Sony DDU1632 User Manual

DVD-ROM Drive Unit
©2005 Sony Corpration
User’s Guide
Guía del usuario
使用手冊 (繁體)
使用手册 (简体)
Version 1.0
Owner’s Record
The model and serial numbers are located on the top side of the drive. Record these numbers in the spaces provided below. Refer to them whenever you call upon your sales representative regarding this product.
Model No./ 型號 / 型号 DDU1632
Serial No._______________
You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved in this document could void your authority to oprerate this equipment. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture. To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.
This unit uses DVD-ROM discs with the following mark.
When you use this unit as an audio CD player, use compact discs with the following mark.
1 类激光产品
This DVD-ROM Drive Unit is classified as a CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT. The CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT label is located on the Top of the drive.
Bei diesem DVD-ROM-Laufwerk handelt es sich um ein Laser-Produkt der Klasse 1. Ein entsprechender Aufkleber mit der Beschriftung LASER KLASSE 1 PRODUKT befindet sich auf der Oberseite des Geräts. DVD-ROM驱动器被标识为1类激光产品。
1 类激光产品标签在外壳的顶部。
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your warranty covering this equipment.
FCC Compliance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed or used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
y Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna y Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver y Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected y Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
If you have any questions about this product, you may call the telephone number listed in the "Product and Support Information" section. The telephone number below is not for customer service, but for official
purpose only.
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY Model No.: DDU1632
Responsible Party: Sony Electronics Inc. Address: 16450 W. Bernardo Dr., San Diego, CA 92127 U.S.A. Telephone No.: 858-942-2230
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
CE Sicherheitsbestimmungen:
Diese Ausrüstung erfüllt die Europäischen EMC-Bestimmungen für die Verwendung in folgender/folgenden Umgebung (en):
y Wohngegenden y Gewerbegebiete y Leichtindustriegebiete
(Diese Ausrüstung erfüllt die Bestimmungen der Norm EN55022, Klasse B.)
Safety Notice:
1. Do not install or operate the product in high temperature, humidity or dusty environment.
2. Do not attempt to open the cover to repair the product yourself.
3. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.
4. Always follow instructions on this manual under operating the product.
5. To prevent exposure to laser emanations (harmful to human eyes), do not attempt to disassemble this unit.
6. Hold CD discs by their edges. Do not touch the surface of the discs.
7. The drive is designed to be incorporated into a computer-based system or unit that has an enclosing covers. Using the drive alone or in any other configuration is prohibited.
All contents are subject to change at any time without notice. No responsibility is assumed for its use. Nor for infringements of patents or other rights of third parties and no patent or license is implied hereby. Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other system and product names used herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective manufacturers, although the TM and ® marks are not used in the text.
1. Our product warranty is valid only when the supplied accessories are used in the specified or
recommended system environment, in accordance with the documentation, and applies only to this drive.Our customer service and user support apply only under these product warranty conditions.
2. Please note that we cannot accept responsibility for failure of the computer or other devices,
incompatibility with special hardware, operating problems caused by improper installation of software, loss of data, discs or other accidental or incidental damage that might occur when using this product.
3. The guarantee and user support for this product are valid only within the countries or sales regions
specified on the warranty card.
4. Copyright laws prohibit the copying in part or in full of the supplied software and documentation
without obtaining permission of the copyright holder.
5. We cannot accept responsibility for any direct or indirect financial damage or loss of profit that might
occur when using the software.
Precautions for Use
Please be aware that cracked, deeply scratched or other poor quality discs used in this drive may cause damage to the drive and data in the discs. Such discs may break at high speed rotation. If full care is not exercised in relation to this matter you may void the warranty to this product.
Avoiding condensation problems
As much as possible, avoid sudden temperature changes. Do not attempt to use the drive immediately after moving it from a cold to a warm location, or raising the room temperature suddenly, as condensation may form within the drive. If the temperature changes suddenly while using the drive, stop using it but keep the power on for at least an hour.
Attention Regarding DualDisc Software
This product has been engineered to provide the highest entertainment value while playing standard CD discs. Using a DualDisc with this product may scratch or abrade the surface of the video side of the DualDisc and affect its playability and should not be used with this product.
Precauciones para el uso
El uso de CDs rayados o de mala calidad puede dañar el aparato y la información almacenada en el disco. Dichos CDs pueden romperse a alta velocidad. Estos daños no serán cubiertos por nuestra garantía oficial.
Para evitar problemas de condensación
Evite los cambios repentinos de temperatura siempre que sea posible. No intente utilizar la unidad inmediatamente después de haberla trasladado de un lugar frío a otro caliente, ni aumentar repentinamente la temperatura de la habitación, porque se puede producir condensación dentro de la unidad. Si la temperatura cambia repentinamente mientras se utiliza la unidad, párela pero mantenga la alimentación conectada durante una hora como mínimo.
