The following parts are available for order in ‘E-star’.
The ‘E-star’ name of a part may often be complex and even confusing, so the name of certain parts
mentioned in the Working Instructions, Repair Movies and Troubleshooting Guide are often referred to
by a simple descriptive name for better understanding.
Both names (designations) will in that case be included in this Part List, where the name being used in
the documents mentioned above is underlined, e.g. Battery Cover
RLC, Reversed Logistic Classification column for replaced part handling, See the Spare part handling
chapter in Mechanical/Generic Repair Manual (1220-1333).
The following parts are available for order in ‘E-star’.
The ‘E-star’ name of a part may often be complex and even confusing, so the name of certain parts
mentioned in the Working Instructions, Repair Movies and Troubleshooting Guide are often referred to
by a simple descriptive name for better understanding.
Both names (designations) will in that case be included in this Part List, where the name being used in
the documents mentioned above is underlined, e.g. Battery Cover