) Bi-directional parallel cable
c) Paper/Document loading tray
d) Sony IJP-VlOO software on
compact disc (CD-ROM)
e) Sony IJP-VlOO Welcome Mat
f) Warranty card
g) OmniPage LE Optical
Character Recognition (OCR)
h) Carrier Sheets
(for faxing, copying, and
scanning smaller-thanstandard-sized documents and
for protecting photos)
i) Fax/Phone line connector with
attached phone cord
j) Black and color print cartridges
k) User's Guide
l) Troubleshooting Guide
If you don't have a CD-ROM disc drive
Please call the Sony Technical-Response Center at 1-888-4SONYPC
(1-888-476-6972) to receive the software on 3.5-inch floppy diskettes.
Perform each step in sequence:
All steps are required!
1. Load the Tray
This is easiest to do when you are standing directly over the Sony IJPVI00 with the front facing you. The tray fits into the back of the Sony
IJP-VlOO near the top as shown.
Bottom tab
• Hold the sides of the paper/dtx ument tray and insert the bottom
tabs into the guides as shown.
• T he tray should click into place. Refer to the above inset drawing
for how it should look after proper placement.
2. Plug in the Line Connector
This is easiest to do when you're facing the back of the Sony
Insert the fa\/phone line connector into its
housing area on the back of the Sony
IJP-VIOO. Press it firmly into place. (Once
in place, it's difticult to remove.)
' • Plug the loose end of the phone cord into
the telephone wall Jack \ou'll be using brr
\ our fax number.
3. L i]iu^oci liie Cables
Impoil.nt: '.ou must attach the enclosed bi-directional parallel cable
Ircmi tlie Sotn UP-V 100 to your eoiuputer. If you don't, the Sony
1.1 P-V 100 won t w ork.
• Foi salcty. tutu oil youi computer before connecting the cable.s.
• Connect the
notched end of the
bi-directional par
allel cable firmly
to the cable port
ott the back of tlie
Sony 1.1 P-V 100.
Snap both metal
clips into the
notches on the con
• Plug the other end of the cable into the parallel (LPT 1) port on the
back of your computer. Tighten the connector’s .screws.
• Plug the Sony IJP-V lOO’s power cable into a grounded outlet.
Cable port
Notched end
of cable
4. Insert the Print Cartridges
• After you plug in the power, the Sony IJP-V 100 will power up
automatically. Note that the display on the keypad will read, “See
instructions to print demo” until after you install the software in
Step 7.
- • Wait until the Sony IJP-V 100 finishes making start-up
(about 10 seconds), then open the cover of the Sony IJP-V 100.
The empty print cartridge holder will move into view.
Remove the black print cartridge from its packaging.
Holding the blue top of the cartridge, gently remove
both pieces of tape - clear blue and solid white -
covering the ink nozzles and vent hole. (If you don’t
remove the white tape, the ink cartridge will be
depleted prematurely.)
Be careful not to touch the ink nozzles or the copper
contacts; fingerprints may damage them.
Next, place the
black print car
tridge into the left
cartridge holder
as shown:
1 ) First slide in the
bottom until it
clicks into place.
2) Then push the
top forward until
the cartridge snaps
into place.
• Remove the color print cartridge from its packaging. Peel off the
clear blue tape covering the ink nozzles, then place the color print
cartridge into the right cartridge holder and push it forward until
it snaps into place. Again, try not to touch the ink nozzles or cop
per contacts.
• Close the Sony IJP-VIOO's cover.
Note: If the print cartridge holder moves out of sight before you fin
ish inserting both print cartridges, close the cover all the way. then
open it again; the holder will come back into view. To prevent ink
dr\ ing and clogging the nozzles, the holder will return to the parked
position after a few minutes.
Now il's time to load bltiiik jiapor into the paper supply ira\. tarsi,
quick description of the three paits r)l' the paper/rkrcumenl ira\:
I'ajH'i' stippK tra\ - Use this lra\ lo
load blank paper or a star k ol
Single-envelope tray - Use this tray
to print on a single envelope.
Document loading tray - Use this
tray lo load your original documents
print-side away from you and topdown for faxing, copying, and
• Pull the front document loading tiay forward all the way.
• The paper supply tray is factory set for letter- and legal-size
paper. If necessary, adjust the paper guides by pinching and slid
ing them.
