Sony DVP-NS999ES User Manual

ES Series DVD-Video/CD/SA-CD Players
Technical Background
Version 3.0; June 2, 2003
It's no accident that these remarkable components come from Sony. And it's no coincidence that they're part of Sony ES, the Elevated Standard in audio and video. After all, Sony co-invented the technology that DVD is based upon— the Compact Disc. We developed the error-correction and coding technology inside every DVD disc and player. And we're involved in every link of the DVD chain, from movie and music production to DVD authoring, mastering and replication. No wonder Sony has consistently created top DVD players.
DVP-S7000 (1997). Sony's first DVD player was quickly hailed by magazine
reviewers as the "Reference Standard." It became the centerpiece in the A/V systems used to review DVD titles, televisions and other DVD players.
DVP-S7700 (1998). A long list of audio, video and construction refinements
enabled enthusiasts to achieve even higher performance.
DVP-S9000ES (2000). Sony's first DVD player with progressive scan 480P
output, this was also the first with Super Audio CD playback and the first to wear the badge of Sony ES.
DVP-NS900V (2001). Sony reinvented progressive scan DVD with pixel-by-
pixel I/P conversion and Sony extended Super Audio CD entertainment with multi-channel playback.
DVP-NS999ES (2002). Sony deployed Precision Cinema Progressive™
circuitry, along with a 14-bit/108 MHz video D/A converter, Speaker Time Alignment and Audio-Video Alignment.
Sony's latest DVD-Video players bring this exalted technology to an even broader range of potential customers.
Video Performance......................... Page 3
Audio Performance......................... Page 20
Construction Quality........................ Page 29
Convenience.............................. Page 37
At a Glance............................... Page 42
Appendix A: Progressive, Interlace and DVD....... Page 44
Appendix B: The Super Audio CD Format......... Page 50
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Video Performance
Precision Cinema Progressive™ circuitry (all models)
The purpose of today's high-end home theater systems is to recreate the look and sound of the movie theater. This includes the vivid detail and seamless coherence of the film frame. A crucial technology for achieving this goal is DVD­Video playback with progressive scanning, "480P" output. This works with the many of today's "HD capable" and "HD monitor" televisions, which offer 480P inputs. For example, Sony markets this capability as the Hi-Scan 1080i™ chassis. In this context, 480P outputs have been promoted as a must-have feature in high-end DVD players. However, there continue to be important differences in how DVD players generate the 480P signal. The DVP-NS999ES was the first to incorporate Sony's Precision Cinema Progressive system, a comprehensive approach that incorporates two significant circuits to deliver a picture that comes closer than ever to the original movie theater experience.
Pixel-by-Pixel Active interlace-to-progressive (I/P) conversion
Vertical Edge Compensation
Pixel-by-Pixel Active I/P Conversion (all models)
Interlace-to-Progressive (I/P) conversion is a potentially tricky process. Simplistic solutions like "frame memory" can end up creating motion artifacts that mar the final result. These appear as zipper-like patterns on the left and right edges of moving objects. (See Appendix A for the full story.) Players with "3-2 reverse conversion" overcome this limitation, maintaining the integrity of the original film frames.
But extracting the full potential of the DVD-Video format requires even more. Different types of DVD material require different types of conversion. An I/P conversion strategy optimized for material originally shot on film will not get the best results for material originally shot on video, and vice versa.
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The mathematical algorithms of Sony's Pixel-by-Pixel Active I/P conversion have been committed to silicon in this Large Scale Integrated circuit (LSI), the Sony CXD9698R.
Sony solves the problem with Pixel-by-Pixel Active I/P conversion that includes built-in motion detection. This enables us to generate the ideal progressive scanning output for each type of DVD source.
Film originated material. For footage originally shot on 24-frames per
second film or film-like 24-frame progressive video, the Sony system automatically and flawlessly detects the 3-2 cadence and performs full 3-2 reverse conversion. Mismatched film frames are never "force-fit" into a single video frame. The system adds no motion blurring. You'll enjoy twice the vertical resolution of conventional interlace video, for an experience that's less like watching television and more like watching film.
