Sony FD Trinitron Wega KV-32FS210, FD Trinitron Wega KV-36FS210, FD Trinitron Wega KV-27FS210 Operating Instructions Manual

SON'_o ,_-09,€-034-21
Operating Instructions
KV-27 FS210 KV-32 FS210 KV-36FS210
© 2003 by Sony Corporation
Tored _e ti_ed_k of E_reor e_e_td_ _k, do not eXpO_ _i_e TV to ra_ or _ure.
Tbla symbol is in.tided _o aler_ file _er _o the pre_ce of urlirlsulated "danger_ms voltage" wffhin _he product's enckr_ure that _y be c_ _uffide_t magrdtod_ _ cor_sti_te a ri_ of electric _ck to persons,
Tbla symbo| is in,tided _o a|er_ _le _er _o the pre_ewce of thlpor_nt opera_lg _cd _a_c_e_lance
(servid_) ir_tr_c'_r_s ir_ti_eliterature
accompanying fl_ a_liance.
Note to the CATVInstaller
This re_inder is provlde_ to call fl_eCATV s_te_
_v_t_]er's _t_en_orl to Arfid_ 8_0_ of the NEC that _pedfies that fl_ecable_m_fl sh_ be _v_ed to tee
grcmnd_ng _y__temof tee bfffld_ng _ circe to the point of cab]_ entry as pr_ctlcaL
Or_ lY_de o-%hept_we_2athg-__de* tl_m t_ t_the_fo_ _fe_ purpo_e_ _d will £__o 72_epower o'af_ orLy_e wa_, If yo-a ar_ _r_bla _ ir_ the plug f-_]]y_to the
la_veit ___cked by q_ed 2._rmel _e&_ t_e-fing i:
W2_.r_usir_g _V g_nes, cc_p_ters, _r_ si_]ar pro_ _c1_ with your TV keep tl_ebrightness arid con_ra_t f_n_lor_ at low _etfing_. £f_ Y_e_ _r_-movir_g) pa_tw_ is lef_ or_the
_r_tr_t _et_ing, the th_age _l be perm_ r_entfy imprinted car_ca_e the _n pF_ntof _t_ior, ]ogos or,to the 7V scre_r_.
These _es of i_npYln_ are riot covered by your warranty
becau:_ they are the res_]_ o{ mlaK_e.
Tbls _il:nr ent h_stlee__e_tedand {o_nd to co_ ly wifll
t_ Emits for a O_s B digital device puvsuar_t to _dr_ "15of fll_ TC_ R_les. Tb_e ]]r_'l_ are ¢]es_grind to p_wi_e
reachable prc4e_:_ior_a_ir _ t har_ff_l h_erber_ce _r_ resi_ en_h3l_n__a_l_llon. I h_ eq_i p_x_ecdge¢ler_tes_ _es, _rl_
_r_ radiate radio fre_.e;_cv e;_ergy and;if not h_ta_ed a_d
_r[_l in_effere_ce wire radio c_mm_cat;_*. However,
ill,re i_ 1_0 gtl_r_ rltt_t_ [_l_t _nter feren_ wi]] not _]_ _rl a
h_ter_rerl_ to radio or te_evlaiol_ r_ceptiol_ wl_l caq be
deter[_]_edby t_rrfir_gfl_e_ulpment off ar_fl orb the _er is
e_l¢o_rala_._ to tw to Corral% the _nter{er_l@_ _v else or _lore
of the {o_owir_gi_as-res:
[_ Rc_wi_att_rrvlocat_ the _'_c_ivhagan_,_s,
Corne_t th_ eq_J_vme_tha_,__ _flet or e-ch_ufit dY%ere_ f-_m £°LattOV_Cl _ th_ _ceiver _sc_r-a_cbed.
Q Cov_sulT-L_edealarorane_;i_e_b_edradlo/TVvecL_i_a_
Protecting the TV
F_ r_t L_a3 the TV ha_"_t or "_umid place, o_ 5_apla_e s_bje_t _ e_e_ive d_ or mec3_c_l _dbra_.