• Load up to 150 sheets
of 20-lb paper (about a
1/2-inch-thick stack)
into the paper supply
tray. Make sure the
stack of paper fits
behind the stack
guides on the lower
part of the tray as
shown. Load sheets
with the print side fac
ing toward you.
• Push the front document loading tray backward until it rests
against the paper tray.
Note; Refer to Chapter 6 for detailed instructions on loading enve
lopes and other special paper/media types.
6. Connect Your Equipment
When you were installing the
fax/phone line connector in
Step 2, you may have noticed
that two of the ports on the
back of the connector were
labelled, “To Phone, Answering
Machine, or Modem.”
That means that either one of
these ports can be used to con
nect any of these three types of n Connect other
devices you have; the two ports '' equipment to either
are interchangeable. these two ports.
Remove the plugs from the two ports. (If they’re stuck, use the tip of
your pen to pry them out.) Then refer to the following instructions to
connect your other equipment.
What should you connect?
Based on your particular equipment and the number of telephone
lines you have, there’s only ONE optimum way to connect.
Please answer the questions in the following table, circle your
ans.wers, then look up the appropriate .setup scenario in the following
"How should you connect?” .section.
If you connect to a Sony PC, refer to the Welcome Mat
supplied with the Sony IJP-VlOO and the PC.
Read these questions:Circle your answers:
Do \ou subscribe to a dislinclisc ring
ser\ ice through yotir telephone company on
tlie same phone line to which you connected
your Sony IJP-VlOO (in Step 3)7
(This telephone service, which is unavailable
in many areas, allows you to have 2 or 3
phone numbers on the same phone line. Each
number has a ring with a different pattern so
you can tell the difference between incornine
Is the Sony IJP-V100 connected to a
separate phone line that's dedicated to send
ing and receiving }'our fax calls (no voice
calls received)?
0 Do you use an answering machine or a
voicemail feature in your computer to answer
voice calls on your shared phone line?
Circle A or B below, then read
what to do next.
A. No. I don't base a dislinclisc
ring ser\ ice.
Conlimw with question 2.
B. Yes. 1 have a distinctive ring
You (Ion't need to answer any
more (luestions: skip direetly to
"Shared line with distinetive
riny" later in this ehapter for
eonnection instructions.
Circle C or D below, then read
what to do next.
C. Ye.s. the Sony IJP-V 100 will
be connected to a dedicated line.
Skip to question 4.
D. No. the Sony IJP-V 100 will
be connected to a shared phone
line that receives both fax and
voice calls.
Continue with question 3.
Circle E, F, or G below, then
continue with question 4.
E. I use an answering machine.
F. I use a voicemail feature in my
G. I use neither an answering
machine nor a voicemail
feature in my computer.
O Do you have a modem - either inside
your computer or an external box - on the
same phone line you’ll be using for the Sony
IJP-V 100?
(If you’re not sure if you have a modem,
refer to the following section, “How to tell if
you have a modem,’’ before answering this
Circle H, 1, or J below. Then
refer to "How should you
connect?" to match all of your
responses in this column to the
right setup scenario.
H. Yes, I have a modem inside
my computer.
I. Yes, I have a modem that’s an
external box.
J. No; I don’t have any kind of
How to tell if you have a modem
If you answer “Yes” to any of the following questions, then you have
a modem. Do you:
a. Send/receive faxes directly to/from your computer programs?
b. Use electronic mail (e-mail) on your computer?
c. Access the Internet or the World Wide Web from your computer?
d. Transfer data to/from other computers?
How to tell if your modem is inside your com
puter or an external box
If your modem is inside your computer, then you’ll have a phone
cord connected to the back of your computer and going to a wall jack.
If your modem is an external box, one phone cord will be connected
from the back of your computer to the box, and another phone cord
will go from the box to a wall Jack.
How should you connect?
Write down all of your responses to the questions in “What should
you connect?,” then refer to the appropriate setup case indicated
below. For example, if you answered “A” to question 1, “D” to ques
tion 2, “E” to question 3, and “H” to question 4, look up “ADEH.”
