1DSP-DOIDSP serial data signal input from audio digital signal processor IC
2XDSP-RSTODSP reset signal output to audio digital signal processor IC
3DSP-PMODSP PM signal output to audio digital signal processor IC
4XDSP-CSODSP chip select signal output to audio digital signal processor IC
5DSP-HACNIDSP acknowledge signal input from audio digital signal processor IC
6DSP-BSTODSP BST signal output to EEPROM IC
7DSP-GP9IDSP audio signal input from audio digital signal processor IC
8DSP-BSTSELODSP BST select signal output to EEPROM IC
9DSP-GP12ODSP GP data signal output to audio digital signal processor IC
10NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
11DIR-DIODIR serial data signal output to digital audio interface IC
12DIR-CLKODIR serial clock signal output to digital audio interface IC
13DIR-ZEROIDIR zero signal input from digital audio interface IC
14DIR-ERRIDIR error signal input
15DIR-CEODIR chip enable signal output to digital audio interface IC
16XDIR-STATIDIR start signal input from digital audio interface IC
17VSS—Ground pin
18VCC—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
19SDI2-SELOSACD select signal output
20XDIR-MODEODIR reset signal output to digital audio interface IC
21XDIR-DOIDIR serial data signal input from digital audio interface IC
22DIR-CKSEL1ODIR CK select signal output to digital audio interface IC
23NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
24DAMP-DATAOSerial data signal output for digital amp
25DAMP-CLKOSerial clock signal output for digital amp
26XDAMP-RSTOReset signal output for digital amp
27XDAMP-NSMUTEONS mute signal output for digital amp
28DAMP-CS1OChip select signal output 1 for digital amp
29DAMP-CS2OChip select signal output 2 for digital amp
30DAMP-CS3OChip select signal output 3 for digital amp
31DAMP-CS4OChip select signal output 4 for digital amp
32XDAMP-ENOReset signal output for driver
33XDAMP-PROTECTIProtect signal input for driver
34NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
35VSS—Ground pin
36VCC—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
37HP-SWIHeadphone switch signal input
38RELAYOHeadphone/subwoofer mute signal output
39NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
40NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
41ADC-RSTOADC reset signal output
42NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
43NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
44NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
45DAVS—Ground pin
46DAVC—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
47V-CONTOVoltage control signal output
48NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
49NO-USE—Not used. (Open)
50AREA1IDestination area 1 input
51AREA2IDestination area 2 input
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
52NO-USE—Not used. (Open)
53MODELIModel change select signal input
54NO-USE—Not used. (Open)
55KEY1IFunction key signal input 1
56KEY2IFunction key signal input 2
57KEY3IFunction key signal input 3
67 to 70NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
71DF-SWODigital filter SW signal output
72DF-SYNCODigital filter SYNC signal output
73XDF-RSTOReset signal output to digital filter IC
74NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
75XEROM-CLKOSerial clock signal output to EEPROM IC
76XEROM-DATAI/OSerial data signal input/output with EEPROM IC
77NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
78XZIVA-RSTOReset signal output to DVD system processor IC
79VSS—Ground pin
80VCC—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
81FLSH-PNOOFlash serial data write signal output Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
82NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
83FLSH-PN2OFlash serial data write signal output Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
84GA-IDCCLKOSerial clock signal output
85P-CONT1OStandby power control signal output
86P-CONT2ODVD power control signal output
87VR-CONT1IVolume register control signal input 1
88VR-CONT2IVolume register control signal input 2
89, 90NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
91DSP-DIODSP serial data signal output to audio digital signal processor
92DSP-CLKODSP serial clock signal output to audio digital signal processor
93VSS—Ground pin
94I2C-DATAI/ODVD serial data signal input/output
95I2C-CLKI/ODVD serial clock signal input/output
96VSS—Ground pin
97VCC—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
98AC-ATOPIAC stop detect signal input
99NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
100XWAKEIKey/sircs detect signal input
101CDM-TSENSICDM slit edge interruption signal input
102 to 107NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
108FM-ONOAM/FM change signal output
109TUNEDITuned signal input
110TUNE-DIOTune data signal output
111TUNE-CEOTune chip enable signal output
112TUNE-DOITune data signal input
113TUNE-CLKOTune clock signal output
114VSS—Ground pin
115VCC—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
116LED-STANDBYOStandby LED signal output
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
117LED-MCDOMultch channel decode LED signal output
118LED-DISC1ODISC1 LED signal output
119LED-DISC2ODISC2 LED signal output
120LED-DISC3ODISC3 LED signal output
121LED-DISC4ODISC4 LED signal output
122LED-DISC5ODISC5 LED signal output
123LED-LCDOLCD back light LED signal output
124NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
125FLSH-SIIFlash serial data write signal input
126FLSH-SOOFlash serial data write signal output
127FLSH-CLKOFlash serial clock write signal output Not used. (Open)
128NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
129XLCD-CSOLCD chip select signal output
130LCD-RSOLCD RS signal output
131XLCD-RSTOLCD reset signal output
132LCD-DATAOLCD serial data signal output
133LCD-CLKOLCD serial clock signal output
134NMIXIH level fix signal input
135XA-OUTONot used. (Open)
136VSS—Ground pin
137XA-ININot used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
138MD2OMD2 signal output
139, 140MD1, 0ONot used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
141X-INICeramic vibrator signal input (12.5 MHz)
142VCC—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
143X-OUTOCeramic vibrator signal input (12.5 MHz)
144XRESETIReset signal input
145VSS—Ground pin
146VCC—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
147A-SEL2OAudio select signal output 2
148A-SEL1OAudio select signal output 1
149NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
150V-MUTEOVideo mute signal output
151V-SEL1OVideo select signal output 1
152V-SEL2OVideo select signal output 2
153V-SEL3OVideo select signal output 3
154V-SEL4OVideo select signal output 4
155OPT-SEL2OOptical select signal output 1
156OPT-SEL1OOptical select signal output 2
157NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
158CDM-POCDM tray open signal output for single
159CDM-NOCDM tray close signal output for single
160XCDM-OUTSWICDM tray open detect signal input for single
161XCDM-INSWICDM tray close detect signal input for single
162VSS—Ground pin
163VCC—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
164SIRCSISIRCS signal input
165CDM-CHUKICDM chucking end detect (S1) signal input
166CDM-TURNICDM table rotation possible position detect (S2) signal input
167NO-USE—Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
168CDM-DSENSICDM disc detect signal input for roulette
169CDM-TRNOCDM tray right rotation signal output for roulette
170CDM-TRPOCDM tray left rotation signal output for roulette
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
171CDM-LPOCDM tray open signal output for roulette
172CDM-LNOCDM tray close signal output for roulette
173XCDM-OPENICDM tray open end detect (S0) signal input
174NO-USE—Not used. (Open)
175VSS—Ground pin
176VCC—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
1VSS—Ground pin
2XRSTISystem reset signal input from the system controller “L”: reset
3EXTINIMaster clock signal input Not used. (Connect to ground.)