Film originated material on a DVD-R/RW or DVD+R/RW. DVD recorders
complicate the I/P conversion processes, because these recorders capture everything as interlaced video. That means movies, even if they were originally shot on film, are recorded as 30 frames per second interlaced, not 24 frames per second progressive. There are no First Field Repeat Flags (FFRFs), leaving many DVD players unable to guess at the original frame structure. In this case, conventional 3-2 reverse conversion will not work, but Sony's Pixel-by-Pixel Active I/P conversion will. Thanks to built-in motion detection, the Sony system does not depend on FFRFs. So you get accurate reproduction on DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW discs.
Film material intercut with interlaced video material. Sony's Pixel-by-
Pixel Active I/P conversion applies appropriate processing for film elements and video elements, even when they alternate in rapid-fire sequence, as they might during the "making of" documentary on a movie DVD. The Sony
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system instantly recognizes the characteristics and film and video and automatically applies the correct processing for each.
Film and interlaced video-originated material in the same scene. The
Sony system performs beautifully even when film and video appear on-screen at the same time, for example, when video-originated subtitles are superimposed over a film-originated scene. Because the Sony system analyzes each individual pixel, it can switch processing modes anywhere— even in the middle of a field! In contrast, conventional systems need to wait until the end of the field before switching between film and video modes.
Interlaced video originated material. Shooting on conventional, interlaced
video means capturing a new field of 240 interlaced scanning lines every 1/60 second. When subjects are moving, there can be significant differences from each field to the next. It's a far cry from film origination, where the subjects move each 1/24 second. Combining two video-originated fields of 240 interlaced scanning lines into one frame of 480 progressive scanning lines is no simple task. For this reason, Sony's Pixel-by-Pixel Active I/P conversion applies special processing for video originated material.
An on-screen display enables you to adjust the threshold of film and video detection for each individual disc. Sony ES Series DVD-video players can even store your setting for use the next time you play that title!
In addition, the DVD-Video players of Sony ES enable you to adjust the threshold of film and video detection. So you can optimize the I/P conversion for the specific DVD you're watching. You get I/P conversion that's not only amazingly smooth, but also exquisitely tuned to the individual needs of each DVD. When you're done watching, the players can store the setting in memory. So each time you play that title, you'll automatically get just the right conversion!
Three I/P conversion modes for
interlaced video origination (all models)
Many of today's DVDs feature concert videos, documentaries, current events, sports, nature footage and other subjects originally captured on conventional, interlaced video. Video based I/P conversion creates new pixels from existing information. For example, to enable progressive scan output of an odd video field, the player must create the pixels that compose all the even
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scanning lines. Unfortunately, this can result in motion blur. Horizontal lines in the scene can flicker on and off. Other areas can suffer from an unnatural shimmer. For this reason, any high-end progressive scanning system must solve the problem of motion artifacts for footage shot on video.
Past 3
Past 2
Past 1
Time sequence
I/P conversion of interlaced video originated material. The red pixel, on an even scanning line needs to be created for the current, odd field. If not done properly, this can result in zipper-like edges on moving objects, line flicker and unnatural shimmering.
Sony's Pixel-by-Pixel Active I/P conversion overcomes these problems with built-in motion detection and three distinct video conversion algorithms: one for still objects, a second for moving objects and a third, just for slow-moving objects. As with film origination, the algorithms are applied separately for each individual pixel. So all three can be applied to different parts of any given scene!
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Still Part Moving
The typical video frame includes pixels from on-screen objects that can are still, moving and moving slowly. Sony Pixel-by-Pixel Active I/P conversion applies separate processing for each.
Past 3
Past 2
Time sequence
Past 1
Still pixels are simply created from the corresponding pixel in the previous field.
Pixels for still objects are the easiest to handle. When objects are not moving, the player can simply use the corresponding pixel from the previous field. Because there is no motion, these pixels will match perfectly with the current field, creating a seamless progressive scan output.
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Past 3
Past 2
Past 1
Time sequence
Moving pixels are created by composing adjacent pixels in the same field. This minimizes motion blur.
Pixels for moving objects are created by composing pixels from scanning lines immediately above and below within the same field. Because all information comes from the same 1/60-second slice of time, this suppresses motion artifacts. While this process does not result in the full improvement in vertical resolution, the human eye is less sensitive to detail in moving objects.