For responses:
' AC)
A DC)"Shared line"
A15GH"Shared line with a PC-modem"
ADGI"Shared line with an external modem"
Refer to this section for connection instructions:
“Dedicated line”
"Dedicated line with a PC-modem”
“Dedicated line with external modem"
"Shared line with answering machine"
"Shared line with computer voicemail"
"Shared line with PC-modem & answering machine"
"Shared line with PC-modem & computer voicemail"
"Shared line with external modem & answering machine"
"Shared line w ith external nuHlem A; computer \oiccmail"
"Shared line w ith distmetn e ring"
Dedicated line (CaseACf)
11 in Slop 2 \on coniK'clcit llio Son\ l.ll’-X 100 to a doilicatci.1 phone
line (no \oiee ealls ieeei\ei.n that has no lUher equipment eonneeted
to tt, then nse this eotineettoti diaetatii.
Phono optional,
-btit ic'ionmu'iKk'd
wall jack
• Connect your phone to the Sony IJP-V'IOO. Cotiticct the cord
IVotii your phone lo either of the two ports on the back of the Sotiy
IJP-V100 labelled, “To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem."
The benelits of connecting a phone in this situation are 1) For the
convetiience of having a phone close by to make outgoing voice
calls, and 2) In case you need to .send a fax (press START) after
calling someone who must receive their faxes manually,
• After you install the software in Step 7, and answer the Setup
Wizard questions for this connection, here’s how you’ll auto
matically receive faxes with the Sony IJP-V 100: Your fax line will
ring once, then the Sony IJP-V100 will answer and begin emitting
fax tones to the sending machine.
• Continue with Step 7, “Install the Software - REQUIRED!”
Dedicated line with a PC-modem (Case ACH)
If in Step 2 you connected the Sony IJP-V 100 to a dedicated phone
line (no voice calls received) that also has a PC-modem connected to
it, then use this connection diagram.
Phone optional,
but recommended
PC with
internal modem
wall jack
Connect your PC-modem to the Sony IJP-VIOO. Find the
phone cord that goes from the back of your computer (your PCmodem) to a wall jack. Disconnect the cord from the wall Jack and
plug it into either of the two ports on the back of the Sony IJPVIOO labelled, “To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem.”
Important: If your PC-modem’s software is set to automatically
receive faxes to your computer, turn off that setting; if you don’t,
your Sony IJP-VIOO will not be able to receive faxes properly.
Connect your phone to the Sony UP-VIOO. Connect the cord
from your phone to either of the two ports on the back of the Sony
IJP-VIOO labelled, “To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem.”
The benehts of connecting a phone in this situation are 1) For the
convenience of having a phone close by to make outgoing voice
calls, and 2) In case you need to send a fax (press START) after
calling someone who must receive their faxes manually.
After you install the software in Step 7, and answer the Setup
Wizard questions for this connection case, here’s how you’ll auto
matically receive faxes with the Sony IJP-VIOO: Your fax line will
ring once, then the Sony IJP-VIOO will answer and begin emitting
fax tones to the sending machine.
Continue with Step 7, “Install the Software - REQUIRED!”
Dedicated line with external modem (ACI)
If in Step 2 you connected the Sony IJP-V100 to a dedicated phone
line (no voice calls received) that also has an exteinal modem con
nected to it, then use this connection diamam.
Phone optional,
but recommended
Connect your external modem to the Sony IJP-VIOO. Find the
phone cord that goes from the back of your external modem to a
wall Jack. Disconnect the cord from the wall Jack and plug it into
either of the (wo ports on the back of the Sony 1.1 P-V 100 labelled.
'■ To Phone. Answering Machine, or Modem.”
wall jack
I I 1
ImpoiUnl: ir_\our oMornal nuxicm's soUwaiv is set to aiitoinaticall\ receive taxes to youi eoinpiitei. turn oiTthttt setting; il' voti
lion't. your Sony IJP-V too \v ill not he able to receive taxes properlv.
Connect your phone to the Sony IJP-V UK). Connect the cord
from your phone to either of tlie tuxt ports on the back of the Sotiy
IJP-VlOO labelled, "To Phone. Answering Machine, or Modem."
The benetits of connecting a phone in this situation are 1) For the
convenience of having a phone close by to make outgoing voice
calls, and 2) In case you need to .send a fax (press START) after
calling someone who must receive their faxes manually.
After you install the .software in Step 7. and answer the Setup
Wizard questions for this connection case, here's how you'll auto
matically receive faxes with the Sony IJP-V lOO: Your fax line will
ring once, then the Sony l)P-V100 will answer and begin emitting
fax tones to the sending machine.
Continue with Step 7, "Install the Software - REQUIRED!"