4LRCKI3ISampling frequency selection signal input Not used. (Connect to ground.)
5VDDI—Power supply pin (+2.5 V)
6BCKI3ISampling frequency selection signal input Not used. (Connect to ground.)
7PLOCKOInternal PLL lock signal output Not used. (Open)
8VSS—Ground pin
18SDI1IAudio serial data input from the A/D converter
19LRCKOOL/R sampling clock signal (44.1 kHz) output to the audio digital signal processor
20BCKOOBit clock signal (2.8224 MHz) output to the audio digital signal processor
21VSS—Ground pin
22KFSIOIAudio clock signal input from the digital audio interface receiver
23 to 26SDO1 to SDO4OAudio serial data output to the audio digital signal processor
27SPDIFOSPDIF signal output Not used. (Open)
30SDI2IAudio serial data input from the digital audio interface receiver
31VSS—Ground pin
32HACNOAcknowledge signal output to the system controller
33HDINISerial data input from the system controller
34HCLKISerial data transfer clock signal input from the system controller
35HDOUTOSerial data output to the system controller
36HCSIChip select input from the system controller
37GP12I/OGP data signal input/output terminal
38GP13I/OGP data signal input/output terminal Not used. (Open)
39GP14I/OGP data signal input/output terminal Not used. (Open)
40VDDI—Power supply pin (+2.5 V)
41VSS—Ground pin
42GP15I/OGP data signal input/output terminal Not used. (Open)
43OE0OOutput terminal of data input/output mask Not used. (Open)
44CS0OChip select signal output pin
45WE0OWrite enable signal output pin
46VDDE—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
47WMD1IExternal memory wait mode setting pin Fixed at “H” in this set
48VSS—Ground pin
49WMD0IExternal memory wait mode setting pin Fixed at “H” in this set
50PAGE2OExternal memory page selection signal output pin Not used. (Open)
Master/slave setting pin “L”: internal clock, “H”: external clock
Fixed at “L” in this set
L/R sampling clock signal (44.1 kHz) input from the A/D converter and digital audio
interface receiver
Bit clock signal (2.8224 MHz) input from the A/D converter and digital audio
interface receiver
L/R sampling clock signal (44.1 kHz) input from the A/D converter and digital audio
interface receiver
Bit clock signal (2.8224 MHz) input from the A/D converter and digital audio
interface receiver
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
51VSS—Ground pin
52, 53PAGE1, PAGE0OExternal memory page selection signal output Not used. (Open)
54BOOTIBoot mode control signal input Not used. (Connect to ground.)
