Sony Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera, DSLR-A300, DSLR-A200, Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera Body, DSLR-A300/N Selection Manual

Lenses and Accessories Selection Guide
Your Journey Has Begun. Let Take You Farther.
Featuring superior optical characteristics to match your desire for photographic excellence. For added versatility, the collection also offers large-aperture G Lenses and premium quality Carl Zeiss® lenses.
Zoom Lenses
8 SAL1118
DT 11-18mm F4.5 -5.6
APS-C format Lens
8 SAL1870
DT 18-70mm F3.5 -5.6
APS-C format Lens
9 SAL18200
DT 18-200mm F3.5-6.3
APS-C format Lens
10 SAL24105
24-105mm F3.5-4 .5
10 SAL75300
75-300mm F4.5-5 .6
Fixed Focal Length Lenses
11 SAL16F28
16mm F2.8 Fisheye
11 SAL20F28
20mm F2.8
12 SAL28F28
28mm F2.8
12 SAL50F14
50mm F1.4
13 SAL50M28
50mm F2.8 Macro
13 SAL100M28
100mm F2.8 Macro
14 SAL135F28
135mm F2.8 [T4. 5] STF
15 SAL500F80
500mm F8 Reflex
G Lenses
17 SAL35F14G
35mm F1.4 G
18 SAL70200G
70-200mm F2.8G
19 SAL300F28G
300mm F2.8G
19 SAL14TC
1.4x Teleconverter
19 SAL20TC
2x Teleconverter
Carl Zeiss Lenses
21 SAL85F14Z
Planar T*85mm F1.4 ZA
22 SAL135F18Z
Sonnar T*135mm F1.8 ZA
23 SAL1680Z
Vario-Sonnar T*DT 16-80mm F3.5–
4.5 ZA
APS-C format Lens
Supports the expansion of your system to accommodate a variety of shooting styles and camera needs.
30-31 External Flash Units
32-33 Specialty Flashes &
33 Viewfinder Accessories
33 Carrying Cases & Straps
33 Remote Commanders
33 Batteries & Chargers
33 Lens Caps & Other
Welcome to a world of limitless photographic possibilities. From wide-angle to super telephoto, the lens system offers a versatile collection of high-precision lenses that let you explore your creativity to its fullest. And with each shot, at any focal length, you’ll witness the superior clarity and color that comes from Sony’s advanced optical technology, which includes innovations such as aspheric lenses and ED (Extra-low Dispersion) glass.
Each of the 21 lenses in the lens system–including the outstanding Sony® G series and Carl Zeiss® ZA series lenses– has been crafted with utmost attention to every factor. Superb sharpness and contrast. Beautiful defocusing effects. Optimum AF performance, ergonomic handling, and more. It all comes together in a lineup that brings out the best in your Digital SLR. Spectacular results await you. Come explore the possibilities.
Super SteadyShot® image stabilization works wonders with any lens.
Since image stabilization is built inside the digital SLR camera body, you can harness the full potential of any lens or compatible Dynax/Maxxum®/Alpha lenses from Minolta or Konica Minolta.
• Amount of stabilization will differ by lens and shooting conditions.
• Super SteadyShot feature is not compatible with Konica Minolta AF Macro Zoom Lens 3x-1x F1.7-2.8.
6 7
Internal focusing Focus Hold Button Focus Range limiter ADI flash metering SSM (Super sonic wave motor)
DT11-18mm F4.5-5.6
Lens groups/elements: 12/15 Minimum focus: 9-13/16” (0.25m) Filter diameter: 77 mm Size: (diameter x length): 3-1/4 x 3-3/16” (83 x 80.5 mm) Weight: 12.7 oz (360 g)
Super wide-angle z oom lens designed for SLRs with an APS-C size image s ensor. Zoom range is equ ivalent to16.5– 27 mm in 35 mm forma t. High contrast is maintained throughout the zoom range, and features such a s aspheric lens elements and ED glass serve to minimize flare, spherical aberrations, and coma ab errations. Include s circular aperture for bea utiful defocusing, especially of point light sou rces in night scenes. Internal focusing optimizes AF operation.
DT 18-70mm F3.5-5.6
Lens groups/elements: 9/11 Minimum focus: 14-15/16” (0.38m) Filter diameter: 55 mm Size: (diameter x length): 2-5/8 x 3” (66 x 77 mm) Weight: 8.3 oz (235 g)
Versatile zoom lens that covers ma ny commonly used focal lengths. Range is from wide-angl e to medium telephoto, equivalent to 27–105 mm in 35 mm format. This lens is a compact and lightweight zoom lens design ed specifically for APS-C forma t SLRs. Includes aspheric elements and ED gl ass to correct various aberrations at wide-angle setting s. Provides outstandin g clarity at all focal lengths, and short minimum focusing distance. Ideal for a variety of subjec ts.