Many conventional I/P conversion algorithms have these two modes: still and motion. What's more, the two modes can even coexist in a single frame, sometimes on a pixel-by-pixel basis. However, when objects are moving slowly, the compromise in resolution can be noticeable. And when slow-moving objects come to a complete stop (or still objects go into slow movement), the sudden shift in resolution can be noticeable—and annoying.
Past 3
Past 2
Past 1
Time sequence
Sony employs a third mode, specifically for slow-moving pixels. These are created by a sophisticated hybrid algorithm, based on seven adjacent pixels.
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Sony's Pixel-by-Pixel I/P conversion overcomes this problem by employing a third mode conversion mode, specifically for slow motion. Slow-moving pixels are composed via a sophisticated hybrid algorithm from seven pixels on adjacent lines and fields, to reduce motion artifacts and annoying resolution shifts to a minimum. This mode delivers superlative resolution on objects that are moving slowly, stopping and starting. So the overall effect is a stunning improvement in image detail, clarity and solidity.
Because the motion detection system operates pixel-by-pixel, the ES Series players can employ all three algorithms simultaneously, to optimize every area of the video scene. Still backgrounds are impressively sharp and detailed, while moving objects in the same scene are free from motion artifacts. And slow­moving objects don't shift in resolution. You'll see more consistent, more satisfying, more seamless 480P output with a wider variety of discs. The visibility of scanning lines is all but eliminated. Connect a 480P-compatible television, monitor or projector and prepare to be amazed. You'll approach the full glory of high definition picture quality—from today's standard DVDs.
Just as you can adjust the threshold of film/video detection, you can optimize the still/motion detection for the specific requirements of the DVD you're watching. As before, the player can memorize your Still/Motion threshold for favorite discs. So each time you play a title, you'll automatically get just the right conversion!
You can adjust the Still/Motion detection threshold with this on-screen display. As before, you can store your setting for favorite discs in memory.
Vertical Edge Compensation (all models)
As we've seen, Sony's Pixel-by-Pixel Active I/P conversion of video sources suppresses the zipper-like effect that can occur when moving areas of two interlaced fields are combined in the same progressive frame. It's a major step forward in picture quality. But there is a second, less obvious artifact that can occur in part of the video image part of the time. Most people would not notice the artifact without being told when and where to watch for it. But Sony's program for the ES Series required us to address even subtle distortions.
The problem is jaggedness in the edges that separate areas of the scene, especially when the edges are straight lines, when they're diagonal and when
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there's a big difference in contrast between the areas they separate. Rooflines, car hoods, venetian blinds and other lines in the scene can appear with unwanted stair steps not in the original program. Sony's Vertical Edge Compensation controls this artifact.
Pixels on the line above
Pixel being created
Pixels on the line below
Sony's Vertical Edge Compensation uses a broad range of pixels on the lines immediately above and below to calculate a pixel on moving edges. This controls the jaggedness that can sometimes distort edges in the video picture.
Vertical Edge Compensation uses the built-in motion detection to judge motion at the pixel level and to detect edges. When the circuit detects an edge, it refers to other edges within the field. The circuit then assembles data from a broad range of pixels on the lines immediately above and below to calculate the new pixel. This smoothes out the stair steps and results in consistent, natural­looking lines throughout the picture. It's just one more way that Sony raises the standard in DVD-Video picture quality.
14-bit D/A Converter (DVP-NS99ES)
12-bit D/A Converter (DVP-NC555ES, CX777ES)
The binary word length used in video digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion helps determine the gray scale performance of the picture. This can be seen, for example, in the play of light across the face of an actress, as the light of a candle falls off into shadow. Longer word lengths contribute to smoother, more realistic transitions from dark to light.
Starting with the DVP-S7000, Sony led the way with 10-bit video digital-to­analog conversion. The DVP-NS900V raised the performance to 12-bit conversion, producing four times the grayscale levels—performance now also achieved by the DVP-NC555ES and CX777ES. The DVP-NS999ES incorporates the Analog Devices ADV7304A, a 14-bit video D/A converter. This produces yet again four times the grayscale levels—a total of 16 times as many as earlier, 10-bit designs.
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The 14-bit video D/A converter also includes the video encoder and processing for Macrovision™ Copy Protection.
Sony applies the extended binary word length both to DVD's luminance (Y) black-and-white channel and to DVD's two color difference channels (PB and PR). So you get more accurate rendition of colors from the deepest black to the brightest highlights.