55TST1ITest pin
56BSTIBoot strap signal input from the system controller
59EXLOCKIPLL lock error signal and data error flag input from the digital audio interface receiver
60VDDI—Power supply pin (+2.5 V)
61VSS—Ground pin
62, 63A17, A16OAddress signal output Not used. (Open)
64 to 66A15 to A13OAddress signal output
67GP10—Not used. (Open)
68GP9OAudio signal output to the system controller
69GP8IChannel status bit 1 input from the digital audio interface receiver
70VDDI—Power supply pin (+2.5 V)
71VSS—Ground pin
72 to 75D15/GP7 to D12/GP4I/OTwo-way data bus signal input/output
76VDDE—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
77 to 80D11/GP3 to D8/GP0I/OTwo-way data bus signal input/output
81VSS—Ground pin
82 to 85A9, A12 to A10OAddress signal output
86TDOOSimplicity emulation data output Not used. (Open)
87TMSISimplicity emulation data input start and end pin Not used. (Open)
88XTRSTISimplicity emulation non-sync break signal input Not used. (Open)
89TCKISimplicity emulation clock signal input Not used. (Open)
90TDIISimplicity emulation data input Not used. (Open)
91VSS—Ground pin
102 to 105D5 to D2I/OTwo-way data bus input/output
106VDDE—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
107, 108D1, D0I/OTwo-way data bus input/output
109, 110A2, A1OAddress signal output
111VSS—Ground pin
112A0OAddress signal output
113PMIPLL initialize signal input from the system controller
114SDI3IAudio serial data input
115SDI4IGround pin
116SYNCISync/non-sync setting pin “L”: sync, “H”: non-sync Fixed at “H” in this set
117TST2—Ground pin
118GP11—Not used. (Open)
119TST3—Ground pin
120VDDI—Power supply pin (+2.5 V)
Operation mode setting pin “L”: enhanced mode, “H”: normal mode
Fixed at “H” in this set
Operation mode setting pin “L”: single chip mode, “H”: can not use
Fixed at “L” in this set
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
1DVDD0—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (digital system)
2XRSTIReset signal input from mechanism controller IC “L”: reset
3MUTEIMuting on/off control signal input from mechanism controller IC “H”: muting on
4DATAISerial data input from mechanism controller IC
5XLATISerial data latch pulse signal input from mechanism controller IC
6CLOKISerial data transfer clock signal input from mechanism controller IC
7SENSOInternal status (SENSE) signal output to mechanism controller IC
8SCLKISENSE serial data reading clock signal input from mechanism controller IC
9ATSKI/OInput/output for anti-shock Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
10WFCKOWrite frame clock signal output to DVD decoder IC
11RFCKORFCK signal output Not used. (Open)
12XPCKOXPCK signal output Not used. (Open)
13GFSOGuard frame sync signal output to mechanism controller IC
14C2POOC2 pointer signal output to DVD decoder IC
16C4MO4.2336 MHz clock signal output Not used. (Open)
17WDCKOGuard subcode sync (S0+S1) detection signal output to DVD decoder IC
18DVSS0—Ground pin (digital system)
19COUTONumbers of track counted signal output to mechanism controller IC
20MIRROMirror signal output to mechanism controller IC
21DFCTI/ODefect signal input/output Not used.
22FOKOFocus OK signal output to mechanism controller IC
23PWMIISpindle motor external control signal input Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
24LOCKOGFS is sampled by 460 Hz “H” output when GFS is “H”.
25MDPOSpindle motor servo drive signal output to DVD decoder IC
27FSTOO2/3 divider output Not used. (Open)
28DVDD1—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (digital system)
29SFDROSled servo drive PWM signal (+) output
30SRDROSled servo drive PWM signal (–) output
31TFDROTracking servo drive PWM signal (+) output
32TRDROTracking servo drive PWM signal (–) output
33FFDROFocus servo drive PWM signal (+) output
34FRDROFocus servo drive PWM signal (–) output
35DVSS1—Ground pin (digital system)
36TESTIInput for the test
37TES1IInput for the test
38VCIMiddle point voltage (+1.65 V) input
39FEIFocus error signal input
40SEISled error signal input
41TEITracking error signal input
42CEIMiddle point servo analog signal input
43RFDCIRF signal input
44ADIOOOutput for the test Not used. (Open)
45AVSS0—Ground pin (analog system)
46IGENIStabilized current input for operational amplifiers
47AVDD0—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (analog system)
48ASYOOEFM full-swing output
49ASYIIAsymmetry comparator voltage input
50RFACIEFM signal input
Subcode sync (S0+S1) detection signal output to DVD decoder IC and mechanism
controller IC
Detection signal input from limit in switch
The optical pick-up is inner position when “H”
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
51AVSS1—Ground pin (analog system)
52CLTVIInternal VCO control voltage input
53FILOOFilter output for master PLL
54FILIIFilter input for master PLL
55PCOOCharge pump output for master PLL
56AVDD1—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (analog system)
57BIASIAsymmetry circuit constant current input terminal
58VCTLIVCO control voltage input for the wideband EFM PLL
59V16MOVCO oscillation output for the wideband EFM PLL Not used. (Open)
60VPCOOCharge pump output for the wideband EFM PLL
61DVDD2—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (digital system)
62ASYEIAsymmetry circuit on/off control signal input “L”: off, “H”: on
64DOUTODigital audio signal output
65LRCKOL/R sampling clock signal (44.1 kHz) output to DVD decoder IC
66PCMDOSerial data output to DVD decoder IC
67BCKOBit clock signal (2.8224 MHz) output to DVD decoder IC
71XTAIISystem clock input (33.8688 MHz)
72XTAOOSystem clock output (33.8688 MHz) Not used. (Open)
73SOUTOSerial data output Not used. (Open)
74SOCKOSerial data reading clock signal output Not used. (Open)
75XOLTOSerial data latch pulse signal output Not used. (Open)
76SQSOOSubcode Q data output to mechanism controller IC
77SQCKISubcode Q data reading clock signal input from mechanism controller IC
78SCSYIInput for resynchronism of guard subcode sync (S0+S1)
79SBSOOSubcode serial data output to DVD decoder IC
80EXCKISubcode serial data reading clock signal input to DVD decoder IC
Digital out on/off control signal input from mechanism controller IC
“L”: digital out off, “H”: digital out on
“L” is output when playback disc is emphasis off
“H” is output when playback disc is emphasis on Not used. (Open)
Input for the system clock frequency setting
“L”: 16.9344 MHz, “H”: 33.8688 MHz
1, 2D5, D6I/OTwo-way data bus signal input from/output to mechanism control IC.
3VSS—Ground pin
4D7I/OTwo-way data bus signal input from/output to mechanism control IC.
5A0I/OAddress signal input from/output to mechanism control IC.
6VDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
7A1I/OAddress signal input from/output to mechanism control IC.