Note on Caption Vision
This televisiorl re_fiver provides dlSTflay of _elevislor_ clo_d
c_ptlor6ng in _ccord_nce wltE _ 15A19 of _le FCC r_les. U_eof thi_ television for ofl_er _l Wiv_te vlew_ng o{
p_OgT_ broadcast_a_UHT o_VHT ortr_n__mitLedbv c_ble
cc_T;_th_ furfl_eu_ of fl_e ge_ler_ ;rubric _ay r_re
Owner's Record
The model and _i_ n_nber_ are located_a_the fr_t _wer
tff th'L__n_a_ _nd at the rear of yo_r TV.
Trademarks and Copyrights
_RC, Y 5TA_ _ is _ registered m_rk.
de_ermi_ed_at _i_ product0_ar0duct
ra0d_lms_tsthe EN_GYSTARg_idelin_s f0r"_nergyeffi¢i_n_t.
WEGA , VD Tr_tmn an_ Captt _-- Vismc- ;ax_ mg-steee_ :_ad_zs of _y Corvoratla_.
Tot your protedi_ pleasere_d t}lec_eh_truetlons c_Tii_letel_ _r,d keep this mar, ual for futur_ r_rer_ce.
C_efullyobseme and comp]v _ithall wanlln ',_ud_r_s and instrucfiork_ placed on t(]e set, or describ_n the
operaling Jnstructiol%._or8el_ci_em%amuM.
To guam ag_Jr_t _r_iury, the fo(]ov;ing basic s_fete
prec_udor_ss(]ouldbe ob_xved intheir_stal]adorbu_, and
_ev_idng o( the _.
Use Power Sources
This set should be _mted or_]yfi_.n the
type o_ power source _nd_ted _r_ _
t(]e _erlal/rnodel ]_te, T(you areriot / ":< ....
sureof the _pe o_elec_ical _wer Z _J:'_ :
supplied to _,¢nm(]ome, conSuk your i}_ _I_z.II t(]_se se_ desig_ed to operate'from
b_tterv power, refer to the oper_tlrlginstructions,
Grou.di.g or Polarizatio.
This _ r_y be equipped with _ polar L_ altenm%in _current
llne flu_ (a plug _vi_g one blade wlder than o_et _ D]ug wil_ _it_to the po_;'er outlet enlv one waY. Thk_'is a st-fe33"
_ez_te, K you _re an_ble m insert t|le plug fully _to the cutlet, _€ r_,_rsing the plug. Kthe plug still _ls _c,fit,contact yo_ electrician h_t_flace yeur ob:_,lete outlet. Do not defevt
the _fe_, p_po_ of the polarized p]_g.
Forthe set with a polarized power _ord plug
This pl_g will fit _to the powe_ culler c,nly on_ w_)_ Thisis a _afe_, feat_. _
If Vo_ are _ble te i_er_ the pl_ g fully into theoulJet, _y tevetsing_he
plug, If theplug _(] _ils to fit, _,[da_
def_:t the saPeiy purpo_ o_the po"]ari_ed pl_g lly _c,rch_git in,
Alternate Warning
For the set with a three-wire grounding type AC plug Thi_ p]ug wl]] ¢_v fit k_to
ground_fig-type _wer oud_t, Th_ is
s_fetv feature. _ you are unable to
hx_ert_he plug h_t6 the outlet, c_._tac_ your electrk:bar_ to have a suitable
outlet irlMM]ed. Do riot degeat the s_e_ "pur[_se of the gt_mrldlr_g ping,
Do r_ot overload wail
receF_c]_s beyond their cap_cilvislnce
t(]i_ _ri reset in fire or electric shock.
