Sony Handycam DCR-VX2100 Specifications

3CCD MiniDV Camcorder
Designed for the "prosumer", the DCR-VX2100 is made for the video enthustiast. This camcorder features a 3-CCD imaging system, which yields outstanding resolution and color. The Manual Zoom Ring and the 58mm Aspherical Lens allows for better focusing with greater detail and clarity.
MiniDV Recording
Offers up to 530 lines of horizontal resolution, 3X color bandwidth (vs. VHS) and significantly higher S/N ratio, to provide stunning video performance.
Each 1/3" CCD has 380,000 pixels for brilliant digital picture-quality.
530 Lines of Horizontal Video Resolution
Advanced HAD™ Megapixel CCD technology, combined with high-quality optics provide outstanding video performance with up to 530 horizontal lines of resolution.
Digital Still Memory Mode with Memory Stick® Media
Capture digital still images at 640x480 resolution, directly onto Memory Stick® media for easy transfer to PC’s for emailing, printing, or sharing with other compatible Memory Stick® devices.
Advanced HAD™ CCD Technology
Enhanced CCD design allows more light to reach the imager which reduces video noise to improve signal-to-noise ratio by up to 6db (2x better than a standard CCD). Particularly effective when shooting in dark situations.
12X Optical/48X Digital Zoom
The optical zoom helps to bring the action up close from far away. In addition, the digital zoom interpolation means that extreme digital zooming is clearer, with less distortion than previous types of digital zooms.
Aspherical Ground Glass 58mm Lens
Larger diameter allows more light to strike the Advanced HAD™ CCD imagers for greater detail and clarity, while the aspherical lens reduces optical distortion, and provide better corner-to-corner focus.
2.5" Precision Hybrid SwivelScreen™ LCD Display (211K Pixels)
Provides excellent viewing clarity with improved resolution. The 211K pixel LCD display makes images sharp and detailed during playback or when monitoring recording. The Hybrid Reflective-Transmissive LCD Screen provides accurate viewing in sunlight or bright light, virtually eliminating the "wash-out" common with traditional LCD Screens.
Manual Zoom Ring
Allows user operated manual zoom speed for more flexibility and control.
Precision Color Viewfinder (180K Pixels)
Increased pixel count provides more detail and clarity of video subjects.
Manual Shutter Speed
Gives you optimum control over the shutter speed based upon shooting environment or desired effect.
Manual Exposure Dial
Create your own special look by controlling the camera’s exposure amount manually, allowing in less or more light for creative control.
Stamina Power Management System 9 Hours (Using Optional NP-F960)
The Sony DCR-VX2100 can record for up to 9 hours or playback for up to 13 hours (with LCD screen off) on a single charge with the optional NP-F960.
InfoLithium® Battery with AccuPower™ Meter System
Charge the battery at any time because unlike NiCad (Nickel Cadmium) batteries Sony’s rechargeable Lithium-Ion batteries are not subjected to a life shortening "memory effect". Sony’s exclusive AccuPower™ meter displays the battery time remaining in minutes, in the viewfinder or the LCD screen.
Super SteadyShot Optical Stabilization System
An advanced version of Sony’s SteadyShot® System that minimizes even high frequency shake and vibration using motion sensors and an optical active prism stabilization system, for better performance even in difficult shooting situations.
i.LINK®2DV Interface (IEEE1394)
A high speed bi-directional digital video/audio communication between two devices equipped with an IEEE1394 interface, including camcorders, digital VCRs, and PCs.
Intelligent Accessory Shoe
Provides power, on/off and special operational commands to a variety of Sony Intelligent Accessories via an 8-pin interface. This enables easy synchronized operation between the Handycam® camcorder and such accessories as video lights, infrared lights and microphones without additional batteries or cables.
Progressive Shutter System
Mechanical shutter system that provides Progressive Scan performance while utilizing an interlace scanning system. Digital still images will be sharp and clear with excellent definition.
3CCD MiniDV Camcorder
Accessory Shoe: USB Streaming: White Balance: Imaging Device:
Still Actual: Viewfinder: Interface:
USB Terminal: LCD:
2.5" (211K) Precision Hybrid Color
Digital Video Input(s): Digital Video Output(s):
Digital Audio Input(s): Digital Audio Output(s): Headphone Output(s): Input(s): Minimum Illumination: Aperture: Focal Distance: 35mm Conversion:
43.2-518.4mm (Memory Mode)
Zoom: Focus: Shutter Speed:
Exposure: Power Consumption:
Limited Warranty: Video Actual: Filter Diameter: Weight: Dimensions (WHD):
7/15" (120 x 159 x 393mm)
Supplied Accessories:
Camera Charger (AC-L15) InfoLithium® Rechargeable Battery (NP-F330) Wireless Remote Commander® Remote
Control (RMT-811) 8MB Memory Stick Media 2AA Batteries Stereo A/V Cable Lens Hood Shoulder Strap
UPC Code:
Yes (Intelligent)
Auto, Outdoor, Indoor, Hold
3-1/3" 380K Pixel Advanced
340K Pixels Precision Color (180K)
i.LINK® DV Interface (IEEE1394):
Yes (Phone Jack and
Yes (Stereo, Special)
1 Lux
43.2-518.4mm (Camera
12X, 48X
Full Range Auto/Manual Ring
1/4-1/10,000 (Manually
Manual Dial (19 Steps)
4.0W/ 4.7W/ 5.0W
1 Year Parts; 90 Days Labor
340K Pixels per Imager
3 lbs, 5 oz (1.5 Kg)
4 8/11" x 6 4/15 "x 15
Power Adaptor/ In
service and warranty
Limited Warranty:
1 Year Parts; 90 Days Labor
optional accessories
Memory Stick® Media (MSA-32A) Memory Stick® Media (MSA-64A) Memory Stick® Media (MSA-128A) Memory Stick® Media with Memory Select
Function (MSA-128S2) InfoLithium® Batteries (NPF-750/950)
AC Adapter/Charger (ACV-400A) Polarizing Filter Kit (VF-58CPKS) Wide Angle Conversion Lens (VCL-HG0758) Telephoto Conversion Lens (VCL-HG1758) Wired Remote Control (RM-VD1) Remote Control Tripod (VCT-870RM) Stereo Microphone (ECM-MSD1)
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Sony Electronics Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 •
Last Updated 2005-04-26