8VDD5V—Power supply pin (+5 V)
9 to 14A2 to A7I/OAddress signal input from/output to mechanism control IC.
15VSS—Ground pin
16XWAITONot used. (Open)
17XRDIRead strobe signal input from mechanism control IC.
18XWRIWrite strobe signal input from mechanism control IC.
19XCSIChip select signal input from mechanism control IC.
20, 21XINT0, XINT1OInterrupt signal output to mechanism control IC.
22VDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
23XHRSINot used. (Open)
24HDB7I/OStream data input from/output to DVD system processor IC.
25VSS—Ground pin
26HDB8I/OError flag signal input from/output to DVD system processor IC.
27HDB6I/OStream data input from/output to DVD system processor IC.
28VDDS—Power supply pin (+5 V)
29HDB9I/ONot used. (Open)
30HDB5I/OStream data input from/output to DVD system processor IC.
31HDBAI/ONot used. (Open)
32HDB4I/OStream data input from/output to DVD system processor IC.
33VSS—Ground pin
34HDBBI/ONot used. (Open)
35HDB3I/OStream data input from/output to DVD system processor IC.
36VDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
37HDBCI/ONot used. (Open)
38VDDS—Power supply pin (+5 V)
39HDB2I/OStream data input from/output to DVD system processor IC.
40HDBDI/ONot used. (Open)
41HDB1I/OStream data input from/output to DVD system processor IC.
42VSS—Ground pin
43HDBEI/ONot used. (Open)
44HDBOI/OStream data input from/output to DVD system processor IC.
45HDBFI/ONot used. (Open)
46HDRQOSerial data effect flag signal output to DVD system processor IC.
47VDDS—Power supply pin (+5 V)
48XHWRISerial data transfer clock signal input from DVD system processor IC.
49XHRDISerial data transfer clock signal input from DVD system processor IC.
50VDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
51REDYONot used. (Fixed at H.)
52VSS—Ground pin
53XHACISerial data request signal input from DVD system processor IC. (DVD mode)
54HINTI/ONot used. (Fixed at H.)
55XS16INot used. (Fixed at H.)
56HA1INot used. (Fixed at H.)
57XPDII/ONot used. (Fixed at H.)
58VDDS—Power supply pin (+5 V)
59, 60HA0, HA2INot used. (Fixed at H.)
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
61VSS—Ground pin
62, 63HCS0, HCS1INot used. (Open)
64VDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
65DASPI/ONot used. (Fixed at H.)
66 to 69MDB0 to MDB3I/OTwo-way data bus signal input from/output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
70VSS—Ground pin
71MDB4I/OTwo-way data bus signal input from/output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
72VDD5V—Power supply pin (+5 V)
73 to 75MDB5 to MDB7I/OTwo-way data bus signal input from/output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
76XMWROWrite enable signal output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
77VDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
78XRASORow address strobe signal output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
79, 80MA0, MA1OAddress signal output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
81VSS—Ground pin
82 to 87MA2 to MA7OAddress signal output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
88VDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
89MA8OAddress signal output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
90VSS—Ground pin
91MA9/mnt0OAddress signal output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
92MA10/mnt1OEEPROM ready signal output to mechanism control IC.
93MA11/mnt2OAddress signal output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
94XMOEOOutput enable signal output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
95XCASOColumn address strobe signal output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
96, 97MDB8, MDB9I/OTwo-way data bus signal input from/output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
98VSS—Ground pin
99MDBAI/OTwo-way data bus signal input from/output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
100VDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
101, 102MDBB, MDBCI/OTwo-way data bus signal input from/output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
103VDD5V—Power supply pin (+5 V)
104 to 106MDBD to MDBFI/OTwo-way data bus signal input from/output to 16Mbit D-RAM IC.
107GFSOGuard frame sync signal output to mechanism control IC.
108VSS—Ground pin
109APE0OAbsolute phase error signal output
110VDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
111DASY0ORF binary signal output
112GNDA5—Ground pin
113, 114ASF1, ASF2OFilter connected pin for selection the constant asymmetry compensation.
115DASY1IAnalog signal input after integrated from the RF binary signal.
116RFDCCIInput pin for adjusting DC cut high-pass filter for RF signal.
117RFINIRF signal input
118, 119VCCA5, VCCA4—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
120VCOR1IVCO oscillating range setting resistor connected
121VCOINIVCO input
122, 123GNDA4, GNDA3—Ground pin
124LPF5OInverted signal output to operation amplifier from PLL loop filter.
125VC1IMiddle point voltage (+1.65 V) input
126, 127LPF1, LPF2IInverted signal input from operation amplifier from PLL loop filter.
128, 129VCCA3, VCCA2—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
130PD0OSignal output to charge pump for phase comparator.
131PDHVCCOMiddle point voltage output to RF PLL.
132FDOOSignal output to charge pump for frequency comparator.
133, 134GNDA2, GNDA1—Ground pin
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
136VC2IMiddle point voltage (+1.65 V) input
137MDIN2ISpindle motor servo drive signal input
138MDIN1IMDP input
139VCCA1—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
140CLVSOControl signal output to selection the spindle control filter constant at CLVS.
141VSS—Ground pin
142MDSOUTOFrequency error output pin of internal CLV circuit.
143VDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
144MDPOUTOPhase error output pin of internal CLV circuit.
145DFCTINot used. (Connected to ground.)
148SBINISubcode serial data input from CD decoder, digital servo processor IC.
149VSS—Ground pin
151WFCKIWrite frame clock signal input from CD decoder, digital servo processor IC.
