Sony 8404005 Users Manual Page 1 Friday, December 14, 2001 11:11 AM

User’s Guide




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Getting started


1. Charging the battery ..................


2. Pairing your Chatpen .................


3. Setting up your Chatpen ............


4. Ticking

for activation .....


Using your Chatpen


Turning your Chatpen on/off.........


Writing and drawing......................


Marking a box................................



Character fields..............................



Using notepads and the Chatpen


memory ..........................................



Using the phone book ....................


Sending messages


Sending e-mail or fax messages ....


Sending text/graphical messages


(SMS) ..........................................



Sending a notepad........................


Editing ticks and characters.........





Charging the battery ....................


Setting languages



Changing ink cartridges...............


Re-pairing your Chatpen .............


Resetting your Chatpen ...............


Master reset .................................



Chatpen functions........................


Additional information


Chatpen status indication.............





Technical data..............................



Safe and Efficient Use .................


Limited Warranty ........................


Declaration of conformity ...........


Ericsson Chatpen™ CHA-30 Second edition (December 2001) This User’s Guide is published by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, without any warranty.

Improvements and changes to this User’s Guide necessitated by

typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB at any time and without notice. Such changes will, however, be incorporated into new editions of this User’s Guide. All rights reserved.

©Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, 2001 Publication number:


Contents 1

Sony 8404005 Users Manual Page 2 Thursday, December 13, 2001 10:44 AM


The Bluetooth™ Chatpen™ CHA-30 uses Bluetooth wireless technology to communicate. Please read the “Safe and Efficient Use” and “Limited Warranty” chapters before using your Chatpen.

What is Bluetooth wireless technology?

The Bluetooth wireless technology makes it possible to connect any compatible portable and stationary communications device without using cables. The technology is based on a radio link that offers fast and reliable transmission of voice and data information. It does not require a line-of-sight connection in order to establish communication. The Bluetooth wireless technology uses a globally available frequency range intended to ensure communication compatibility worldwide.

The Chatpen concept

The Chatpen CHA-30 allows you to, via your mobile phone and the Internet, send your notes and drawings to any computer or mobile phone anywhere in the world.

Whatever you write or draw is saved in the Chatpen memory, which can hold approximately 40 pages filled with writing. Nothing of what you write or draw is ever saved in the phone (the phone is only a carrier of data), and the phone display only reflects what is saved

in the Chatpen.

Additional Chatpen information

For more information about your Chatpen, visit








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Getting started

Before you can start to use your Chatpen, you must:

1.Charge the Chatpen battery.

2.Pair a phone with the Chatpen.

3.Set up your Chatpen.

4.Tick for activation.






charging connector

reset hole



1. Charging the battery

• Connect the charger to the mains and to the charging connector on the Chatpen.

Note: When the charger is connected, you do not have to wait for the battery to be fully charged before you start pairing the Chatpen with a phone.

2. Pairing your Chatpen

In order for your Chatpen to work, it must be able to communicate with a

phone. When you pair your Chatpen with your phone, you make this communication possible.

You pair your Chatpen once. The Chatpen remains paired when you turn it off.

Getting started








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The Chatpen can be paired with one phone. If you want to use another phone with your Chatpen, you must first re-pair it. See “Re-pairing your Chatpen” on page 14.

Several Chatpens can be paired with the same phone.

To pair your Chatpen with a phone

1.Keep the charger attached to the Chatpen, and take off the cap. The Chatpen is ready to pair when the light on the Chatpen starts flashing red, green and yellow and when it vibrates at regular intervals.

2.In the phone menu, scroll to Connect or Extras*, YES, Bluetooth,

YES, Paired devices, YES, Add device, YES, Phone initiates,

YES. A list of device types that can be paired with your phone is shown.

Select All types, YES.

3.The phone searches for Bluetooth devices. A list of available devices appears in the display. Select CHA-30, which is the default name of the Chatpen.

4.Enter the Bluetooth passkey (which you find in the Chatpen box), YES. The phone starts the pairing procedure.

5.When pairing is completed, you can edit CHA-30 to a personal name tag and press YES.

6.Press NO repeatedly to return to standby.

7.Continue with “3. Setting up your Chatpen” below.

3. Setting up your Chatpen

You must enter some service provider data to be able to send your messages.

See Alternative A below, if the phone displays Testing pen setup... immediately after pairing.

See Alternative B below, if you have received instructions to set up your Chatpen on the Web.

See Alternative C below, if you have received instructions to set up your Chatpen by filling in a paper form.

See Alternative D below, if you do not succeed with the set-up in Alternative B or C.

*Depending on what phone model you are using.


Getting started






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Alternative A: Phone displays Testing pen setup...

1.The Chatpen automatically starts configuration to your service provider when you have paired it.

2.When Pen is ready for use appears in the display, the set-up is completed and you can start to use your Chatpen.

3.To check that the Chatpen works, send an e-mail or text message to yourself. See “Sending messages” on page 9.

Alternative B: Web set-up

1.Go to the web address defined by your service provider, and follow the set-up instructions.

2.When Pen is ready for use appears in the phone display, the set-up is completed, and you can start to use your Chatpen.

3.To check that the Chatpen works, send an e-mail or text message to yourself. See “Sending messages” on page 9.

Alternative C: Paper set-up

1.Follow the instructions on the set-up paper from your service provider.

2.When Pen is ready for use appears in the phone display, the set-up is completed, and you can start to use your Chatpen.

3.To check that the Chatpen works, send an e-mail or text message to yourself. See “Sending messages” on page 9.

Alternative D: Manual set-up

For manual set-up, you need to know the phone number of your service provider, your own username and password, primary and secondary DNS, APN, proxy, service provider ID and your own e-mail address. The settings you enter for Standardized services are the settings that will be used for all services described in this manual. The settings you enter for Open services are the settings that will be used for other services.

1.With your Chatpen, tick the Set service provider box on page 16.

2.Follow the instructions that appear, and enter the data.

3.When your e-mail address appears in the phone display, make sure it is correct. If not, edit it on the phone. See “Editing ticks and characters” on page 12.

4.When Pen is ready for use appears in the display, the set-up is completed, and you can start to use your Chatpen.

5.To check that the Chatpen works, send an e-mail or text message to yourself. See “Sending messages” on page 9.

4. Ticking for activation

Tick to activate the notepad/ page before you start to write.

Getting started








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Using your Chatpen

Note: The paper you write on must be marked with “Digital paper enabling Anoto functionality”.

Turning your Chatpen on/off

Remove the cap to turn on the Chatpen.

Wait for the Chatpen to vibrate once and the light to turn green. The Chatpen is now ready to use.

Put the cap back on the Chatpen to turn it off. To save power and to protect the lens from dirt, always keep the cap on when not using the Chatpen.

Writing and drawing

When writing, an intense green light on the Chatpen indicates that the Chatpen is registering the strokes. Vibration when writing indicates problems.

Write and draw on the drawing area of the paper, not too near the edges.

Hold the Chatpen with the lens facing the paper.

Do not block the lens when writing.

You can interrupt your writing and put on the cap (turn off the Chatpen) to continue later. Whatever you write or draw is saved in the Chatpen until its memory is full. See “Using notepads and the Chatpen memory” on page 8.


Using your Chatpen










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