Mways turn €3_e_ off -_,(]_rt it i_ no_ to be used. _q_ the set is _ft unattended a_ld unused _or ]ortg periods of tim_,
urlplu,ltugit from the w_] osd_t as a pr_-_ t_dort against the
[._gs_nityof artintem_ maKun_on theto3ul_create a i_re
-N_.a,,d. " Do not di_onno_ the_n_nna or thepower _nJ d u_ing a
(]eavv stot e_. l,igh_in_ _av strike wtti]_ you are holding
t(]e c_ble or _w_, causing si_rious irtiurv, q'Um Offyour TV at_d wait for the weather to improve. "
Object and Liquid Entry
Neverptt_bo_*¢-_1_of_ny kindirltotheset
t(]_u_l the c_irl_t slot_ as theymay to_ch dangerous voltage points or short out p_rts
t(]at_o_u]dresult irta fireoreleciTic shock. Never spin ]iquld of any Mnd on the _,
Do noi u_ _tach_erI_not r_-_omn_erlded
by the manufacturer, as theymay cause
Do riot place any obje_ls, espechallv (]eavv ob'ec_,)_lon top 6f the set. The obiect may."
_a11f_n the set, causing injury.
Unplug the set from the wan outlet before de_rffr_g or polishing it. Do riot u_ li_qtuid
clearle_ or iero_l c]_arler_, Use a clo_l ]ig,(]tlv,dampe_led.. with water _or dearffr_ g,
t(]_ exterlDr o_ t(]_ set.
K a _rta[ ping or popping _,_und @omx a TV is corttirt uotL._ or fteq uaCt while rite TV is
operating, unplug the TV and cor*ult vou_ de_]_r o_ se_i_ _midan. It i_ normal (or
somme TV _ to lna_ oc_c_&_iorla___napfring or
_._pplng sour_ds, par tlcx_Lar]v when beir_g
turr_ed k3n or off.
Mwavs tk,:etwo or more people to lift or _Kwe the set, l_e set i_ hea_q¢ _r_d the botk_n su r(ace i_ (]at, 5erlous klj ur,/_r_
result fvznntndng to move the set bv vour_lf alar_, orfrom urlste_dv her_di_}_g, _ Irate] t_ie set _r__ s_able, level su r(ace.
Water and Moisture
Do no_u_ power-line
_per_te_ ;-€_/__ear Water --
t_rexample, ne_t a _ath_U
b_ _IIl_2tt;Or ¸[teata
The sloL_ a_ld ofyezlin gs in lhe cabinet and in the b_ck or
_ttorn are provlded _r necessary ve_l_tlatlon. To ensure
reliable o_era_iar_ of 131e _-_, and to. protect it _rom overheai_lg, _e_ s]_s _rld op_dngS must never be
bled or covered.
_r, Cover the _1o_ _nd o_ening8
wtth a cloth or o_h_r mate_tal_. _
Never bto_k the sl°_ and °Petdnb_
bv pladrtg the set on a bed, sofa, y_g _-- o_ o_her similar sm_face.
Never pl_ce the _t _n a confined sp_e_ such a_ _ book_ _' bu_ lt-ln
cabinet, unle_ ?rope1 ventilation is provided.
DO n_ place the set _ear or over a radiator or hea_ registov, o_ where i_ is exposed to dh_ct sunlighh
Power-Cord Protection
Do n(_.allow an]Atllng to re_*or or ml" ores the power _, arc dv 1_ p|ace i_ set vg_ese_e
power _ is s_bje_t _ wear or _use.
Antennas Outdoor Antenna Grounding
I; an outdoor mtterma is irtsl_lled, _ollow the p_cautic_as
k_low. Art outdoor antenn_ svsVem _hould rto_ be locate_d in
the vicinity of overlx_ad power lirtes or other electric ]_ghl or
I_We r ci_dils_ or where it carl com_ in con_cl wiL]_ _uc]_ !c_wer lirtes or ci_ull_.
Be _ure +.he _nternla _tenl is grounded so _,_to prvvlde _,rne pmle_tlov _gai_l w*kag_ surges arid b _ilt-upst_tlc daa _es. S_on 810 of the N_tlonal El_ctrlc_l Cede (NFC2) in USA avd
S_on 54 of the Canadian Electrical Code in Cae_da pmvldes in for _mtic,n. with re* _ecl to proper. _Tc,t,- ",uvdlv $_c,f tile.
rnas_ _rld suppor_mg s_uct_, _rol_tding o{lhe lead-in wire to an. an_tm_ dlschar_:e _it, si_. of gro_ndlng. . conductors,.
elect_c_e_, _nd requirement:; for the gnarling eleccs_ode.