152VDD5V—Power supply pin (+5 V)
153XRCIINot used. (Fixed at L.)
154VDDS—Power supply pin (+5 V)
155C2POIC2 pointer signal input from CD decoder, digital servo processor IC.
156VDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
157DBCKONot used. (Open)
158BCLKIBit clock signal (2.8224 MHz) input from CD decoder, digital servo processor IC.
159DDATONot used. (Open)
160MDATISignal data input from CD decoder, digital servo processor IC.
161VSS—Ground pin
162DLRCONot used. (Open)
164XRSTIReset signal input from mechanism control IC. (L: reset)
165IFS0INot used. (Connected to ground.)
166IFS1INot used. (Connected to VDD.)
167XTALI33.8688 MHz clock signal input from clock generator IC.
168VSS—Ground pin
169XTL2O33.8688 MHz clock signal output to clock generator IC.
170XTL1I33.8688 MHz clock signal input from clock generator IC.
171VDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
172 to 176D0 to D4I/OTwo-way data bus signal input from/output to mechanism control IC.
Spindle motor control signal output to focus/tracking coil driver, spindle/sled motor
driver IC.
Guard subcode sync (S0+S1) detection signal input from CD decoder, digital servo
processor IC.
Subcode serial data reading clock signal output to CD decoder, digital servo processor
Subcode sync (S0+S1) detection signal input from CD decoder, digital servo
processor IC.
L/R sampling clock signal (44.1 kHz) input from CD decoder, digital servo processor
• IC1036 CXD2753R (DSD DECODER) (MB Board (7/12))
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
1VSCA0—Ground pin (for core)
2XMSLATISerial data latch pulse signal input from the machanism controller
3MSCKISerial data transfer clock signal input from the mechanism controller
4MSDATIISerial data input from the mechanism controller
5VDCA0—Power supply pin (+2.5 V) (for core)
6MSDATOOSerial data output to the mechanism controller
7MSREADYOReady signal output to the mechanism controller “L”: ready
8XMSDOEOSerial data output enable signal output pin Not used. (Open)
9XRSTIReset signal input from the mechanism controller “L”: reset
11MCKIIMaster clock signal (33.8688 MHz) input
12VSIOA0—Ground pin (for I/O)
13EXCKO1OMaster clock signal (33.8688 MHz) output to the digital audio processor
14EXCKO2OExternal clock 2 signal output Not used. (Open)
15LRCKOL/R sampling clock signal (44.1 kHz) output Not used. (Open)
16F75HZONot used. (Open)
17VDIOA0—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (for I/O)
18 to 25MNT0 to MNT7OMonitor signal output Not used. (Open)
26TCKIClock signal input from the DVD system processor
27TDIISerial data input from the DVD system processor
28VSCA1—Ground pin (for core)
29TDOOSerial data output to the DVD system processor
30TMSITMS signal input from the DVD system processor
31TRSTIReset signal input from the DVD system processor “L”: reset
32 to 34TEST1 to TEST3IInput for the test (normally: fixed at L)
58VSDSD0—Ground pin (for DSD data output)
59BCKAIIBit clock signal (2.8224 MHz) input for DSD data output Not used. (Open)
60BCKAOOBit clock signal (2.8224 MHz) output for DSD data output
61PHREFIIBit clock signal (2.8224 MHz) input for DSD data output Not used. (Open)
62PHREFOOBit clock signal (2.8224 MHz) output to the digital audio processor Not used. (Open)
63ZDFLOFront L-ch Zero data flag detection signal output Not used. (Open)
64DSALOFront L-ch DSD data output to the digital audio processor
65ZDFROFront R-ch Zero data flag detection signal output Not used. (Open)
66DSAROFront R-ch DSD data output to the digital audio processor
Soft muting on/off control signal input from the mechanism controller
“H”: muting on
Input/output selection signal input of bit clock signal (2.8224 MHz) for DSD data
output “L”: input (slave), “H”: output (master) Fixed at H in this set
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
67VDDSD0—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (for DSD data output)
68ZDFCOCenter zero data flag detection signal output Not used. (Open)
69DSACOCenter DSD data output to the digital audio processor
70ZDFLFEOWoofer zero data flag detection signal output Not used. (Open)
71DSALFEOWoofer DSD data output to the digital audio processor
72VSDSD1—Ground pin (for DSD data output)
73ZDFLSORear L-ch zero data flag detection signal output Not used. (Open)
74DSALSORear L-ch DSD data output to the digital audio processor
75ZDFRSORear R-ch zero data flag detection signal output Not used. (Open)
76DSARSORear R-ch DSD data output to the digital audio processor
77VDDSD1—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (for DSD data output)
78, 79IOUT0, IOUT1OData output for IEEE 1394 link chip interface Not used. (Open)
80VSCB0—Ground pin (for core)
81, 82IOUT2, IOUT3OData output for IEEE 1394 link chip interface Not used. (Open)
83VDCB0—Power supply pin (+2.5 V) (for core)
84, 85IOUT4, IOUT5OData output for IEEE 1394 link chip interface Not used. (Open)
86VSIOB0—Ground pin (for I/O)
90VDIOB0—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (for I/O)
91IFRMOFrame reference signal output for IEEE 1394 link chip interface Not used. (Open)
92IOUTEOEnable signal output for IEEE 1394 link chip interface Not used. (Open)
94VSCB1—Ground pin (for core)
95IERRINot used. (Fixed at H in this set.)
96IANCIINot used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
97IPLANINot used. (Fixed at H in this set.)
