DT11-18mm F4.5-5.6
Lens groups/elements: 12/15
Minimum focus: 9-13/16” (0.25m)
Filter diameter: 77 mm
Size: (diameter x length): 3-1/4
x 3-3/16” (83 x 80.5 mm)
Weight: 12.7 oz (360 g)
Super wide-angle z oom lens designed for SLRs with an
APS-C size image s ensor. Zoom range is equ ivalent to16.5–
27 mm in 35 mm forma t. High contrast is maintained
throughout the zoom range, and features such a s aspheric
lens elements and ED glass serve to minimize flare,
spherical aberrations, and coma ab errations. Include s
circular aperture for bea utiful defocusing, especially
of point light sou rces in night scenes. Internal focusing
optimizes AF operation.
DT 18-70mm F3.5-5.6
Lens groups/elements: 9/11
Minimum focus: 14-15/16” (0.38m)
Filter diameter: 55 mm
Size: (diameter x length): 2-5/8 x 3”
(66 x 77 mm)
Weight: 8.3 oz (235 g)
Versatile zoom lens that covers ma ny commonly used
focal lengths. Range is from wide-angl e to medium
telephoto, equivalent to 27–105 mm in 35 mm format. This
lens is a compact and lightweight zoom lens design ed
specifically for APS-C forma t SLRs. Includes aspheric
elements and ED gl ass to correct various aberrations at
wide-angle setting s. Provides outstandin g clarity at all
focal lengths, and short minimum focusing distance. Ideal
for a variety of subjec ts.
SAL1118 (DT11-18mm F4.5-5.6)
Aspherical lens ED glass
APS-C format lens APS-C format lens
Aspherical lens ED glass
Zoom Lenses
Sony DT Lenses
The APS-C size image se nsor used in digital
SLRs has slightly different optical requirements
than 35 mm format, as can be seen by
comparing 2 images taken at the same focal
length. DT lenses feature downsized opt ics that
are optimized for the sm aller angle of view of
APS-C size image s ensors. These optics a lso
result in more compact l ens bodies.
DT Lenses cannot be use d with 35 mm format cameras.
DT 18-200mm F3.5-6.3
Lens groups/elements: 13/15
Minimum focus: 17-11/16” (0.45 m)
Filter diameter: 62 mm
Size: (diameter x length) 2-7/8
x 3-3/8” (73 x 85.5 mm)
Weight: 14.3 oz (405 g)
A zoom lens design ed specifically for SLRs with an
APS-C size image s ensor, featuring a wid e zoom range
that’s equivalent to 27–300 mm in 3 5 mm format. Includes
3 aspheric lens el ements and 2 ED glass element s to
suppress flare and correct variou s optical aberrations.
Capable of capturi ng images with high contrast and rich
tonal variation. Its circular aperture m akes for pleasing
defocusing effects, and the internal focusi ng mechanism
ensures smooth AF operation.
APS-C format lens
Aspherical lens ED glass
SAL18200 (DT18-200mm F3.5-6.3)
35 mm format
APS-C size image s ensor
Zoom Lenses
Circular aperture Internal focusing Focus Hold Button Focus Range limiter ADI flash metering SSM (Super sonic wave motor)
• For details, please refer to the Lens Technology section on p.26–28.