Shared line (Case ADGJ)
If in Step 2 you connected the Sony IJP-V 100 to a shared phone line
(receives both voice and fax calls) that has no other equipment con
nected to it, then use this connection diagram.
Phone optional,
but recommended
• Connect your phone to the Sony UP-VIOO. Connect the cord
from your phone to either of the two ports on the back of the Sony
IJP-V 100 labelled, “To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem.”
The main benefits of connecting a phone in this situation are 1)
For the convenience of having a phone close to the Sony IJP-V 100
so that you can reach the START button when you receive faxes
manually, and 2) In case you need to send a fax (press START)
while having a conversation with someone who must receive their
faxes manually.
• Because you don’t have an answering machine or computer voice-
mail on this phone finé, you’ll need to receive faxes manually;
the Sony IJP-V 100 will NOT answer incoming calls automatically.
wall jack
To receive a fax manually: When the phone rings, pick it up and lis
ten for fax tones; if you hear fax tones, press the START button on
the Sony IjP-VlOO, then hang up the phone. Refer to “Manually
receiving faxes” in Chapter 3 for more information.
• Continue with Step 7, “Install the Software - REQUIRED!”
Shared line with a PC-modem (Case ADGH)
If in Step 2 you connected the Sony IJP-VlOO to a shared phone line
(receives both voice and fax calls) that also has a PC-modem con
nected to it, then use this connection diagram.
Phone optional, but recommended
Connect your PC-modem to the Sony IJP-VIOO. Find the
phone cord that goes from the back of your computer (your PC-
modem) to a wall jack. Disconnect the cord from the wall Jack and
plug it into either of the two ports on the back of the Sony IJPVI00 labelled, “To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem.”
Important; If your PC-modem’s software is set to automatically
receive faxes to your computer, turn off that .setting: if you don't,
your Sony IJP-VIOO will not be able to receive faxes properly.
Connect your phone to the Sony IJP-VIOO. Connect the cord
from your phone to cither of the two ports on the back of the Sony
IJP-VlOO labelled, "To Phone. Answering Machine, or Modem."
The main benefits of connecting a phone in this situation are 1)
For the convenience of having a phone close to the Sony IJP-V100
so that you can reach the START button when you receive faxes
manually, ahd 2) In case you need to send a fax (press START)
while having a conversation with someone who must receive their
faxes manually.
Because you don't have an answering machine or computer voice
mail on this phone line, you'll need to receive faxe.s manually:
the Sons' IJP-VlOO will NOT answer incoming calls automatiealK. To receive a fax manually: When the phone rings, pick it up
and listen for tax tones; if you hear fax tones, press the START but
ton on the Sony l)P-VI(H), then hang up the phone. Refer to "Man-
iialK Reeeismg Faxes" in ('h.iptei' lor more information.
PC with
internal modem
wall jack
1-1 .>
C'oniiiuic with Slop 7, ''Install the Soltwaic - Rl-.Ql'lRl'l’)'"
Shared line with an external modem (Case ADCI)
11 in Step 2 you coni'iected tlie Sony IJP-V100 to a shared plione line
(reeeives hoth \ oiee and tax ealls) that also has an extertial modem
contieeted to it, theti use this conneetion diaeratii.
Phone optional,
but recommended
Connect your external modem to the Sony IJP-VIOO. Find the
phone cord that goes from the back of your external modem to a
wall jack. Disconnect the cord from the wall jack and plug it into
either of the two ports on the back of the Sony IJP-VIOO labelled.
“To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem.”
Important: If your external modem’s software is set to automati
cally receive faxes to your computer, turn off that setting; if you
don’t, your Sony IJP-VIOO will not be able to receive faxes prop
Connect your phone to the Sony IJP-VIOO. Connect the cord
from your phone to either of the two ports on the back of the Sony
IJP-VIOO labelled, “To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem.”
The main benefits of connecting a phone in this situation are 1)
For the convenience of having a phone close to the Sony IJP-V 100
so that you can reach the START button when you receive faxes
manually, and 2) In case you need to send a fax (press START)
while having a conversation with someone who must receive their
faxes manually.