108 MHz D/A converter (DVP-NS999ES)
216 MHz D/A converter (DVP-NC555ES, CX777ES)
In DVD-Video playback, the ultimate in picture detail comes into direct conflict with the ultimate in picture clarity. Detail is a function of the video "bandwidth" or "frequency response." The highest resolution details occupy the highest video frequencies. Clarity is a function of video "noise." In the worst case, noise appears as "snow" or flecks and specks of unwanted color. In more subtle examples, noise appears as a texture or graininess not present in the original picture. Sony ES Series players achieve a remarkable combination of superb fine picture detail and excellent clarity, thanks to 108 MHz and 216 MHz oversampling in the D/A converter.
To understand how oversampling can have such a powerful effect on picture quality, it helps to understand the concepts of digital sampling and aliasing noise.
Digital recording systems work by "sampling" the original source at a specific rate, or "frequency." The frequency of sampling is determined by the Nyquist Theorem, which dates back to 1928. Harry Nyquist calculated that the sampling frequency needed to be at least twice the highest frequency in the signal you need to record. For Compact Disc, which records audio frequencies up to 20,000 cycles per second (20 kHz), we need 44,100 samples per second (44.1 kHz). Because the video signal is much more complex, the frequencies are far higher. To capture the exceptional fine picture detail of DVD, the black-and­white or "luminance" channel records frequencies out to 6,750,000 Hz (6.75
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MHz). This means that DVD samples the video luminance channel at 13,500,000 Hz (13.5 MHz), as part of the DVD-Video format specification.
CD Audio DVD-Video
Digital recording systems sample the analog input signal at a specific rate or frequency at least twice the highest frequency of the channel. For DVD-Video, the sampling frequency is 13,500,000 times per second (13.5 MHz).
Channel Bandwidth Sampling Frequency
20,000 Hz 44,100 Hz
6,750,000 Hz 13,500,000 Hz
Nyquist sampling only works properly if the analog output is carefully filtered of the aliasing noise that the digital process incurs. Fortunately, the aliasing noise is consistently higher in frequency than the highest video frequencies we want to recover. The noise appears in clusters at each multiple of the sampling frequency, plus and minus the video bandwidth. Unfortunately, the noise is very close to the video frequencies. The player must use a very steep analog filter, which must be carefully constructed to pass all the video frequencies and block all the aliasing noise. Normally, even slight errors in the analog filter could cut the highest video frequencies—degrading picture detail— or allow some aliasing noise to pass through—degrading picture clarity.
While these requirements are difficult for interlace scanning, progressive scanning sets even more stringent requirements. Because progressive scanning outputs twice as many horizontal lines per second, progressive playback effectively doubles channel bandwidth to 13.5 MHz and doubles sampling frequency to 27 MHz. Players need a minimum of 27 MHz sampling in order to output a progressive signal.
DVD-Video Interlaced
Luminance Channel (Y) Bandwidth
Luminance Channel (Y) Sampling Frequency
6.75 MHz 13.5 MHz
Playback DVD-Video Progressive
13.5 MHz, effective 27 MHz, effective
Progressive scanning effectively doubles both the video bandwidth and the sampling frequency. While only the luminance (Y) channel is shown here, this doubling also occurs for the two color difference channels (P
and P
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27 MHz Sampling, Progressive Scan
Signal Loss
Analog Filter
Video Signal
Noise Noise Noise Noise Noise Noise Noise Noise
27 54 81 108 135 162 189 216
Noise included with signal
For progressive scanning, running the D/A converter at the minimum frequency of 27 MHz makes it extremely challenging to design the analog low-pass filter. The filter (red curve) must be steep to avoid cutting into the video signal (blue) or including some of the noise (pink).
Frequency in MHz
The solution to this problem is to run the A/D converter at a higher frequency than 27 MHz. This process shifts the aliasing noise up in frequency, opening up substantial room between the video signal and the noise. With more room, we can relax the design of the analog filter, which can be far milder in slope, and far more effective at optimizing both the picture detail and the picture clarity.
108 MHz Sampling, Progressive Scan (DVP-NS999ES)
Full detail of signal retained
Video Signal
27 54 81 108 135 162 189 216
Noise well separated from signal
Oversampling at the 108 MHz frequency of the DVP-NS999ES makes a huge difference. Now the noise is far removed from the video signal. A gently sloping analog filter can effectively control noise while delivering all the video detail to your television.