Antenna Grounding According to the NEC
An_nn_ Croundlng According _o tee N_tional Electr_*_l
]"or _dd_d protection for th_ tel_visit_n £e_:_ver du_ir_g a l_ghtrlirlg s_orm or wh_rl it L_l_t url,_rlded _nd un_ed
for I_g !_xiods of _me, un p]u _ it fro_ Ll_eW_]] ¢_t and
discoi_necl the ,_uLanna.'Tllis _1] prev_rll dm_ge _o the
_c_e Vr_rdue to ghtrl rig *_d !I_ower- r_e _ LII_-Y&
Service Damage Requiring Service
Unplug the _ _rom the wail o_llel and refer servicing to qualified _-_rvlce perennial urlder the _o]]owing corld_tlorl_:
When the _wer c_rd ot plug is damag_ or frayed. _:_'-@
I_ U_uid has been spilled imo _he set or object* have
_aUen into the _dl:c:t.
If the set has been e_osed to rain or water,
If the set i_as been subjec_
excessive shock bY beh_
dropped, or the cdbinet _ss
been _amage_.
If the _et d_ net vt_erate n_rmall._ when fvllowing the v_ra_g;
m_tru_tiar_, Adjust anly th_ cantrol_ that am st_ied in the_erating
in_tru_tiar_, Improper _tment of ether _antrol_ may result in damagerand
will ofien _qui_e extensive w_rk by qualified tech _ician to r_tore the set to nvrmal o?erati_r_
Trmltron \,'€EGA Featl_res ........................................................................1
lnh'oducing the FD " " ®
About this Manual .......................................................................................................................... 2
Batteaies for the Remote Contl_l .................................................................................................. 2
Front Panel Menu Controls ........................................................................................................... 2
Using the Remote Control
Remote Control Description .......................................................................................................... 3
Programming the Remote Conh'ot ............................................................................................... 5
Using your Remote Control with Othea" Equipment ................................................................. 7
Connecting Your TV
TV Rear Panel .................................................................................................................................. 9
Basic Connections ......................................................................................................................... 11
Cable Box Connections ................................................................................................................ 12
Connecting Additional Equipment ............................................................................................ 14
Using Basic Functions
Setting Up the TV .......................................................................................................................... 21
Q_fick Start to the Menus ............................................................................................................. 22
Using Picture in Pictm'e (PIP) ..................................................................................................... 24
Connections that affect your ability to use PIS' ................................................................. 26
Using the Menus
How to Access Menus .................................................................................................................. 27
Using the Video Menu ................................................................................................................. 28
Using the Audio Menu ................................................................................................................ 29
Using the Channel Menu ............................................................................................................. 31
Using the Parent Menu ................................................................................................................ 33
Parental Conh'ol ..................................................................................................................... 34
United States: Selecting Custom l-_ting Options .............................................................. 36
Canada: Selecting Custom Rating Options ........................................................................ 38
Using the Timer Menu ................................................................................................................. 39
Using the Setl_p Menu .................................................................................................................. 40
Using the Basic Menu ................................................................................................................... 41
Other Information
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................ 43
Specifications ................................................................................................................................. 47
Index ......................................................................................................................................................49
Congratutafions on your purchase of tlie Sony FD Trinitton WEGA ®.
Introducing the FD Trinitron WEGA ° Features
Some of the fea_.n_s you wlit enjoy include: El FI) l_initron Flat CRT-- Delivers a pic_.n_ with uncompl_mising accm'acy and
outstanding image detait via a technotogicatty advanced tube.
El K P_, PRInputs -- Provides component video inputs for superior picture quslity
(480i only).
Q Surround -- Simulates theater quality sound for stereo programs. El Parental Control (V-Chip) -- Helps parents monitor wliat tlieir ctfildren watch on TV by
establishing rating limits.
Q Picture in Picture (PIP)-- Arrows you to view two p_grams simultaneously. Q Favorite Channels -- Pl_Mdes instant access to your favorite channets with the touch of a
El Info Banner -- Displays the name and tlie remaining V_me of tlie ¢ma_nt program viewed,
if avaitable.