Because you don’t have an answering machine or computer voicemail on this phone line, you’ll need to receive faxes manually;
the Sony IJP-VIOO will NOT answer incoming calls automati
cally. To receive a fax manually: When the phone rings, pick it up
and listen for fax tones; if you hear fax tones, press the START but
ton on the Sony IJP-VIOO, then hang up the phone. Refer to “Man
ually Receiving Faxes” in Chapter 3 for more information.
wall jack
Continue with Step 7, “Install the Software - REQUIRED!”
shared line with answering machine (Case ADEJ)
If in Step 2 you connected the Sony IJP-VlOO to a shared phone line
(receives both voice and fax calls) that also has an answering machine
connected to it, use this connection diagram.
Phone optional,
but recommended
if there's no phone
handset on your
answering machine
Connect your answering machine to the Sony IJP-VIOO.
Connect the phone line from your answering machine to either of
the ports labelled, “To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem” on
the back of the Sony IJP-VIOO.
Important; Set your answering machine to answer calls after 4 or
fewer rings, and make sure your outgoing greeting message is no
longer than 30 seconds. If you don’t, you may not receive faxes
Connect your phone to the Sony IJP-VIOO. If your answering
machine doesn't have an attached phone handset, connect the cord
from your phone to either of the two ports on tlie back of the Sony
IJP-VIOO labelled, “To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem.”
The main benefits of connecting a phone in this situation are I) In
case you need to send a fax (press SJ'ART) while having a conver
sation w ith someone who must receise their faxes manually, and
2) For the comenience of having a phone close by to make and
receive \oice calls.
After you install the software in Step 7, and answer the Setup
Wizard questions for this connection case, here's how you'll auto
matically receive faxes with the Sony IJP-VlOO; Your answering
machine will pick up the call after the number of rings you've set,
then the Sony IJP-VIOO will "listen" while the answering machine
plays its greeting. If the Sony IJP-VlOO detects fax tones, it will cut
off the answering machine and receive the fax. If you don't con
nect your answering machine directly to the Sony IjP-VtOO as
described here, you may not receive your faxes properly.
C'ouliuuo with .Step 7. “Install the ,S(,ittwarc - RF.Ql'
wall jack
-1 >
Sluired line with computer voicenuil (C.iseADFJ)
ir 111 Step 2 vou connoL'tod llu.' Son\ I,IP-\' 100 to a sliarcd phono lino
(roooi\os both uiioo and fax calls) that also has oonipiitor \oioomail to
answ er \oioo calls, use this connection ditigraitt.
Phono optional,
but roconimenck'd Computer with
xriioemail leaturo
Connect your computer voicemail phone cord to the Sony
IJP-VIOO. Locate the phone cord that goes tVoin the back of your
computer to a wall jack. Disconnect the cord from the wall jack
and plug it into either of the two ports on the back of the Sony UP-
VIOO labelled, “To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem."
Important: Set your voicemail software to answer calls after 4 or
fewer rings, and make sure your outgoing greeting message is no
longer than 30 .seconds. If you don’t, you may not receive faxes
Connect your phone to the Sony IJP-VIOO. Connect the cord
from your phone to either of the two ports on the back of the Sony
IJP-VIOO labelled, “To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem.”
The main benefits of connecting a phone in this situation are I) In
case you need to send a fax (press START) while having a conver
sation with someone who must receive their faxes manually, and
2) For the convenience of having a phone close by to make and
receive voice calls.
After you install the software in Step 7, and answer the Setup
Wizard questions for this connection case, here’s how you’ll auto
matically receive faxes with the Sony IJP-VIOO; Your computer
voicemail will pick up the call after the number of rings you've set,
then the Sony IJP-VIOO will "listen" while voicemail plays its greet
ing. If the Sony IJP-V100 detects fax tones, it will cut off the voicemail and receive the fax. If you don't connect your computer
voicemail phone cord directly to the Sony IJP-VIOO as described
here, you may not receive your faxes properly.
Continue with Step 7, “Install the Software - REQUIRED!”
wall jack
Sh.ired line with PC-niodem &
answering machine (Case ADEN)
ir in Slop 2 you conncL'lcd tlic Suns l.ll’-V 100 lii a shaicd plionc line
(rocci\cs botli \oicc and lax calls) dial also has a PC-niodciii and an
answering macliine connected to it, use this connection diagram.
optional. Ansu ('I'inp
.'omnuMidod mai hino
.■'s no phono
at on your
lint; maohino
• Connect your PC-modem to the Sony IJP-V100. Find the
phone cord that goes from the back of your computer (your PCmodem) to a wall jack. Disconnect the cord from the wall Jack and
plug it into either of the two ports on the back of the Sony IJPV100 labelled, “To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem.”