98IHOLDONot used. (Open)
99VDCB1—Power supply pin (+2.5 V) (for core)
100IVLDINot used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
101 to 105IDIN0 to IDIN4INot used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
106VSIOB1—Ground pin (for I/O)
107 to 109IDIN5 to IDIN7INot used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
110VDIOB1—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (for I/O)
111 to 114WAD0 to WAD3IExternal A/D data input for PSP physical disc mark detection Not used. (Open)
115TESTIIInput for the test (normally: fixed at L)
116VSCB2—Ground pin (for core)
117 to 120WAD4 to WAD7IExternal A/D data input for PSP physical disc mark detection Not used. (Open)
121VDCB2—Power supply pin (+2.5 V) (for core)
122WRFDINot used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
124, 125WAVDD0, WAVDD1—A/D power supply pin (+2.5 V) (for PSP physical disc mark detection)
127WAVRBIA/D bottom reference pin for PSP physical disc mark detection
Transmission information data output for IEEE 1394 link chip interface
Not used. (Open)
Data transmission hold request signal input for IEEE 1394 link chip interface
Not used. (Connected to ground.)
High speed transmission request signal input for IEEE 1394 link chip interface
Not used. (Connected to ground.)
Data transmission clock signal output for IEEE 1394 link chip interface
Not used. (Open)
Operation clock signal input for PSP physical disc mark detection from the DVD
Analog RF signal input for PSP physical disc mark detection from the DVD/CD RF
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
131 to 134DQ7 to DQ4I/OTwo-way data bus with the SD-RAM
135VDIOA2—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (for I/O)
136 to 139DQ3 to DQ0I/OTwo-way data bus with the SD-RAM
140VSIOA3—Ground pin (for I/O)
141DCLKOClock signal output to the SD-RAM
142DCKEOClock enable signal output to the SD-RAM
143XWEOWrite enable signal output to the SD-RAM
144XCASOColumn address strobe signal output to the SD-RAM
145XRASORow address strobe signal output to the SD-RAM
146VDIOA3—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (for I/O)
147NCONot used. (Open)
148, 149A11, A10OAddress signal output to the SD-RAM
150VSCA3—Ground pin (for core)
151, 152A9, A8OAddress signal output to the SD-RAM
153VDCA3—Power supply pin (+2.5 V) (for core)
154 to 157A7 to A4OAddress signal output to the SD-RAM
158VSIOA4—Ground pin (for I/O)
159 to 162A3 to A0OAddress signal output to the SD-RAM
163VDIOA4—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (for I/O)
164XSRQOSerial data request signal output to the DVD decoder
165XSHDIHeader flag signal input from the DVD decoder
166SDCKISerial data transfer clock signal input from the DVD decoder
167XSAKISerial data effect flag signal input from the DVD decoder
168SDEFIError flag signal input from the DVD decoder
169 to 176SD0 to SD7IStream data signal input from the DVD decoder
1EEP_SOONot used. (Open)
2SDENOSerial data enable signal output
3DOCTRL/ISBTESTODigital out ON/OFF control signal output
4DSD_XRSTODSD reset signal output
5EEP_SII/OData bus signal input from/output to EEPROM IC.
6EEP_RDYIEEPROM ready signal input
7FCS_JMP_1OFocus jump 1 signal output to focus/tracking coil driver, spindle/sled motor driver IC.
8FCS_JMP_2OFocus jump 2 signal output to focus/tracking coil driver, spindle/sled motor driver IC.
9SENS_CDIInternal status (SENSE) signal input
10CD-DVD-XTSELOCD spectrum signal output to CD decoder, digital servo processor IC.
11NONONot used. (Open)
12XCS_DVDOChip select signal output to DVD decoder IC.
13VSS—Ground pin
14 to 21D0 to D7I/OTwo-way data bus signal input from/output to DVD decoder IC.
22, 23INIT0_DVD, INIT1_DVDIInterrupt signal input from DVD decoder IC.
24MSCK_SAMBAOSerial clock signal output
25XRST_1882OReset signal output to DVD decoder IC.
27LAT_CDOSerial data latch pulse signal output to CD decoder, digital servo processor IC.
28LDONOLaser diode ON/OFF control signal output
29MIRRIMirror signal input
30COUT_CDINumbers of track counted signal input
32CS_ZIVAOChip select signal output to DVD system processor IC.
33SI_ZIVAISerial data input from DVD system processor IC.
34SO_ZIVAOSerial data output to DVD system processor IC.
35SCK_ZIVAOSerial data transfer clock signal output to DVD system processor IC.
36DRVIRQOInterrupt request signal output to DVD system processor IC.
37DRVRDYOReady signal output to DVD system processor IC.
38RSTISystem reset signal input from DVD system processor IC.
39VSS—Ground pin
40XTALISystem clock input (20 MHz)
41EXTALOSystem clock output (20 MHz)
42VDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
45SCK_DSDOClock signal output to DVD decoder IC.
46SDOUT_DSDOSerial data output to DSD decoder IC
47SDIN_DSDISerial data input from DSD decoder IC
48READY_DSDIReady signal output to DSD decoder IC
49DATA_CDOSerial data output to CD decoder, digital servo processor IC.
50CLOK_CDOSerial data transfer clock signal output to CD decoder, digital servo processor IC.
51XMSLATOSerial data latch pulse signal output to DSD decoder IC
52SQSOISubcode Q data input from DVD decoder IC.
