Communication method RS-232C
Synchronous method Asynchronous
Baud rate 9600bps
Character length 8bit
Parity None
Start bit length 1bit
Stop bit length 1bit
Flow control None
2. Pin Assignment
Section 1
3. Communication Data Format
(a) Control message
No. Item Value
1 Header 0x8C: Control
2 Category 0xXX
3 Function 0xXX
4 Data1 (Length) 0xXX
5 Data2 (Data1) 0xXX
: : 0xXX
: : 0xXX
X DataX 0xXX
X+1 Check Sum 0xXX
* Check Sum: Sum total of 1 to X. Lower one-byte data is validated when a value exceeds 255 (1byte).
* Set the command interval to 500 ms or more when transmitting the Control command continuously.
* Set the command interval to 500 ms or more when transmitting the same command (Enquiry) after the Control command.
(b) Enquiry message
No. Item Value
1 Header 0x83: Enquiry
2 Category 0xXX
3 Function 0xXX
4 Data1 0xFF
5 Data2 0xFF
6 Check Sum 0xXX
* Check Sum: Sum total of 1 to X, lower one-byte data is validated when a value exceeds 255 (1byte).
(c) Answer message
1 Control answer
No. Item Value
1 Header 0x70: Answer
2 Answer
0x01: Limit Over
0x02: Limit Under
0x03: Command Canceled
3 Check Sum 0xXX
* 0x00: Completed Packet is correctly received and process is also correctly completed.
0x01: Limit Over Packet is correctly received, but the data value is over the upper limit.
0x02: Limit Under Packet is correctly received, but the data value under the lower limit.
0x03: Command Canceled Packet is correctly received, but the data value is not correct or the request cannot be accepted in the current host state.
* Check Sum: Sum total of 1 to X, lower one-byte data is validated when a value exceeds 255 (1byte).
* 0x00: Completed Packet is correctly received and process is also correctly completed.
* Return Data: Returns the read value.
* Check Sum: Sum total of 1 to X, lower one-byte data is validated when a value exceeds 255 (1byte).
0x03: Command Canceled Packet is correctly received, but the data value is not correct or the request cannot be accepted in the current host state.
4 Error answer
No. Item Value
1 Header 0xE0: Answer
2 Answer
0x01: Check Sum Error
0x02: Data Length Error
3 Check Sum 0xXX
* 0x00: No Function Error Packet header,category or function code are not included in this protocol.
0x01: Check Sum Error Check sum value of received packet is not correct.
0x02: Data Length Error The data size of received packet is not correct.
0x00: No Function Error
4. General Function
(a) Mode Control
Syntax Header Category Function Data1 Data2 Check Sum
[a]Function [b]Range/Switch Code Command
Control Enquiry Standby Power On
0x00 Power 0x00 OFF Yes Yes Enable Enable
0x01 ON
0x01 Input Select
0x30 VIDEO
0x31 S-VIDEO
0x84 Option Digital1 (HDMI1/SDI) 0x85 Option Digital2 (HDMI2)
0x02 Force Status Display 0x00 ON Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 OFF
0x03 Audio Mute 0x00 OFF Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 ON
0x04 Auto Status Display 0x00 ON Yes Yes Enable Enable
0x01 OFF
0x08 HD15 RGB Yes Yes Disable Enable
Code Table (1-a)
[a]Function [b]Range/Switch Code Command
Control Enquiry Standby Power On
0x06 Color System 0x00 Auto Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 NTSC 0x02 NTSC4.43 0x03 PAL 0x05 PAL-M 0x06 PAL-N 0x07 PAL60
0x0F Language 0x00 Japanese Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 English 0x02 Deutsch 0x03 Français 0x04 Español 0x05 Italiano
0x10 Index Number 0x01-0xFF Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x12 Standby Power 0x00 Standard Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 Low
0x13 ECO Mode 0x00 Off Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x02 ECO Low
0x14 Speaker Out 0x00 ON Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 OFF
0x18 Sync Mode 0x00 H/Comp Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 Video
0x1B Clock Display 0x00 OFF Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 ON
0x24 Input Detect 0x00 FW12 (HD15) No Yes Disable Enable
[a]Function [b]Range/Switch Code Command
Control Enquiry Standby Power On