SAL1118 (DT11-18mm F4.5-5.6)
Aspherical lens ED glass
APS-C format lens APS-C format lens
Aspherical lens ED glass
Zoom Lenses
Sony DT Lenses
The APS-C size image se nsor used in digital SLRs has slightly different optical requirements than 35 mm format, as can be seen by comparing 2 images taken at the same focal length. DT lenses feature downsized opt ics that are optimized for the sm aller angle of view of APS-C size image s ensors. These optics a lso result in more compact l ens bodies.
DT Lenses cannot be use d with 35 mm format cameras.
DT 18-200mm F3.5-6.3
Lens groups/elements: 13/15 Minimum focus: 17-11/16” (0.45 m) Filter diameter: 62 mm Size: (diameter x length) 2-7/8 x 3-3/8” (73 x 85.5 mm) Weight: 14.3 oz (405 g)
A zoom lens design ed specifically for SLRs with an APS-C size image s ensor, featuring a wid e zoom range that’s equivalent to 27–300 mm in 3 5 mm format. Includes 3 aspheric lens el ements and 2 ED glass element s to suppress flare and correct variou s optical aberrations. Capable of capturi ng images with high contrast and rich tonal variation. Its circular aperture m akes for pleasing defocusing effects, and the internal focusi ng mechanism ensures smooth AF operation.
APS-C format lens
Aspherical lens ED glass
SAL18200 (DT18-200mm F3.5-6.3)
35 mm format
APS-C size image s ensor
Zoom Lenses
Circular aperture Internal focusing Focus Hold Button Focus Range limiter ADI flash metering SSM (Super sonic wave motor)
• For details, please refer to the Lens Technology section on p.26–28.
Circular aperture Internal focusing Focus Hold Button Focus Range limiter ADI flash metering SSM (Super sonic wave motor)
• For details, please refer to the Lens Technology section on p.26–28.
24-105mm F3.5-4.5
Lens groups/elements: 11/12 Minimum focus: 19-11/16” (0.5 m) Filter diameter: 62 mm Size: (diameter x length): 2-13/16 x 2-11/16” (71 x 69 mm) Weight: 13.9 oz (395 g)
Extremely compact zoo m lens that covers a broad range of focal lengths from wi de-angle to medium telephoto. Excellent clarity at all focal lengths. Includes 2 aspheric lens elements to mini mize spherical aberrations, coma aberrations, and lens flare. Also includes a circular aperture for natural off-su bject defocusing. During AF operation, the manual focus ring does not rotate, which enhances the operabili ty of the lens.
75-300mm F4.5-5.6
Lens groups/elements: 10/13 Minimum focus: 59” (1.5 m) Filter diameter: 55 mm Size: (diameter x length): 2-13/16 x 4-13/16” (71 x 122 mm) Weight: 1 lb 0.2 oz (460 g)
Compact and lightwei ght zoom lens that ranges between medium telephoto to telephoto foca l lengths. Ideal for portraits and for filling the frame with a subject that’s situated at a distance. Provides the dual ad vantages of high optical perform ance and compact size because of an optical system based on the double telephoto zoom lenses. Also features a circular apert ure for beautiful defocusing, and a minimum focusing di stance of 1.5 m.
SAL75300 (75-300mm F4.5-5.6)
Zoom Lenses
Aspherical lens
16mm F2.8 Fisheye
Lens groups/elements: 8/11 (including 1 filter) Minimum focus: 7-7/8” (0.2 m) Filters: 4 types (built-in) Size: (diameter x length): 2-15/16 x 2-5/8” (75 x 66.5 mm) Weight: 14.1 oz (400 g)
Allows you to capture dynamic images with all the distinctive traits of a fisheye lens: curvilinear distortion, exaggerated perspective, and an extremely deep dept h of field. The diagonal angle of view is 180° in 35 mm format (110° in APS-C format). Clear images can be obtained from 20 cm to infinity, even with the aperture wide o pen. The lens includes 4 internal filters to select from.
Filters: normal; O56 monochrome contrast filter; B12 red reduction filter; A12 blue reduction filter.
20mm F2.8
Lens groups/elements: 9/10 Minimum focus: 9-7/8” (0.25 m) Filter diameter: 72 mm Size: (diameter x length): 3-1/16 x 2-1/8” (78 x 53.5 mm) Weight: 10.1 oz (285 g)
A wide-angle lens that demonstrates an extremely high degree of distort ion compensation, which allows you to capture high-quality images with exaggerated perspective and very de ep depth of field. Images are crisp from corner to co rner as a result of lens coating s and the reduction of internal light reflection. Various aberrations are compensated for at focusing distances from 25 cm to infinity. The rear focusing mechanism enables quick focusin g.
SAL16F28 (16mm F2.8 Fisheye)
Fixed Focal Length Lenses
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