53MUTE_DSDOSoft muting on/off control signal output to DSD decoder IC
54SQCKOSubcode Q data reading clock signal output to DVD decoder IC.
55VSS—Ground pin
56, 57TRAY IN, TRAY OUTINot used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
58GFS_DVDIGuard frame sync signal input from DVD decoder IC.
59MUTE_CDOMuting ON/OFF control signal output to CD decoder, digital servo processor IC.
Subcode sync (S0+S1) detection signal input from CD decoder, digital servo processor
Detection signal input from limit in switch. The optical pick-up is inner position when
Sled motor drive signal output to focus/tracking coil driver, spindle/sled motor driver
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
61SLEDISled motor servo drive PWM signal input from CD decoder, digital servo processor IC.
62FGISpindle motor control signal input
64JITIJitter signal input
65TEITracking error signal input
66PIIPull in signal input
67FEIFocus error signal input
68AVSS—Ground pin
69AVREFIReference voltage input (for A/D converter)
70AVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (for A/D converter)
71GFS_CDIGuard frame sync signal input from CD decoder, digital servo processor IC.
74FOK_CDIFocus OK signal input from CD decoder, digital servo processor IC.
75LOCK_CDIGFS is sampled by 460 Hz. (H input when GFS is H)
76LDSELOLaser diode selection signal output
77SACD/DVDOSACD/DVD selection signal output
78I2C_SIOI/OCommunication data bus signal input/output
79I2C_SCLI/OCommunication data reading clock signal input/output
80RXDISerial data input
81TXDOSerial data output
82SDCLK_RFOSerial data transfer clock signal output
83SDATA_RFI/OTwo-way data bus signal input/output
84XWROWrite strobe signal output to DVD decoder IC.
85XRDORead strobe signal output to DVD decoder IC.
86(PWE)—Not used (Fixed at H)
87VDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
88VSS—Ground pin
89 to 96A0 to A7OAddress signal output to DVD decoder IC.
98XDRSTOReset signal output to CD decoder, digital servo processor IC.
99EEP_CSOWrite protect signal output to EEPROM IC.
100EEP_CLKOClock signal output to EEPROM IC.
Muting ON/OFF control signal output to focus/tracking coil driver, spindle/sled motor
driver IC.
Muting ON/OFF control signal output to focus/tracking coil driver, spindle/sled motor
driver IC.
SENSE serial data reading clock signal output to CD decoder, digital servo processor
Thermal shut down signal output to focus/tracking coil driver, spindle/sled motor
driver IC.
Power save control signal output to focus/tracking coil driver, spindle/sled motor
driver IC.
• IC1041 ZIVA-5P-C2F (DVD SYSTEM PROCESSOR) (MB Board (9/12))
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
1VDDP—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (I/O signal)
2HA1I/OAddress bus signal input/output
3 to 11HAD15 to HAD7I/OData bus (address signal multiplexed) signal input/output
144AVSS1—Ground pin (analog PLL)
145VDD—Power supply pin (+1.8 V) (inside core)
146GND—Ground pin (inside core)
147XCKOAudio system clock signal output Not used. (Open)
148LRCKOLRCK signal output Not used. (Open)
149BCKOBCK signal output Not used. (Open)
150GA_RSTOGA reset signal output
151GPIO4 (2)OVideo reset signal output to video encoder IC
152VDDP—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (I/O signal)
153GNDP—Ground pin (I/O signal)
154VSOS1 signal output
155V-SEL2OFixed at L in this set.
156IEC958OS/PDIF signal output
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
157GPIO4 (8)INot used. (Open)
158GPIO4 (7)INot used. (Open)
159GPIO4 (6)INot used. (Open)
160I2C_CLI/OI2C clock bus signal input from/output to mechanism control IC.
161I2C_DAI/OI2C data bus signal input from/output to mechanism control IC.
162CS_EEPROMOChip select signal output to EEPROM IC.
163RXD1ISerial data input from check jig
164TXD1OSerial data output to check jig
165WC_EEPROMOWrite control signal output to EEPROM IC.
166GNDP—Ground pin (I/O signal)
167VDDP—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (I/O signal)
168 to 171SDDATA7 to SDDATA4ISDBUS data input from DVD decoder IC.
174 to 177SDDATA3 to SDDATA0ISDBUS data input from DVD decoder IC.
178SDREQOSDBUS data request signal output to DVD decoder IC.
179SDENISDBUS data enable signal input from DVD decoder IC.
180GNDP—Ground pin (I/O signal)
181VDDP—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (I/O signal)
182SDERRORISDBUS data error signal input from DVD decoder IC.
183SDCLKISDBUS data clock signal input from DVD decoder IC.
184HIRQ1IInterrupt signal input from mechanism control IC.
185DRVCLKISerial data clock signal input from mechanism control IC.
186DRVTXISerial data input from mechanism control IC and EEPROM IC.
187DRVRXOSerial data output to mechanism control IC and EEPROM IC.
188DRVRDYIReady signal input from mechanism control IC.
189VNW—Power supply for 5 V tolerance voltage input
190ALEOLatch enable signal output for address data demux.
191RST_SPCOReset signal output to mechanism control IC.