Important: If your PC-modem’s software is set to automatically
receive faxes to your computer, turn off that setting; if you don’t,
your Sony IJP-V 100 will not be able to receive faxes properly.
• Connect your answering machine to the Sony UP-V100.
Connect the phone line from your answering machine to either of
the ports labelled, “To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem” on
the back of the Sony IJP-V 100.
Important: Set your answering machine to answer calls after 4 or
fewer rings, and make sure your outgoing greeting message is no
longer than 30 seconds. If you don’t, you may not receive faxes
• Connect your phone to your answering machine. If your
answering machine doesn’t have an attached phone handset, con
nect the cord from your phone to the back of your answering
The main benefits of connecting a phone in this situation are I) In
case you need to send a fax (press START) while having a conver
sation with someone who must receive their faxes manually, and
2) For the convenience of having a phone close by to make and
receive voice calls.
Alter \ tni Install llie sot'twarc in Step
\Vi/ard (.jnestions for tills eonneetlon ease. Iiere's how \ on'll antoniatleally reeel\e faxes w ith tlie Son\ I.)P*VI00: Your answering
7 .
and answ er the Setup
machine will pick up the call after the number of rings you've set,
then the Sony l)P-VU)0 will "listen" while the answering machine
plays its greeting. If the Sony IJP-V100 detects fax tones, it will cut
off the answering machine and receive the fax. If you don't con
nect your answering machine directly to the Sony IJP-V100 as
described here, you may not receive your faxes properly.
Continue with Step 7. “Install the Software - REQUIRED!“
Shared line with PC- modem &
computer voicemail (Case ADFH)
If in Step 2 you connected the Sony IJP-V 100 to a shared phone line
(receives both voice arid fax calls) that also has a PC-inodeni con
nected to it and computer voicemail to answer voice calls, irse this
connection diattram.
Phone optional,
but recommended
Connect your PC-modern and voicemail phone cord to the
Sony IJP-VIOO. Find the phone cord that goes from the back of
your computer (for your PC-modem and voicemail) to a wall jack.
Di.sconnect the cord from the wall jack and plug it into either of
the two ports on the back of the Sony IJP-VIOO labelled, “To
Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem.”
Important; Set your voicemail software to answer calls after 4 or
fewer rings, and make sure your outgoing greeting message is no
longer than 30 seconds. If you don’t, you may not receive faxes
Important: If your PC-modem’s software is set to automatically
receive faxes to your computer, turn off that setting; if you don’t,
your Sony IJP-VIOO will not be able to receive faxes properly.
Computer with
PC-modem and
voicemail feature
wall jack
• Connect your phone to the Sony I.|P-\ 100. Connect the eord
from your phone to eitlier of tlie two ports on the back of the Sony
IJP-VlOO labelled. "To Phone, Answering Machine, rir Modem."
The main benefits of connecting a phone in this situation are 1) In
case you need to send a fax (press START) while having a conver
sation with someone who must receive their faxes manually, and
2) For the convenience of having a phone close by to make and
receive voice calls.
• After you install the software in Step 7, and answer the Setup
Wizard questions for this connection here’s how you'll auto
matically receive faxes with the Sony IJP-VlOO; Your computer
voicemail will pick up the call after the number of rings you've set,
then the Sony IJP-VlOO will "listen" while voicemail plays its greet
ing. If the Sony IJP-V100 detects fax tones, it will cut off the voicemail and receive the fax. If you don't connect your computer
voicemail phone cord directly to the Sony IJP-VlOO as described
here, you may riot receive your faxes properly.
• Continue with Step 7, "Install the Software - REQUIRED!”
Shared line with external modem and
answering machine (Case ADEI)
If in Step 2 you connected the Sony IJP-VIOO to a shared phone line
(receives both voice and fax calls) that also has an external modem
and an answering machine connected to it, then use this connection
Phone optional Answering
but recommended
it there s no phone
handset on your
answering machine
Connect your external modem to the Sony IJP-V100. Find the
phone cord that goes from the back of your external modem to a
wall jack. Disconnect the cord from the wall jack and plug it into
either of the two ports on the back of the Sony IJP-VlOO labelled,
“To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem.”