0x26 Auto Shut OFF 0x00 OFF Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 ON
0x27 Auto Screen Adjust 0x00 OFF Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 ON
0x30 PAP 0x00 OFF Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 P&P 0x02 PinP
0x31 Active Picture 0x00 Left (P&P)/Main (PinP) Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 Right (P&P)/Sub (PinP) 0x02 Swap
0x32 Picture Size (P&P) 0x00-0x0E Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x33 Sub Picture Size 0x00 Large Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x34 Picture Position 0x00 Position1 Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x02 Position3 0x03 Position4
0x35 PAP Input Detect 0x08 HD15 RGB No Yes Disable Enable
0x30 VIDEO
0x31 S-VIDEO
0x84 Option Digital1 (HDMI1/SDI) 0x85 Option Digital2 (HDMI2)
0x36 PAP Input Detect 0x08 HD15 RGB No Yes Disable Enable
0x30 VIDEO
0x31 S-VIDEO
0x84 Option Digital1 (HDMI1/SDI) 0x85 Option Digital2 (HDMI2)
0x01 Small
0x01 Position2
0x09 HD15 YUV
0x09 HD15 YUV
Code Table (1-a)
[a]Function [b]Range/Switch Code Command
Control Enquiry Standby Power On
0x40 Screen Saver 0x00 OFF Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 All White ON
0x02 Sweep ON
0x03 Standby
0x43 Back Light 0x00-0x64 Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x44 Logo Illumination 0x00 Logo Off Yes Yes Enable Enable
0x01 Logo On (Low) 0x02 Logo On (High)
0x45 Control Mode 0x00 Main + Remocon Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 Main 0x02 Remocon 0x03 All Off 0x04 Limited
0x46 On Off Timer Mode 0x00 Every Day (Repeat) Yes Yes Enable Enable
0x01 Day Of Week
0x47 On Timer Enable bit0 Sunday 1: Enable, 0: Disable Yes Yes Enable Enable
bit1 Monday 1: Enable, 0: Disable bit2 Tuesday 1: Enable, 0: Disable bit3
Wednesday 1: Enable, 0: Disable
bit4 Thursday 1: Enable, 0: Disable bit5 Friday 1: Enable, 0: Disable bit6 Saturday 1: Enable, 0: Disable bit7 Every day 1: Enable, 0: Disable
0x65 IP Setting Mode 0x00 DHCP Yes Yes Enable Enable
0x01 Manual 0x02 Speed
0x66 IP Setting Execute 0x00 Shut Down No Yes Enable Enable
0x01 IP Setting 0x02 NVR Reset
0x03 Alarm 0x04 LAN FW version
Code Table (1-a)
[a]Function [b]Range/Switch Code Command
Control Enquiry Standby Power On
0x67 IP Setting Result 0x00 Done Yes No Enable Enable
0x01 Error 1 (UART Commu.) 0x02 Error 2 (Duplication) 0x03 Error 3 (IP Add Setting) 0x04 Error 4 (GW Add setting) 0x05 Error 5 (DNS1 Setting) 0x06 Error 6 (DNS2 Setting) 0x07 Error 7 (Sbnt Msk Setting)
0x68 Speed Setting 0x00 100Mbps/Full Duplex Yes Yes Enable Enable
0x01 100Mbps/Half Duplex 0x02 10Mbps/Full Duplex 0x03 10Mbps/Half Duplex 0x04 Auto
0x70 Input Skip bit0 HD15 Yes Yes Disable Enable
bit1 DVI bit2 Reserved bit3 VIDEO bit4 S-VIDEO bit5 Reserved bit6 Reserved bit7 Reserved
0x71 Default Input 0x00 Last Memory Yes Yes Enable Enable
0x01 Option
0x74 Digital Signal Detect 0x00 VIDEO No Yes Disable Enable
0x75 Signal Status
0x01 Unstable/No Signal
0x76 VIDEO Signal Detect 0x00 NTSC No Yes Disable Enable
0x01 PAL
0x7A Logo Position 0x00 Auto Yes Yes Enable Enable
0x01 Landscape
0x02 Portrait
0x7D Power Management 0x00 OFF Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 ON
0x01 PC
0x00 Stable No Yes Disable Enable
Code Table (1-a)
[a]Function [b]Range/Switch Code Command
Control Enquiry Standby Power On
0x7E On Screen Logo 0x00 OFF Yes Yes Enable Enable
0x01 ON (Default)
0x02 Reserved
0x7F LED 0x00 OFF Yes Yes Disable Enable
0x01 ON
0x81 Power On Delay 0x00-0x78 1sec
*1: Auto Signal Detect becomes Disable. When Option Slot is connected, Option command is Enable.
*2: Restricts a part of keys operation following below.
*3: Digital Signal Status is Enable for Digital Input Signal Detect Function only in Stable.
*4: Digital Signal or VIDEO Signal is Enable. Return Signal Status of Active Window.
*5: Only the panel power supply is turned off at the standby when setting it “ON”.
x Data Yes Yes Enable Enable
+/_,Brightness, Chroma, H Shift, V Shift, V size, PAP
5. Analog Signal Detect Function
(a) Mode Control
Syntax Header Category Function Data1 Data2 Check Sum