192HCS3ONot used. (Open)
193HCS2OChip select signal output
194HCS1/XGACSI/OChip select signal input/output
195HCS0OChip select signal output
196VDDP—Power supply pin (+3.3 V) (I/O signal)
197TRSTIReset signal input
198TDOOData output
199TDIIData input
200TMSITMS signal input
201TCKITCK signal input
202RESETIZIVA reset signal input
203BUS CLKI/ONot used. (Open)
204GND—Ground pin (inside core)
205VDD—Power supply pin (+1.8 V) (inside core)
206, 207HA3, HA2I/OAddress bus signal input/output
1DVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
2CLKIIDigital video clock signal (27 MHz) input
3PLL_TESTIInput for the test (normally: fixed at L)
4PLL_ENIPLL enable signal input
5, 6PI0, PI1IDigital video signal input Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
7 to 14PI2 to PI9IDigital video signal input
15NHSIIHorizontal sync signal input Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
16NVSIIVertical sync signal input Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
17OVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
18IVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
19CVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
20NVSOOVertical sync signal output Not used. (Open)
21NHSIOHorizontal sync signal output Not used. (Open)
22 to 25PO9 to PO6ODigital video signal output
26OVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
27OVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
28 to 31PO5 to PO2ODigital video signal output
32, 33PO1, PO0ODigital video signal output Not used. (Open)
34TEST0IInput for the test (normally: fixed at L)
35OVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
36OVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
37CVDD—Power supply pin (+2.5 V)
38, 39TEST1, TEST2IInput for the test (normally: fixed at L)
40CLKOIClock signal (27 MHz) output
41 to 45YO9 to YO5OY (luminance) digital video signal output
46OVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
47OVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
48 to 52YO4 to YO0OY (luminance) digital video signal output
53OVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
54CVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
55OVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
56 to 60CO0 to CO4OC (chroma) digital video signal output to video encoder IC
61OVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
62OVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
63 to 67CO5 to CO9OC (chroma) digital video signal output to video encoder IC
68FILMOFilm detection flag output Not used. (Open)
74 to 77MD19 to MD16I/OTwo-way data bus terminal Not used. (Open)
78OVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
79OVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
80 to 83MA2 to MA5OAddress signal output to SD-RAM IC
84OVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
85OVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
86 to 89MA0, MA1, MA6, MA7OAddress signal output to SD-RAM IC
90OVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
91IVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
92CVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
MPU interface communication protocol selection signal input
Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
Pin No.Pin NameI/OPin Description
93OVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
94 to 97MA8 to MA11OAddress signal output to SD-RAM IC
98OVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
99OVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
100RASORow address strobe signal output to SD-RAM IC
101CKEOClock enable signal output Not used. (Open)
102CASOColumn address strobe signal output to SD-RAM IC
103MCLKOClock signal (54 MHz) output to SD-RAM IC
104WEOWrite enable signal output to SD-RAM IC
105, 106TEST3, TEST4IInput for the test (normally: fixed at L)
110 to 113MD7 to MD9I/OTwo-way data bus with SD-RAM IC
114OVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
115OVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
116 to 119 MD4, MD5, MD10, MD11I/OTwo-way data bus with SD-RAM IC
120OVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
121OVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
122 to 125 MD2, MD3, MD12, MD13I/OTwo-way data bus with SD-RAM IC
126OVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
127CVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
128OVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
129 to 132 MD0, MD1, MD14, MD15I/OTwo-way data bus with SD-RAM IC
133SLVIMPU interface slave address selection signal input Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
134CSBIMPU interface chip select signal input Not used. (Fixed at L in this set.)
135SDAI/OTwo-way data bus input/output
136SCLIClock signal input
137SRNIReset signal input from the system controller “L”: reset
138OVSS—Ground pin (for digital system)
139CVDD—Power supply pin (+2.5 V)
140PLL_VDD—Power supply pin (+2.5 V) (for PLL)
141CPOUTOPLL charge pump output
142VCOINIPLL external loop filter input
143PLL_GND—Ground pin (for PLL)
144IVDD—Power supply pin (+3.3 V)
AMP board
POWER board
AC SW board
RM board
SE-130 board
RF board
VIDEO I/O board
BACK LIGHT (L) board
BACK LIGHT (R) board
AUDIO I/O board
MD-94 board
MB board
LINK board
(In addition to this, the necessary note is printed
in each block.)
For schematic diagrams.
• All capacitors are in µF unless otherwise noted. pF: µµF
50 WV or less are not indicated except for electrolytics
and tantalums.
• All resistors are in Ω and 1/
• C : panel designation.
The components identified by mark 0 or dotted
line with mark 0 are criti-
cal for safety.
Replace only with part
number specified.
• A : B+ Line.
• B : B– Line.
• H : adjustment for repair .
•Voltages and waveforms are dc with respect to ground
no mark : DVD PLAY
: internal component.
under no-signal (detuned) conditions.
W or less unless otherwise
Les composants identifiés par
une marque 0 sont critiques
pour la sécurité.
Ne les remplacer que par une
piéce portant le numéro
∗: Impossible to measure
•Voltages are taken with a VOM (Input impedance 10 MΩ).
Voltage variations may be noted due to normal production tolerances.
•Waveforms are taken with a oscilloscope.
Voltage variations may be noted due to normal production tolerances.
• Circled numbers refer to waveforms.
• Signal path.
E: Y
• Abbreviation
CND : Canadian model.
For printed wiring boards.
• X : parts extracted from the component side.
• Y : parts extracted from the conductor side.
•: Pattern from the side which enables seeing.
(The other layers' patterns are not indicated.)
Pattern face side: Parts on the pattern face side seen from the
(Side B)pattern face are indicated.
Parts face side: Parts on the parts face side seen from the
(Side A)parts face are indicated.
• Abbreviation
: Through hole.
These are omitted
These are omitted
These are omitted
CND : Canadian model.
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