Q Universal Remote Control -- Opexates your connected cabte box, VCR, digital satellite
recelvex, or DVD player.
El Energy Star _ -- Meets the Energy Star guidelines for enexgy efficiency. Q Front Panel Controls -- Allows access to the on-screen menus without tlie use of a remote
El Front A/V Inpu_ -- Lets you quickty connect video games, camcorders or stereoimono
Operating Instructions
About this Manual
This manual provides instructions to help you enjoy your new TV. It shows you how to connect to an antenna or cable, cable box, VCR, DVD, satellite receiver, stereo system, or camcorden Once your TV is connected, follow the instructions and use the remote control to
access the on-screen menus.
Batteries for the Remote Control
Insert two AA (R6) batteries (supplied) into the remote control using the following illustration as a guide.
Front Panel Menu Controls
-_+I "_DEO2 INPUT ]
@ @ @ @_,@4
The front Audio/Video panel controls allow you to access the menu without the remote control.
Ct Press © to dlsplay the on-screen menu. Ct Use the (_) and _) buttons on the front Audio/Video panel instead of your remote
control. Use the C) button on the front Audio/Video panel to navigate through the menus, then
select an item. The front panel controls also allow you to change your channels (CH+/-), adjust the volume (VOL +/-), and change video inputs.
Using the Remote Control
Remote Control Description
'_k )7
rMUnNQi PO_q_
_DVD 8AT,_,_BLE lV
-0 ®
_ ii i--
_ RN-'nlN
Button Description MUTING Press to turn off the sound, l'ress again or press
to restore sound.
_4_ SYSTEM OFF Press to turn off lhe equipment programmed into
the remote control. See "Programming the Remote Control" on page 5.
.,_[_ TVNCR Press to switch between TV and VCR mode. If you
have a non-Sony VCR, you will need to program
_[] the remote control to recognize your VCR. For
details; see "Programming the Remote Control" on page 5.
Press repeatedly to step through the available video picture modes: Vivid, Standard, Movie and Pro. Also available in the Video menu. See "UMng the
Video Menu" on page 28 for details. Press repeatedly until the TV displays the time in
minutes (15, 30, 45, 60, or 90) that you want the TV to remain on before shutting off automatically. Cancel by pressing until Sleep Off appears. While the Sleep feature is set, press once to view the
[][_ JUMP
[_] TV/SAT
Press to jump back and forth between two channels. The TV alternates between the current channel and
the last channel that you selected. JUMP will not work if any FUNCTION Mode (VCR/DVD, SAT/ CABLE, TV) is activated.
Press to switch between the TV and SAT (satellite) inputs when in SAT FUNCTION mode.
Press for a direct selection of Effect settings (Surround, Off) when the remote is in TV
FUNCTION mode. See ' Using the Audio Merit" o _ page 29 for details.
RESET Press to return to factory settings while in an
on_sc r eel*t n*tenu.
VOL (volume) Press (+) or (-) to adjust the volume.
_ CODE SET Press to program your remote control to operate
connected video equipment. See "Programming the Remote Control" on page 5.
Operating Instructions
Button Description POWER buttons Press to turn on and off the TV and other audio/
video equipment you have programmed into the remote control. For instructions, _e "Programming the Remote Control" on page 5.
_j_ FUNCTION buttons Press to select the equipment (VCR/DVD, SAT/
CABLE, TV) that you want to operate with the remote control. The indicator (LED) lights up momentarily when pressed to show which device the remote control is operating.
_j_ PIP (Picture in Press to operate PIP feature. See "Using Picture in
Picture) Picture (PIP)" on page 24.
VCR (operating) Press to operate your VCR. The VCR must be
programmed into the remote control. For instructions, see "Programming the Remote Control" on page 5.
and I=_ Press the button and the _ button at the same (to record) time to record programs with your VCR. The
remote control must be programmed before you can use REC.
_I Rewind.
P'_ Play.
Stop. II Pause. Press again to resume normal playback.
TVNIDEO Press to cycle through available video inputs.
DISPLAY Press once to display the current time (if set) and
the program status such as chaPalel number, Channel Label (if set), video input, and Video Label (if set). Press again to turn off the display.