Nota acerca del software del DualDisc
Este producto se ha diseñado para poder disfrutar al máximo de la reproducción de discos CD estándar. No es recomendable la utilización de un DualDisc con este producto, puesto que puede arañar o rozar la superficie de la cara de vídeo del DualDisc y afectar negativamente a su reproducción.
使用破裂、裂痕或其他劣等的光碟片於此光碟機可能會導致機器的損壞或是資料的流失,請小心使 用機器。不當的操作或使用不良的光碟片而導致機器的損壞可能會導致保固期失效。
應儘可能避免溫度的突然變化。將驅動器從冷的地方搬移到熱的地方後,或房間內突然升溫後,不 要立即使用,因為驅動器內可能結露。使用驅動器時如果溫度突然變化,立即停止使用,但電源至 少仍需接通 1 小時。
關於 DualDisc 軟體注意事項
本產品可供播放標準 CD 光碟時,發揮最高的娛樂價值。在本產品上使用 DualDisc 可能會刮傷或 磨損 DualDisc 的視訊面,並影響 DualDisc 的播放功能,且無法在本產品上使用。
少仍需接通 1 小时。
关于 DualDisc 软件的注意事项
该产品设计用于在播放标准 CD 光碟时提供最高的娱乐价值。DualDisc 与该产品一起使用可能会 擦伤或磨伤 DualDisc 的视频面,影响其可播放性,因此不应与该产品一起使用。
1. Installing the DVD-ROM Drive
Before you begin, turn off the system power. Follow the steps below to install the DVD-
ROM drive:
1. Remove the cover from your system. Refer to your system user’s guide.
2. Adjust the Master/Slave jumpers on the back of the DVD-ROM drive as necessary.
(The factory default is Master. Please refer to Section 4 for more information.)
3. Insert the DVD-ROM drive unit into a free 5.25-inch drive bay. Secure the DVD-ROM
drive to the drive bay rails with the mounting screws included in the DVD-ROM package. Refer to your system manual for instructions on how to install a drive.
4. Plug a free power connector inside your PC into the Power socket on the back of the
DVD-ROM drive.
5. Plug a free IDE connector inside your PC into the drive’s IDE interface socket.
1. Digital Audio 5. Red Strip
2. Audio Cable 6. Power Cable
3. Red Strip 7. Self test for Factory only
4. IDE Cable
NOTE: The red edge of the IDE cable corresponds to pin 1 of the IDE interface on the DVD-ROM drive.
6. Replace the cover and turn on the power.
: Using the wrong type of cable with this product can cause it to malfunction.
Follow the instructions when connecting the product.
2. DVD Region Coding
Region Playback Control Management
You can only play DVD-Video discs with the same region code as your DVD-Video Playback system.
As for DVD-ROM drives, one kind of the DVD-Video Playback system, there are 2 types:
RPC Phase 1 (as RPC1): RPC1 drives do not have built-in hardware support for region management. DVD-ROM drives of this kind don’t play a part in controlling the playback region. It solely depends on the decoder.
RPC Phase 2 (as RPC2): RPC2 drives maintain the region change count information in hardware, and in general, the region of such drives can be changed up to 5 times by the end users under some software decoder.
About This DVD-ROM Drive
This DVD-ROM drive you have purchased is a RPC2 drive and the first region code will depend on the DVD title you play. You are allowed to modify the region code 5 times. After the fifth alteration, the region code will be locked and only those DVD titles of the same region code could be played afterwards, so set the code carefully.
3. Using the DVD-ROM Drive Front Panel
1. Headphone Jack
By plugging in the stereo mini jack here, you can listen to audio with headphones.
2. Volume Control
This rotary knob adjusts the volume level of the headphone output. Turning the wheel to the right will increase the audio volume.
3. LED Indicator
The LED indicator lights green when a disc is being loaded and it flashes green when the disc is being accessed.
4. Disc Tray
This is the tray for the disc. Place the disc in the tray, then press the Open/Close button or gently push the tray to close it.
5. Emergency-eject Hole
The emergency-eject hole allows the user to open the CD tray when the system has no power.
6. Open/Close button
This button opens and closes the disc tray.
Rear View
1. Digital Audio Output Connector
If your sound card has a digital audio IEC958 format connector, you can connect it to this digital audio output connector with a 2-pin audio cable.
2. Analog Audio Output Connector
This connector allows you to connect the drive to your sound card with a 4-pin audio cable.
3. Device Configuration Jumper
Set the jumper to Master, Slave or Cable Select according to your system configuration.
4. IDE Interface Connector
Plug one end of the 40-pin IDE cable here to join the 40-pin IDE connector on the motherboard. The red-edge of the IDE cable must be connected to Pin 1 of each connector.
5. Power Supply Connector
By plugging the computer’s power supply cable here, you can connect the DVD-ROM drive and your computer system.
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