'N_n_'_'Rechargeai_le_h°tte_ Pack
The Battery Heats Up
During charging or recording, the battery pack heats up. This is caused by energy that has been
generated and a chemical change that has occurred residethe batlery pack.This is not causefor
Battery Care
• Remove the battery pack from the camcorder after using the battery pack, and keep ,t in a cool
place. When the battery pack is attached to the camcorder, a small amount of cun'ent flows to the
camcorder even if the POWER switch Jsset to OFF. wh,ch shortens battery life.
• The battery packis always discharging even when it Is not ,n use after charging Therefore. you
should charge the battery right before uq,ngthe camcorder
How to Use the Switch on the Battery Pack
Th,s switch is provided so that you can mark the charged balicry. _t the switch |o ihe "no mark"
position when charging is completed..Set the switch to the "red mark" posihon when the battery is
usedup lot in wh,chever direction you want to remind yourseff).[€]
The life of the Battery Pack
"_e battery pack can be fully chargedand discharged about 500 hmes under normal temperatures. If
the battery indicator flashesrapidly just after turning on the camcorder w,th a fullycharged battery
pack.the battery packshouldbe replaced with a new fully charged one
Charging Temperature
You shouldcharge batteries at temperaturesfrom 50"F to 86"F (from iO'C to 30"C). Lower
temperaturesrequire a longer charging time.
Note on"_arging
A Brand-new Battery
A brand-new battery pack ,s not charged. Beforeusing the batlery rack. charge ,t completely.
Before Recharging a Used Battery Pack
a Make sure to use up the battery before recharging.
• If re_ding is completed before the _ indicator appears in the v,ewfinder, you should remove the
tape.setthe POWER sw,tch to CAMERA, turn STANDBY up. and leave the camcorder until the
battery indicator flashesrapidly.
• When you use the AC-S10 power adaptor, the DC_Sxocar batlery charger or BC-Sx0 portable
battery charger, you can usethe discharging funchon.
• Charging the usable battery causes a lowering of battery capacity. Battery capacity can be
recovered if you fully discharge and charge the battery _gain.
After Long Storage
Rechargethe battery pack after a long period of storage. If the battery pack is charged fully but not
usedfor a long time (about I year), at becomesdsscharged.Chargeit again, but m this casethe
battery hfe will be shorter than normal. After severalcharging and discharging cycles, the battery hfe
will recover its original capaaty.
If the terminals (metal parts on the back) are not clean, the battery duration will he shortened.
When the terminals are not clean or when the battery pack has not been used for a long time, repeat
installing and removing the battery pack. This improvesthe contact condition. Also. wipe the + and
- terminalswith a soft cloth or paper.
Be Sure to Observe the Following
• To prevent an accident caused by a short circuit, do not allow metal objects such as a
necklace to touch the battery terminals. Carry the bakery pack attaching to the terminal
cover. [d]
• Keep the battery packaway from fire.
• Keep the battery Packdry.
a Do not open nor convert the battery pack.
• Do not expose the battery pack to any mechanical shock.
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