Important: If your external modem’s software is set to automati
cally receive faxes to your computer, turn off that setting; if youdon’t, your Sony IJP-VlOO will not be able to receive faxes prop
wall jack
COniuct voiir answering machiiu' to tlu* Sonv 100. Plii>:
the phone line I’uim \ oiir answenne maehine to eittier of the por ts
on the baek oitlie Son\ l.lP-\'100 labelleJ, " To Phone. .Answenne
Maehine. or Modcni.''
lm|)oi1aiit: Set your answeritig maeliine to atiswer calls alter 4 or
lew er rings, and make sure yoitr outgoing greeting tncssage is no
longer than .40 seconds. If you don't, you tnay not receive faxes
Connect your phone to your answering machine. If your
answering machine doesn't have an attached phone handset, con
nect the cord from your phone to the back of your answering
The main benehts of connecting a phone in this situation are I) In
case you tieed to send a fax (press START) u hile having a conversatioti with sotneone who tnust recei\e their faxes mttnually, and
2) For the convenience of having a phone close by to make and
receive voice calls.
After you install the software in Step 7, and answer the Setup
Wizard questions for this connection case, here's how you'll auto
matically receive faxes with the Sony UP-V100: Your answering
machine will pick up the call after the number of rings you've set,
then the Sony IJP-V100 will "listen" while the answering machine
plays its greeting. If the Sony l|P-V100 detects fax tones, it will cut
off the answering machine and receive the fax. If you don't con
nect your answering machine directly to the Sony IJP-V100 as
described here, you may not receive your faxes properly.
Continue with Step 7, “Install the Software - REQUIRED!”
Shared line with external modem and
computer voicemail (Case ADFI)
If in Step 2 you connected the Sony IJP-'VlOO to a shared phone line
(receives both voice and fax calls) that also has an external modem
connected to it and computer voicemail to answer voice calls, then
use this connection diagram.
I ’ l i o n t ' ( ) | ) l K ) n < l l ,
h u l r e c o m m e n d e d
¡ 1 t h e r e ' s n o p h o n e
h a n d s e t o n y o u r
a n s w e r i n p m a c h i n e
T e l e [ ) h o n ( '
C h r m f u i t e r w i t i r
v o i c e m a i l t e a t u r e
Connect your external modem to the Sony IJP-VIOO. Find the
F x l e r n a l
m o d e m
w a l l j a r k
plioiic cord lliat goes from the back of your external modem to a
wall Jack. Disconnect the cord from the w all Jack and plug it into
either of the two ports on the back of the Sony I.IP-V 100 labelled.
“To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem."
Imftortant: If your external modem's software is set to automatically
receive faxes to your computer, turn off that setting; if you don't,
your Sony IJP-V100 will not be able to receive faxes properly.
Connect your computer voicemail phone cord to the Sony
IJP-VIOO. Locate the phone cord that goes from the back of your
computer to a wall Jack. Disconnect the cord from the wall Jack
and plug it into either of the two ports on the back of the Sony IJP-
VI00 labelled, “To Phone. Answering Machine, or Modem.”
Important: Set your voicemail software to answer calls after 4 or
fewer rings, and make sure your outgoing greeting message is no
longer than 30 seconds. If you don’t, you may not receive faxes
Connect your phone to your computer. Connect the cord from
your phone to the back of your computer.
The main benefits of connecting a phone in this situation are 1) In
case you need to send a fax (press START) while having a conver
sation with someone who must receive their faxes manually, and
2) For the convenience of having a phone close by to make and
receive voice calls.
After you install the software in Step 7, and answer the Setup
Wizard questions for this connection case, here’s how you’ll auto
matically receive faxes with the Sony IJP-VIOO: Your computer
voicemail will pick up the call after the number of rings you've set,
then the Sony IJP-VIOO will "listen" while voicemail plays its greet
ing. If the Sony IJP-VIOO detects fax tones, it will cut off the voice-
mail and receive the fax. If you don't connect your computer
voicemail phone cord directly to the Sony IJP-VIOO as described
here, you may not receive your faxes properly.
Continue with Step 7, “Install the Software - REQUIRED!”
shared line with distinctive ring (Case B)
It' in Step 2 you connected the Sony IJP-’V 100 to a phone line that
uses a distincti\ e ring ser\ ice through your telephone company, use
this connection diagram.
The distinctive ring telephone service, which is unavailable in many
areas, allows you to have 2 or 3 phone numbers on the same phone
line. Each number has a ring with a different pattern so you can tell
the difference between incoming calls.