MTS/SAP Press to cycle through the Multi_channel TV Sound
(MTS) options: Stereo, Auto SAP (Second Audio Programming), and Mono.
(_)-(_ and Press to change channels. The channel changes after
ENTER two seconds. GUIDE Press to display the program guide of your satellite
_ Press tile arrow buttons to move the cursor in the
on-screen menus. Press the center button to select an option.
MENU Press to display the on-screen menu. f ress again to
exit the menu at any time.
CH (channel) Press to change channels. To scan rapidly through the
chamlels, press and hold down the CIi+ or CH* button.
Using the Remote Control
Programming the Remote Control
In order to use your remote control with other equipment, you need to program your remote control. Use the following procedure to program the remote control.
1 Check the list of "Manufacturer's Codes" on page 6 and find the three-digit code number
for the manufacturer of your component. If more than one code number is listed, use the number listed first.
Press C_-
3 Press _ or "_ button to indicate the type of component you want to program with
the remote control.
Use the _)-(_) buttons to enter the three-digit manufacturer's code number. Press O"
To check if the code number works, aim the TV's remote control at the component and press on the green POWER button that corresponds with that component. If it responds, you are done. If not try using another code listed for that manufacturer.
Operating Instructions
Manufacturer's Codes bl;n_pi_c_ 3_'0913()8 So_y 75_--1
VCRs Optimus 327 Hitachi 758
Panasonic 308, 309, 306, JVC 756
.......................................... 307 _ag_l_avox _ 75-_°
......................................................................................................................................................_6x .....................................5hK3b_.....................................................................................................................................................................
Sony 301,302, 303 Mitsubishi 761
_ dmira-_'_--_"i_" _27 Philco 308, 309 Oritro_" ................... 7 ........................................................
!M: Ward !..............................................................................................Philip-_s__ 3_h8, 309,3 _....... p ana--_ _sonic--_"""""'_5_ °
Aiwa 338, 344 Pioneer" .....................................3()8" ...................................................Philips" .....................................75"7" .................................................
Audio 314, 337 Quasar 308. 309, 306 Pioneer" .....................................752 .................................................
Dynamic RCA--_"7- 3_04 305, 37 ...... RC--__" 75_ _
Broksonic 319, 317 PROSCAN 309, 311,312,
Cano__"_ 3_h9.30_"_8......................... 313, 310, 329 Samsung 758
Citizen ....................................332 ...................................................Realistic 309, 330, 328, Toshiba 754
.............................................................................................................................................335, 324, 338 Zenith 760
Craig 302. 332 Sans_i ........................................314 .................................................................................................................................................................................
Criterion 315
...................Samsung 322. 313, 321 Cable Boxes
Daewoo ..................................341,312, 309 ................ Sanyo 330, 335 Manufacturer Code
......................................................... Scott
312, 313, 321, ...................................230" .................................
DBX 314, 336, 337 335, 323, 324, Sony
Dimensia ...........................3()4....................................................... 325, 326 Hamlin/Regal 222. 223, 224,
Emerson 319. 320, 316, Sharp 327, 328 225, 226
317, 318, 341 Shintom ..................................315 ...............................................Jerrold/G.L/ 201,202, 203,
.............................................................. Motorola 204, 205, 206,
Fisher 330. 335 327 .................................. 207, 208, 218
Funai ..........................................338 .......................................................(M. Ward) Oak 227_'_._223_'i2K......
.......................................................................................................................................................gV_666...................................._s ................................................................................................................................................................
General 329, 304, 309 Panasonic 219. 220, 221
Electric Sy-ivania .................................308, 309, 338j" .............
310 Pioneer 214, 215
Go Video 322, 339, 340
....................................................... Scientific 209, 210, 211
Goldsta_ .............................332 .................................................Symphonic 338 Altanta
kIitachi 306, 304, 305, Tashiro 332 Tocom 216, 217
338 Tat ung" ..................................314; 336, 337 .............
Zenith 212, 213
Instant Replay 309, 308 Tea--_c_° 31_; 336, 3 __ ....... .......................................................................................................................