Analog Filter
Noise Noise
Frequency in MHz
Oversampling has been used successfully in CD players for decades. And while the video equivalent is harder to achieve, the effect is the same. The D/A converter of the DVP-NS999ES shifts the sampling frequency from the standard 13.5 MHz to 108 MHz. For progressive scan playback, that's 4x oversampling. For interlaced playback, it's a whopping 8x oversampling.
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216 MHz Sampling, Progressive Scan (DVP-NC555ES, CX777ES)
Full detail of signal retained
Video Signal
27 54 81 108 135 162 189 216
Oversampling at the 216 MHz frequency of the DVP-NC555ES and DVP-CX777ES is even more dramatic
Analog Filter
Noise well separated from signal
Frequency in MHz
The DVP-NC555ES and DVP-CX777ES go further still, all the way to an amazing 216 MHz oversampling. This corresponds to 8x oversampling for progressive scan, 16x for interlaced playback. It's the most powerful oversampling that Sony has ever built into a DVD player. You get superb clarity with the effective suppression of video noise, while enjoying the full video bandwidth for breathtaking picture detail.
Noise Shaped Video™ circuitry (all models)
While 108 MHz and 216 MHz oversampling deals with noise outside the video frequency range, another circuit reduces noise within the frequency range. That's important because the perceived transparency and depth of the video image depends on controlling noise. Sony's D/A converter uses Noise Shaped Video circuitry to shift noise from inside the visible frequency range to outside. Even though the overall noise level remains the same, the perceived noise is dramatically reduced. What's more, once shifted, the out-of-band noise is further suppressed by the analog filter. The result is reproduction without flecks or specks of unwanted color. You'll see a video picture that's vibrant, deep, transparent and clean.
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Noise Shaped Video and the higher 108 MHz and 216 MHz sampling frequencies work together to cut video noise for improved transparency and clarity.
Super Sub Alias Filter™ circuitry (all models)
The benefit of the 108 MHz and 216 MHz sampling rates is delivered by the Super Sub Alias Filter circuits. In comparison to most previous designs, these filters are now far more effective for two powerful reasons. First, the sampling rates are higher ever. Second, while some previous designs deployed Super Sub Alias Filter circuitry on the black-and-white (luminance) channel only, all ES Series DVD players use these filters on all three video channels: luminance (Y), blue color difference (P results in a consistently clean, clear, vibrantly detailed color picture.
) and red color difference (PR). This
The typical filter leaves traces of the clusters of aliasing noise, which look like lumps in the top diagram. Super Sub Sampling Alias Filter circuits on the Y, P effectively.
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and PR channels control this aliasing noise more
"Below Black" reproduction (all models)
The DVD format dictates specific quantization for specific brightness levels. For example, full black corresponds to a quantization of 16 while full white corresponds to 235. However, direct-view CRTs, plasma panels, CRT projectors and LCD projectors each have specific needs. For example, LCD projectors are subject to "black float" and can benefit from a calibration "below black." CRT direct view televisions tend to loose dark detail when viewed in brightly-lit rooms.
Historically, gamma adjustment has matched the grayscale of a video camera to the general transfer characteristics of CRTs. Sony's Graphical Gamma Adjustment matches the grayscale performance of ES Series DVD players to the specific transfer characteristics of your display. Used with a commercially available calibration disc, the Graphical Gamma Adjustment can achieve ideal reproduction.
The system enables you to make adjustments to gamma much like a graphic equalizer adjusts audio frequency response. As with an audio equalizer, aggressive adjustment can yield unnatural results. The controls are best used to make gamma curves that are smooth and subtle. Sony's control offers eight points of correction, each with 8-bit precision. And you can always return the gamma controls to the industry-standard "flat" state at the touch of a button.
Graphical Gamma adjustment is like an eight-band graphic equalizer for grayscale and black level.
Video Equalizer (all models)
Sony's Video Equalizer enables you to fine-tune the picture quality of each disc you watch. You can adjust Picture, Brightness, Color, Hue and Chroma Delay in addition to Graphical Gamma Adjustment. And once you've optimized the picture for a particular disc, Sony ES Series DVD players can commit your
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+ 37 hidden pages