For more detailed information on setting up Distinctive Ring, refer to
“Using Distinctive Ring" under “Using Advanced Fax Features and
Settings" in Chapter 3.
Phone optional,
but recommended
Connect your phone to the Sony IJP-VIOO. Connect the cord
from your phone to either of the two ports on the back of the Sony
IJP-'VlOO labelled, “To Phone, Answering Machine, or Modem.”
The main benefits of connecting a phone in this situation are 1) In
case you need to send a fax (press START) while having a conver
sation with someone who must receive their faxes manually, and
2) For the convenience of having a phone close by to make outgo
ing voice calls.
Important: If you have an answering machine for receiving voice
calls on this phone line (different phone number), set it to answer
after 3 or more rings. If you don’t, your Sony IJP-VIOO will not
be able to receive your fax calls.
Important: If you have a PC-modem or an external modem on this
phone line (different phone number), turn off the setting in the
modem’s software that automatically receives faxes to your com
puter; if you don’t, your Sony IJP-VIOO will not be able to receive
faxes properly.
Continue with Step 7.
w'all jack
Ymi must install the sot'tware
bot'orc using your new Sony
IJP-V100 - if you don't, the
Sony IJP-VlOO won't work.
lmt)ortant: If you don't have
a CD-ROM dise drive, please
eall the Sony Teehnieal
Response Center 1-888-
4SONYPC at (1-888-476-
6972) to reeeive the soft
ware on 3.5-ineh floppy
1. Turn on your eomputer. Or. if you did not turn ol'f your eoinputer
previously in Step .3. restart your eomputer now.
One of two things w'ill happen: Hither the “New Hardware Found"
sereen will be displayed, or just the Windows 95 desktop will be
-• If "New Hardware Found" is displayed:
Choose "Driver from disk provided by manufacturer." then click
OK. Insert the Sony IJP-'VlOO CD into your CD-ROM drive, or if
you have floppy disks, insert Disk #1 into your floppy drive. Make
sure the correct drive is displayed in the dialog box, for example,
“d:" for your CD-ROM drive or “a;" for your floppy drive. Click
Continue at step 4 below.
3. If just the Windows® 95 desktop is displayed:
Insert the Sony IJP-V 100 CD into your CD-ROM drive, or if you
have floppy disks, insert Disk #1 into your floppy drive. If you’re
installing from the CD, the Sony IJP-V100 Welcome screen will
be displayed after a few .seconds. If you’re installing from a floppy
disk, Run from the Start menu in Windows 95®, then type:
where “a:” represents the letter of your floppy disk drive. Click
For .some PCs, including the Sony PCV-150 you may see the
“Update Device Driver Wizard” screen.
If the “Update Device Driver Wizard” screen appears (see page I -
24), click “Cancel” and re-insert the IJP-V 100 CD. When the
installation program appears, click “Install the Sony UP- VI00
software on your PC,” and complete the procedure.
Update Device Oiivei Wizaid
V/irdom hxavd the MoMng i«cWed diver (01 the
Cancel end re<isert CO.
II you want to use this <kivef. cick FnsK If this is not the
coneci dnver and you vMnt to search (of a dRerenl diver
manual^, dck. Other Locabom
Locabon c( Driver
<B»* Cancel
4. At the Sony IJP-V100 Welcome .screen, click Install to begin
installing your software. You’ll he asked to contirm the tile loca
tion and computer port where the Sony UP-100 will be installed.
Fà)llow all instructions on the .screen.
After the files are copied to your computer, the Sony IJP-V100
Setup Wizard will help yon customize your Sony IJP-V 100 so that
it runs best with your particular setup.
tke Sure Every
Works Properly
Congratulations! You are now set up to print, fax, copy and scan with
your new Sony IJP-V 100!
If you want to make sure everything is working well — or to get a
quick start on learning some basics — follow the simple instructions
below to fax, print, copy, and scan. You’ll be amazed at how fast and
easy it is!
Receive a fax
To verify that you can receive faxes properly, call 1-888-4SONYPC
to have Sony product information faxed to you.
If you have any trouble receiving the fax, review Step 6. If you still
have problems, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.
Print a report
Print the Self Test Report to test the printing feature. Here’s how:
O On your Windows desktop, double-click VAIO™ Document
Space, click Sony IJP-VlOO, then select Settings and
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