I_CPen__e_y_.......... 3_09. 305, 30 ......... 337
......................................................................................................................................Satellite Receivers
330. 314, 336, Technics 309, 308
337 Manufacturer Code
...........................................................................................................................................Toshiba 312, 311
JVC 314, 336, 337, .........................................................................................................................................So_y .............................................80i .................................................
345, 346, 347 Wards 327, 328, 335,
KPnwooct ............................3i4; 336, 332_"................. 331,332 DIRECT TV 809
337 Yamaha 314. 330, 336, Dish Network 810
......................................................................................................................................................337 .........................................................................................................................................................
LXI (Sears) 332, 305, 330, Echostar 810
335, 338 Zenith 331 General .....................................802 ..................................................
Magnavox .................................308; 309, 310".................. Electric
Marai_tz ................................3i4; 336, 337 ................. Laserdisc Players Hitac " 80_5°
Marta 332 Manufacturer Code Hughes 804
Memorex ....................................309_ 335.....................................Sony 701 Mitsubishi 809
MJnolta ...................................305.30i .....................................Panasonic 704. 710 Panasonic 803
Mitsubishi/ 323, 324, 325, Pioneer 702 RCA/ 802, 808
MGA 326 .....................................................................................................................................PROSCAN
ML_ititeci_ .............................325.338, 321" ............... DVD Players Toshiba 806, 807
NEC 314. 336, 337 Manufacture--rCode ........................................
Manufacturer Code
Using the Remote Control
Using your TV Remote Control with Other Equipment
Operating a VCR
Press To
CZ) Power on the VCR (VCR/DVD green button)
(_-(_ Select a channel
_)_) Chang e channels
Play video tape
or _ Search forward or backward
................................................. ................................................Pau_...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
and _ Record
Switch between VCR and TV
DVD Player .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Press To
Power on the DVD (VCR/DVD green button)
(_) -(_ Select chapters
_ Search chap ters fOrward Or backward
Play DVD
Stop IN Pause
MENU Display the DVD menu
Use the arrow buttons to move the cursor in the menu, and the center button to
_lect an option
OPerat!nga Laser D cp!ayer
Press To
Iower on the laser disc (VCR/DVD green button)
(_) _) Search chapters forward or backward
Play di_
Operating Instructions
Operat!ng a ate!!!te Re?eiver
Press To
s_ Power on the satellite receiver (SAT/CABLE green button)
(_)-(_ Select a channel
_) O Change channels
O Back to previous channel
C[D Display channel number
MENU Display SAT Menu
Use the arrow buttons to move the cursor in the menu, and the center Button to
_lect an option
Operatin 9 a Cable Box.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Press To
C_ Power on the cable box (SAT/CABLE green button)
(_)-(_) Select a channel
_) O Change channels
O Change back to previous channel
Connecting Your TV
Read this sect_on befol_ setting up your TV for the first time. This set,on explains how to make the basic connections and how to connect optional equipment.
Jack Description
_AUX This input allows you to view local and cable channels if your
cable pl_ovider does not feahu'e kw_alchannels. You can switch between local and cable channels by pressing ANT on the remote conh_t. Devices connected to the AUX input cannot be
viewed in PII::
_TO CONVERTER This is a VHFiUHF out jack that lets you set up your TV to
switch between scrambled channels (tlu'ough a cable bo×) and nolTnal cable channels (CATV). Use this jack instead of a splitter to get better picture quality when you need to switch between
scrambled and unscrambled cable channels.
VHF/UHF This input connects to your VI4FiUI4F antenna or cable.
] "
S VIDEO This input connects to the S VIDEO OUT]ack on your VCR or
othex video equipment that has S VIDEO. S VIDEO provides better picW_re quality than the VHFiUHF jacks or the video input jack. S VIDEO does not provide sound, so you st_tl must
connect the audio cables.
Operating Instructions
Jack Description
AUDIO L(MONO), F_ This input connects to the AUDIO/VIDEO output jacks on you]" VIDI;O VCR or other video equipment. A third video input jack
(VIDEO 2) is located on the front pene] of the TV. These
AU D1OiVIDEO input jacks provide better picture quality than the VI4Fi UI4F jack.
Y, P,, Pd K(MONO), R These inputs (\fideo 4-5) connect to the component video K Pr.,
PR, and AUDIO L(MONO), R jacks on your DVD player or
distal set-top box (480i only).
AUDIO OUT _S jack Connects t0 the Audio input jacks on your aUdio (VAWFIX} equipment. You can listen to your TV's audio ttu_u_-_ your
L(MONO), R stel_o system.
Connecting Your TV
TV with Cable, Indoor, or Outdoor Antenna
Depending on the cable system available in yore" home_ choose one of the connections below:
VIIF only 75-ohm (Rear of TV)
or coaxial cable VHF/UHF
VHF/UHF _)_ _
Use this to connect the TV to a cable system or an antenna with a 75-ohm cable
(usually built in to newer homes),
B VRF only 300-ohm lead (Rear of TV)
or twin cable VHF/UHF
UHFonlyor __
VIIF/UHF Antenna connector
Converter (EAC-25)
(not supplied)
Use this to cormect the TV to a dipole antenna_ atso known as a "rabbit ears anterm_"
(usually found in older homes).
75-ohm coaxial cable
_'-_-- (Rear of TV)
_ _ EAC-66 U/V mixer
_ (not supplied)
300-ohm lead
twin cable
This anows you to connect your TV to both a cable system and a dipole antenna, in o]@er to view both cable and local channels.
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Operating Instructions
Cable Box Connections
Some cable TV systems use scrambled or encoded signals that require a cable box to view art channels. If you subsclibe to that kind of cable sea'vice, use this connection. Scrambled signals coming in to the TV through the cable box cannot be viewed in PIP. If some, but not art, of your channels are scrambled, consider using the cable box and cable connection (see page 13).
W and Cable Box
Cable box
Front cable/
Rear ofT V
1 Connect the coaxial cable from your cable service to the 1N jack on yotu" cable box.
2 Connect a coaxial cable (not supplied) from the OUT jack on your cable bo× to the
VI4Fi UI4F jack on yotu" T_
UsingyourW with this connection This connection allows you to do the fonowing:
Progrem your Sony remote conh_)t to operate your cable box (see page 5).
To activate your remote press CZD to operete your cable box and then use the (_)-(_)
buttons or CH+i- buttons to change the channels. To do this, first progi'am yotu" remote
control, then use the Channel Fix featl_re to set yotu" TV to channel 3 or 4 (see page 31).
Connecting Your TV
Cable Box and Cable
Use this connection if you subscribe to a cable system that scrambles some channels (pay channels) but not all of them. This setl_p anows you to use the l_emote control to:
0 change channels ttux_ugh your cable box when you are receiving a so'ambled signal O change channels through your TV Tl_ls connection also allows you to use the PIP featm_ when you are viewing unscrambled
channels coming dh'ectly into your TV from your cable. Scrambled signals coming through the cable box cannot be viewed in PIP. For more information on the PIP feature, see page 24.
_ ' ,_ _ _ _ _ ', ,_ %-
_f'_ D[_ TAI_EABI_EBOXLISE_S.Donot use_bJscor_ne¢_lor_The_0 CONVER_ERlackJsnot corn at ale
Cable box
75-ohm Coaxialcable
CAW cable (unscrambled channels)
Rear of l"V
1 Connect the coaxial cable from your cable service to the VI4Fi UHF jack on your TxZ
Using a coaxial cable (not supplied), connect the IN jack on your cable box to the TO CONVERTER jack on your TV.
Using a coaxial cable (not supplied), connect the OUT jack on your cable box to the AUX
jack on your TV.
UsingyourTVwith this connection
This cormection allows you to do the fonowing: O Progrem your Sony remote contl_)[ to operate your cable box (see page 5).
O To activate your remote, press CD to operete your cable box and then use the (_-_)
buttons or CH+i- buttons to change the channels. To do this, first progi'am yotu" remote
control, then use the Channel Fix featl_re to set yotu" TV to charmel 3 or 4 (see page 31).
O Press CZ) to switch back and forth between VI4FiUI4F (k_cal channels or unscrambled)
and AUX (cable system or pay channels).
+ 39 hidden pages